lost jewelry Tag | Page 62 of 86 | The Ring Finders

Lost ring found at The Silver Strand State Beach

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Emily left a message on my answer machine, my voice mail, e-mail, and texted my phone about her engagement ring lost in the sand at the Silver Strand. I figured she must want it back! 🙂 We made arrangements to meet at the scene in a couple of hours so they could show me the search area. When I arrived, I got the story on how it was lost. She had caught a football and the ring popped off her finger. She immediately dropped to her knees and started sifting through the sand, but, couldn’t find it. She was joined by the rest of her group, but, the same result….no ring. Now, several days later, my concern was that someone else might have found it. There is a campground at the other end of the beach and many campers like to detect too. The good part was that they were in a less used area in front of the parking lot normally closed off during the week. She remembered where she was when she caught the ball, so, I started there and spiraled out from that point. I was finding a few good coin targets, so, I figured that nobody had beat me to the spot and gridded the area. After almost and hour and many promising foil targets, I got another weak foil signal and a couple of scoops later, saw a beautiful white gold engagement ring in my scoop. Needless to say, Emily was overjoyed to get it back and amazed that I found it, and that it was so far from where she had caught the ball.  That’s the way the ring bounces sometimes! A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.100_1482 100_1483

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

Jon Baughman, a Ring Finder, received an email about a lost silver cross necklace somewhere in his back yard. He was adding a patio on the back on his house. During his work he was using a skid steer to move dirt away from the house and also use a compactor to compact the gravel  by the house as he lost his silver cross necklace somewhere throughout the day which was handed down from his grandma. All of the dirt was mud which has harden to almost undigable ground. After searching in the dirt with only finding nails and strap tin from the house construction. I expanded my search to the next area which is compacting. And there the silver cross necklace hiding in the grass right as he started compacting. He was very happy that I was able to find the lost silver cross necklace that he almost started to cry in joy.

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”




Lost custom gold wedding band in the ocean at Kits Beach, Vancouver…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I got a call from a young man who told me that he lost his custom gold wedding band in the ocean while trying to learn how to paddle board.

The water was rough that day and he had a hard time getting up on the board, he kept falling into water and he remembered that it was waste deep and a sandy bottom.

That helps me a lot as when I went down there on the slope at low tide there was a lot of rocks and further out there was the sand. He told me that he didn’t know when the ring came off his finger and that makes it hard to narrow down the area.

He put me in an area of about 70 yards wide and about 60 yards long…That is pretty huge when you’re in water and looking for something as small as a ring but I love the search!

After listening to his story many times I desided to start the search out front of where he entered the water and I went up to waist deep and started searching up and back from waist deep to ankle deep and after the 5th gridline and only an hour I hit a strong loud & proud signal and I was thrilled to see the gold in the scoop!







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I love my job! If you’ve lost a ring contact a member of TheRingFinders to help you find what you thought was lost for ever!


Video of the search below…








Ring found and returned at Marine St. in La Jolla

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Kim was visiting San Diego from Hawaii with her husband, and was spending a day at the beach. She had removed her rings to clean the sand from their settings. Forgetting that she had removed them, she shook the sand out of her blanket and the rings along with it. She managed to find the wedding band, but, the engagement ring was eluding capture with only sifting fingers as a tool. She got on her phone and Googled for help. My profile came up for San Diego and she gave me a call. She hadn’t left the area, so, I figured this should be a fairly quick search. The hard part was battling the traffic and parking! I lucked into a spot fairly close to her location and gave her a text on the way to the sand. Since Kim and her husband were leaving for home the next day, this had to be found now! She met me on the beach and guided me to the search area. 30 seconds later, I got a beautiful 12-03 on my E-trac and pulled her gorgeous engagement ring from over 5 inches down. A pleasure to meet you Kim, thank you for the reward, and thank your husband for his service.

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Ring lost at Mission Bay found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Amy and family were visiting San Diego from Missouri and enjoying a day at the beach, when, her ring was accidentally flung into the sand from their blanket. they combed through the dry sand with their fingers for quite some time before they realized they needed some help. After a search on the internet, I got the call and headed out. I met them at the location and began a grid. Luckily, they kept watch on the area, so, there was no chance someone else could have found it. Well, it wasn’t found in record time, but, it was close…..took maybe 15 seconds and was at the edge of the designated search area! A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.

