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Troll Angry! Lost Gold Wedding Ring Found in Fremont… Seattle, Washington on Christmas!

  • from Seattle (Washington, United States)

This Christmas, under a bridge,  I battled a giant troll for a gold ring! When he was distracted by tourists taking selfies, I snatched a lost heirloom from under his gaze and returned it to its rightful owner!

A woman lost her mother’s wedding ring, inscribed with her father’s name, while throwing snowballs at the troll on Xmas eve. She was just visiting this state for the holiday, so it was crucial she find it before her flight out of Seattle. After renting a metal detector, searching and not having any luck, her friend found my name on Google. She called me Christmas morning and I was on the case in a couple hours.

Luckily after around half an hour of searching, I hit the target! Buried in the snow was her ring! I was super happy to help and I got out of there quick before the troll knew what had happened…

Gold ring snatched from the Troll!

Happy reunion!

Gold ring in the snow



  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

Josh was out in his yard throwing snowballs with his son, when he noticed his custom made wedding ring was missing. He could have waited until the snow melted, but his home is on the Real Estate market, so he went and rented a metal detector hoping to find it, with no success he looked on line and found my site on The Ringfinders. I told him I would be there the next morning, it was -12 and cold on the hands, but within 10 minutes he had the ring back on his finger. Another Merry Christmas.

Wedding Ring Lost Christmas Eve at Newport Beach, CA…Found and Joyfully Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I was relaxing at home Christmas Eve afternoon when I received a call from Yogi. He was on vacation from Houston, TX to visit with family for the Holidays. He had lost his wedding ring at the beach while throwing a football to his family members. They had been there earlier in the day when it happened. They searched for the ring but could not find it. They talked of renting a metal detector, but it was Christmas Eve. One of the family members searched the internet, and found The Ring Finder’s web site where they located me. Yogi told me that he would meet me at the beach, and I told him I would be on my way.

When I got to the beach, I walked out and met with Yogi. He showed me how they had marked out the area of where he believed the loss to have occurred. The good thing was that he had been throwing away from the water, so I knew there would be a better chance of a recovery. I began a grid, and worked my way up and back getting a few faint signals, I dug them, but they were not fruitful. I then narrowed my search to a specific area, and made a few more passes, and on the turn of the last pass I got a good strong signal and dug again. There in the bottom of my scoop was Yogi”s ring, the 24K gold band gleaming in the sunshine. I held it up while he was taking pictures of his family. He did not notice at first, but the rest of the family saw the ring and began clapping and shouting for joy which caught Yogi’s attention. He looked up, and with a great big smile came over and accepted his ring. What a joy it is to restore someone’s joy to them.

Yogi sent me this testimonial to include here:

Steve!  Thank you again so much!

I was spending time with my family during the holidays in 2017 on Newport beach, and happened to be tossing a football with my cousins.  About an hour later, I noticed my wedding ring was missing.  I had a feeling that it happened during the football toss.  I had mentioned it to my wife about me misplacing it, she was not too thrilled.

My cousin and I rushed back to the spot, but couldn’t locate the ring.  He pulled up a site called Ring Finders on the web, and told me to call. I called and Steve Smith picked up and said that he was on his way.  I asked how much the service was, and he said whatever we felt we wanted to pay. This was Christmas Eve so we were a bit worried about any one actually working.

Steve arrived, and I told him what had happened. I showed him the area where I felt it could be and he asked me a few questions and then proceeded to work.  I was back to my family and within 10 minutes, everyone started cheering.  I looked back and Steve was walking towards me holding the ring in his hand.

I couldn’t believe that within such a short time, he was able to produce the ring!  We chatted for a few minutes, and he told me about his method.  Best part of our conversation was the reason why he did it, he said it was THAT moment when he finds the item and how the mood changes in an instant!

Very thankful that Steve was available and he was able to locate something very important to myself and family.  Thank you a ton RING FINDERS!


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.


