In The News Category | Page 109 of 110 | The Ring Finders

Lost ring at Gyro Park, found in the Lake

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

Katie was distressed during her vacation from Calgary to Kelowna,  she had lost her ring in the lake at Gyro Beach. The ring was her Grandmothers wedding band that was given to her 3 months earlier, her father called me through Ringfinders, and I attended the next morning for the search. The family was debating about who was to call Grandma and tell her that the ring was lost. The ring was found within the hour, and it put a smile back on Katies face.

White Gold Wedding Band recovered in Trippe Creek in Easton, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Success once again! This time my buddy and I found ourselves back in the water looking for this target. I have to be honest, after 20 minutes or so of searching this creek bed I really thought we would be skunked for the first time since joining The Ring Finders. The bottom of the creek was not only muddy, but it was extremely SOFT! So much so that every step we took put us 6-9 inches deep in the clay-like bottom. What was worse, when we went to scoop a potential target, we sunk another 6-12 inches! It was like searching in quicksand. One slightly off scoop attempt could push the ring down into no man’s land making recovery impossible at that point. We decided a few minutes later that we would give it another 20-30 minutes and admit defeat if we were unsuccessful at that point. Luckily, a few more minutes of searching I got a good audible signal and made a very careful scoop attempt and……..well, I’ll let Denise tell you her story!

Up the creek!


My son was kayaking with my nephew in Trippe Creek near our house in Easton, Maryland.  Men will be boys, and they started cutting up and tipped over the kayak. His wedding ring (which should have been sized better) slipped off his finger in 4 or so feet of water.  He could not find it.  He was in serious trouble with his wife and was quite upset with himself.


The next day I searched online to find someone who had equipment for us to buy or rent or perform the search for us.  I found The Ring Finders website and called the person with the address closest to our home and it was Jim.  He agreed to come out on Sunday with his friend.


He asked us to try to narrow the search area as much as possible.  So, when they arrived on Sunday we had lined up my mom who had witnessed the incident and with my son on phone (he had already returned to his home out of state) we outlined a search area. The guys were patient, polite, and friendly. They were thorough in the search, and after almost 45 minutes in the water, Jim found the ring. Even they were amazed to find it, as it was in the muddy floor of the creek in almost 4 feet of water.  I would highly recommend to anyone as Jim says, they have 100% success rate.



Easton, Maryland

Returning the ring to Denise


A happy Denise!


The “thought to be lost forever” band.

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered in Forest Hill Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Once again I am proud to say that my 100% recovery success rate is still in tact! Earlier in the week I received a call from Michael telling me that his wedding band slipped off while doing some yard work and asked if I could come out and see what I could do.  Luckily I work about 25 minutes from his residence so we made plans to come out the the next day. Michael had a plane to catch in the morning so I ended up meeting his wife Gina when I arrived. Here’s how things went down in her own words….

My husband was out in the yard spreading grass seed a couple weeks ago. He came into the house and told me that he felt his ring fall off while he was sifting through some of the excess seed with his hands. I went out to where he said that he was and we both spent about 20 minutes before we gave up on it. We both went out the next day and spent another 15 to 20 minutes looking for it and still no ring. We decided to buy a metal detector and had the same result..NO RING! We were both dumbfounded and ready to chalk it up as a loss. I decided to try once last attempt on internet to search for a company that specializes in recovering lost jewelry. After about 10 minutes and different google entries, TheRingFinders website came up. I found Jim’s name and read his blog and my husband called him. He was very pleasant and informative during the conversation. You could really feel his enthusiasm for what he does as a “hobby”.  He was able to come by after work the following day and begin the search. Jim had full confidence that he would find it and I was trying to be as positive as he was about it. After about an hour, all that was found was a flat soda can, aluminum foil and a  juice top, I was having my doubts but Jim kept reassuring me that the ring would be found. He began to search the other part of the lawn where it could have possibly fallen off with no such luck. He then started to go over the initial area where my husband said he felt it slip off. I went inside for a few minutes and came back out to see Jim on the ground digging at something. He turned around and said, “I found it”. I couldn’t believe it when he showed me the spot where it was. It was lying under some grass about 8 feet from the initial area. I was completely amazed and so excited when he held it up. We can’t begin to thank him enough for his professionalism and true passion to help people. I would not hesitate to use him again or recommend him to anyone in a similar situation. Thanks again and congrats on a perfect recovery record!!!


Take Care,


Gina & Michael

I’m glad I was successful Michael/Gina….for your sake and for my own personal track record!


Hiding in the grass!


She said she may charge a ransom once her husband gets home!




