Youtube Videos Category | Page 58 of 71 | The Ring Finders

Lost Meteorite Ring in Vancouver BC…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This evening I was out with family having a nice dinner when a received a call from a young lady by the name of  Stephanie. She asked me if I could help her find her ring that she had lost the night before when she was waving goodbye to her girlfriend.

She said she felt the ring come flying off her finger and that she heard the ping of it hitting something. Well as you could imagin she searched for a few hours the next day with 4 other people that helped on the search. The ring wasn’t found and she was devastated! She thought of renting a metal detector and when she googled metal detector rentals she found me on The Ring Finders and called.

She went on to tell me that the ring was made out of a meteorite and her boyfriend gave it to her before he went back to Germany, he too has a ring very similar. I had a really good feeling I was going to find this ring, I just needed to take my time and search the area.  After 20 minutes I narrowed the area down to  the shrubs by a little garden, I was on my hands and knees with my Garretts pro-pointer,  I like to use the pro-pointer when I can’t get my metal detector loop close to the shrubs…I got a strong signal and I move the grass to see her beautiful ring, I then asked her a couple of questions in regards to where she was standing when she lost it and as she was telling me I waved my hand with the ring on it…Surprise!


The Smile tells the story…I love my job and how it makes people feel when I find what they have lost…I don’t think there’s a better job out there!


What a cool ring! Made from a meteorite (who knows how old) and landed on earth twice now,  I got to find it the second time it landed…Thank you for the kind reward and I will donate 15% to Children’s Hospital.



Here’s a word from Stephanie…

The story of how Christian and I met is just as out of this world as the ring he gave me. The meteorite it was made from touched down in Sweden in 1906, ( I have a certificate with the exact coordinates and a raw piece of it as well)
Due to the fact that he is not yet a Canadian citizen and he is a Geologist that works in the field we have spent many months apart from eachother.
I always admired the ring on his finger (made from a different meteorite) and the fact that he had one made for me and sent to Canada ….well…we all know the very real emotional attachment we have to these physical symbols of friendship, love, respect.
That being said, when that ring flew off my finger I was devastated. I was lucky enough to have complete strangers join in my search with the best of intentions,..So amazing!
The next day I went to work and came home to look for it myself. Something in me told me I wasn’t going to find it because I  was looking with emotional and frantic eyes.
I came upstairs and googled “metal detector rentals vancouver” and that’s how I found Chris.
He actually answered my call while in the middle of dinner with his family. I felt like a jerk with first world problems at that point..But after meeting Chris, I can’t tell you how he validated my situation.
He took me through the what’s and why’s of what he was going to do, and involved me in the process, which I think is so key in doing what he does. I mean, I felt all the emotions, sad..guilty… name it…But he arrived on the scene and I felt OK. He took the time out of his life to make someone feel OK.

He found my ring and made me smile….I joke with myself that I would buy a ring and lose it just to have that experience again…
Thank you Chris…

Stephanie Walker

Thanks for reading my blog and if you’d like to watch the video of the search just click below…

Lost White Gold Wedding Band in Coquitlam, BC…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call the other night just before I was going to bed as I had to work early the next morning.  Tim told me that he lost his ring the day before while he was playing in the snow with his daughter. It was our first big snow dump this year.

I made arrangements to meet Tim and help find his ring,  I got there and he showed me the area where he believed his ring may be lost… this turned out to be quite a large area but I knew it was just a matter time and we would find it. Tim had his gloves on but remember where he took them off to take pictures of his daughter.  I started where he got ready to go to his truck to load the family but no ring.

I was fighting the power lines which were very close and these were the big Hightower power lines… It really sets off your Detector. We worked our way to the top of the hill where his family were sledding down and he took off his gloves a few times to take pictures… a total of approximately 40 minutes and we found his beautiful wedding band!



Tim was pretty happy to see his wedding band again and you can tell it meant the world to him! I have the greatest job in the world… I get to make people smile.


Thank you very much Tim for the very generous reward, I will donate 15% to Children’s Hospital as I do with all my rewards. Remember to checkout ”RingSafe” on our sponsor link on our website…This may prevent a future repeat of what happened today.

Thanks for reading my blog!

Best, Chris Turner

You can watch the video of the search below.

Metal Detecting for 2 Lost Rings in Pemberton, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I got a call the other day from a young lady named Alex who lost 2 rings in the snow. She and her husband were visiting from New Zealand and while driving up past Pemberton they pulled over to the side of the road so Alex could made a snow angel.  After getting back in the truck and heading for a friends place she realized 5 minutes later that her rings were gone. These were her diamond engagement ring and diamond wedding band. You can imagine how devastated she was!They turned around and went back and searched for 1 1/2 hours in the snow and cold… but no rings… There was one thing I never talked about in my video below… Alex told me that her and her husband were very lucky to be alive! shortly after they were heading home they hit black ice and Flipped the truck…What a bad day!!!A few days after, Alex got on the internet and found The Ring Finders, instead of renting a metal detector she called me. We discussed the search and we agreed to meet,  I would drive her and her cousin to the location to find the rings as her husband was in a business meeting.It was a good 2 1/2 hour drive, when we arrived at the location. I could tell where she was making snow angels and I thought this would be a fast recovery, but I was wrong. Almost an hour later near the side of the road where they parked the truck I got a good strong signal. I bent down and moved the snow to see the glint of gold…Only a few feet away was the second ring. The smile tells the story! Thank you Alex for the very generous reward and I sent you a receipt to show that I donate 15% of my reward money to Children’s Hospital .OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I Love my Job!Lost your ring? Call…The Ring Finders!Watch the video of the search…

