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Lost Ring at Pitt Lake, Port Coquitlam…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost your ring or any sentimental item… Don’t wait until it’s too late! Call ASAP 24/7  Chris-778-838-3463

I received an email asking about my service and how it worked, I quickly reply back to discuss the search and get the detail. Turns out this young man lost his wedding band at Pitt lake. This search would required the use of a paddle board to get drop zone. This will be my second time on a paddle board in less than a month. It also meant I had to cross Pitt Lake to access the area where he was swimming (About a 30 minute paddle)

I met the young couple and we started our journey to the location where the ring was lost, after arriving it took a little while to locate the exact location he had marked with a long stick but with the help of his wife who remembered a tree in the water by shore, that help get me in the correct location and shortly after I was able to locate the missing ring! I love my job! Such a lovely young couple, and only married a year and two days. Imagine how upsetting that was for both of them, but to see their smiles makes all the paddling to get there worth it!








White Gold Diamond Ring Recovered at Va Beach Today!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

This was  a tough one! She put her ring on a towel for safe keeping and forgot! Her husband used towel to wipe his face and left the beach. Unfortunately it did not fall off where they were sitting. The ring did not leave the towel until further down the beach. I traced their walking path and found it! 

Lost Wallet Found… Vancouver, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost your ring, cell phone, car, keys or any sentimental items? Don’t wait till it’s too late! Contact Chris Turner, 778-838-3463, ASAP 24/7

Two weeks ago after the fireworks in Vancouver I found a wallet shortly after 2:30 AM on the ground behind my van. It had a lot of ID and credit cards, I knew this would be missed. I quickly put an ad on the craigslist lost & found and waited for the call. I got no call, so I went through the wallet and found what looked like his work number and reached out to let them know I found an employees wallet, and if they could message him and give him my contact info.

2 weeks later I was about to take the wallet to the Vancouver police to drop it off as I never heard from the person, strangely that morning I got the phone call from Conrad asking if I still had his wallet. We met and I gave him back his wallet, I asked him why it took so long to contact me? His answer was he only got the message yesterday that the wallet was found, so his work did not respond too quickly to my original message, but the end result he got his wallet back with a lot of his ID.


Lost and found huge gold wedding ring in Cloyne Ontario

My travels today took me to Cloyne area in Ontario. Received a phone call from Joan about her son Vince having dropped his huge white gold wedding band while swimming with the kids two days ago. The issue is that it was dropped at a rental cottage, about 30 feet away from the dock, where it is full of weeds and silt. The other issue is that the ring was sitting in about 6 to 7 feet of water. After sweeping most of the weeds away, with the detector, and removing all unwanted trash signals, I finally heard a very faint signal which turned out to be his ring. The ring had been pushed in deep into the silt. Four hours of searching which was well rewarded by Vince’s priceless reaction and that of his family as well. Great recovery. Life is good!


Emerald Isle, NC, Lost Wedding Band Found by Crystal Coast Ring Finders

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Bady had placed his wedding band in the beach chair before heading into the water.  I didn’t want to start an argument but, it seems either he or his wife folded up the chair and headed back the the beach house before realizing the ring was lost.  Bady’s father-in-law called me to request my service after getting a referral from a town official.  As I was on the phone gathering details, Bady’s wife was out searching for the ring and also was given my contact information from a person on the beach and she called too.  After I realized both numbers were from the same state outside of NC, I realized it may be about the same lost ring.  We had a laugh as I headed to their location and told them to rest assured I would indeed find the lost ring.  It wasn’t near any public parking area and not in an area other detectorist would visit on a regular basis.  After being fooled by a bottlecap, my 2nd loud signal was Bady’s lost ring.  It was very helpful they marked the area in the sand with a shovel and outlined the area they were sure it must be inside for me to find.  It was a good feeling and I enjoyed talking to Bady’s father-in-law upon our return.

Gold Wedding Ring, Lost Surfing At Scarborough Beach State Park, Maine, Found 3 Days Later, With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Tuesday evening, July 30th, I received the following text at 8:20pm.

