Finders Category | Page 418 of 449 | The Ring Finders

Lost Engagement Ring Houston,Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Engagement Ring Houston,Texas (Recovered)

I received an e-mail from Christopher 07/29/2014 Tuesday night regarding his Fiancé’s Lost Engagement Ring. Christopher and I spoke a short time later and he explained he and his Fiancé were playing around in his front yard when her ring came off and was lost in the front lawn. Christopher said he has been looking for the ring for over two days and not be able to find her ring in the deep grass in his front yard. Christopher said after a short internet search he came across “The Ring Finders”

Christopher sent the following photographs Tuesday night of the area that would need to be searched.












07/30/2014 I met with Christopher at his residence this morning and was given an overview of where he believed the ring had been dropped.





























Still learning the ins and outs of the  GoPro



Equipment Used:

Garrett AT Gold

Minelab PinPointer Pro

GoPro Hero 3


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek


Lost Ring in Victoria Found and Returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

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Victoria, B.C. Wednesday July 30th 2014

Adele was visiting Victoria with her daughter (Errin) and grandchildren from Lethbridge Alberta.

July 27th the grandchildren and some neighbourhood children decided to play Princess, using Adele’s jewellery. Mom Erin discovered the kids were playing with her mothers jewellery in the back yard and several items became scattered all over the yard and in the flower gardens.

Everyone searched and most items were recovered, except one very important ring that Adele’s past husband gave her. As you can imagine this ring being the last ring that he gave her before passing was very special and important.

Errin searched the internet and found me on the web site

After getting a message on my Cell Phone to called Adele re a lost ring I arranged a time to search.

About 20 minutes into the search I found this awesome 3 diamond ring.

I love my job, nothing better then a Happy Ending.

Lost Engagement Ring Colorado River Wharton, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Engagement Ring Colorado River Wharton, Texas (Recovered)

I received a call from Sarah Saturday evening who was clearly upset about having just lost her engagement Ring in the Colorado River in Wharton, Texas. Sarah said she and her Fiancé Walsh and several friends were playing in the Colorado River this afternoon when her ring fell off and landed in the river. Sarah said she new the moment it happened and sat down immediately to mark the spot. Another friend found a stick on the shoreline and marked the location in the river as a reference point. (now that was some good teamwork and quick thinking)

Sarah sent the following photographs of the location on the Colorado River, you can just make out the branch in the water where their marker stake was driven into the ground. Sarah wanted an immediate response, but it was already late and working in the dark on the river was not an option.

I met Walsh and Sarah at their River house 07/27/2014 Sunday morning , and was very graciously greeted by both in the driveway of their residence. I found out later the Diamond in Sarah’s engagement had belonged to Walsh’s great grandmother and simply could not be replaced.


































Walsh and I made the descended down to the river. The river crossing wasn’t really bad, mostly only a few feet deep and a nice sandy bottom.

















The beach on the far side was my target for getting set up and establishing my search pattern and grid. Sarah provided oversight from the high bank and would often provide additional search details from her location.














About and hour into the search I got a nice low tone on the CTX3030. I had pulled numerous false signals at this point and I knew this was going to be something different.  The river had a nice sandy bottom, and the current would flush the bucket with little or no effort. I pulled the bucket out of the water looked in it and saw Walsh’s great grandmothers diamond.

A Bear Hug from Walsh immediately followed. 🙂 and then Sarah disappeared from sight on the high bank, turns out she was rolling on the ground overwhelmed with happiness.











































A great couple Walsh and Sarah















Walsh and Sarah were some very kind and friendly people, and it was a pleasure to return something of such great importance back to them.


Equipment Used:

CTX 3030



The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek




Lost Wedding Ring Lake Livingston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

A Wedding Ring Lost 4 years ago in Lake Livingston, Texas (Recovered)



I received a call from Jane regarding her husbands lost wedding ring in Lake Livingston. Jane said her husband had lost his ring off the dock at her parents house on Lake Livingston a little over 4 years ago, She said his birthday was coming up and she was hoping we could find the ring and she could surprise him on his birthday. I asked Jane some additional details about the search and received the following photographs of the search area. Arrangements were made to meet on 07/26/2014 Saturday morning to search for the lost ring. I arrived early Saturday morning and Jane walked with me to the dock and pointed out the area needing to be searched. Jane explained how the ring had been lost and pointed out where in the water she believed the ring may have landed when it came off her husbands hand.










































The search area water depth was between 4 and 5 feet deep in most areas.


