Barnstable Tag | The Ring Finders

Barnstable, MA: Cape Cod Beach, Wedding Band Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 6, 2023 was what began as a great afternoon of boating on Cape Cod Bay turned into a fretful time of searching for a wedding band that had slipped from Zach’s finger after only 2 months of being worn. Zach tried diving in 9 feet of water to find the ring but lacked the ability to hold his breath long enough to do much searching under water. When the tide went out and the area was void of water he and others tried using a metal detector and “eye-ball” searching with no success.

One of Zach’s friends suggested he call J&E Enterprise, a metal detector dealer for suggestions. Eleanor offered up my name and number. Zach then called me. The tide was about ¾ full and I knew I could not detect in the 9 foot deep water and made arrangements for an early morning meeting when the tide would be down to only waist deep.

The morning came with storm alerts on the NOAA radio. High winds, heavy rain and possible tornadoes were on the horizon for Cape Cod area. The sky was a bit overcast at 7:30AM but otherwise it looked like the beginning of a wonderful day. I took a chance and left the safety of my home and was off to meet up with Zach, After the introduction and being shown were the over-size ring slipped from his finger I was in the water searching in a grid pattern. About 45 minutes of searching with only one other signal I located the wedding band.

I left the ring in my detecting scoop and headed out of the water, back to where Zach had been standing. He thought I had given up searching and I said yes, there is no need to search any further. I then put the scoop in front of him so he could see the ring in the scoop and retrieve it for himself. I love the emotions people show when their lost item has been found and is being returned. Even bystanders are amazed and become elated as they watch and add congratulations.

Zach’s wife was home and had offered up a bit of advice when she was told of the “loss”. That was “do not tell your mother until after TheRingFinder does his search.” While Zach was talking to Kelly I texted her a picture of the return. Yes, it was a wonderful feeling to be part of this story that ended with smiles that spread between Zach on Cape Cod and his wife several states away.

OH, I must add that the weatherman was correct. Two hours after I arrived back home the NOAA alerts started coming in every few minutes, Then the wind, rain, and lightening engulfed our area. There were two tornadoes in our area. One EF1 touched down about 30 miles and the other an EF0 was only 5 miles away. There was physical damage to homes and property but no human injuries. Both Zach and I were among the lucky ones this morning.

Black Diamonds ARE Forever. Lost,Cape Cod,Found,Returned, Yarmouth Beach

A call came in yesterday, to help find a Wedding Band that was lost the day prior in waste deep water. Rick called and asked if I wanted to go, I said he was on his own for this one, that I had a few things to do. I thought about how vast the area was, so I called back, and said I’ll meet him at his house ASAP. We met Stephanie and Chris at the beach lot about an hour later. They seemed real precise as to where they thought it to be. They walked out ahead of us, as we got ready for the search. Rick and I walked out about a mile onto the sand, then into waste deep water. We both searched for quite some time with no luck two junk targets a bullet and a penny.

I asked Chris to regroup, and stand where he thought it was, he was having second thoughts, he moved about 150 feet over.  Again Rick and I searched, and searched, still nothing. I then asked Stephanie where she thought it was lost, and to go over and stand there, so I could start my search over. Rick was still out far and walking away from Chris with no targets at all. I headed towards Stephanie, as I approached her, I said ” I just don’t get it, I just don’t get it. Not a signal in that whole area, even after an hour, it’s crazy. I told her not to give up till she sees us walking toward the truck. That if it was there and I went over it that I would hear it. I think Chris and Stephanie were about to throw in the beach towel, but as I walked by her, finally a very loud signal 4 feet away from where she was standing in the water. I looked over to her and smiled, Her eyes got huge, her smile even bigger, she had a hard time controlling her emotions. Stephanie knew, I had just recovered what they both thought was lost forever, King Neptune finally gave in to me. Stephanie was shaking, I’m not sure if it was from the cold, or from being excited. She yelled over to Chris, he started to run fast as he could in the water, I yelled faster, faster, he couldn’t get there fast enough to see what the commotion was all about. Rick knew already I had just found Chris’s  beautiful 14K white gold wedding band, with black diamonds set into the center. I handed it over to Chris as he teared up also. So gratifying to see it back on his finger.

Lot’s of congratulations and hand shakes went around, Chris kept repeating he just couldn’t believe we did what we said we would do. Great team work is always a plus. Thanks again to Rick for the invite. Now I will say it myself. Congratulations Chris and Stephanie on your return. Thank You for getting in touch with Rick & myself.

14K white Gold Black Diamonds

Leighton & Chris after return

Chris with band

Stephanie & Chris

Sincerely Leighton

Permission a must on private beach. Ready, Set, Find, & Return Ring in Falmouth, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

June 2019

Ah, but don’t you just love all of our electronic gadgets? Cell phones, computers, e-mail, texting, the information available on the internet, yes these sure can help when help is needed. Communications for help in finding a lost wedding band started via e-mail through TheRingFinders website and was followed by phone conversations. Phone call area coverage was not as perfect as we expect it to be which cause a bit of delay. Well, when it all came together, I was heading out for a search.