Lost Engagement Ring Recovered In Severn Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Back on April 3rd, I was contacted by Laurie via email informing me that over the weekend she lost her wedding ring while doing yard work. What I remember most about the email was her last sentence……..” I’m absolutely heartbroken”. I got back to her the same day and we made arrangements to come out that weekend. Once again, my detecting buddy Lance was available to tag along.  Were we successful you ask? I’ll let Laurie tell the story in her own words…..

We were outside most of the day Saturday.  My husband was working in the yard all day.  I was outside most of the day as well , simultaneously cleaning up the flowerbeds and the kids’ play area and playing with the kids.  After coming in for the day, we had a quick dinner, gave the kids a bath and put them to bed.  Once the kids were in bed and we had a chance to relax we realized my engagement ring was missing.  We panicked and tried to look for it in the house and outside, even though it was dark.  We barely slept and continued the search on Sunday and for the next couple days.  We sifted through the bags of yard waste, checked drains in the house, took apart our washing machine and used a cheap metal detector that we had in our garage.  We had no luck finding the ring but kept googling for ideas.  We came across Jim’s web page and figured we had nothing to lose.  We e-mailed Jim and he responded right away.  He told us not to throw out our yard waste so that they could check it with their detectors.  We arranged for Jim and his buddy Lance to come out in a few days.  They arrived as scheduled and were very friendly and eager to help find the ring.  They asked some questions about what we were doing and where and then they got to work.  They were very methodical in their search and their equipment was top-notch.  Within and hour of searching, Lance found the ring in a bag of yard waste.  As our daughter said, “Yay, nice men!”  Thanks again Jim and Lance!  ~ Laurie & Jason

I tell you what, the feeling never gets old returning something to someone that has practically given up hope of ever seeing it again.  And this 100% success rate I(we) have going……I’m really getting use to it!

Lance returning the ring to Laurie


Glad we could got this beauty back to Laurie


Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered in Ashburn, Virginia!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I’m very proud of my perfect recovery record thus far as a member of The Ring Finders. The most recent recovery gives me a perfect 4 for 4 record!  I must admit, this time it was my detecting buddy who I asked to come along with me that actually found the lost platinum ring we were looking for, but nonetheless the recovery was a success! Being able to make a  couple’s St. Patty’s Day extra special sure was nice. I’ll let Sarah tell you the rest of the story in her own words….

My husband was out in our yard doing some gardening including spreading grass seed and pulling up weeds and throwing them over an embankment in a wooded area behind our house.  A few hours after finishing the yard work, he noticed that his ring was missing.  Even though he wasn’t sure he had lost it in the yard, he immediately went out there searching for hours with no luck.  He was even able to rent a metal detector and searched the area and still had no success.  He finally gave up and decided that the ring was lost for good.  When he told me, I wasn’t sure that a metal detector would pick up platinum so I did a search online for lost platinum ring and I stumbled upon Jim’s blog.  I sent him a quick e-mail asking if it would be worth it for him to come out if my husband had already searched with a metal detector.  Jim wrote back right away saying that the skill of the detector had a lot to do with the ability to find things, so I figured we’d give him a try.  Jim came out about a week later on St. Patrick’s day with his friend Lance.  They both brought their metal detectors and after my husband gave them a description of his yard work activities they began searching in what they thought were the most likely areas to find the ring: over in the area where he was throwing weeds and in the area he had been planting the grass.  Maybe 15 minutes after they arrived, I started to head out to meet them and my husband said to me “I hope you don’t get your hopes up.”  I said I hadn’t, but I really had!  I stepped outside and asked if they had any luck yet and they said they had found it already!!  It was located in the area where my husband had been planting grass and was under about an inch of dirt.  My husband and I couldn’t believe that they had found it so quickly!  I think it took longer to write this letter than  it took for them to find the ring.  I later realized that it was the 5th anniversary of us getting engaged.  So five St. Patrick’s days ago he had given me an engagement ring and on this one, he had gotten his wedding ring back!  Now St. Patrick’s day is twice as lucky for us.  Thanks again Jim and Lance!

There she is!

Lance and one happy camper!


Back where it belongs!

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered in Laurel, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

People say things like, “three is the charm” and “things come in threes”. If you are a hockey fan like myself you are familiar with the term “Hat Trick”. Any way you put it, it rang true today! I was able to help my third person this year by recovering his lost ring. Speaking of threes, all were platinum wedding rings!

I was contacted by Adam earlier in the week through We made arrangements to……..actually, let Adam tell you in his own words!