“Hi, I lost my wedding band this evening surfing at Scarborogh Beach. Given the story you have on your website, it looks like this kind of thing happens out there. Please let me know next steps and what your fees are, as I’d be very interested in having you help out.
And fyi I was surfing roughly in front of the beige locker/structure about 200 yards north of the lifeguard stand. I can take a picture of the approximate location tomorrow morning.

I replied to John, with the following,

“John, So sorry to hear this. Let me see if I have a photo.
I will say, that the rough seas and rip currents won’t help. It could actually move the ring, some distance. Fortunately the sand at Scarborough Beach State Park, is extremely hard packed and it won’t sink very deep, in the next week or so, but could be moving, as I mentioned.
I don’t charge for my time or my metal detecting services. I do require a Transportation Fee, to cover my gas, tolls, wear and tear etc..
The tides will also have to come into play as the searches go much better, at low tide, so I can cover more ground”.

John agreed and I sent another text, with some questions, for John and he replied,

“1) yes, I was diving off my board and diving through a wave and it came off somewhere in that process
2) about 6:30pm tonight
3) I wasn’t very far out since it was about an hour from peak high tide so waves were breaking close to shore. I bet I was somewhere around where your scoop is in that photo, considering that it was high tide and I was mostly surfing in front of that beige locker.
4) Gold on outside, I believe white gold on inside, inscribed on underside with “forever”

I then looked at my scheduled commitments, tide charts and weather forecast. It looked like Friday 8/2/24 was the best day for me. Low tide would be at 4:15pm and I would arrive at Scarborough Beach State Park at 1:00pm and follow the tide, out, until 4:15pm. This would be almost 3 full days, since the ring was lost. Thankfully SBSP has a very hard packed sand, with lots of rocks and shells, just under the sand. This condition will not allow the ring to sink, out of range, for a few weeks. Unlike areas, in Old Orchard Beach, where the sand, in some areas is almost like quicksand and jewelry will be out of range of my detectors, in days, not weeks.
Cheryl and I arrived at 12:45pm and the line to get into the park was backed up, out onto the Black Point Road. The line moved quickly and once on the beach, we looked around and it was extremely busy, on this 90 degree day. We then walked down to the surfing area and set up our chairs and umbrella. Cheryl would have a front row seat, to watch me grid the surfing section.
I decided to perform a horizontal search, to the water and just follow the tide out. The tide wasn’t a very low, low tide, but from John’s description, I thought the tide should expose enough of the wet sand, to expose the ring.
After approximately an hour and twenty minutes, I caught up to the receding tide and decided to swing back up and start searching, via the same grid pattern, a little higher up on the sloping beach. I made one north and one south grid search and started my third one, when I received a very promising signal. A low tone and 12-13 on my VDI screen, signaling a non ferrous, low conductive metal. A great combination for gold, but also a nickel, foil and a few other common metals, could be under the sand. I plunged my scoop, into the wet sand, dug a hole and threw it up onto the surface. I couldn’t see the ring but something caught my eye, as the sun was hitting it. I wiped some sand off of the item and I saw a gold ring. Could it be John’s? I picked the ring up, rinsed it off and saw that it was both White and Yellow Gold, as John described. I looked at in inside of the ring, for an inscription. I saw an inscription of “FOREVER”, again, just as John described. I had found John’s Wedding Ring, in approximately 1 1/2 hours.
I then made a video and took a few photos and sent them to John. His reply,

“Incredible! Thank you so much. Just left you a message so look forward to connecting when convenient.”

We made plans to meet at the Saco Hannaford at 7:30ish. It was now just about 3:00pm and I was able to sit in the beach chair, under the umbrella , with Cheryl and enjoy this fine summer day.
Cheryl and I met John and his wife Jennifer at Hannaford’s and an extremely happy John, emotional Jennifer both gave me a big hug. They have been married for 21 years and they were just so happy to have John’s wedding ring back. John did tell us that he has surfed hundreds of times and this is the first time his ring has come off. John also told me it will also be the last time, as he will not wear it while surfing anymore. As we were about to leave, an overjoyed, teary eyed, Jennifer, presented me with a coin. From the DNA DOE PROJECT, the coin represents Innovation, Compassion, Integrity, Transparency and Service. I couldn’t be any prouder and happily accepted the coin, from Jennifer.
As Cheryl and I left, John and Jennifer were still standing, next to their vehicle, hugging and emotional. Knowing just how much the wedding ring means to John and Jennifer, I am extremely grateful that I am able to help people like them out, in their time of need.