Only one problem stood in my way…permission to detect the private resort property. Having been to the resort before I know I did not want to search the area without permission. New personnel this year were not quite sure about granting me access. After getting in contact with the “office”, I was in. Let the search begin.

The wind was very brisk and as such the waves were about 3 feet high and the blowing sand felt like I was in a sand blaster. I had dressed accordingly and with a marked up Google picture from Scott of the area where the ring had been lost I headed to the smaller “High Probability” area. Oh, no…all the beach lounge chairs had been pulled up and stacked close to the dunes covering the majority of the marked area. Anyway I had to get to searching. First I detected as close to the chairs as I could while watching the waves inching their way up the slope of the beach. No targets there so it was now that I had to venture as far into the water I dare go or wait until the next day and calmer water. It was not long, about 10 minutes, and there it was the shining wedding band in my scoop. It did not take long to get back to the comfort of the car. On the way out I stopped at the reception desk and thanked the “team” for granting me access and ensured them I was successful in finding the ring and would be returning it to Scott.

South Yarmouth, MA Crab Walk and a Lost Wedding Band – Found and Returned.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 2019

Between 4th of July’s burgers the telephone rang and I was IT for a game of telephone tag. Yes, I was not IT…the one to find Scott’s lost wedding band. Calm, cool and in a great sense of mind for letting his wedding band slip off his finger at the water’s edge while enjoying the Fourths celebration and doing the Crab Walk. I was told his wife was even in great spirits despite the loss. It could not have been the loss, but the party going on.

It only took 25 minutes to get ready and show up at the town beach. But it took an hour to find the correct target. Scott thought I had given up as I left the water. I had told him not to worry about my digging and putting objects into my pouch. What he was to look for was me leaving the water carrying my scoop level with my waist. Well I left the water and he followed from about 30 feet away. His comment was “Is it time to give up?” My answer “Not until you look in my scoop!” It was hard for him to initially believe I had found the ring, but there it was. Another successful search, find and return. Number 216, but who’s counting. Happy 4th of July!

Hi Rick! Thanks again for your help finding my ring, we’re still in amazement that you were able to locate it. Brief write up and photo for your website below. Again, thanks so much!

My wedding ring slipped off my finger while swimming in South Yarmouth on the afternoon of July 3rd. I found Rick via and sent him an email the morning of July 4th. I figured as a long shot maybe Rick could come out over the next couple of days before we left the Cape. Well not only did Rick reply to my email but he immediately jumped into action and said he could help me right away, and on a holiday no less! Within hours he was in the water searching for it and in no time was able to locate my ring! My wife Kristine and I are so grateful for your help Rick! You’re a life saver!

Stand-in Wedding Ring(s) – what a story! Sandwich, MA Lost / Found Ring

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 2019

Well, it was a typical 4th of July weekend. The first call for help came with a story about the ring tagging along. The easiest way to tell this is to copy the Thank You note for finding and returning James’ claddagh ring.


My father bought me this ring 10 years ago. My grandfather had just passed away and had given his ring to my brother, the oldest boy in the family. So, my father took me when getting that one sized to get one of my own.
A few weeks ago, at my brother’s wedding, nobody remembered the wedding bands, not me, my brother, sister-in-law, planner, nobody. So when the priest asked for the rings, I turned my back to the crowd and slipped off my ring and my brother did the same. They used these to bless their marriage. I was devastated to lose mine. I cannot thank you enough.


What a welcome to MBL Woods Hole, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Martin, a new student at MBL, (Marine Biological Laboratory), in Woods Hole, had one heck of an unforgettable first night. Nothing like this would happen in his motherland of Germany. It started with bright blue lights all around him, the kind he will never forget. The light was not in he rear view mirror but rather all around him as he wadded in the waist deep waters of Buzzards Bay. The bio-luminescence comb jellyfish were the source of this light. – see: for more on this unique sea creature.

However, while thoroughly enjoying the moment, a horrifying second moment occurred that left Martin distracted for the next 27 hours. These hours should have been filled with attention to finishing a cardboard boat for the afternoon’s race he was entered in. No the distraction was not a sting from the harmless jellies, but the loss of his wedding band to Neptune’s dark depths. Not the light from the luminescent jellies nor the light from several waterproof cell phone could expose the ring’s hiding place.

What to do next? What else but Google search for “How in H*** do I find my ring in the ocean?” lead Martin to the web site of An e-mail sent at 10:30pm was answered an hour later requesting a bit more information and a promise to call around 10am. At 11am I was in the water waving my magic wand. On the seventh target my scoop was filled with black rocks and a glittering gold ring. YES, it was Martin’s. The search was over. Martin removed the ring from the bed of rocks in my scoop and replaced it where it belonged, on his finger, not swimming around with a bunch of jellies.

Pictures, smiles and stories followed along with many congratulations from fellow beach goers.

PS…Martin’s team won the Cardboard Boat Compitition, all team members had a chance to ride the waves. One heck of a great day for Martin. May continued success continue, forever, in all of your endeavors.

