lost ring in sand Tag | Page 2 of 6 | The Ring Finders

From Mombo Beach, Curacao to Denmark, an unexpected return!

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

November 15, 2022
My vacation in Curacao ended with an unexpected ring return. While detecting at Mombo Beach I found an initial ring, my second ring found on the first day in Vacation Land. No one around had lost or knew of anyone losing a ring. Five days later Leighton, my RingFinders traveling companion, was asked to help find a ring that was just lost. Two minutes later he had found and returned the ring. As it usually happens a happy commotion of joy was spread along the beach when a return is made. One of the onlookers, Jordan, was among the onlookers and when he had a chance, he asked Leighton if he had also found an initial ring, he had a picture of. Leighton said no but he took a look at the picture and would ask the other detectorist who was some distance down the beach.

Leighton’s description from the photo he viewed sounded like I had the ring I had found. A walk back to talk with Jordan took a few minutes. When together we were told the story of the ring’s loss and history which verified the ring’s ownership.

Jordan’s girlfriend, Anne, had been swimming when the ring slipped from her finger. The ring was her great-grandfather’s ring with two dates engraved on the inside of the ring and initials for DH on the face of the ring. It was her ring. But she would have to wait until January to wear it again. Anne had returned to The Netherlands and Jordan would not follow until his return in January.

Now back on Cape Cod, I have great memories of a wonderful vacation and an unusual and unexpected return.

18k Gold Daivd Yurman Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano Sea Isle City New Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call Now!


Peggy was walking on the beach at dusk in Sea Isle City, NJ on Tuesday when she felt her 18k Gold David Yurman ring fly off her finger. She immediately called her daughter down to the beach to help her look for it, but it was impossible to find. They gave me a call and I met them in the area where it might have dropped. I gridded the area and had to expand the search several times to finally reach the target. I heard a solid tone and knew it had to be the ring. One scoop down the ring found!

Check out my website for more stories and information:::

Ring Finders South Jersey 

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sea isle city

metal detector

Lost Gold Ring Found Longport, NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Melissa gave me a call and told me that her gold ring dropped in the sand in Longport, New Jersey.  She explained that it had fallen when she went to get ice cream.  I was a few minutes away in Ocean City, NJ and arrived shortly after. I started the search with my metal detector it was found within minutes. Melissa was happy to have the ring back on her finger.

Check out the website for more stories and information:

Ring Finders South Jersey 

metal detector

22k gold wedding band lost at Bluffer’s Beach in Toronto, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Akshay was visiting Bluffer’s Beach in the east end of Toronto.

He was assisting with the lines for the volleyball net, went to wash his hands and afterwards noticed his precious 22k gold wedding band was missing!

I met with Akshay very early morning 2 days later and we were lucky to find his ring within 5 minutes!

Check out the video;

Akshay was so happy and thank you for your donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!


Lost Sentimental Gold Chain, Cross & Ring Found Wildwood Crest NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Al called me about his father’s lost gold chain that had a very precious item on it. In addition to his gold Cross, Morris wears his wife’s wedding band on the chain. He took the jewelry off before he went swimming and placed them on top of his bag. He didn’t realize they had fallen into the sand until later in the evening. I met up with Morris and Al on the beach in Wildwood Crest, NJ to find the jewelry. Shortly after looking with the metal detector, his chain was found and placed back around his neck with the Cross and the ring now close to his heart.

Check out my website for more stories and info

Ring Finders South Jersey 

Lost Engagemnt Ring and wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey Ventnor NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t Wait to call!


I received a call from Bella today about an engagement ring and wedding band that were lost in the sand on the beach in Ventnor, New Jersey yesterday. The set belongs to her friend’s mother, Jaqueline, who lost rings the while applying sunscreen. I met Bella and Jasmine on the beach today to find the rings. Jasmine pointed me in the general area where the group was yesterday and the rings were quickly recovered.

Lost Wedding Band Found Clermont NJ Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call 215-850-0188

I received a message via my Facebook page Ring Finders South Jersey

from Austin asking if I can find a lost wedding band. His ring slipped off the finger

while playing with his dog. After he showed me where they were playing the ring was


College Ring Lost 2 years ago, was Found and Returned – Dennis, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

October 15, 2021
This return was one that I had not been called to help find. It was what detectorists call a “Natural Find”. I found the Bentley College ring in the shallow waters of a Cape Cod beach.

The ring had what I and others thought to be two dates 85 and 99, and owner’s entire name inscribed on it. Searching the internet I located a Facebook page listing several possible relatives and friends name and one address for Rhonda. These were starting points which none of the messages I sent to listed Facebook names prompted a reply. In desperation I went to the address that had no sign of life. However a neighbor, Jeff, was home and said he would put a picture of the ring I found and owner’s name in the area newsletter.

At home I E-mail the information to Jeff and with in two hours I had Rhonda’s E-mail address. In another hour or so an E-mail from Rhonda with her phone number was in my In Box. I called Rhonda and we arranged for the return to take place the next day. I was also told the story of how the ring was lost and the meaning of the two dates. The first year, 85, is not a year but the letters BS which stands for Bachelor of Science. Unfortunately Rhonda’s work trumped the ring’s return as she had to “go off Cape” before we could meet. Fortunately, Fran her husband, would stand-in and the return was made.

Some Natural Finds are impossible to return. Some returns are easier to complete and some have a learning lesson to be had. In this return I learned several tips and tricks in locating a person on social media. In this return a personal contact, Jeff, was the main factor in reuniting Rhonda with her ring.

John Favano, Ring Finders South Jersey featured in Ocean City NJ Magazine

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost Wedding Band Found Wildwood Crest NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Lendita called me to ask I could find her wedding band in Wildwood Crest, NJ.  She explained that it must have fallen out of her purse on the beach earlier in the day.  After a quick search of the area, the ring was returned.