metal detector rental central Florida Tag | The Ring Finders

Thrown ring into woods, Paisley, Florida…Found with a metal detector and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)












It happens allot…rings get thrown into the water, into the woods and into grass yards and parks all over the world and most of the time the rings are never found! But there is hope when you call or text a ring finder because this is what we love to do…help people who find themselves in this very sort of situation!

Mike texted me to ask if I could help find his wife’s diamond engagement ring in the woods behind their home. Seems there was some sort of misunderstanding and the end result was a lost ring in the woods. First off I asked a few questions like: What time of the day or night did this happen? Did you or your wife actually see it as it flew through the air and into the woods? Did your wife play softball in high school? I encouraged them that the answers to these questions would help determine the likely hood of actually finding their lost ring and with the information they gave me I felt fairly confident that I could find their lost ring.

Mike and his family live out in the country and the small area where the ring was thrown was littered with dead branches and vines, small trees and a few palmetto palms as well. My first task was to clear the underbrush away and cut a few low hanging palm fronds so I could effectively swing my metal detector. It took about 15 minutes to cover the target area and I was beginning to think that either the ring bounced off of one of the small trees or maybe she actually threw her ring in a different direction. The ground was relatively free of any metal targets so I was very confident that if my metal detector went over it I would hear the signal and easily uncover it among the leaves. Thirty minutes passed and I called Mike out to verify the direction and Mike indicated it could have gone off to the left more. So as I started searching off to the left I looked over to where I had previously searched and noticed a 6 foot palm tree that had broken branches going up the sides and I had swung my detector casually along the sides but thought I had better check it more thoroughly just to be sure. I started at the bottom and poked my Garrett pin pointer into each opening where the dead branches were and made my way around and all the way to the very top and low and behold a slight beep came from my pin pointer! No way, I thought! And as I poked it around closer the beeping increased. I could not see into the small opening but was able to stick my finger down into the space and as I removed the leaves and debris I got a short glimpse of something shiny and then I saw the diamond!! Mike and Candace were thrilled t have their beautiful diamond engagement ring back once again! I give God the credit for prompting me to investigate that palm tree and for allowing me to be a blessing and encouragement to this dear young couple.

Lost something and need my help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of

Lost Rings in the grass, Orlando, Florida….Found with Metal Detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Don’t wait until tomorrow because time will work against you! Please call ASAP…Call Now…321-363-6029

Gabi called me to ask if I was available to help her find some lost rings. She and her fiancee had spent an evening enjoying some of the Orlando Florida attractions and as they were walking back to their car they had a disagreement and Gabi’s engagement ring and her fiancee’s ring ended up lost in the thick saint Augustine grass! They spent the rest of the evening and into the dark searching for their rings..and even went back the next day! Gabi decided to check into renting a metal detector and that is when she came across website and after reading a couple of my stories she gave me a call and we were able to meet up that afternoon. I was hoping Gabi could bring her fiancee as well because it is most always best to get two people’s opinions on the situation instead of just one. After meeting up and driving to the location I began my search along a long stretch of grass just to the side of a busy road and soon realized that there were allot of targets that sounded similar to a lady’s gold ring. I asked Gabi what her ring was made of and she said she thought it was either white gold or silver, she wasn’t real sure. So I decided to investigate every shallow signal reading in the mid to high range and I used my pin pointer allot day! It took a good hour and a half to thoroughly cover the whole area and I could see that Gabi was beginning to lose hope of me ever finding their lost rings and then…BOOM! I got a sweet, shallow, small silver reading and at first glance I could only see some sort of tape or paper and after a closer look I saw a flash of a diamond. I reached down and picked up Gabi’s lost engagement ring and held it up for her to see and I asked, “Is this your ring?” Gabi was overcome with emotion and knelt beside me and gave me a long hug and all I could say was, “Thank you God for helping me find this young lady’s ring!!” Ten minutes later I got another solid, shallow high tone and there was Gabi’s fiancee’s ring down in the thick grass. This time I let Gabi use my pin pointer to do a final location and what a thrill to see the sheer joy and relief and happiness in her face!