Lost Diamond Wedding Band, Steveston in Richmond BC…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I received a call from a young lady who told me the story about how she lost her ring one week ago at coffee shop called Waves in Steveston in Richmond. She said she had the ring on while she was having coffee, she was showing it to her two friends then she went outside, gave hugs and went to her car and that’s when she noticed it was gone!The sad thing was the ring was too big for her finger and she knew it but she wanted to show her friends. After coffee she was going to go to the jewelry store and have it resized to fit her finger. The ring was her late mother-in-law’s and you can imagine how heartbroken she was.Well after a few question we set a time to meet today and when I got to the coffee shop there wasn’t really much to search but what there was I was ready to give it 100%  It took a good 30 minutes and some detective work and after the second search in the same area the ring showed itself under a big shrub!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI think the first search under that shrub it was caught in the grass blades and after shaking it the second time it fell to the ground below…What a great feeling for both of us when the ring showed itself!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI think we were both surprised because we started thinking that it must have been picked up by someone who saw it on the sidewalk…I hate to give up on a search and I’m glad I didn’t. I love my job!Lost your ring…Call me ASAP!”Renting a metal detector is hard. We make finding your lost ring easy.”Watch the video of the search below…

How To Find A Lost Ring At Spanish Banks Dog Park, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I went out on a ring search at Spanish Banks dog park in Vancouver. I talked to Patrick over the phone and he gave me the details in regards to where he believed the ring was lost and how to get there. He sent me a google earth picture of the location and that sure helped! But that being said you still have to ask the question or you could be out by a little and that’s all it takes when you’re looking for something so small.He told me that I was looking for a white gold ring with six small diamonds that he lost while throwing a ball for his dog. He told me soon after he realized his ring came off the whole group of people he was with doing exercises held hands and formed a long line (15 people across) and did a grid search of the area…trying to eyeball the ring. Unfortunately the ring was not found so Patrick went home and found a place to rent a metal detector and came back and searched for five hours with no luck…A little about metal detector rentals…Yes, you can rent a metal detector but in most cases if you’ve never used one it may be a little overwhelming with all the signals that you are getting. You’re renting a very inexpensive metal detector that is going to be beeping every foot or so.That’s why there’s ”The Ring Finders”…A metal detecting service with metal detecting experts using the best equipment to find what you thought was lost forever.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI love hearing the stories of about the rings I find and how much it meant to the person to have it found, and all so about the person that gave them the ring and how happy they will be when they get the good news. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI found the ring on my 3rd grid line in about 15 minutes! I never get tired of finding peoples lost rings and seeing the smiles it brings to a person when you hand it back to them. I have personally found over 300 lost rings for people and I look forward to the next 1000!Thanks for reading my blogs! I love my job!If you have lost something cal me ASAP!Best Regards, Chris Turner/CEO/The Ring FindersWatch Video of the search below…

Lost Diamond Wedding Band While Walking the dog in the Crescent Beach Area…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I got a call from a man by the name of Stuart whose wife lost her diamond wedding band walking the dog, so they thought. Stuart’s wife Jane put on her rings in the morning and by the time she realized her diamond wedding band was not on her finger, it was 2pm.I met Stuart and Jane at 5 PM today at their home at Crescent Beach, we talked about the possibilities of where the ring could be and decided to set out on the 1.5 km walk to search for her lost ring. Jane walk us around  the neighbourhood and took us to the areas where she believed there was a good chance of finding the ring. Unfortunately no ring was found in the most likely areas and by the time we were almost at their home… good news! I was walking on peoples front yards near the road and we were all talking and just as I received a strong signal on my detector I heard Stuart say… theres the ring!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA And there it was on the grass just by my loop… such a beautiful ring for such a lovely lady! And how appropriate that her husband would find it and put it back on her finger 15 years later. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I always say every ring has a story and that story ends when the ring is lost…I was so happy that the ring found its way back to Jane and the store gets to continue. Over the years I have found hundreds of lost rings for people and today Stuart found his first ring and the most important one at that…This search turned out to be a team effort and 6 eyes are better then 2…Thank you very much for the kind reward and I will be donating 50% of the reward money to your cause Jane…Heart & Stroke Foundation.Thank you for reading my post! Lost a ring? Call ASAP!I love my job!Watch the video of the search below.

