how to metal detect in grass Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring on Volleyball Court in Rockville, Maryland…Found by Local Metal Detectorist

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Nicholas’ white gold wedding band that Brian Rudolph found metal detecting on a grassy volleyball court in Rockville, Maryland.

Nicholas excitedly holding up his treasured white gold wedding band which Brian Rudolph metal detected in the grass approximately 45 feet from where Nicholas felt his ring fly off of his finger.

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Nicholas was in one of those desperate situations where one feels like his or her only option is to call a professional. But one doesn’t know if it will be worth the cost or if it will even work out if you do invest in a qualified expert.

My client lost his white gold wedding ring during a volleyball match out on a grassy Rockville, Maryland field near his workplace. Immediately after Nicholas’ ring went flying off of his finger, his team and the opposing team (7 people total) all got on their hands and knees to comb through the grass filled court in hopes of recovering it. After about 20 minutes or so of not being able to find anything, Nicholas frantically searched to find a store nearby that had a metal detector in stock. He got the only one he could find and then spent another 3 frustrating hours searching with the metal detector while dealing with lots of false positives until it was dark (while his teammates also stuck around searching by eye). Nicholas then continued for another hour by himself trying to use a flashlight to see if he could miraculously see the reflection of the ring.

After a long and frustrating search, my client turned to the internet once again and found a Reddit post mentioning THE RING FINDERS, an elite international directory of metal detectorists, which in turn led Nicholas in finding my contact information. He messaged me to see if I was available to help in the search. The young man was desperate to hear a response to his cry for assistance and so I tried quickly to get back to him. When we talked, I gathered up as many details as possible and scheduled to meet up near the grassy volleyball court early the next morning.

Nicholas later admitted that he was skeptical. He shared that it was kind of a last act of desperation to get his ring back and my client wasn’t fully convinced I could find it. After all, multiple people spending multiple hours searching for it could not even find it…so why should he believe that one single person could accomplish what seven others could not?

The two of us met at the Rockville, Maryland volleyball court early the next day. I talked him through all of the details on how I was going to search for Nicholas’ beloved wedding platinum wedding band. I could tell that he was hopeful but somewhat questioning as I said that I would start sweeping the outer perimeter of the court, far beyond where my client was (center court) when he lost the ring, and then work my way into the center.

After 40 minutes of scanning the outside perimeter of the rear and right sections of the court, as well as the inner center court area on both sides of the net, later on, Nicholas shared that he was pretty disheartened at that point. Yet, this RING HERO was still optimistic and not moved at all even though so much time had passed by at that stage of the search. I explained to Nicholas that I would begin searching even farther out than the initial scanned area, but this time it would be on the opposite side of the court that my client was on. I would do my grid lines on the left outer sideline area of the court and see if the ring went flying way past the left out-of-bounds line. After the search was over, Nicholas told me that he figured that there was no chance of me finding it there. Yet, he thought to himself, “Why not, let him try. I have nothing to lose.”

Within ten minutes of working in that area, I was shouting over to the kind young man to come on over to where I was standing. I found the ring approximately 45 feet from where Nicholas had felt the ring slide off of his finger! It was hiding in the grass way beyond the far left side of the volleyball court! I still get amazed at how far these little guys can fly! I was so happy for him! Nicholas couldn’t believe how quickly and easily I was able to find his ring. I congratulated him as I handed his irreplaceable keepsake back to the hand that it belonged to and then we gave each other a huge victory man hug.

I am so thrilled to have been able to recover Nicholas’ lost wedding band. It meant the world to he and his wife the day it was placed on his finger…and now in a different way it means just as much to have reclaimed what would have been lost and gone forever!


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Lost Gold and Diamond Engagement Ring in Olney, Maryland…Found by Ring Finder

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Lauren’s Beautiful Diamond Engagement Ring Recovered by Member of THE RING FINDERS, Brian Rudolph!

Lauren Happily Holding Two Prized Possessions – Her Beautiful Sentimental Keepsake and Her Treasured Mother Who Sheds Tears of Joy Just Minutes After Ring Finder, Brian Rudolph of Maryland Recovers Her Daughter’s Lost Ring!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

I received a call from a young lady named Lauren who was deeply distressed about losing her 14 karat white gold and diamond engagement ring. There was a 1 carat diamond in the center encircled by diamonds around it and additional rows of diamonds that were set down each side of the band. Lauren was in the kitchen preparing a marinated chicken dish for the evening supper when she decided to take off all three of her rings and place them in her pajama pants pocket for safe keeping. Included in the bunch of jewelry was: the engagement ring, wedding band and a miscellaneous special ring that Lauren liked to wear.

After the meal was prepared for cooking, the young lady went out the front door of her Olney, Maryland home to take her dog out for a quick walk around the front lawn. About fifteen minutes later, Lauren returned inside the house and at some point she remembered that she had not retrieved her rings to place them back on her fingers. When she pulled out the group of gold bands, only two out of three rings were present! The engagement ring was missing! Lauren panicked and immediately began searching for the lost treasure. She headed back outside and looked everywhere for the precious keepsake. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn up in any of the places where she retraced her steps.

When Lauren initially couldn’t find her beloved diamond engagement ring, she still wouldn’t stop her efforts to try to recover the sentimental piece. First, she ordered a metal detector that would arrive the next day. Then, Lauren went out with a flashlight in the middle of the night and scanned the yard and front patio for the little one, hoping to see a sparkle somewhere out there on the ground. When that didn’t work, the desperate wife returned into the house and checked the trash to see if somehow the ring ended up in the garbage can with all of the other throwaways. Still, one of Lauren’s most treasured possessions was still not found.