Have you lost a ring or phone or keys in the grass, in your car or in the sand and need help?

Call or text ASAP at 321-363-6029 and lets talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe….blessed to be a member of

Lost diamond ring in yard, Ocoee, Florida….amazingly found by owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Lost your ring, or other valuable jewelry, cell phone, keys or other metal object…call or text Mike McInroe at 321-363-6029 ASAP! I am a ring recovery specialist serving all of central Florida and beyond!

I was called to help Will and Rachel look for their lost diamond engagement ring and they described to me that it went flying across the yard and was nowhere to be found! (Every search for rings is completely different and this one was no exception!). Will told me that he had even bought himself a cheap metal detector and spent a few frustrating hours trying to figure out how to operate the machine. Later that evening they decided to go online and search for someone to help them and they discovered website. He read some of my stories and decided to give me a call and that led to meeting up the next day at their home. On this occasion I decided to invite my dear wife, of 42 years, to go along and she agreed to accompany me! Will and Rachel were very pleasant, friendly and super thankful to have more help in their desperate search and after a few minutes I began my systematic grid search of the front yard. I spent over an hour covering the whole front lawn, the flower beds, the neighbors yard and even out into the street….and no ring! It was there somewhere but I just could not seem to find it. I mentioned to my dear wife to take Rachel and look over the street really good and then to check the other side of the road as well. A few minutes later we heard Rachel let out a scream, “I found It!”! And sure enough there it was on the edge of the street laying plainly in the open so anyone could see it…waiting for Rachel to come along and pick it up! How I thank God for allowing us to be a help and encouragement to Will and Rachel and to see them smiling and happy once again!

Call or text me ASAP and lets talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe….thankful to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in Ocean, St Augustine, Florida….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mellisa and her husband were enjoying a beautiful day at the beach and while walking their two large dogs the unexpected happened! As they were splashing water on the two dogs in the ankle deep surf, Ian actually felt his ring come off of his finger but he did not have any idea where it landed. All he remembered was how deep the water was and that it happened around 3:30 in the afternoon. Plus they figured they were “in front off” a certain hotel during their play time with their dogs.

When Mellisa called me and asked for my help I knew it was important to get out and search ASAP and since I already had plans for the evening I encouraged her to contact one of the members of theringfinders in the St. Augustine area. And thankfully she was able to talk to Barbara who passed her request on to a friend named Dick who enjoys helping with beach searches. Dick was able to meet Ian and Mellisa and looked for an hour and a half but did not find Ian’s lost wedding ring. The couple had to leave back to Georgia and Dick was planning to come back in a day or two to look again. And it just so happened that I got a call from someone in the Jacksonville area so I decided to stop by the beach and help Barbara and Dick look. When I arrived they were both swinging their metal detectors and had basically covered all the logical areas where Ian said they were while splashing their dogs. He had previously indicated that he was in ankle deep water just after high tide so that would have put them up on the wet sand. We spent another good 90 minutes and Dick thought maybe he would wander down towards the waters edge and detect some and BANG… he got a solid signal and was totally surprised to see a chunky man’s yellow gold ring in his scoop! Could it possibly be Ian’s lost wedding ring?!! He called me over to have a look and I was shocked how far towards the water the ring was. Come to find out the beach had a first sand bar that would have separated two places where Ian could have actually been in ankle deep water during the time he indicated–so I learned something new that day that will help me in future searches!

It was great to meet Barbara from St. Augustine and Dick who loves to metal detect and they both enjoy looking for and returning lost rings to their rightful owners! Two very wonderful people who share the same passion and hobby that I myself do!

