Lost gold Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Diamond/Garnet Gold Ring flys away

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We are off to a an exciting 2025, so many calls this year already.

This afternoon we got a call from a lady who said 3 days ago she was working in her very large front yard, clearing weeds and frozen plants clean-up.  At the end of the day she realized her Ring Guard and her Diamond/Garnet center Ring were gone off her hand,

Very distraught, she search and searched, she even purchased a metal detector and it totally confused her because she had no one to teach her how to use it.  She had her husband and children out searching but no luck.  Her husband finally said ”just hire a professional”.  So she searched the internet and found The Ring Finders and called us.

As luck would have it we were only 20 minutes away having just finished another Ring find.  So we immediately went over and did our search.  After just a few passes through the yard and flower beds, when I got a solid 45 Gold Signal on our Garrett AT Pro.  We were able to put a big smile on her face that made our day….we love our hobby.

Lost Cartier bracelet on Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

During a bachelorette party in Miami Beach, the bride to be lost her Cartier love bracelet.  She was able to find half of it, but after an hour of looking for the other half someone recommended my service to her ( they had actually lost a ring a few years ago and I found it for them as well, what are the odds).  After a few minutes of detecting the area I was able to find it for her.  If you lost something on the beach or in the water give me a call/text, Louis 305-608-1870 and I’ll come out and find your lost item.  Check out my other post of my over 100 successful recoveries.

Lost Aggie Ring to the Yellow Duckies

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

What a fun search, we got a call from a retired Fire Chief in Lewisville, Texas.  He was helping out with a community Fundraiser where they pushed 40,000 Yellow Duckies off the falls and each duck had a value, they raised over $200,000 but our Aggie while pushing the final Duckies off the falls his Aggie Ring flew off into the pond.
He was very distraught over loosing his ring and tried to rent a Metal Detector but not knowing how to use it was a challenge, he actually was talking to the Fire Department Rescue Scuba Divers about trying to find it for him when he found “The Ring Finders” and called us.

Ellen and I met him on Tuesday morning and found his ring, I love what we do….

Another Successful Find for the Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Band returned to Owner who is in Hospice

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

    Today we drove 3 hours to find a gentleman’s Wedding Ring he lost gardening 6-8 months ago.  Today unfortunately his health has driven him into a Hospice situation.  His wife and adult children really wanted to have the ring found before he passes.   When his wife answered the door she broke down crying, “just knowing we were there to search for the ring”,  it was literally 100 degrees.  We began our search through the sticky blueberry bushes and all over the 3 acres.  The wife came out to speak with us, as Ellen was speaking to her, I continued to search.  And praise God not 10 feet from where she was standing I got a Gold Signal.  I reached down and got a really big smile on my face knowing  I had just found the ring.  The lady nearly jumped into my arms when we showed what we had found.  We so love what we get to do. Read the rest of this entry »

iPhone 11 Recovered from South Lake Union Seattle WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


iPhone 11 Recovered from South Lake Union Seattle WA

SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call 206-618-8194 ASAP

Watch this episode of the SeattleRingHunter “iPhone 11 Recovered from South Lake Union Seattle WA”

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In the middle of high season the SeattleRingHunter gets another call out for a dock dropped iPhone in Lake Union. As this was a dock drop midweek with a busy schedule I opted to take some of my special recovery tools to see if we could “fish” the iPhone 11 off the bottom of the lake without having to do a SCUBA recovery. SCUBA recovery is a labor intensive endeavor requiring a lot of gear to be loaded, transported, as a full cold water diver there is a fair bit of gear used during the search including labor efforts for the tare down after the dive, proper post dive maintenance and stowing of my gear back at my hide out. 

By picking the low hanging fruit first I can often times be more efficient on my recovery efforts. If a plan fails I gain some valuable knowledge on how to modify my process for the next go around. The reassuring comfort I carry is the fact that I have a fall back plan allowing me to offer a full underwater dive recovery effort as needed. 

Come along for another exciting classic water recovery as we go fishing for a dock dropped iPhone 11 in the lake!

Call now 206-618-8194 to discuss your specific lost item recovery needs!



CALL 206-618-8194

YouTube: #SeattleRingHunter

Professional lost item recovery of items of value, jewelry, rings, necklace, charms, earrings, watches, keepsakes, wallets, cell phones, hearing aids, car keys and more.

Metal detection, experienced SCUBA recovery diver for hire, lost in house, lost in car, lost on land, dropped in the lake, lost in the snow, and items thrown in anger.