In December of 2011, I lost my platinum wedding ring while rough-housing with our 2 dogs in our back yard. I felt my ring slide off of my finger and thought I heard it fall into leaves a few feet away. My wife and  I searched the area on our hands and knees for the next several hours without any luck. We even bought a cheap metal detector to aid our search but couldn’t find it.

I decided to search the internet to see if platinum could actually be detected and came across Jim’s blog.  My wife was skeptical, but I figured it was worth a shot and sent Jim an email to see if he could help. From this point forward I do not have enough positive things to say about Jim. He responded to my email within 20 minutes and was very responsive in all of our exchanges afterwards.

Unfortunately I cannot say the same thing about myself. We had agreed to meet up at 5:00pm. I had trouble leaving work and showed up 10 minutes late. It was dark and slightly rainy but by the time I arrived Jim had already found my ring !

Thanks so much !




”Forgotten Fortunes” Estate Search for Hidden Treasure

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

What's Hiding in your House?


Hello it’s Chris Turner CEO for ”The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service” Inc.

I wanted to introduce my other service called…”Forgotten Fortunes” (Turner’s Treasure Team Inc.)

If you have a story about a family member who has hidden their most valuable possessions and has passed away without disclosing their secret hiding spot…Call or email me before you sell that house!

Visit…  to learn more about this service.

Make sure you’re not walking away from your Forgotten Fortune!


I Love My Job!!!!

Call Chris Turner ASAP


Click on the videos below to see some recoveries and our intro video.


Ringfinders in the Snow

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

The first day of snow in Kelowna had Shawn Harrison and his wife Karen cleaning his car windshield of snow, once clean he shook his hands and drove away. When he arrived home he realized he had lost his wedding ring, he returned to the location with a metal detector to attempt to find his ring. It was hopeless too many signals to identify his ring, so he called myself at Ringfinders to assist him. On my arrival I found five people with propane torches and rakes searching the area, I joined the group with my detector and began searching, there were many signals but easy  for me to discriminate, after twenty minutes finding three coins and other deep good signals, I located the ring.

Another happy Ringfinders customer who says I saved his marriage.





Lost Ring After Iron Man Race Found – Cross Plains, WI

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)

Gold Ring (20110913)_crop

I saw a posting on Lost and Found section looking for help in locating a lost ring.  Brian had been spectating the Ironman race the past weekend. After the race, he found a wooded area off of the route to change into some shorts.  He then walked back to the race route, which ran directly past a rural house.  Brian picked a spot in front of a driveway and encouraged others still running the race.  Suddenly, Brian realized his ring was missing.  He retraced his steps back to the wooded area, searching for his ring along the way.  He did not have any luck.  He wasn’t sure if he lost it while changing in the woods, or while watching the race.  It was getting dark, so Brian grabbed a flashlight and continued hunting for his ring.  He searched for awhile longer, but did not find anything.  Brian was so mad at himself for losing his ring. To top it all off, he was from Illinois and had to return home the next day.  This is when Brian posted an ad on Craigslist hoping someone else had found it while watching the race.

I responded to the ad offering to help.  Robyn, Brian’s wife, replied back with a great image of a Google Map snapshot, including the area Brian was in circled in red.  She indicated the main area to search was the driveway.  My son and I made arrangements with the homeowner to stop out and search.  The grass was longer than usual, so I could see how it would be hard to find the ring if it was dropped.  After about 10 mins, all we had was $0.35 in change, a couple pop tops and a handful of other junk.  Then, right in the area Robyn said to focus on, we got a strong hit on the detector … it was Brian’s ring!  Someone must have stepped on it, possibly Brian while searching for it.   It was about 1 inch underground, but was easy to retrieve.  I then gave Brian a call to give him the good news, he was ecstatic.  You could just tell the relief in his voice when I was talking with him.

This was a special hunt for me, as this was our first wedding ring search and return … we’ve been hooked ever since


Brian and Robyn L.

RobynBrian        Gold Ring2 (20110913)

Lost Wedding Ring Retrieved From Community Pond in Northern Virginia!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

On 2/21/11, I was contacted by a woman named Susan about her recently lost wedding ring.  She told me how she was at her neighborhood park the day beforer and when she went to throw some bread crumbs to the geese in the pond….you guessed it, off flew her wedding band! We made arrangements to meet and a few days later I found myself at the edge of a well maintained pond in a beautiful community. Immediately I slipped into my waders and got to work. After fifty minutes, 3 old cans, a beat up minnow trap and  a coax cable connector, I hit pay dirt!

Back where it belongs!

The look on Susan’s face was one of amazement and joy.  By contacting me quickly and taking note of exactly where she was when the ring came off, Susan made my job that much easier. Being able to return something that is so precious to someone sure is a great feeling!