Do you need help finding something that you lost? Call or text me ASAP!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in ocean, Toronita Beach, Fl….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I received an email from Omar stating, “I just realized this morning that I lost my wedding ring. It probably happened at Toronita Beach yesterday evening. The tide was high and I was boogie boarding. Please call me if you think there is a chance that you can find it.” It was close to midnight when I read Omar’s plea for help and I answered immediately wanting to encourage and instill some hope. I always start by asking some very pertinent questions like…What time of the day were you in the water? Did you feel your ring come off? How large of an area did you swim in and how long were you in the water? How deep was the water where you were boogie boarding and how far out did you go? Thankfully Omar responded early the next morning and gave very descriptive answers to all my questions regarding the how, when and where! And one key piece of information about their boogie boarding was he and his daughters were trying to see how far they could ride the waves all the way to the wet sand. With that knowledge and the fact they were in the water at “high tide” put the target area in a much easier part of the beach to metal detect, especially at low tide!

The next morning I met Omar at the beach, two hours before low tide, and he showed me the area where he and his family spent the evening boogie boarding. One thing he did mention was that while they were in the water he remembered a yellow house up past the dunes and they never went past the south side of that property. So that gave me a starting point. I promptly set up some flags in the sand every 15 feet apart until I had an area approximately 150 feet wide. By this time low tide was an hour away and I was hoping and praying that his ring would be somewhere in the wet sand area. After saying a prayer with Omar in the parking lot I geared up and started my systematic grid search and worked my way from the first flag and headed out to the waters edge and back. It took about an hour to cover half of the area and I managed to find a few coins and the occasional rusty nail. At one point I popped out a large gold hoop earring and just the edge was exposed in the sand and I thought, “There is Omar’s ring!” But false alarm! Fifteen minutes later I got a great signal on my Whites TDI Beach Hunter metal detector and low and behold it was Omar’s beautiful gold ring!

Omar put it this way….”After over 21 years, I lost my ring for the first time. My wife sympathetically searches my brain and our house but the ocean waves are the thief. First reaction horror. Then disbelief, confusion, disappointment, frustration. Hopelessness pairs with helplessness until I arrive at a desperate web search. Do I dare to hope? I send out an SOS email. Mike responds with a shower of useful questions. I carefully respond to each one. He graciously responds building cautious optimism. “God willing I will find your ring.” We meet at the beach. The search process begins. His faith and experience at work. I retreat back to my job, un-expectantly settled and able to focus. Excited about premonition in my life. In just a few hours Mike unearths a victory. I become like a little child filled with an excitement not felt in decades. The ring is not just a comfortable object, but symbolic of so much more to me. How is it that humans come to value a thing whose true worth is not known until it is lost and then found. Read Luke 15 to understand. Sincerely, Omar”

How I thank God for giving me the opportunity to meet and help Omar and his dear family.
Maybe you need hope and help to find something you’ve lost.
Give me a call, text or email ASAP!
Mike McInroe,
Honored to be a member of

Lost rings in grass, Orlando, Florida…….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Heidi called me Saturday afternoon and asked if there was any chance I could help her find two very important rings in some thick grass. I assured her I would come right away and off I went. Here is the story in Heidi’s own words.

“At the close of a recent trip to Disney, my husband and I were walking along a path back to our resort, (Shades of Green) to pick up our luggage and make our way to the airport for an afternoon flight home. I carelessly took off my engagement ring, (and therefore, anniversary band, which I wear above it) to wipe something off of the stone. When my husband warned me to worry about that later because I might drop them, I jumped off the path into the grass and juggled them around, in what I intended to be good-natured teasing. Then, like clock work, I dropped them! Even though I had what I thought was a perfect idea of where they landed, the deep Florida grass ate them up and a couple of hours (and a missed flight) later we still had nothing to show for our “hands-and-knees search! Needless to say, my husband and I were both in panic mode. A quick google search led me to Mike, and what a godsend! Not only did he answer his phone right away, but he dropped everything to come out and help us right away as well!