The next day, the metal detector arrived and Lauren and her husband Jordon immediately got to work in assembling the machine and began detecting the lawn as best as they could. Lauren mentioned to me later on that they had no idea how to calibrate the detector in order to pick up the particular type of metal that they were looking for. The reason why they weren’t sure if they were using the detector correctly was because they tested another ring of Lauren’s and it did not register on the metal detector’s screen. It was then that they realized that they needed to contact a professional who was familiar with this type of search and who would be an expert in using metal detecting equipment.

The couple looked online and found the elite international metal detectorist directory called THE RING FINDERS. Lauren and Jordan were pleasantly surprised to find out that I, Brian Rudolph, provided metal detecting services in Olney, Maryland! Moments later I received the call requesting my assistance!

Between the time that Lauren started searching for her beloved engagement ring until I received a call from her asking me for help, she and her husband Jordon had searched for the piece of jewelry for over 4 hours! They were completely done with trying to find the ring on their own. Also, physically and emotionally, this was a very difficult time for the two of them. Lauren shared with me that Jordan was suffering from a major car accident that took place just days before the ring went missing. He was driving down a street and as he was crossing a four-way intersection, someone went through a red light and smashed their vehicle directly into Jordan’s car. His pelvis was fractured in multiple places causing unbearable suffering and despair. Their vehicle was destroyed and the paperwork was completely out of control in dealing with the insurance companies and attorneys that had to get involved in the process. Losing this irreplaceable diamond ring was just another brick in the wall of disappointment and sadness for the tested couple.

Once I heard all of the facts regarding the disappearance of the engagement ring and all of the hardship and adversities that this couple had been going through in the past week, I was determined to recover Lauren‘s lost ring in order to bring at least a little bit of relief back to their household. The young lady was extremely appreciative of my passion to help as well being able to come over the very next day.

On the day of the search, I arrived sometime in the late afternoon hours. I couldn’t wait to help this family recover Lauren’s lost ring. Once I greeted the young lady in despair, she showed me where she walked the dog towards the front of the home. Then, Lauren took me around the porch and over to the right side of the driveway (facing towards the street). I followed her over to the mailbox where she said she had retrieved some mail prior to returning back inside the house with her dog. I was hoping that the ring did not end up in the street when she had opened up the mailbox. However, I felt much better when I asked her if she reached into her pocket to pull out her cell phone near the mailbox and she believed that she did not reach for the device at that time.

Once we covered all of the territory where Lauren had moved around outside, I returned to the car to retrieve my metal detecting gear to begin the search. I first started scanning the lawn just in front of the house porch. This was the area where the dog roamed around and Lauren thought that maybe she had taken her phone out of her pocket at that moment which perhaps caused the engagement ring to pop out of her pajamas. This was not the only place that she could have taken out her phone, but it was the first place that she stood when she came out of the front door with the dog.

I knew exactly what numbers I was looking for on my detecting machine. I am very familiar with finding lost 14 karat white gold engagement rings. Her ring size was a tiny size 4, so therefore there was not a lot of metal to hunt for. Yet, I knew I could find it if it was still out there on the property.

When I concluded that the ring was not on the front lawn nearest to the porch, I moved my way along the concrete slab of the porch and checked under the bushes to see if maybe the ring had bounced over to the side where it could no longer be easily seen. I also looked around the section of the porch where Lauren had been working on a lovely furniture restoration project. However, there was still no sign of the precious “symbol of love”.

My last and final section of search area was located to the right of the driveway (if you are facing away from the house) where Lauren had walked as she headed to the mailbox with the dog. I was getting concerned that the ring had been lost in the house (knowing that I had such a little strip of grass remaining to check out). I asked myself ‘What would be the odds that I would find the ring right here in this little area where the grass was such a narrow strip and that the grass was not even very high enough to help conceal Lauren’s beautiful piece of jewelry from the human eye?’ Though I was wondering all of these things, I have learned as a ring finder that it’s very common to find the lost treasure even at the “11:59 position on the clock”!

I began to metal detect the last section of grass that was adjacent to the concrete driveway. Just as I got about half way down the narrow strip, I hit a really good signal. Immediately, I knelt down on the ground to investigate the potential target. Next, I took out my handheld detector from a side holster and checked out the spot where I was getting that particular signal on my machine. Just as the pinpointer device started beeping, my eyes zeroed in on a shiny object resting below the grass line, and there it was – Lauren’s beautiful diamond covered engagement ring! I found it! It was hiding right there in that little section of grass, perhaps less than six inches from the driveway! All at one time I felt such great elation and relief for Lauren and Jordon! At least one nightmare was finally over!

Once I secured the diamond ring by placing it deep inside one of my pockets, I requested for Lauren to come outside so I could do the ring reveal. Luckily, she brought her mother with her (she had recently flown into town to help take care of the couple’s child and assist in caring for Jordon while he was recovering from his injuries) so therefore I got to see both of their reactions when I surprised Lauren with the ring! The two of them burst into tears at the sight of that gorgeous 14 karat white gold band full of diamonds! It was a beautiful sight that I will never forget!

This search ended with many smiles and several hugs to go along with the celebratory words of thanks that I received! We also gave glory to the Lord who answered our prayer which we lifted up towards Heaven just prior to beginning the search. I could not have been more happy for Lauren and her family!  Even Jordan thanked me while he rested on his sofa in the living room just at the moment when I peeked in the front door to say goodbye to him! He really was encouraged by the outcome and it truly lifted his spirits while he was physically suffering.

As I drove away, I reflected on just how much I enjoy helping people like Lauren and Jordon find relief and restoration of happiness after experiencing adversities like the one Lauren and family had to so painfully endure! I so very much love what I do!


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