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Lost Ring Found In the Lower Yakima Valley

  • from Yakima (Washington, United States)

I was called to search around the horse stables for a lost ring. Apparently the ring had fallen off the husband while he was feeding the horses. This ring has a habit of falling off, but they were able to find it without help.  This time they could not locate it and found me on TheRingFinders website. I was happy to help as I enjoy a good hunt. The initial area was about 15 feet wide and 40 or so feet long, with a low cut grass surface. This was an established ranch here in the lower  Yakima Valley, so there were a few iron signals to work around. After grid searching the obvious area and not finding the ring, I expanded the search into where the horses had eaten the hay and after only a couple of swings with the CTX3030 I had a good signal. There under a layer of dirt was the ring. Even though the ground was fairly hard packed dirt where the horses stood to eat, there was just enough dirt to completely cover the ring. It was a great find, and everyone was happy to have the ring back, and a nice looking ring at that. Thanks for the hunt and the nice reward.


Happy again

Happy again


Lost Ring Found in Volleyball Court at Wisconsin Dells Hotel

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)



I got a call from Mark and Rachel, owners of the All Star Value Inn in the Wisconsin Dells.  Rachel said that her husband had been playing volleyball the night before with friends.  The court was recently redone and was part of their property in the Wisconsin Dells.  He did not remember it specifically flying off, but does remember having it on throughout the match.  Rachel said that he even thought to himself, “I should probably take off my ring so that I don’t lose it”.  Famous last words, right?   Seconds later, while about to serve, Mark felt two of his fingers rug together and there was no ring on his finger.

The good news is that they were the owners of the court, but how would they find it?   Mark had plans to rent a metal detector and find it himself.  However, he would have found out that operating a metal detector isn’t as easy as it might seem.  The average person wouldn’t believe how much junk is located in the ground, even in a freshly redone volleyball court.  Rachel went on Google and searched for “Rent a Metal Detector”.  One of the pages she found was www.TheRingFinders.com, and there just happen to be someone specifically located in the Wisconsin Dells area.  She sent a quick email to me, and I immediately responded.  I set up an appointment the next day to take a look.

When I arrived, Mark and Rachel were having a friends and family picnic right next to the volleyball court.  My son and daughter were along for the hunt.  I started the hobby of metal detecting and ring finding as a way to spend time outdoors with my kids.  They love the hobby, and love helping others find what was lost.  My daughter was first on the metal detector.  We found 4-5 pieces of trash: a pop top, a Matchbox Car, some small metal objects, and a nail.  The mosquitoes were  pretty bad that night, but we kept on hunting.

All of a sudden we got a pretty strong signal from the metal detector, which is usually a good sign.  My daughter reached down, grab a fist full of sand and pulled out Mark’s ring!  We walked over to the picnic table and handed the lost ring back to Mark.  Everyone was surprised that we had found the lost ring, and so quickly.  Mark’s ring had a unique inscription on the inside, “P.S. I Love You”, so there was no question it was his.   My daughter was probably the most excited, as it was her first lost wedding ring recovery all by herself.

Mark and Rachel were generous with their reward for finding the lost ring.  They then asked if we had eaten anything that night.  I responded no, and that we had to head back home as my kids had started school already.  She asked if we had ever eaten at the Top of the Rock on the strip in Wisconsin Dells, which was their favorite place to eat.  We had never been there, so she called the restaurant and opened a tab with our name on it.  She said, “Order whatever you guys want and put it on our tab”.  What a cool reward.  We felt like celebrities when we walked in.  The manager of the restaurant practically greeted us at the door, “You must be the people who found that lost ring”.  We responded yes, and he showed us to our seats.  After a nice dinner, the kids and I headed back home.

So remember, don’t waste your time figuring out how to rent a metal detector, just rent a Ring Finder! 

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New Seabury, MA lost ring – found and returned.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

It had been two years since I was called from the New Seabury area, a very private community, to look for a lost ring. The beach area where a ring was lost was well described and I was on my way with another detectorist, the hunt was on. We arrived 15 minutes before the beach area closed and were granted access and told how to exit the beach after hours. The tide was going out, and we worked the slope to the water’s edge until we were stopped by the heavy presence of seaweed. We then walked through the band of seaweed and detected further out for another half hour.

