Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”
I received a call about a lost ring in a lake. She was just washing her hands in the water and there went the ring, off her hand into the water. She searched for the ring with her hands, but no luck. We setup a time and day to conduct the search. With all of my metal detecting gear, we headed out to the location on a 20 minute boat ride. After reaching the location and determining the starting point to search. As the water level as changed quite a bit since the ring was lost. I had my first hit in a couple feet of water, used my sand scoop and pull up nothing. I try again and there was a gold ring inside of my scoop. I asked her if this ring is yours and she cheer with joy as yes it was hers missing ring. The ring mean a lot to her as it was her moms. She could not believe that I found the ring. She try a couple of times before to find the ring with no luck. She did have insurance on the ring, but it would not have replaced the ring with so much sentimental value to the ring as this one did. She is very happy to have the ring return back to her.
Here is her testimonial: “Many thanks to Jon and his father-in-law with out them I would have never seen my mothers diamond my father gave to her. We had looked for days, before, he came out with us on the boat. I took him to the spot and within 5 to 10 minutes he found it in the lake. I am forever greatful to this man. Both were very nice gentlemen, God Bless you too. Thank You so very much Ill pass the good news around.” Mandy

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”