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Quick Ring Return in Rockford IL

  • from Rockford (Illinois, United States)


I received a call from Santiago around 3:30 p.m. as I was getting off of work.  He told me that he had just lost his wedding ring in his backyard while raking. He told me that he felt it come off and just couldn’t locate it.  I arrived at his house around 5:30. He took me into his backyard and showed me the area where he felt the ring slip off of his finger.  He had recently removed a swimming pool and the area was all sand. First hit was a rusty bolt, the second signal was a solid 13 on the Equinox.  I pushed the pinpointer into the soft sand and exposed the edge of his ring! Probably less than 2 minutes!

Another smile for the book!!


Lost Wedding Band Found Wildwood Crest NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call or Text NOW!


Stefania called me to help find her husband’s lost wedding band on the beach in Wildwood Crest, NJ. They left the beach a few hours prior and realized it was missing. She explained that Chris put the ring in the chair and figured it must have fallen out when she packed up. I met the family on the beach in the general area and began the search. The ring didn’t turn up in the search area, so the only option was to look where a nearby couple was sitting. The couple was kind to move their belongings
and it wound up being under their chair! Stefania and Chris were excited to get the ring back and resume the remainder of their vacation in Wildwood Crest, NJ.
Read more stories of lost rings found at my website.

Wildwood Ring FinderRing Finder

Rent metal detector

wildwood crest lost wedding band

Lost Gold Cross Avalon NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call or Text Now!


Will called me to help find his gold cross that Chris lost in the sand while on the beach in Avalon, NJ. He and his friend, Chris, were on the beach when his gold chain was accidentally pulled from his neck. The gold cross went flying somewhere into the sand. Will and Chris met me at the site and gave me some more information. I turned on my metal detector and began the search. The cross was found toward the end of the grid line. Will was happy to get his cross back and get back to enjoying his time in Avalon, NJ.

Read some stories on how to find lost rings in the sand.


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Cape May NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call or Text Now!


Anusha gave me a call after her uncle Ram lost his wedding band. The family spent the day on the beach near Convention Hall in Cape May, NJ enjoying some time together. They started a game of volleyball and the ring came off during an attempt to hit the ball. I started the search in the general area where they thought it may have landed. After a few passes of the metal detector, the ring was back on  Ram’s finger!

Read more stories of lost rings in the sand in Cape May, NJ.

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Lost Diamond Earring at Goucher College in Towson, Maryland…Found by Metal Detectorist

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Serra’s 14 karat white gold earring comprised of multiple diamonds in a circular shaped setting…found on Goucher College campus in Towson, Maryland by metal detectorist, Brian Rudolph.

Serra and some of her family members celebrate the return of her very special earring that Serra’s beloved mother had gifted to her sometime in the past!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Serra called me for help regarding the loss of her 14 karat white gold earring comprised of multiple diamonds in a circular shaped setting. She lost the piece of jewelry while waiting for one of her daughters to finish her swim lesson at Goucher College located in Towson, Maryland (in the Baltimore area).

Apparently, Serra was picking up one of her daughters on a grassy hill outside the aquatic building when without warning her beloved swim student returned and tossed her swim towel along the side of her mother’s face. That was the action that caused Serra’s earring to come off of her ear and land somewhere in the grass.

Serra was really upset about losing this earring because it was given to her by her mother and It meant a great deal to Serra. She frantically searched in the thick grass for the lost sentimental keepsake but all of her efforts led to no avail. She would return once more to the campus to look for the very elegant diamond earring but yet again she would not “strike gold and ice”.

Fortunately, Serra went online and discovered that there was a very special metal detecting service called THE RING FINDERS – a directory consisting of metal detectorists around the world who specialize in recovering all kinds of items including earrings, rings and miscellaneous jewelry.

After going through all of the details with my potential client over the phone, Serra and I set up a time for me to come out to Goucher College and attempt a recovery of her lost earring.

When I arrived at the search site, the young lady showed me the grassy knoll where the piece of jewelry flew off of her ear. Like an investigator, I asked her every question in the book before taking my detector out to conduct a few tests on her other matching earring.

That evening, I extensively grid searched a large portion of real estate along the hillside where the earring could have ended up. For the first few hours, unfortunately, all of the signals that I received on my detector pertained to pieces of metal that were hidden below the dirt. There were many onlookers who were quite interested in my quest to find the lost jewelry. Some stayed around for quite a long time just to see if I would pull the rabbit out of the hat. I loved the audience but as time rolled by, I eventually lost my faithful spectators!

At some point, I ended up on my hands and knees and backtracked to all of the sections that I had already metal detected just to make sure that I did not miss the little piece of metal anywhere on my grid parameter. Still, I found nothing.

Eventually, nightfall befell me and I started using my outdoor headlamp in order to illuminate my search environment. I was determined not to give up. I began to metal detect beyond the initial territory that I first set out to investigate. I concluded that the earring must have rocketed farther outside of the realistic search zone and ended up farther away from the initial designated epicenter that Serra and I had first marked off.