  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)

TIMING IS IMPORTANT .. call or TEXT Adam ASAP .. 714-785-5111 .. With all the spam calls if I don’t answer please TEXT..

I received a phone call this afternoon from a very nice lady who told me she lost her platinum diamond engagement ring somewhere in her yard while gardening. I grabbed my metal detector and equipment and told her I would be there in 30 min. Once I arrived she said she did not feel her ring come off her finger and was not even sure if she took it off and placed it on a table before gardening, all she knew was it was missing. She showed me the area where she was gardening. I detected her garden and after about 30 minutes I found the ring by a potted plant in mulch.


Adam found my engagement ring in a half hour! He was amazing! I reached out and he called me within a minute, he was here in a half hour, found it half hour later! He was thorough, methodical, so kind and personable. He assured me he would find it and he did. Adam is the man-so awesome. I’m so grateful I found him.

If you lose something of value, I may be able to help you… Call or Text anytime…Adam 714-785-5111

If you need help finding a ring, jewelry or any metallic important item Call or Text me ASAP. I’m always available to help you answer any questions you have about how this service works.  Call a Member of TheRingFinders ..       “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE EXCEPT ALLIGATOR PONDS”

.. Call and Text – Adam someone you can TRUST


Avalon NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call now!


It was a fun day at the beach in Avalon, NJ. Byron was enjoying the sun and sand with his family when disaster struck while he was playing with the kids near the surf – his ring came off! He searched frantically but had no luck. After returning to the house, his brother suggested calling Ring Finders South Jersey for help. Byron got in touch, I got the details, and met him on the beach within 20 minutes. Byron showed me the general location where he lost the ring, and I started to search. Within minutes, I had the ring back on his finger! It was a great ending to a day in Avalon, NJ!  Read more stories of lost rings found in Avalon, NJ.


Wedding Ring found in Fairway KS

  • from Kansas City (Missouri, United States)

Don’s wife contacted me through The Ring Finders to find her husband’s lost wedding ring.  She wasn’t as enthusiastic as one might expect and upon arrival at their home I realized why.  Turns out Don lost his ring about 6 weeks prior and never said anything to his wife, so she wasn’t very happy.

Don told me that while doing some work on their backyard landscaping, he felt the ring slip off his finger.  He was quite confident that he’d find it by just searching but after several hours he wasn’t successful.  He had the idea to search for it at night with a flashlight, but still no joy.  Eventually, he gave up but hadn’t told his wife yet.  When she found out, she sprung into action, found me in our directory and shortly after I was at their door.

Don was very specific about the location where he lost it, a spot with bushes and mulch.  Within 1 minute of turning on my detector, the ring was in his hand.  Likely, in his attempt to find the ring, he inadvertently covered it up even more by moving the mulch.

As I was departing, he thanked me for helping “save” his marriage.  I don’t know if it was quite that drastic but he was obviously very relieved and grateful to have it returned.

Ring found at Shawnee Mission Park

  • from Kansas City (Missouri, United States)

Paul and Anika had a ring exchange ceremony on beautiful Saturday afternoon.  The next day, they enjoyed the day spending time at a local park and lake. Paul discovered he lost his ring but was confident he was wearing it when they entered the park.

We scheduled a time to meet at the park and upon arrival spent about 10 minutes of detecting Q&A to get as much information as possible to narrow the search field.  After about 20 minutes of combing through pull tabs and can slaw, I hit a shallow, solid target but it still couldn’t be seen with the naked eye.  The pinpointer sniffed it out and we had one very happy couple.