As soon as he arrived, his friendly and helpful demeanor, clear knowledge and positive attitude put us at ease immediately. We just knew he would find them! Even with the electrical interference and underground lighting and sprinkler systems of the resort, he found both rings in under a half hour and in the dark! We were able to hop on a flight later that evening and get home before my husband’s military leave ended-saving us even more trouble. Mike totally saved us from what could have been an absolutely disastrous ending to the trip! We went from thinking that the ring my husband proposed with was gone forever, to being back in our home state of Virginia only a few hours later all safe and sound! Thank you so much Mike”

Lost something recently? Call ASAP! Mike McInroe….thrilled to be a member of

Lost engagement and wedding rings in yard, St. Augustine, Fl…..Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mrs. Connie called me Friday afternoon from St. Augustine with a very special request. Apparently on Wednesday Mrs. Connie had walked down their driveway to check the mail box and as she was walking back to the house she spotted some weeds and palm debris in one of her flower beds. She carefully set her mail and glasses on the edge of the concrete and proceeded to pull the weeds and pick up the debris. Then she said she walked over to the fence and with her left hand she threw the sticks and weeds. And as she swung her arm in a side ways motion, she felt her rings come off of her finger. (Usually when ever Mrs. Connie would do any type of yard work she would leave her rings inside the house but not this time!) Mr. Bill, Mrs. Connie’s husband, had this ring made special for their wedding and the rather large diamond was from his late mother’s wedding ring, so you can imagine the pain they felt in not being able to find the lost rings!
The next day they purchased a small metal detector from a local store and tried their best to locate the rings…but they turned up empty handed. Their search for help led them to and a member in the St. Augustine area. That member was not able to help them so Mr. Bill clicked on one of my stories and they decided to give me a call—and thankfully they did.
After meeting this very special couple and getting more specific details on how and where the rings were lost, I started my search. Mr. Bill had cut down the thick brush and grass and I was confident the rings were there, but my first pass of the target area turned up zip, zilch, nada! Again I figured I needed to expand the search area and sure enough I got a nice platinum signal, 20 feet from where she tossed the debris. There hidden in the long grass was Mrs. Connie’s lost diamond engagement ring! And then no more than four feet away was her wedding ring, just waiting to be found. What an honor it was to help such a lovely couple and to see the huge smiles on their faces. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to help you and thank you for your generous reward! God Bless you both! Mike McInroe—grateful to be a member of

Lost wedding ring, Longwood, Fl…….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Allot of rings are lost playing volleyball and unfortunately many times the rings are never found by their rightful owners. Some owners try their hardest to sift thru the sand using their fingers and rakes in a desperate attempt to locate their precious rings. There are a few people who actually find their rings and are so relieved, vowing to never wear their ring and play volleyball at the same time-ever again! But most poor souls figure their rings are gone forever–never to be seen again.
Josh was sort of in this final stage. He and his friends had looked the court over the day he lost his ring and then he went out and rented a metal detector and searched the most likely spots over again. Still no ring! He determined his ring was gone! But his story does not end there.
Last week I got a call from Alex who had lost a couple of rings during a recent move. Unfortunately I was not able to find his rings, but as we were talking he remembered this other guy Josh, who had lost his wedding ring while playing volleyball the same night that Alex had played. So I inquired about the name of the park and as I drove away from Alex’s home I figured — there’s no better time to go check this other lost ring out than right now. It was only three miles out of my way and as I drove into “Merrill Park” I could see it was well taken care of. I donned my “Ring Finders” hat, grabbed my clip board and headed for the park office. I met the park manager, Richard, and told him I was here to help look for a recent lost ring on one of the volleyball courts and he immediately told me which court it was lost on and wished me good luck! (Most sand volleyball courts are some of the easiest places to search for lost rings and things. One has to dig every signal and remember to set your detector to it’s highest settings possible cause lost items get pushed deep by all the foot traffic.) It took a good 30 minutes to search the inside of the court and it was as clean as a whistle! I then started on the sandy outer area hoping that the ring had landed there. (Around two sides of the court was a tall chain link fence with thick brush on the other side and if the ring went thru or over the fence–it would have turned into a very, very difficult search!) Twenty minutes later I got an excellent signal and brushing the sand away revealed Josh’s ring! As I talked to the park manager he was able to give me Josh’s phone number and I gave him a call. Josh was so surprised and thrilled to hear that his ring had been found and we made arrangements to meet the next day. Thank you so much Josh for the generous reward! Lost something recently? Call, text or e-mail me—ASAP!
Mike McInroe–thankful to be a member of

