How to find a lost ring North Myrtle Beach SC Tag | The Ring Finders

Man’s White Gold Wedding Band Lost in the Ocean, Found and Returned in North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This little adventure started Monday evening, June 14th, when my wife sent me a screen shot from the North Myrtle Beach FB page saying in part, “Lost men’s white gold wedding band, in shallow water near 15th Ave South NMB. Please contact me if found. Thank you!” I looked up the post to see if I could get any more details and noticed 3 or 4 comments on there to contact me. I also left a comment saying, “If I can help, please call me” along with a link to my ring finder blog page to show her I was legit. I also sent her a message with the same information and added that low tide was in about an hour, and this would be the time to search. Roughly two hours later I got a message on my business suite saying, “Hi, my husband lost his wedding ring today in the waterfront of Carolina reef in NMB – wanted to see if you are able to help locate it/now your service works. Thank you so much in advance.” I responded to her message and also asked her to call me; it’s so much faster and clearer than texting back and forth. She called and I got the details and told her I could be there in 15 minutes.

When I arrived, I met Kelly and her husband, Ed as they came out of the elevator in the parking garage. This was the perfect scenario for losing/finding a ring lost in the ocean. He had lost it between 3:30-4:00 pm, which was within 30-45 minutes of high tide and was between knee and waist deep water. He had been playing catch with his daughter and while reaching to catch the ball, it hit his left hand knocking the ring into the ocean. When I got there it was a little over an hour after low tide, so I had a lot of the beach in the suspected search area that was just wet sand. Kelly and Ed put me in the area they knew was where he lost it. I started an east/west perpendicular to the beach grid search. On my 6th or 7th line I got a solid 18 on the Nox 800. This was a little higher than I expected for a man’s white gold wedding band, but I was confident I had found his ring. Dug a scoop of sand out and laid it on the beach, drug my foot over the pile to spread it out, and saw just a little sliver of Ed’s ring sticking out of the sand. I reached down and picked it up, shined my head lamp on it and said something like, “here’s your ring.” They both were kind of frozen; I don’t think they thought there was much chance of finding their ring, especially in the dark. They were excited, shocked, and very grateful all at the same time.  I love doing this!!!

Kelly and Ed – thanks for letting me help find your lost treasure. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and stay safe.



2023 Augusta University (AU) Class Ring Lost, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This adventure started while I was in the process of finding three lost rings in the dry sand on May 30th in Myrtle Beach SC.  While looking for the three rings, I got a great high signal in the dry sand. Thinking I had one of the three rings I dug it up. To my surprise it was a beautiful 2023 Augusta University Class Ring. I knew it wasn’t one of the three, but I showed it to the parents of the owner of the three rings. They verified that it was not one of the three I was looking for. Shortly after finding the class ring, I found the three rings I was looking for and returned them to the parents.

Now comes the hard part in trying to find the owner. My wife is a huge help proofreading my stories and fixing my pictures, she’s also a wizard on social media. I sent her the name engraved inside the class ring and before I got home, she texted me the probable owner she found on LinkedIn. Neither Face Book nor Instagram had any matches. I attempted to send the owner, Sean a text but LinkedIn requires you be a member to communicate with someone. I finally contacted Augusta University, Registrar’s office and talked with a very nice lady, Katie. Katie said if I would e-mail the Registrar office, they would forward the e-mail to Sean’s last known contact information they had on file. I sent the e-mail and waited. After three days I called Katie back and she said my e-mail hadn’t come through. So, I sent a 2nd e-mail making sure I spelled Registrar correctly, left off an ‘r’ the first time. Called Katie back and she said it came through and she just forwarded it on to Sean as well as called and left a message. Fast forward two days to June 7th, I woke up to a text message saying “Hi Jim Wren! This is Sean; I heard you found my ring? Thank you so much for contacting the registrar’s office.” I asked him to verify the two engravings he had in the ring and Bingo, he nailed it, so I knew I had the right guy. I got his address in Oklahoma and his ring was heading home.

Today, June 11th, I received a text from Sean with the picture of him holding his ring. He also told me the back story of how he lost his ring. He said that he and his friends were playing games at Myrtle Beach and when they headed back to their hotel during the evening, he realized his class ring was gone! He said, “I put it by his shirt and when we were packing everything up and heading back it must have slipped out. The entire group of friends combed the entire 100-foot area where their tent was set up on the beach but to no avail.”

Sean – So glad I was able to track you down and get your treasure back where it belongs. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.



3 Rings Lost in the Dry Sand, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

It was close to 9:30 am on Friday, May 31st when I received a call from Roz saying her son, Michael had lost 3 rings in the dry sand the day before. She had me on speaker and both her and her husband, Len was answering my questions. They said they were sitting in the dry sand when a wave came up and covered their area. They pulled their towels and bags back to dryer sand and in the process Michael’s rings fell out of the bag. I told them I could be there in about an hour and to send me the Resort’s address.

When I got there, I met Roz and Len on the beach, and they showed me an area about 10’X20’. I turned the Nox on and went to work. I was doing a north/south grid search and was running outside the area Len had pointed out. I finally got a great signal and dug out a 2023 Augusta University class ring, which I’m trying to find the owner of. So, at this point I started an east/west grid search north of the original area. On my second line I hit a solid silver target, 2 of Michael’s rings were silver. Dug out the target and both Roz and Len identified it as Michael’s. A couple of steps and I hit and recovered another silver ring belonging to Michael. Another swing and I found Michael’s 3rd Ring. Roz called Michael and told him the good news. Michael thanked me and we hung up. A few minutes later Roz received a text from Michael saying, “I was in a shared uber and the guy next to me was sleeping so I had to curb my excitement and not be too loud but definitely much thanks to the veteran who found the rings with 2 praying hand emojis.”