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Ring lost at Mission Bay found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Alyssa was enjoying a day at the beach with her family, when she noticed that the ring she had put in her pocket was missing. She was pretty sure it happen out in the sand where her kids were playing after she had pulled her phone out of the same pocket. Alyssa’s sister told her about The Ring Finders and Alyssa contacted me. I hot footed it down there (actually just joined the rest of the maddening crowd inching our way to the beach!) and circled for another 1/2 hour before getting lucky on a parking space. After discussing the particulars on ring size, metal, search area, etc, I started a pass through the sand. My first target was a nice gold ring sound, but, turned out to be a partial pull tab. (not a big surprise in this area). The second target was the same sound and  I.D. number (12-09 on my E-trac), but, was her ring. A happy Alyssa and another satisfying return. Great to meet you and thank you for the reward. 100_1463 100_1462

Ring lost at Ocean Beach Found.

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Bradford and his wife were visiting from out of town and enjoying a day at the beach on the 4th until Bradford lost his wedding ring in the late afternoon in ankle deep water. It disappeared into the sand and no way it would be found with the naked eye.100_1456 100_1457 They returned the next morning hoping they could spot it, but, it was not to be. They saw several people with metal detectors searching the beach that morning, but, nobody had found it. Some even tried to help by searching the target area, but, the ring didn’t show itself. Disappointed, They went home.

I got the call for help on the 6th, and, even though I thought it likely someone had already found it, I heading down to the beach to give it my best, and ease their minds that it wasn’t still just laying there. After close to an hour of carefully gridding the area and not a single target (good or bad!), I figured my assessment was correct and the area had been hammered by other detectorists. Just then, my Excalibur gave me a nice big signal, and low and behold, it was Bradford’s ring! Surprise and satisfaction for me, and happiness for Bradford. He and his wife drove down today and were reunited with the ring. A pleasure meeting you both and thank you for the reward.

Lost man’s white gold ring…Summerfield, Florida….Found!!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

On Saturday I received a call from Mr. Sal about looking for a lost ring. Apparently, after taking down his Christmas decorations, he noticed that his white gold ring was no longer on his little finger. He said he usually only wears it when they go out and on special occasions, but figured he could take down the decorations and just leave it on because they had plans to go out later that evening. As he was finishing putting things away he realized his ring was missing. (This white gold ring with a blue sapphire was given to Sal as a graduation gift from his parents over 60 years ago and it held allot of sentimental value in his heart and mind.) So Sal began looking through the decorations thinking maybe it dropped into one of the bags or boxes. Then he went outside to check the yard and grass and even the stone areas, thinking it could have dropped off there. But NOTHING!
Sal then began checking around where he could rent a metal detector and finally found a store. So he called and talked to one of the sales representatives, who informed Sal that this particular store was up in Boston, MA. and it would be quite expensive to ship a metal detector down to Florida and all. The sales rep. then told Sal about a group called Theringfinders that helps people find their lost rings and surely there would be someone in the Central Florida area that could help him out. And that’s how Sal found me!
I arranged to meet Mr. Sal on Sunday at his home and he showed me the areas where he took down his decorations. It was a relatively small area and it took only 15 minutes or so to cover the most likely spots with my DFX–but I was unable to find his ring. Mr. Sal then mentioned that he had particular trouble around the metal light post getting the string of lights untangled. So I decided to check the base of the post again. This time I got a faint signal on the street side and dropped to my knees and pulled out my trusty Garrett pin pointer–(Thank you Chris!!). And sure enough, there under the thick grass was Sal’s beautiful ring. I stuck the ring on my finger and held it up for Sal to see and the look on his face was priceless!!
Thank you Sal for calling me and for the generous reward! Lost something…Call ASAP!
Mike McInroe–proud member of theringfinders.com022019

5 carat diamond ring lost in Golden, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Nadine was visiting her family in Golden, Colorado from her home state of Indiana. While here she helped put in a play area for grand children and then attended a party that night. During the placement of the pea gravel for the play area Nadine noticed that the 5 carat diamond ring given to her by her husband was a bit loose so she took the ring off and placed it the back pocket of her jeans. After working on the play area Nadine had to quickly get ready as her son and daughter-in-law were having a party. The next morning Nadine went to get her ring our of her pocket and it wasn’t there. Her heart sank. The family searched the house and the yard but her ring was no where to be found.