Serving the Pacific North West WA state, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Bellevue, Everett, Redmond, Auburn, Renton, Sumner, Tukwila, Federal Way, Fife, Milton, Puyallup, Bony Lake, Graham, Parkland, White Center, Mercer island, Tulalip, Crystal Mountain, Summit at Snoqualmie, Newcastle, Edmonds, Bothell, Enumclaw, Montlake Terrace, Mukiteo, Kingston, West Seattle, Alki, Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, Issiquah, Lake Union, Arlington, North Gate, Green Lake Park, Gas Works Park Seattle, Wallingford, Golden Gardens Park, Carkeek Park, Denny Park, Juanita Beach Park, Kenmore, Whidbey Island, Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard, Kirkland, Duvall, Snoqualmie, Preston, North Bend, Puget Sound and many more…

I lost my ring how do I find it with a metal detector in the yard, snow, lake and sand. I need an experienced recovery SCUBA diver near me to find my lost wedding ring, cell phone, wallet and car keys.

January 5, 2024

Merry Christmas 2023 from Seattle Ring Hunter

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)

SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call 206-618-8194 ASAP












Your Pacific North West lost item recovery specialist wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Call now 206-618-8194 to discuss your specific lost item recovery needs!

Professional lost item recovery of items of value, jewelry, rings, necklace, charms, earrings, watches, keepsakes, wallets, cell phones, hearing aids, car keys and more.

Metal detection, experienced SCUBA recovery diver for hire, lost in house, lost in car, lost on land, dropped in the lake, lost in the snow, and items thrown in anger.

Serving the Pacific North West WA state, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Bellevue, Everett, Redmond, Auburn, Renton, Sumner, Tukwila, Federal Way, Fife, Milton, Puyallup, Bony Lake, Graham, Parkland, White Center, Mercer island, Tulalip, Crystal Mountain, Summit at Snoqualmie, Newcastle, Edmonds, Bothell, Enumclaw, Montlake Terrace, Mukiteo, Kingston, West Seattle, Alki, Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, Issiquah, Lake Union, Arlington, North Gate, Green Lake Park, Gas Works Park Seattle, Wallingford, Golden Gardens Park, Carkeek Park, Denny Park, Juanita Beach Park, Kenmore, Whidbey Island, Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard, Kirkland, Duvall, Snoqualmie, Preston, North Bend, Puget Sound and many more…

I lost my ring how do I find it with a metal detector in the yard, snow, lake and sand. I need an experienced recovery SCUBA diver near me to find my lost wedding ring, cell phone, wallet and car keys.

December 25, 2023

Metal Detecting Lost Gold Family Heirloom Ring…Found in Accokeek, Maryland

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Howard’s 10 karat yellow gold family heirloom diamond ring once owned by his late grandfather successfully recovered in the backyard by ring finder Brian Rudolph.

Brian Rudolph’s client, Howard, smiling from ear to ear knowing that his much cherished gold and diamond family heirloom ring was back on his finger!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Howard was playing with his boys in the backyard of their house when his 10 karat yellow gold family heirloom diamond ring flew off of his pinky finger when one of his boys bumped into Howard’s hand.

This ring (which he inherited 2 years ago from his parents – once owned and worn by his late grandfather who passed away nearly 20 years ago) meant everything to Howard.

The family searched the grass for a couple of hours, but all of their efforts led to no avail. The very handsome yellow gold and diamond ring could not be found anywhere on the back lawn.

At some point that same afternoon, Howard had the wisdom within to search the internet for some metal detecting help. He found the elite international directory of metal detectorists called THE RING FINDERS. That is when he was able to locate my services and immediately gave me a call for help.

Early the next morning, at 6:00 a.m., I drove to Accokeek, Maryland with the mission in mind to recover and return Howard’s very sentimental keepsake. After showing me the approximate location of where he was standing when the ring flew off of his finger, the two of us asked the Lord to assist me in being able to help my desperate client recover his lost ring. Then, I then began to metal detect the very thick grass before me.

Within a few minutes, I hit a very strong signal that I clearly identified as most likely being Howard’s late grandfather’s gold and diamond ring! I knelt down in the grass, took my pinpointer out, and carefully inspected the area deep below the thick blades of grass. There it was! I found it! Howard’s 10 karat yellow gold halo was a beautiful sight below the grass line!

Howard could not have been more grateful for the work that I did to bring his favorite piece of jewelry (besides his wedding band) back to his pinky finger! My early morning mission was fully accomplished and my client and I took a moment to thank the Lord for helping me with my metal detecting skills to help my new friend Howard recover his very handsome family heirloom ring!