I am quite happy to share that my decision to metal detect beyond the original search area eventually paid off! To my great surprise and excitement, my detector picked up a very curious signal that came up in the range of what the matching earring had registered on my machine earlier that day! I got down on the ground, took out my handheld detector and pinpointed the exact location as to where that signal was coming from. Deep in the grass, there it was…Serra’s beautiful 14 karat white gold earring with a cluster of diamonds encased all around the circular gold setting! I could not have been more excited at that moment when my eyes beheld that lovely piece of jewelry that was hidden way beneath the many blades of grass! Apparently, the earring had shot off of Serra’s ear like a cannon and ended up over 20 feet away from where the towel had initially brushed up against the side of Serra’s face! Absolutely incredible!

I couldn’t wait to reveal the fantastic news with my client and her family! Serra was beyond shocked, and of course thrilled at the news of my successful recovery of her beloved piece of jewelry! In the end, she could not have agreed with me more with the words that I had first shared with her when we initially talked on the phone – that is…as an item recovery specialist… I never give up easily!


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Atlantic Beach: Newlywed’s Gold Wedding Band Lost In The Ocean Found

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Joe and his wife of two months were spending a few days with family and went swimming in the ocean.  Sitting on the beach with his wife, she asked him where is your ring?  It was then the shock of the loss started.  Joe did some research and found The Ring Finders and contacted me later that day.  He admitted, and I could tell, both him and his wife were very upset.  Joe said he was swimming in chest to shoulder deep water.   I informed him that tomorrow morning’s conditions would be best to perform a water recovery search and we agreed to meet at 6 a.m.

Less than 1 hour later Joe was able to grab his gold wedding band out of my sand scoop.  His wife was instantly in tears.  It is such a great feeling to be able to return property that holds so much value to others!

Wedding Ring recovered from Sunset Beach in Huntington Beach

  • from Sunset Beach (California, United States)


Chris contacted me last night and asked for help to find his wedding ring. He put his Tungsten wedding ring in the pouch of his chair. When he packed up his ring fell out into the sand and he spent 1 1/2 hours searching for it.
We met up in the parking lot the next morning and Chris new exactly where he was sitting which helped me locate the ring in about 2 minutes.
Thanks for contacting me Chris!

Platinum Wedding Ring recovered in Seal Beach

  • from Sunset Beach (California, United States)

Call Surf City Ring Finder 714-944-0555

 Nick messaged me and asked if I could help him find his Platinum wedding ring. He had set his ring in his hat when he went into the water but when he got back the wind had knocked over his hat and the ring disappeared into the sand.
This was a quick recovery even though Nick was on his way home when I reached out to him. He immediately headed back to the beach and waited for me to arrive. The area where he was had tell tale signs that someone was running their hands through the sand.
He did mention that his wife will be happy that I found his ring.

Metal Detecting Lost Ring in Snow… Found by Ring Finder in Timonium, Maryland

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Mike’s Extremely Handsome 14 Karat Gold Wedding Band Saved from Below the Snow by Ring Finder Brian Rudolph!

Mike of Timonium, Maryland Beyond Excited for the Successful Wedding Ring Search and Recovery Conducted by Member of THE RING FINDERS, Metal Detectorist Brian Rudolph!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

I received a call from a young man named Mike who lost his 14 karat yellow gold wedding band during a Baltimore, Maryland snowstorm that took place the day before. He wasn’t sure where he lost his beloved keepsake, but he thought that there was a good chance that it went missing around the time that he was walking his dog. Mike’s theory was that because of the cold temperatures, his fingers shrunk and at some point the ring must have slipped off of his hand and buried itself in the snow somewhere near his apartment complex. After many attempts to find his missing keepsake, the gentleman looked online and found the finest metal detecting specialist directory called THE RING FINDERS. He was pleasantly surprised to discover that there was a detectorist he could contact right in his “neck of the woods”! That’s when I got the call for help!

I remember it to be a very cold wintry night when I arrived at Mike’s apartment complex in the Baltimore area. There was still approximately five inches of snow on the ground. However, that wonderful white stuff was not going to deter me from finding my client’s lost ring if it was still out there. The two of us met out in the parking lot and Mike immediately took me from the front entrance of his apartment all the way down the sidewalk to where it veered off to the right between two buildings where the gentleman was walking his dog the day before. He then guided me into a clearing where there were a couple of large sized pine trees and a bunch of hills to the left and right of us. One of the declines went down into the woods and then there was another area where the hill traveled up towards another section of real estate owned by the apartment community.

Within about five minutes or so, Mike showed me all of the places that he walked around with his canine friend, as well as where he threw some sticks down the hill towards the woods behind his complex. Once I got all of the intel that I needed to begin my search, my client returned to his apartment while I got out my wagon and loaded it up with all of the necessary metal detecting gear to get the “investigation” on its way.