The bottom was a thick gumbo mud and sifting the scoop after finding a target was an impossible task. Jane’s brother John assisted in laying out a tarp on the dock were every scoop containing a target was dumped. John used one of my pin-pointers and sifted through the mud hoping to uncover the ring.

A little over an hour into the search, I pulled up another target and sitting right on top of the mud in the scoop was the missing ring.















Some of the many targets found during the search. (sinkers, pennies, bottle caps, and assortments of nuts and bolts)















Jane, brother John and her husbands birthday gift this year.




















Equipment Used:

Minelab Excalibur II

Anderson’s New Extreme Carbon Fiber Detector Shaft

Custom Scoop

GoPro Hero 3



The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek




Unforgettable 4 Year Wedding Anniversary – Lost Ring at Devil’s Lake State Park, Wisconsin Dells

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


Mandy and I were looking forward to a long weekend to celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary.  After enjoying a night at Madison’s Concert on the Square, a round of golf another day and exploring some of Wisconsin’s hidden gems we decided to meet family at Devil’s Lake State Park for a pleasant Saturday afternoon.

The sun was shining and Max (our beagle) was by our side.  After a full day of activities, including Wollersheim Wine, New Glarus Beer and of course cheese curds in hand, we decided to hop in the lake.  Although the water was chilly, the volleyball was flying and we were having a great time.  Not even five minutes in the water, the weekend became ever so memorable.  I turned to Mandy and calmly told her my wedding ring had just flung off my finger. She thought it was a joke until she glanced down at my hand.

I was able to see exactly where my ring hit the glossy water but the vision didn’t last long as it disappeared into the cloudy lake water.  Everyone froze … not a movement was made.  A friendly family on the beach offered their snorkeling gear to us to aid in the search. I stayed put while Mandy and family member Cody swam in circles, periodically coming up for air while trying not to stir up the mucky sand on the lake floor.

We thought it would be easy to spot a shiny ring sitting atop the muck but we were sorely mistaken.  After the remaining afternoon and the entire evening (over 5 hours in total) was spent searching, daylight was gone and we called it quits.  Needless to say the ride home was quiet.

We threw around ideas: “Should we go back and search the next day?”, “Do we call the jewelers right away?”, “Call the insurance company?”.  Late Sunday night as we were getting ready for the week ahead it dawned on us, maybe there are such people as treasure hunters?  It was worth a Google search at least.

Sure enough, the first website that popped up was  We entered Wisconsin Dells as the location and a man by the name of Dan Roekle was revealed.  I got on the phone right away and explained exactly what happened.  His response, “We’ll find it, guarantee it.” While we knew nothing is ever 100%, his statement was enough to bring a huge smile to Mandy’s face.

The very next day, Dan and I coordinated our schedules and decided to meet at Devil’s Lake in the evening. Cody and I headed up to the State Park and after securing the proper paperwork from the Park Warden to use a metal detector in the park, we headed to the infamous spot where my ring was lost. Dan often takes his two children with him on treasure hunts, teaching them patience while having fun at the same time. I stayed back as to not stir up the sand.  After only five minutes, Dan came back with his son by his side and sadly told us the conditions just weren’t ideal that evening to search for the ring.

My heart sank.

Mandy was going to be so disappointed? The ring itself wasn’t important but the sentiment and memories behind it were invaluable.

Not even 10 seconds later with a huge smile on his face, Dan’s son pulled his hand out of the water and revealed my ring!!!  I couldn’t believe it.  After spending our entire Saturday afternoon in the water, it took them only five minutes to locate and dig up my ring, which had sunk about 3 inches below the mucky sand.  I got Mandy on the phone and tried to tell her the conditions just weren’t right.  Of course, she could tell by the tone of my voice that wasn’t the case.  When I told her, she was overjoyed and couldn’t believe how quick the ring was retrieved!  The ring is now safely back on my finger and after four years I finally got it re-sized as to avoid anything like this in the future.