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Grandmothers Ring slides into Cedar Creek Lake, Tx

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got a call from a mom who was so upset, her daughter had been at a Labor Day Swim party at Cedar Creek Lake, and the group of teenagers decided to take a midnight swim.  While sitting on the swim platform of the ski boat tied off at the dock.  A boy reached up and grabbed her hand and pulled her into the water.  As Alina was going under she her grandmother’s ring slid off.  She screamed and all of her friends tried searching for the ring. The water was about 5 feet deep with ZERO Visibility.

She then had to call her mother in tears and tell her that Grandma’s ring was gone.

I fully believe that Mom was more upset than the daughter.  Mom calls us and we set a time to come out to the lake 4 days after the loss.  The drive was 2 hours, but the subdivision was beautiful and the water was like glass… BUT BUT BUT the dock was a single dock that pitchforked out into 4 more docks and the daughter was not completely sure which dock they had been swimming on since it was dark.

I began my search using my ATPro, and water scoop.  The bottoms were 18inches of mush, like wet mash potatoes.  I began clearing all the normal junk.  Soda & Beer cans, nails, and junk.  After 4 hours of going over and over and increasing my search grid area with every pass.  I was about to call it quits, the mom had come over and said she understood I had gone above and beyond in my search and understood if I need to call it.

I said I wanted to do one more pass, I had one signal that was funky and I just wanted to pull it out to be sure I would have no regrets in my search.  I made my last scoop and nearly could not lift the 30 pounds of muck, had to use my hand to squish the much through my fingers and suddenly I saw the glint of a ring.

I called the daughter and the mom over and had them explain one more time what happened and then I said… “I have a question for you ….. “Does it look like this?”  And screams and tears began to flow… mom and daughter hugged and cried tears of joy.

Another successful find for the Dallas Ring Finders.

3 Rings Lost in Apt Yard in Dallas, Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got a call today from a gentleman who was inquiring about our services, said he lost 3 rings in his apartment complex common area.  Something did not sound right about his story so I inquired further, letting him know that 50% of our business is from people who throw their rings, primarily women.  Letting him know I was not here to judge anyone, but that we just needed the facts so we could find the rings.

I arrived within the hour and met the young man, he ask me not to discuss the thrown rings with his wife as she was embarressed. I assured him that I would be very discrete.  I began my search by scanning the open areas between the bushes where an extreme amount of sticker vines intertwined in the bushes.  Having cleared the open areas I scanned the bushes themselves going all around the bushes.  But still no luck.  I have to then begin pushing my ATPro Detector into the bushes as far down as possible.  I then began removing all the major surface trash(tons of it).  Finally, I spotted a glint of gold between the hard stalks of the bushes… so the first of 3 rings were found.

Continuing on, I was on my knees (thank God for good Knee Pads), using my Garrett Pinpointer, and began searching by hand,  pushing my pinpointer into the bushes.  My arms were severely scratched up and bleeding (looked a lot worst than it really was), Then I found the Diamond Ring… only one more to go.  I searched and searched, it was 102 degrees and the customers were watching my every move.

I was nearly ready to quit but the client had rented an ACE250 and he began searching as well, so I continued.  There was a 4-5 ft drop-off down to a grassy area next to a sidewalk, then more grass and a pond.  The customer drop down to the lower grassy area to check there, based on the small stature of the lady who threw the rings,  I did not really think she could throw a thin band gold ring that far.  When all of a sudden her husband hollers “I found it”,  it was actually his ring which was much heavier and had flown down to the grassy area.

We never care who finds the rings, we just want them to get them found.

So the lesson here is to ask for pictures of the missing rings before your search…

But another Successful Find for the Dallas Ring Finders”

Don & Ellen Wilson

Cedar Creek Lake – Platinum and Diamond Ring Missing

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

Well, this was our 2nd attempt to find this $5,400 Platinum Ring with Diamonds. The owner had called and explained that the motor on his small 12-foot boat quit on him just 2 docks from his home.  His boat was still slowly moving in the water while he attempted to restart the engine and after several hard pulls on the start cord (with no luck) his anger increased. He jerked the starting cord one last time and as he did he felt his ring fly off into the water. He felt he knew exactly where the ring went down but after an exhaustive water search with both our Garrett ATPro and our Excalibur II in the deeper water area(s) we cleared every signal with no luck.  We scanned every area 4 to 5 times.

The only thing we can say is that possibly we were in the wrong location(?). With the boat moving and the anger seeping in along with the strength of the last jerk on the cord, that ring could be anywhere in a 50ft by 300ft area in black water.

I believe when we go back, and we will go back, we will extensively widen out our search area… it’s got to be there…we will find it.

We do not always win but we will give our all to every search.

Don & Ellen

Dallas Ring Finders