The sun had set; it was time to leave. We set up for the last pass before being defeated. Then, right in line where we were told the ring was lost I got a signal from my detector. From under an inch of seaweed, two inches of water and 4 inches of sand a ring was caught in my scoop. Time for a happy dance; the ring was found!

A couple of days later the ring was reunited with Dana and a Happy Smiles picture was taken.

Thanks to The Ring Finders and Dana for making this story a great memory for all.

Dans Rick Dana Ring

Lost Wedding Ring Set at Indian Shores, Florida

Late Saturday, April 19th, SRARC received a call from Sara Urda who had lost her wedding and engagement rings in waist deep water at Indian Shores Beach on Friday.

Considering the wind and water conditions, the decision was made to do a search later in the week when the tide and wind would allow a better search of the area. Sara was a little concerned that we could not get in there sooner. None the less she agreed.

On Tuesday the wind and waves died down and a search was scheduled. Sara and her husband Jake met Mike Miller and Tom Jones at the beach. In the meantime Jake had purchased a water detector and joined in the hunt. After 15 minutes in the water Mike Miller gave everyone a thumb’s up signal indicating that the rings which had been soldered together had been found.

Upon meeting Sara at the water’s edge she broke out in tears of happiness. She said that she would not let her hopes get too high just in case we could not find it.

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Lost Wedding Ring recovered Lutz, Fl

When Mike Ruelf set his 22k gold wedding band down on his dock on Wednesday night, the story begins.  After hearing a plop, he realized his band was now at the bottom of the lake.  What to do…..what to do.  Surely his wife of eight months would understand……right???  He could call the jeweler and get another ring…….plead ignorance.  At least his wife was up in Virginia and not in the house.  A quick internet search for metal detectors for rental was commenced, but somehow the world wide web led Mike to the ring Finders web site.  Suncoast Resaerch and Recovery Club president Tom Jones took the call and immediately contacted Mark Prue in North Tampa.  Mark only lives about three miles from Mike and arranged to meet him Thursday afternoon.  After introductions, Mark donned his water gear and slogged his way beneath the dock.  Hampered by 8 to 10 inches of muck and weeds, up came a nail…another nail….a quarter…..a fourth nail…and finally…..BINGO!!  Mike let off an unrestrained “YYYEEEESSSSS” and high fives were shared all around.  Mike’s final words before Mark departed after a large helping of “thank-yous” was “I can’t believe there are people who actually do this!”   At least the story has a happy ending and Mike avoids the doghouse!

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Lost Wedding Band in New Port Richey

Gary spent the day planting new plants and doing yard maintenance. At the end of the day he discovered his ring was missing. Stacy, Gary’s wife, contacted our club and Howard Metts was dispatched to attempt a recovery. Stacy met Howard and after 1 1/2 hrs of hunting Gary came home and Howard re-hunted areas he showed him as possible locations for ring.  After 2 1/2 hrs of searching and finding only some coins, Howard asked Gary (the husband) to retrace his steps as Howard knew from his wife he was in the garage.  First step was to get a hand trowel out of his tool box.  He opened the drawer to the toolbox and there sat the ring.  I was glad he found it as there was no way I could have missed it when detecting. What a good ending to a difficult hunt.

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Lost Ring in Land O’Lakes, FL

John was out feeding the ducks in the pond behind his apartment, as he did every day. On one of his tosses he felt his ring fly off his finger and heard it splash in the water. The ring was his fathers whom he had lost about 10 years ago. It was a beautiful gold ring with 5 diamonds it meant a great deal to John because his father had worn it for many years. He returned to his apartment and told his mother and wife that he had lost his father’s ring. Everyone was devastated, but Jeanne went to work on her computer searching for a solution. She soon found our Ringfinders site and contacted Tom. The location is close to where Mark Prue lives, so Tom dispatched Mark to the rescue. Mark spent some time on Sunday and believed he had located the ring, but he could not get down through the weeds and muck to retrieve it. He contacted Mike Miller that afternoon and they agreed to meet at the location to try again. Mark guided Mike to the location he thought the ring was and after fighting the weeds and muck for about 15 minutes, Mike got the target. After returning to shore and dumping the scoop of mud Mike reached down felt through the mud and sure enough it was the ring.Needless to say John and his family were overjoyed.