Lost Keys in Cherry Hill Found By Dave Milsted

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)









I received an email from John, seems while he was raking leaves and dumping them down a ravine he lost his keys.

We met 2 days later. At the back of John’s yard is a steep ravine to a creek down below. While he was dumping some leaves he dropped the trash can. When he went to get the trash can he took a tumble down the hill. After he was done later in the day he noticed that his keys were gone. He thought that the best place to start is where he tumbled.

I got started and immediately got iron hits. There are all kinds of cement with rebar and pipes down this steep hill. This is going to be a tough hunt. I almost lost my footing several times. I turned the sensitivity way down to try to combat some of the signals that I was getting.

The leaves were piled up about 2 feet deep. After about 5 minutes I get my first non-iron hit. It was John’s keys. What a relief. Now to get back up the hill to give John back his keys.

He was very happy and stated that one of the keys would have cost over $200 to replace. Another successful recovery in very short time. I love my hobby!!!

Man’s Wedding Band Lost in the Ocean at Ocean Isle Beach NC, Found 3 months later and Returned

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I had originally received an e-mail from Katy L. on Sept 23rd telling me her husband had lost his wedding band while body surfing on Sept 15th. They were back home in Tennessee after a family vacation on the beach when the accident happened. We exchanged quite a few e-mails back and forth, one being a very special and extremely sentimental picture and story from Katy. After reading the story and seeing the picture my heart melted and I was determined I would give it my all to find this ring. I got to the beach and conditions were horrible, the waves were big and crashing on the beach. I waded out and was getting hammered by the waves when I got a good signal (which was not the ring). In the process of trying to dig the target I literally got picked up by a wave and slammed down in the water causing me to try and catch myself and ended up breaking the arm cuff to my detector. Anybody that metal detects knows how difficult it can be in rough seas without an arm cuff. So basically I was without a machine for the surf and called my son-in-law, Donnie and asked for his help. When he showed up he did the surf, getting knocked around and I did the wet sand with no luck.

A few days later, still without an arm cuff for my machine, I borrowed a detector from Matt Fry, TRF Myrtle Beach to give it another shot. When I got to the beach the conditions were just as bad as the first try. Again I waded out in the waves, getting pounded as I went. At some point I again got lifted up by a wave and slammed down. This time I tried to brace myself but buried Matt’s coil into the sand and ended up breaking the shaft holding the coil. Ok this was not turning out to be an easy recovery but I got both machines fixed and was ready to go.

Meanwhile, we had been getting some big hurricanes and storms off the coast that was driving tons of sand up on the beach. From the details I got from Katy on where her husband lost his ring, I knew it was there but getting buried deeper by all the sand. I was bound and determined I was going to find this ring so I kept going back hoping for better conditions and less sand.

After at least 7 trips by me and a couple from Donnie, today (Dec 18th) was the day. When I got to the beach at low tide I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Calmer seas (at least for this beach), at least a foot to a foot and a half of sand off the beach and a big cut in the sand. I started a north/south grid search from low tide out to about thigh deep, the water was cold!!!! Worked my way up the beach and started an east/west grid. Probably about 7 grid lines and I got a so-so hit on my White’s Dual Field PI that I dug. The target was down a good 12-15 inches and when I pulled it out of the hole I thought I had a bottle cap because it was covered in sand. I shook the scoop and bingo there was the lost ring. I knew in an instant I had the right one. I just stood there in awe, 3 months and 3 days, 8th trip and I had it. Even I couldn’t comprehend this one.

I flew home to check the picture Katy had sent me and I had her husband’s ring in my hand. I called Katy and reintroduced myself and said I’ve got 2 questions. First, what is your husband’s name and secondly what’s the address to mail his ring back to him. She lost it, made me lose it and neither one of us could talk. Then we had a true serendipity moment, her and her family were just finishing up with an early Christmas, opening presents, etc. when I called. She put me on speaker phone and I think everyone there was in shock. She also informed me a little later that on Dec 28th her and her husband, Will will be celebrating their 4th Wedding Anniversary. The timing on finding their ring, calling at the moment I did and getting their ring back to them before both Christmas and their Anniversary couldn’t have been better. This is exactly the reason I’m a member of The Ring Finders, it does NOT get any better than this!