Cold Storage Beach holds diamond engagement ring overnight – found and returned – Cape Cod

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

A call for help came via a referral. E-mails followed; one with annotations on a beach photo nailed down the lost ring’s location. After I completed a few to-dos at home I headed off to the beach where I had to use a bit of compassion to have the parking fee waived. I parked, donned my gear and I was off, all set to search the beach. After an unsuccessful first round of searching, I changed detectors and headed back to the sand. I then spoke with a few beach sitters, who were waiting for the sun to set, as to just what I was doing so close to them. To my surprise I was told that they had been present the day before when the ring was lost. I was directed to an area just a few feet away that I had already searched, and Bingo, there was the platinum ring. I thanked the beach sitters as I showed them what I had been looking for and wished them a beautiful sunset and then I left to call Valerie.

A very excited Valerie made arrangements to meet the following day for the ring’s return. She showed up with a spectacular and very fragrant hyacinth and a lovely hand written Thank You card. Photos were taken and a few stories passed. A comment was made about my Japanese Red Maple tree and as it just so happened I had been growing a few and would not let Valerie leave without one for her yard.

A day of Smiles all around!

Fast Return of Lost Wedding Band to Owner from Craigville to Boston, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

I Can’t Say It Enough “How To Find a Lost Ring on Cape Cod, MA”

Do one of two things, drop coins, pull tabs or bottle caps were you lost the ring. OR as Garrett did, make a detailed sketch of the loss area, with all points that could be used as locator ID points. And write down some description of item, time of day, water height on your body (if you were in the water) THEN: get in touch and choose a detectorist in your area. OR as Garrett’s did, make contact through a metal detector dealer in the local area, in this case, the dealer contacted me.
With information in hand I hit the water and withing 3 minutes the search was over! As I was going to Connecticut the next day and passing within 2 blocks of Garrett’s house I offered to return his ring then. Perfect! A delightful conversation and a beautifully written Thank You Note. The pleasure was all mine. I enjoy every minute of my hobby. Thanks to all that have allowed me to help.



Lost wedding band found and returned in Chatham, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Alex a rs

Alex had made a wedding band for his bride and she had made his. A beautiful pair of rings and a couple with many wonderful memories between them. And now they have one more memory. How Alex lost his ring while taking an evening beach stroll to watch a sunset. The next morning was spent raking and sifting through the sand. Only one quarter was found and that was by their son. They did have the presence of mind to inform the lifeguards who told Alex of

That were I came into the scenario.

After I received an E-mail I called Alex, asked a few pertinent questions and headed for the beach at 5:30am the next morning. I was lucky, Alex had remembered the precise area of loss and described it perfectly. However the previous night’s high tide was very high and washed all the way to the dunes. The sand was now pristine and very easy to grid. Though Alex had said the ring was most likely lost above the high tide line, the tide was coming in and I had to make a few passes at the water’s edge, just in case the ring was washed down the beach’s slope. Only an old pocket knife was retrieved from its sandy resting place. Back to the now dry sand I made another two passes and then bingo…the ring was in my scoop. Beautiful, the sun was rising over the dune, the ring had risen from its sandy spot and I was on my way to return the ring. I first called at a bit after 7am, no answer, had a cup of Dunkin’s Coffee, called again, still no answer, so I headed home. Just a few minutes later Alex returned my call. He gave me directions to his vacation home. I made the U-turn and Alex was wearing his ring about 45 minutes after I had found it.

One of the pictures below show the pair of hand made wedding bands, where they belong. The one above is for The Book of Smiles.

Ring rs

rings rs

Bright Ice in the Frozen Land of Cape Cod; How to Find a Ring in Snow Piles

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Lesley rss

Lesley rs

Having been frozen out of the ocean by cold temperatures, high winds, and blizzards, I welcomed the challenge to find a lost engagement ring.

When I arrived at the Preschool location, I was intimidated by the seven foot high piles of snow and did not know exactly where to start my search. I was about an hour early. So I started the search correcting my equipment for the railings and re-bar in the walkways and concrete benches. The first hour yielded only one L.L.Bean button and a few pieces of tinfoil.

The school janitor came out to see what I was doing. It was good luck for me as he had searched for the ring two days previously. When he searched, there was two inches less snow that had fallen and been removed from the walkways. He told me where the wedding band was found, about ten feet from were I was searching at the time.

Lesley showed up right on time and told the same story so I knew I was in the correct area. After moving what felt like a ton of snow and detecting each shovel full I started detecting in harder to reach area and moving more snow. While reaching over a railing, I was shoveling snow from a five foot high snow pile that was between two pillars only 10 inched apart, an area too small to swing my detector.

I was detecting the third pile of removed snow and heard my detector sing out the sweet note of gold. I moved the pile a bit and saw the ring with its diamond sparking amongst the frozen ice crystals.

The rest is history: My first 2015 Ring Return search ended with Smiles and hugs all around and a Thank You card that I will cherish for years to come.