Nadine found my information on TheRingFinders and called me. We made arrangements for me to perform a search that night after work. After my arrival we talked and Nadine showed me around the house and the yard. I grabbed my CTX and headed for the search area in the yard. I had nearly completed my search of the play area when Nadine came out and said I might as well stop my search. She had talked with a woman who was at the party and she specifically remembered that Nadine did have her ring on that evening.

I asked Nadine if she would like me to help re-search the house for her. She was a bit reluctant due to the families diligent search of the house but she agreed to my assistance. I started in her bedroom and searched in her dressers, the bathroom, under desks and in and around the night stands and bed. I ended up going through her laundry hamper, searching each and every piece of clothing very carefully. Finally at the bottom of the hamper I noticed a cardboard bottom and under that the ring was hiding. I placed her ring on my figure and headed up the stairs to talk with Nadine. As I reached midpoint of the stairs I started holding my chin, unfortunately Nadine had her back to me while we talked for 30-45 seconds. When she turned around and noticed the ring she started crying and jumping around in excitement.

Ring recovered 4-12-2016

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Lost Wedding Ring Found for 2nd Time, In Moorestown NJ by Dave Milsted

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)

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Deja Vu All Over Again!!

Many of you know that I have pulled off some epic April Fool’s Pranks on my birthday. This is not one of them, this is a true story!

Joe contacted me 2 weeks ago. He thought that he lost his ring in his yard while raking leaves in the fall. He said that this isn’t the 1st time he has lost his ring. It is the 5th time and I found it for him several years ago. That time he also lost it while doing yard work.

He said he would be home on Friday & I had some free time, so I headed over. The last time I found it within 10 minutes. I noticed that the yard has changed. The back yard has a metal fence, not good. Plus, there is a large garden in the middle of the yard that also has a metal fence around it.

Joe stated that he bought a $150 metal detector. He has been trying to look for it, but the machine is always beeping. So he thought it was time to reach out again.

Joe showed me what he was doing that fateful day. He was raking leaves & dumping them in multiple locations. I started searching in the areas that he thought that he lost it. All of those spots were near the fences. I brought multiple machines and lowered the sensitivity really low, but the fences are just to overpowering to my metal detectors.

I moved to other areas of the yard. I searched out front where he said he piled the leaves for the township. I was hoping that the leaf machine didn’t get his platinum wedding band. After 2.5 hours of searching I had to leave, I had another appointment.

Our schedules wouldn’t line up till 1 week later on April Fool’s Day. After leaving work at 8:30 am and getting my equipment. I called Joe to make sure we were still on. He said that he completely forgot. He had made an 11am appointment to get a newer car. He said that I could come over to look even if he wasn’t there. I told him that I would be there in 20 minutes.

Joe was out back moving some of the tomato cages out of the way in hopes that he lost it in the garden while he was dumping leaves. I did a quick search and I couldn’t get close to the edges because of the fence. It wasn’t in the rest of the garden.

I only had a small area in the back yard that I didn’t finish the last time that I was here. So I detected that. No ring. I got another machine with a 3-inch coil to try to get closer to the fences. No luck. I’m getting frustrated and getting ready to give up. I really wanted to find this ring, AGAIN. Joe would be my 1st repeat customer and 1st successful repeat customer.

I saw a rake in the garden and decided to rake all around the fence at the garden, both inside and out. I did it twice. The second time around I was down to the dirt. I moved some more dirt & leaves and there was a platinum ring right up against the fence.

I took a few pictures and went to the house to show Joe. He couldn’t believe it. He was so excited; his expression was better than the first time that I had found his ring. He asked if he could hug me. We hugged. He said that his wife isn’t going to believe this. I suggested that he puts the ring on a chain or gets a replacement that fits. He said that he would look into it. I also told him that I had a good feeling about finding it today since it is my birthday.

He now has my magnetic business card on his refrigerator for next time. I said it better be for a referral.

If you lose a metal item, call a professional. It takes a lot of time to learn what a metal detector is telling you. Most people think that you can just turn on a metal detector and go. You need to be able to know how to adjust the detector to different types of minerals in the soil and different metals. Save time & money and call your local Ring Finder!!