Will and Katy – Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary, hope you have many many more of both!!!

Katy, thank you for contacting me and trusting in me to help find your lost treasure. I wish you and Will all the best.

Katy gave me permission to post this very special picture.


White Gold Wedding Ring Lost at Redondo Beach, CA…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Yesterday I received a call from Cathy, she was asking for help in finding her husband David’s wedding ring at the beach. They had been there the day before in the afternoon, and sometime when applying sunscreen, his ring went missing. They looked, but were unable to find it, or remember exactly where they had been sitting. Cathy found me on The Ring Finders web site, and called. I was able to go right away, and they were at the location, which was going to be a big help.

When I got there Cathy met me and walked me down to the area she believed the loss to have occurred. I took one look at the beach, and my heart immediately sank. The beach had the tell tail sign of having been cleaned by the county sifting machine not the rake, smoothed beach with tire tracks. So the first thing I did was to inform Cathy that because of the beaches condition, the prospects did not look well for a successful search, but told her that there is always hope, and I would conduct the search none the less. David came over not long after and using the pictures he had taken when they were there tried to narrow down the area where they had been sitting. He showed me the pictures, and then said he thought he had remembered a red piece of plastic that was on the beach being the same one that they had been next to the day before. Looking at the pictures, the pattern in the sand from the sifters looked the same as they did now. Could it be that they had skipped a day, and not many people had visited that area since yesterday, I was encouraged, and began my search. One pass, two, three, four, bobby pins, bottle caps, a piece of foil, a penny, and then on pass five, a good solid signal, one scoop, and there it was David’s white gold ring. I held it up towards where they had been sitting, and they came right over. Cathy gave me a hug, and David shook my hand, both very happy to be able to hold David’s ring again, and see it again where it belongs. Another happy couple, and a great day!


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.



Lost White Gold Ring With Diamonds Found In The Snow In Columbus Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

She Didn’t Want To Leave Home Without It…..

….But unfortunately that’s what happened to this pictured man’s wife yesterday as she was playing fetch outside with their Alaskan huskies her ring came off in about a 500 sq. ft. area of their front yard. She had to leave today on business and even tho they looked around with a toy type detector nothing was found. When I talked with him this morning she had already got to her destination and was due home tomorrow and he was hoping I could find it so he could surprise her. When I got on site there was about 6 inches of snow and after being greeted by Him and completely inspected by the huskies I was granted approval to search their habitat! (lol)
He mentioned a few more details as to where she thought she was in the yard and I followed the snowprints with my MXT, imagining the coil was a magnifying glass and I was an electronic investigator as I was glad I had these clues in this large area. After gridding an area that looked like multiple movements and shuffles occurred in the snow, my MXT rang out with a +10 +12 and 0 depth as I pinpointed.
Brushing the snow aside revealed this beautiful white gold ring with diamonds!

Just look at the detail on this custom design! I waved my arms up and he came running out and was super thrilled! He has not told her it has been found, and he plans on presenting it to her at the airport tomorrow making the “I’ll be home for Christmas” so much more memorable for them! SEE HER REACTION TODAY BELOW!