Thank you Dan and family for your enthusiasm and confidence.  Although it’s just a ring, it means a lot to us and we are incredibly grateful for your assistance. One thing is for certain, we will probably never forget our four year wedding anniversary!



Allan and Mandy G.


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Alan’s Text to His Wife Right After Finding the Ring                          The Lost Ring


Metal Detecting Equipment

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Metal Detecting Punta Cana Dominican Republic

One of our sponsor at “The Ring Finders” is Anderson Detector Shafts ( a provider of great metal detecting equipment.

A few months back they sent me a “Test and Evaluation Unit” a travel shaft for the Minelab Excalibur II. I have just recently had the opportunity to use the shaft for one of its intended purposes (traveling). I made a trip over to the Dominican Republic this month for a little R and R and decided to pack up the Excalibur and the new Anderson travel shaft.

As you can see from the photo the Excalibur and the travel shaft packed up nicely into the bottom of a medium sized suit case, I used one of the more modern style suit cases with the hard exterior shell to ensure some protection for the equipment.



















The Excalibur and travel shaft made the trip there and back buried in the suit case with no problems. I spent a few hours playing around on the beach in Punta Cana which was surprising clean with very few targets.  I had a small following of locals who seemed truly fascinated by my ability to pull money out of the earth LOL. I would often with out really looking at what I found throw it to the onlookers. It must have always been something good, because big smiles often followed after they examined their treasure.







































Anderson has just recently sent me their newest Carbon Fiber Detector Shaft, which has three configuration options

Scuba Shaft, Over and Under, a Long Shaft.

With that said, the above pictured Minelab Excalibur Travel Shaft is looking a for a new home within “The Ring Finders”

Send me an email if you can put this detector shaft to work, and I will do a lottery drawing of those who respond and ship you a slightly used

Anderson Excalibur II Travel Shaft.


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek



Metal Detecting Equipment

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Metal Detecting Equipment Houston, Texas (Anderson’s Xtreme Kit for Minelab Excalibur)

One of our sponsor at “The Ring Finders” is Anderson Detector Shafts ( a provider of great metal detecting equipment. They have just sent me there newest Carbon Fiber multi-configuration shaft for the Excalibur II for testing and evaluation.

My initial thoughts after unboxing the detector shaft was WOW. Extraordinary quality, light weight, three configurations, durability for long term use in Salt water. I immediately new this would be the only detector shaft I would ever need for the Excalibur.

The shaft can be configured into any of the following set ups: Scuba Shaft, Over and Under, or the Long Shaft.






























Additional information can be found at:


Ryan at Anderson Detector Shafts will be your point of contact for members of The Ring Finders


Excalibur II users be sure to look at my next post.



John Volek




Diamond Ring lost on Kelowna Beach, Found & Returned to owner.

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

The distress call came in at noon,” I have lost my diamond ring, can you help me “My response was, I will be there in 30 minutes. Michelle was on vacation in Kelowna, from the lower mainland. The temperatures in Kelowna have been over the 35 degrees Celsius, they were at Gyro Beach, so a dip in the lake was in order. Michelle gave her wedding band and engagement ring to her mother for safekeeping, mother put them on a safety pin. When they arrived at the car only the wedding band was on the pin. I arrived and they showed me the part of the beach where they were sitting, hoping that the ring would be at that location. Talk about lucky within two minutes the ring was returned to the exited Michelle. My reward was the smile on her face, and the applause of all the people on the beach who all tried to find the ring.

Book of smiles 2Michelle (2)

Newspaper Article – From Delight to Despair – Castle Rock Lake Lost Ring Search

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)

We were recently featured in a local paper, the Juneau County Star Times.  They wrote up a nice article about our Castle Rock Lake recovery.  Click on the link below for the complete article.





Lost Ladies Gold Wedding Band & Engagement Ring Set Recovered In Fort Bragg, Nc on Base on 7/12/2014

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

006This is going to be a short Blog. I recieved a from a MR. Derick M. & his wife a couple days ago about a lost set of rings.. For privacy reasons I won’t go into detail on how the ring was lost but when I got there , Derick had walked me through the story and I began my search.. within the first 5 minutes of my search I found the first ring which was the wedding band.. After about another hour of seaching for the engagement ring part I had found it.. The set was recovered and I was happy to help..