Christina McCree – Ring Finder for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135
On September 12th, 2022, I received a text message from LeeAlice stating that her husband, Jamie, had lost his platinum wedding band in July. She said that he was 99.99% sure that he lost it in the yard. Jamie was in a rush trying to water the plants before he had to go catch a flight. He noticed his ring was missing right before he left their house for the airport. They tried searching numerous times with a cheap detector they bought from Costco, but they just couldn’t find it.
Here’s the catch…LeeAlice and Jamie had since moved, so they no longer owned the property. However, the flippers that bought their house were totally fine with me coming by to look for the ring. This would be the last opportunity to find it though. And if I didn’t find it, this ring would definitely be lost forever. The pressure was on, but I knew if the ring was there, I would find it. I have a high level of confidence in my equipment, knowledge, and search techniques. LeeAlice told me that she had pretty much given up all hope. I told her to keep her hope alive, because many people tell me the same thing, and then they are shocked when I do find it.
LeeAlice wanted Jamie to be there during the search, so that he could show me what he was doing and everywhere he went. I agreed, because it’s very helpful to go over the details with the person who lost the item, so that we can narrow down the search area. Our schedules wouldn’t align until Sunday, October 2nd, 2022.
I met LeeAlice and Jamie on a beautiful fall afternoon at their former house in Homewood, Alabama. Homewood is just slightly south of Birmingham. Jamie showed me exactly where he went and what he was doing. They decided to go say hi to some former neighbors while I was searching. I got out my gear and got to work.
I chose to focus on where the spigot was. Jamie walked there a few times to turn on and off the water. I started searching on that side of the house and along the grass line first. I knew that the thick Zoysia grass would easily hide a wedding band much easier than the mulch. I covered a couple of feet and checked a few signals. All items were below the soil. I was almost parallel with the spigot when I received that loud and proud tone on my Minelab Equinox 800. The depth was reading at 2 inches, so I knew this would probably be the ring. I bent down, parted the grass, and could just barely make out a circular object. I wiped away some dirt and there it was—Jamie’s platinum wedding band!!! I always get so excited when I find the ring, and then even more excited when I get to tell the good news!
LeeAlice and Jamie were still at their neighbors, so I took some pictures, and went to grab a bottle of water from my truck. I texted LeeAlice that they could come back when they were ready. Shortly after, they came walking up. I told LeeAlice that Jamie’s 99.99% odds were spot on! She was slightly confused, so I said that Jamie’s ring had been found! Her face went from confusion to complete shock and emotion. I took them over to the spot and Jamie slipped the wedding band back on his finger where it belongs. LeeAlice thanked me numerous times and gave me a couple of big hugs. Best feeling in the world!
Below, I included a picture of where I found the ring in the grass in relation to the shrubs and mulch area (the ring was next to where my orange pinpointer is laying on the side of my detector). I also included a picture of the ring in the grass to show just how impossible it is to see it with sight alone. However, it’s not a true representation of how it actually looked. I had already parted the grass and removed the ring for some pictures, so the ring was completely out of sight when I found it. Almost no way to find that without a good quality metal detector.
This wedding band had the potential to never be seen or worn again. And while some may say it’s just a ring, it’s way more than that! This is the very ring that LeeAlice put on Jamie’s finger on their wedding day almost 5 years ago. Extremely sentimental and irreplaceable! Sure, you can just go buy another one, but it’ll never be the same. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case here. This ring will stay on Jamie’s finger and get to continue its story. Thank you, God, for another successful ring return! Looking forward to the next adventure…

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, jewelry, or other metal item, please contact a member of The Ring Finders.