Diamond Wedding Ring Lost in the Grass, Odessa, FL

Trish was out walking her dog on a crisp February evening and stopped to brush out her dogs hair. As she was brushing she felt her diamond wedding ring fall off. She concentrated a search in the area where she knew it had dropped but the area was covered in thick monkey grass and she could not find it. She found us at the Ringfinders site and Mark Prue from our crew was dispatched and after a through search found the ring. The ring had been passed down through her family and held a lot of sentimental value. Trish was thrilled to have the ring recovered and Mark was happy to see the smile on her face when he returned it to her.

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Lost 3 Ring Wedding Set Raking Leaves in Backyard, in Cedar Hill,Tx

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

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We received a call from Christine about 3pm on Sunday afternoon.  She got our name and number from a friend she had told that she had lost her wedding set of 3 rings.

Christine lives on about a acre of land, she had gone out to the back of the property to help her husband bag up some leaves that he had been raking together.  They worked together for about a hour and finished up and carried the bags of leaves up to the garage about a half acre away.   That was when she realized that her Wedding Set (3 rings) was missing.  In a panic, she and her husband looked all over the yard, they dumped the leaf bags out but did not see anything.  They spent several hours looking with no luck.   Later in the day while talking with her friend, she told her about the lost rings.  Her friend said, wait a minute I heard about this website of people who find rings.  She Googled and found “The Ring Finders” website and called Christine back and gave her our number.

It was about 3pm when Christine called and she lived 41 miles from us.  I told her we would be there in about and hour & a half.  We needed to hurry as I was concerned it would get dark and it was already quite cold, and the darkness would only make it colder.   We arrived and got our 2 Garrett AT Pros and Pinpointers out then Christine walked us to the back of the acre of property.  She showed us all the places she walked and was helping her husband with the leaves.   Ellen and I chatted about what area we would grid off visually and began to detect.   Within 10 minutes I hear Ellen say “Here’s One”,  I joined her as we looked through about 4-6 inches of leaves in a pile but nothing else rang up on the detectors.   I told Ellen to keep looking and I ask Christine to show me the bags of leaves, my thinking was that if one ring was in the pile of leaves that they had been bagging then it was likely the other rings would be in the bags of leaves near the garage.   I began to scan the full plastic bags of leaves with my detector and got 3 very light hits.   I kept scanning but nothing else hit so I backed up to the bag with something metal inside.   I tore a small hole in the bag and began to stick my Pinpointer into the bag.  As I got a signal, I used my hand to begin pulling out whatever the metal was.  1st hit was piece of wire, the second was a metal screw and the 3rd hit I could not see it.  Finally I saw a glint of Gold in the bag.  I began to smile but had to fight the leaves to find it, and finally the smallest of the 3 rings rings was found.   Christine was standing right beside me and could not believe I found it.  Now the only ring missing was the most expensive, the diamond solitaire with several small diamonds around the band.   After determining that nothing else was in the 4-5 bags of leaves, I walked back to the rear of the property and told Ellen that I had found one but that one was still missing.  She had been working out visual grid and I went back and started back over the grid working the opposite direction.   I made several passes checking every 2inch or less hit that I got regardless of the type of signal.  Then I got a shaky 44-46 hit that was very weak,  as I was checking everything I almost kept going but thank goodness I did not.  I reached down and moved the leaves and grass and there it was, the diamond solitaire twinkled at me.  I reached down and picked it up and ask Christine, “Would this make you Happy!”  She and her husband were so excited and grateful.  It is so much fun to see the reaction of our customers when we are successful.

So 3 rings, 1 in the leaf pile, 1 in a trash bag a 1/2 acre away and one in the grass 5-6 feet away from the 1st one.

Another successful hunt for “The Ring Finders”.

Don & Ellen Wilson – Dallas/Ft Worth

Diamond Pendant lost on Clearwater Beach, FL

Patti and her boyfriend Mark had come to Florida from New Jersey to attend a wedding in Orlando. They came to Clearwater to visit with family and had spent the morning sailing. After sailing they came to the Palm Pavilion for lunch and were just walking out toward the water when Patti realized it was a little warm to be wearing a scarf around her neck. She reached up to her neck to pull the scarf loose and felt her necklace break. She recovered her chain, but her diamond pendant was gone. Patti and her family searched in vain for about an hour and then a restaurant patron suggested she contact us through The Ringfinders web site. We sent someone right away and the search began. After several return trips we finally found it. As you can see she was one happy lady. Mark was pretty happy also. He had just given her the pendant in March and it was a one of a kind that he would not be able to replace.

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