Lost Diamond Wedding Band in Deep Cove, North Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Last week I received a call from a young man that told me that his mother lost her wedding band in their back yard. He wanted to surprise her by having me find it before his mother & father got back home from holidays.Unfortunately by the time I got there it was getting dark and I found out that the most likely place the ring could be would be under their patio.I tried searching the first time and was covered with spiderwebs and spiders, although they don’t bother me it becomes a bit of a pain with out a hat and proper gear.I had to schedule a time to meet the following weekend in order to have a good shot at finding this ring. Today I met the family and was able to discuss the loss of the ring with Spencer’ mom.It made sense that the ring could be under the patio but before I went under there I needed to eliminate the other possible areas…Next door was a possibility  but after a quick search nothing showed up…We performed a reenactment of how she lost the ring and all signs pointed to under the patio.After crawling under the patio and moving some rocks I found the diamond ring…The search took me 1 hour and I shook off a few spiders from my clothes and found another smile…I love my job!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThanks to her son Spencer who found The Ring Finders online Christie has the ring that was on her finger for 30 years and now for many more  years to come!If you have lost something call ASAP…View the search on the Video below… 

Lost Gold wedding Band in Whonnock Lake, Maple Ridge

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I got a call from young man that told me that he lost his wedding ring at Whonnock Lake in Maple Ridge and that he and his wife and friends searched for over an hour but had no luck finding it.I know this lake well as I have found a couple of lost rings for the owners in the past and from the description of the area he described it sounded like an easy search. We made arrangements to meet early the next morning and I drove them to the search site.When the young man showed me the area it was a fare way out in the cool morning water to where he lost his 2 month old gold wedding band. We started the search and it wasn’t exactly the perfect conditions I was hoping for due to large odd shaped rocks that made it extremely hard to search with my sand scoop. After a few dives down to check and if I could spot my signal, I had to stop due to the fact it was nearly impossible to see anything in the water.I continued to go after a good strong signal, I was sure it was his ring but had a tough time scooping it up with all the big rocks around. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Then after 20 minutes I looked into my scoop and saw the sweet site of gold! I love that feeling because I know good that young man and his wife would feel…These were two very nice people who were in love and I know how much they wanted their ring back where it belonged. These rings travel 12,000 km from Iran to Vancouver for that wedding day, only two months ago OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I truly have the greatest job in the world…I get to find peoples lost smiles… thank you so much for reading my post… until the next one!Lost your ring…Call me ASAPBest, Chris TurnerYou can watch the video of the search below…

Metal Detecting for a lost Heirloom Ring in Golden Ears Park, Maple Ridge

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I was on a search at a lake in Maple Ridge early Sunday morning and after I was packing it up to go home I checked my phone to find a message that someone had lost their ring at Golden Ears Park only 15 minutes from where I was located.I called the young lady back and she explained that her husband was on his way home from searching for his ring. She asked if I would consider meeting them there to help and I was happy to do so.After talking to her husband on the phone it sounded like it would be a quick search and hopefully a succesful one. Unfortunately  he was just at the location searching and drove over 1 hour back home before his wife found me online and they had to turn around and go back.We set up a meeting point and I had some breakfast as I waited for them to show up. An hour or so later we met and we drove to the location. This is one of my favorite location! So beautiful and fresh and clean…I love my office!They took me to the area that the ring was lost at and within minutes I found his ring.IMG_1849This was an heirloom ring that belonged to his wife’s grandfather so you could imagine how devastating it was for both of them when the ring was lost…But you can imagine how good it felt to have that ring found!IMG_1853 I’ll never get tired of helping people!I love my job! Call me ASAP and I’ll find your ring!Watch the video of the search…

Lost Diamond Wedding Ring in Vancouver Garden…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

One week ago I received a call from a young lady explaining to me that her mother may have lost her diamond engagement ring in her garden. After talking for a few minutes she said that she wasn’t clear if her mother lost the ring in the garden or if it was lost in her house.I told her that I wouldn’t be able to make it until the weekend, five days later, so that if her mother could check the house good and cannot find it I would come to search the yard on the weekend.Well come Thursday I received a call that they didn’t find the ring in the house and that they needed my service, so we arranged a meeting for 11 AM on Saturday morning.When I arrived I met a very lovely lady named Wendy who told me why she thought the ring could be lost in her backyard. She goes on to tell me that she was doing some yard work and watering the plants and pulling out some bushes and branches which is a very good way to lose a ring.This diamond engagement ring was very special to Wendy because she lost her husband last year as you can imagine the ring meant the world to her. She told me that ring was given to her in 1967 when her husband, boyfriend at the time proposed to her. She remembered that her husband was making payments on the ring… $10 a week and she had the payment sheet showing all the payments he made until it was paid off.I have to tell you I was really praying that I would find this ring for her, so I began my search in the area in the backyard that she showed me where she was pulling branches and watering plants. Wendy had to go in the house to get a battery for her hearing aid and within minutes I had found the ring!  I was so excited and couldn’t wait to show her what I’d found. When Wendy came back outside I showed her her ring and she was so happy! A I have the best job in the in the world! I get to make people smile…Every ring has a story and that story ends when the ring is lost…What I do is get to help continue that story by find that lost ring…This story was a love story about a lady who loved her husband very much and will miss him dearly.Thanks for reading my blogs!If you have lost something and need it found…Call me ASAPYou can watch the video of the search below.