The first thing that I did was lay down my grid tapes over the snow so that I had five lanes to scan over. If I didn’t find the wedding band in that particular section of the property, I would then move the tapes over and metal detect another 25 feet of territory. Since there were sections that required me to move about and scan where the gridlines were not situated, I made sure to detect for jewelry up on the hill and around some other out-of-the-way spots that were on the other side of the two pine trees.

When nothing showed up in those random places that I first checked out, I started swinging my detector coil down the first grid lane working my way towards the other end. Next, I started my way back towards the other and of the second grid Lane which took me towards one of the trees that was facing away from the apartment buildings. I continued this pattern on the next two or three lanes, making certain that I didn’t miss any possible targets that were below almost a half foot of snow. Every so often I stopped and knelt down into the winter wonderland ice and checked out a potential target or two, but each time it ended up being some piece of trash that was on the ground surface just below the snow.

After about 20 minutes of metal detecting, as the weather got much colder with a drastic chill in the air, I was making my way back towards one of the pine trees (about ten or fifteen feet from the edge of the apartment building) when I got a fantastic signal on my metal detector. Instantly, I knew that I had found Mike’s ring due to the type of target tone I heard and the way it was showing up on my machine’s screen. It told me that this was definitely in the range of what Mike’s 14 karat yellow gold would come up as. I had no doubt in my mind that I had found his ring and I got extremely excited as I knelt down to check out what was below the snow.

I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to anticipate that I had discovered Mike’s beloved sentimental treasure! He could have lost it anywhere around those places that he showed me earlier and this search could have ended up being extremely complicated and perhaps even unsuccessful. While he was tossing the sticks towards the woods, the ring could have easily slipped off his finger at that point and flew down the back hill towards the woods. And so, to think that this was most likely the wedding band that I was searching for, it truly encouraged me so very much as I would not have to wonder anymore if the search was going to be more complicated than I originally hoped for!

Immediately, I took out my handheld metal detector called a pinpointer and I waived it around the area that my other metal detector was tuning into the mysterious metallic object. Then, with my winter gloves on, I removed a few inches of snow that was covering my target, and to my great excitement and relief, my eyes beheld a glimpse of part of the halo of the very handsome 14 karat yellow gold wedding band that Mike so desperately wanted back on his finger! I found it! I truly found my client’s missing ring buried in the snow about 4 inches below the surface! There in the very cold wintry evening hours, my face lit up with the most gigantic smile knowing that my client was going to be thrilled and grateful for what I was able to accomplish that night on the side of Mike’s apartment complex!

Once I brushed off the remaining ice from the precious piece of sentimental metal, I called the owner and asked if he could return outside for a moment. That is when I gave my client one of the best surprises of his life! Within minutes of Mike meeting me around the side of the property where I discovered the band, I instantly added another smile out there in the freezing cold as I shared the fantastic news that I had found Mike’s beloved ring!

After the two of us hugged and celebrated the return of the irreplaceable keepsake, we happily set our goodbyes as the wind began to pick up and we both could feel ourselves getting colder and colder by the minute. What a wonderful experience I had that snowy night in helping this gentleman recover such an important piece of property in his life. Mike said that he was so very pleased that he chose to entrust me with this particular search, and he would let everybody know that the finest metal detectorist directory in the world was waiting for each and every person out there who needed assistance in finding their own lost item(s) just like what Mike experienced himself!


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Lost ring in the sand, Ponce Inlet, Fl…..Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Dom and his girlfriend were spending a warm summer day at the beach near Ponce Inlet, Florida, basking in the hot sun and swimming in the cool Atlantic waters. His girlfriend had taken her heirloom ring off and set it in the cupholder of her beach chair and soon forgot all about it. As high tide approached it was time to go and they gathered up their chairs, tent and other belongings and loaded up the truck and yes you guessed it, the ring fell into the soft sand and disappeared! They soon remembered the ring and returned to their parking spot on the beach and scoured the sand but realized the impossible task of finding such a small item in so soft of sand. For the next day and a half they agonized over the loss and that prompted a Google search which led them to!

I assured Dom that I would come out and look for their ring and would search the following day as well if I was unable to find it on my first try.

We met the next day and as Dom tried to remember exactly where he had parked his truck, I began to grid search a large area hoping to come across his girlfriends lost ring. My new Whites TDI Beach Hunter was running smooth and hitting deep targets so I felt confident that if I went over the ring it would give a good signal and sure enough, an hour into the search, there in the sand was the lost opal and white gold ring waiting to be retrieved! The relief on Dom’s face was priceless and I was reminded again of why I love this service so much! It was an honor to help Dom and I am thankful to God for allowing me to find and return his girl friends lost ring!

Lost something recently? Call ASAP! Mike McInroe….blessed to be a part of