palladium ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost palladium ring found in a Lyons Il

  • from Chicago (Illinois, United States)

Lost palladium ring in a Lyons, Illinois parking lot, deep snow, fortunately it was not plowed yet.

Metal Detector Rental Vancouver, BC… Lost Rings Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist, most people buy or rent and metal detector to find their lost ring.  When they do not find it, out of desperation they call me for help.  When I find it they ask me why did you find it and we couldn’t? I have close to 50 years experience in metal detecting, the equipment is only as good as the person using it. If you’ve never used a Metal Detector it’s not as easy as one would think, there’s a lot more to it than just swing the loop.

This ring was lost under a patio in loose rocks and leaves, the young man went under there for a little while but cannot find it. When I got there I search the outside edges of the patio and then I took my search under the patio. After a short time I got a signal my hand held pin pointer and found his ring under some rocks and leaves. It’s amazing how these rings disappear from sight and find a hiding place where people can’t see it.












Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.

Palladium Ring Lost Covell’s Beach, Craigville, Massachusetts: Found & Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Beyond belief is my take on this return, but you will have to decide for yourself.

I was called by Alec in hope that I could find his ring. I was on my way out to find a diamond engagement ring and did not take the usual information that I should have from Alex. That being said I was on my way to search for both rings. After successfully finding the ring first in fresh water I was on my way to the sound side of the Cape. I could not talk my way past the gate guard so I saw two women talking in front of two empty parking spaces in a private residential area. I asked if I could park in their area. After telling them about they agreed and saved me the $25 parking fee.

I searched for about an hour and half before finding a wedding band. I did not pay much attention to the ring, put it into my pocket and started to leave the beach. An the way out I chatted with a lifeguard and told her I had found the ring I was looking for. She then told me that there was a silver ring in the lifeguard house. We chatted with the gate guard and two other lifeguards. The gate guard said he would let me in without charge the next time I needed a parking space.

Believe it or not I left the ring on the wall were we all were talking, At the car I realized what I had done, ran back to meet one of the lifeguards coming toward me with the ring. Back again at the car and I was on my way home. At a stop light I re-read the little information I had from Alec. It was then I realized I had found a ring that was not Alec’s. Alec’s ring is Palladium, not Gold. Dang, the ring is the lifeguard shack must be Alec’s. But the lifeguard had mentioned Len as the person they had tried to call.

It turned out Len is Alec’s uncle and it was he that left contact information with the lifeguards two days after the ring had been lost. I went back to the beach the next day, confirmed via a picture and e-mails that the Palladium was indeed Alec’s. They gave me the ring and I will give it to Alec’s father on Saturday when he returns to the Cape for the week. The ring will be carried back to Alec when his brother returns home on Sunday. I will then be sent a big, wonderful smile in picture form as the ring goes back on Alec’s finger. All this just one month before Alec’s 5th anniversary.


Palladium Wedding Found in Double Oak, Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)



We got a call from a wonderful lady that said her husband (a pilot) had lost his ring while working in their front yard.  He was standing in a culvert ditch tossing some large rocks from one side of the driveway to the other and felt his ring slid off; he said he heard it “tink” twice but never saw it land.  He and his family searched for months looking for the ring without luck. He bought a cheap metal detector himself  but without success, his father-in-law came over with another detector but had no luck either.  Months past and his wife was playing around on the internet and found “The Ring Finders” website and called us.

We arrived and met with the couple, I truly think the husband felt is was a lost cause.  The ring had be lost for over 6 months. With the snowy/wet weather we have had this year he felt it was lost forever.

My wife & I got our Garrett Detectors and went to searching; we checked everywhere the husband said he thought is might be but had no luck.  So we went back over to where he stated he had been standing originally when he lost the ring.   The ditch was knee deep in leaves, trash, mud and an 18-inch metal pipe that went under their driveway.   After scanning over that area many times we decided everything had to come out of the ditch due to way too many hits on trash.  So on our hands and knees we began to pull out all the leaves and junk using our Garrett pinpointers to check every handful of trash for the ring.  After a short time I saw something shiny and I told my wife “I Got It”.  There stuck in the mud, 5-8 inches down in the muck, right where the husband had been standing throwing the rocks was his ring.  The “Tinking Sound” he heard must have been the ring hitting the metal culvert not the driveway as he thought.  The ring was in great shape.

And for the fun part, we went up to the door and rang the bell, the wife came to the door and she said “No Luck Huh” and we just smiled and I open my hand revealing her husbands “Palladium Wedding Ring”, she said “Oh my gosh, let me go get him”  he was thrilled and we had “Another Successful Hunt for the the Dallas Ring Finders”.

God I love this hobby!

Till next time, detectors ON!

Don & Ellen