Lost wedding ring, St. Augustine, Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Rob gave me a call and asked if there was any way I could help him find his lost wedding ring. Apparently while herding some horses on a small ranch where he and his wife live and work, his ring slipped off of his finger and landed into the soft sandy Florida dirt. He was amazed at how fast it disappeared and even knowing about where it landed, his efforts to find his ring in the sandy soil were futile.
About a week later, while searching the internet, Rob found one of my search and recovery stories on web site. And that’s when he discovered that there is an amazing service of metal detectorists who help people find their lost rings.
As Rob explained what happened the day he lost his ring, I felt quite confident that his lost ring could be found. And this was great news to Rob! Especially as he had only been wearing it for two months.
Two hours later I arrived at the small horse ranch and met Rob. As I gathered my gear and followed Rob down a narrow sandy trail- I could not help but notice how peaceful and quiet a place this was. The smell of fresh straw and the unmistakable odor of horses gave me a calm feeling of being way out in the country. As we got closer to the gate, Rob showed me exactly what he did the day he lost his ring. The area was no more than 15 feet square and would not take long to search. And sure enough I walked no more than 5 feet when I got my first signal. It came in around 16 on my Whites DFX metal detector and I was almost certain it was Rob’s lost ring. And as I kicked back the sand, there was Rob’s ring. So glad to be able to help you Rob and it was a pleasure finding your ring!
Lost something special? Call or e-mail me ASAP!
Mike McInroe, proud member of

Lost ring in lake…Casselberry, Florida…Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Tanae was relaxing on the dock with her two boys, enjoying the warm sun and the beautiful lake view, when all of a sudden her youngest son bumped into her. Normally this would not have been a big deal, but Tanae was fiddling with her ring and the innocent bump was enough to cause her to drop her ring. And as most docks are constructed of wooden lumber there are always spaces between the boards and invariably when something falls it will find one of those tiny cracks!
Tanae could not believe what had just happened and a feeling of panic gripped her heart. She tried getting into the water and feeling around but soon realized it was too deep and the bottom was very soft and full of mud and debris.
In her desperate need to get her ring back, Tanae searched the internet for someone to help and that lead her to web site. She contacted me and we made arrangements to meet at the park. I tried to reassure Tanae that I would do my best to find her lost ring. I loaded up my van with my wetsuit, Tesoro Tiger Shark metal detector, scoop, towels and other gear and headed to the park. Thankfully it was a very warm, sunny day and even though the water was cold I was prepared to get wet. I arrived at the park and checked out the dock and water as I waited for Tanae. Not knowing which end of the small dock to search under I decided to check the depth with my pvc pole and realized that the bottom dropped off very quickly.
So when Tanae arrived and showed me the corner of the dock where she was sitting I was very thankful that it was towards the shallower end. I entered the cold water and swung the detector over the bottom close to the corner post. And there were plenty of signals—probably nails and screws and sinkers and such. (I should have taken my magnet on a rope to clear the area out first!) So I set about the task of scooping out the bottom debris and looking through each load—and on the fourth scoop–there was Tanae’s ring!
What an honor it has been to help this young mother get her sentimental lost ring back!
Lost your ring? Call ASAP!
Mike McInroe, proud member of