Lost tungsten Wedding ring found in downtown Spokane WA

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

With the recent snow fall in my town, I knew that cold snow covered hands lose rings. So it was no surprise when Bryan and Cypress contacted me about Bryan’s wedding ring. It had snowed 3-4 inches yesterday.  Although at 8pm last night while it was still snowing,  I dawned my snow bibs and boots and head lamp and headed to a paid parking lot downtown. Bryan’s directions and pictures gave me a good idea of where he was parked. Which was great but there was also two big pickup trucks parked in the same area. That along with a few metal strips attached to the asphalt in the parking lot, I thought maybe his ring was under the trucks or too close to the metal to be found. However I kept swinging around, I  was in a paid parking lot and hadn’t paid. So when I saw the parking lot attendant walking around checking cars I knew I had better explain myself. He told me good luck finding it in the snow and went on about his work. Well I knew  better and watched him walk over to my car. Again I walked over too him and told him that was my car, he gave me a thumbs up and walked away. I, being a window cleaner and seeing how these parking lots work I knew I better make sure my car was not going to end up with a ticket. While I was walking around checking on the parking lot attendants whereabouts I was swinging my detector around the front of one of the big trucks. I have to say I was more focused on the attendant then Bryan’s ring. So I was surprised when my detector screamed at me and showed  a 30 vdi at 0 inches. I kicked the snow half hearted and the target moved. So I bent down and started moving the snow around. I saw the rim of the ring packed in snow and thought “Oh a quarter cool”, but this quarter had a hole in the middle, and had an owner it was Bryan’s ring. I called Bryan when I got to the parking lot and called him back with his ring in my hand. It took about 10 minutes to find his lost ring which is amazing given the fact it was night time, 28 degrees, and that parking lot had not been plowed yet.


Something Fishy!

  • from Orange (California, United States)

Tom called and said he had lost his ring in his Koi fish pond while putting in a bubbler system for the fish.
He noted that his ring was loose, just prior to going in the water, and thought “I Better be careful and not lose it.”
After putting in the bubbler system, that evening he went to take it off and put it on his dresser as usual, and noticed it was gone.
Visually searching the pond, which was fairly clear and just had 1″ gravel on the bottom, but could not see it. He called me and we set up a time to meet. Upon arrival, we went to the pond and he offered waders, but I wore my shorts and water sandals in prep. He said it was really cold, and I said not to worry, I am used to the beach.
It was deeper that I thought, about 2′ and Coooollllddd as heck!
I pretended it was not that cold, and began searching with my AT-MAX. Tom watched a minute then went over to roll up the hose, and I heard him shout “I Found it!”.
He forgot that he had hosed off the patio after finishing in the pond, and it must have slipped off then, and it was just under a chair on the patio. I was happy he found it, but happier to get out of that freezing water. lol
Though I did not find it with my detector, he said if I had not come out there, he would not have looked over there and I thought that a gardener, or someone else may have found it instead. Such a nice guy, and he told me the story of why the ring meant so much to him, and I felt glad I had a part in finding the ring, even though my detector didn’t find it, but my presence did.

Gold Cross With Diamonds Lost in Redondo Beach, CA…Found.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I received a call from Erica today regarding her 6 year old daughter’s cross. It seems that as she was bringing her daughter home from school, her daughter removed her necklace that held the cross that Erica’s sister had given her daughter at her baptism over 5 years before. Erica had just recently allowed her daughter to start wearing the cross, and because she had received a necklace from her school mates, and she had been admiring it, somehow the necklace with her baptismal cross came loose. There was also another gem on the necklace which they were able find, but unable to locate the cross. We arranged to meet as soon as we both could get to the area.

When I pulled up Erica was waiting for me right where they had found the first gem. I got ready, and began searching. I found a nail, and there were some deeper items but no cross. Erica began to backtrack, and we worked the area going back, more deep items, a ball bearing, but no cross. The one thing I was able to do was to eliminate the most obvious possibilities, and mentioned to her that sometimes we have to think outside of the box. As I was scanning a patch of grass Erica came up to me excited that she had found the cross. It was over 100 feet from where she had originally thought it to be, and was lying on the painted line of the crosswalk; yellow gold on a yellow crosswalk, diamonds down, a very tricky target indeed, totally out of the box. She told me that she would never have looked that far away if I had not eliminated the areas she thought for sure it was lost in. It was a pleasure to see her joy restored.


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.