Roz and Len – Thank you for calling and trusting me to help find Michael’s rings. Have a safe trip back home.



Yellow Gold Diamond Engagement and Wedding Rings Lost in the Ocean, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This adventure started about 10:41 p.m. Friday night when I got a text message asking if I was the right guy to find lost items. I confirmed I was and received the following text from Gene, “My wife lost her wedding ring and band today on the beach near Kingston Plantation. Are your services available? Are you in the area?” I called his number and discussed what happened, what time and if it was in the water. Gene told me Jessica; his wife lost her rings about noon in ankle deep water. Taking a quick look at the tide tables, the loss happened about 2 hours before low tide. Shouldn’t be too hard, but there’s not too many searches that are easy. This one was no different. I told him I’d meet him about 12:30 the next afternoon, which was today, Saturday May 25th. The next afternoon low tide was about 3:15, so getting there early I could work the outgoing tide.

I showed up as scheduled and met Gene, his father-in-law Greg and his sister-in-law Samantha. Gene walked me out in the water and lined himself up with the resort and said she lost it right about here. I asked Gene how she lost them, and he stated trying to catch a football. The football hit her rings just right to push both rings off her finger. He told me both rings were yellow gold. So, on my Nox 800, lady’s yellow gold rings show a VDI (visual display Indicator) of 13-15. Unfortunately pull tabs, which there are 100s that end up on the beach, show 14. This could mean a lot of digging. I started an east/west grid from about the mid tide line working perpendicular to the tide line. I had a heck of a time keeping my grid lines straight. I changed course and did a north/south grid to eliminate the upper slope of the beach. When I got about as far as I could and still see my grid lines, I took a break. By now the tide had rescinded to the point I was sure the rings were at the bottom of the sloop and right in the trough, which is where the ocean breaks onto the beach. At that point I decided to start over on the far-left border of the search zone. About halfway across the zone I got a solid, banging 14 VDI. I was sure I had a ring. I took a big scoop and checked the hole. I had the target. Problem was, after I washed out the sand, I had a scoop full of broken shells. I shook the scoop moving the shells; I took a couple of handfuls of shells out and shook the scoop again. Still wasn’t seeing anything. I did that 3 times and finally saw the small engagement ring with the diamond. Boom! Put the ring in my pocket for safe keeping and ran the coil over and around the hole. About a foot away I got another solid 14. Dug the target, made sure the hole was clear and walked up the sloop and dumped the scoop. Ran the coil over the pile, located the target, spread it out with my foot and saw the gold wedding band. I had both rings. I was going up to grab my phone and take a picture to send to Gene and surprise him, but as I’m trying to get that done, I saw Gene and Greg walking towards me. I showed them the rings, and both were excited. I told Gene he could surprise Jessica but that didn’t work either. We turned around and the rest of the gang was standing on the 5th floor balcony. It wasn’t long before Jessica, her mom and sister was on the beach. Think there were a few happy tears, and all was good!!!!

Greg and Gene – thank you for your generosity.

Gene and Jessica – Thank you so much for trusting me to help find your lost treasures. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a safe trip home. Wish you two all the best.



Man’s Gold Wedding Band Lost, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Wednesday May 22nd at about 7:45 p.m. I received a text from Jim stating in part, “About 530 tonight I lost my wedding band on the beach while walking the dog.” Instead of texting, I called him to discuss the details. He told me that he had cut his ring finger, and the ring was irritating that finger. He continued saying after wearing the ring for I think he said 30 years; he had to basically pry the ring off. He moved the ring to his little finger, which fit, but may have been a little loose. He also said the walk was 3 blocks one way but added that he had walked along the top of the tide line and the dry sand. We agreed to meet this morning at 10 am.

We met at 10 and walked out on the beach. He showed me the path he took, and I started an east/west grid. After about 30 minutes, I decided I’d walk down the beach to where the walk started. My thought was the ring was more likely to have fallen off his finger at the start or end rather than in the middle, maybe. Close to 3 hours, I called Jim and told him I was going to take a break and would be back in a few hours. As we’re talking, he said that he and his wife had been talking through the situation. He mentioned to me that when the walk was over, he had washed the dog’s mouth out using his left hand at the resort’s wash station. I had one of those aha moments! I ask him if he knew whether I could get access below the deck of the station, and he wasn’t sure. I told him I was coming down to the resort to check out the wash station. I mentioned that with his ring being a little loose, trying to manipulate the dog, and his hand being wet, it might be possible the ring slipped off there. When I got to his resort he was waiting outside. We walked back to the wash station, and he showed me which shower he was used. There was no access below the shower, but the floor planks were butted up against each other with no gaps between the wood. I made my way to the side of the shower and tried to use the detector, but I had the big 15-inch coil on the machine, and I wasn’t able to use the detector. I didn’t have my pin pointer, so I started moving through the weeds doing a visual inspection. Bingo, I moved some ground cover and saw Jim’s ring lying on the ground. I didn’t say anything but just held it up between my fingers. Jim was in mid-sentence when he saw it and just stopped and froze, I could see the relief in him.

Jim – thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure.



3 Gold Rings Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Shortly after 7 pm, I got a call from Allison saying she had lost 3 rings (all gold) in the dry sand that was probably under water by now. She told me that one of the rings was her wedding band and the other 2 were 14k. She asked if I could help find the rings. I asked her about what time she lost them, and she replied around 4 pm. I asked her if we could meet at 9:30pm and if she’d send me the address. She agreed to the time and sent the address, The address wasn’t coming up so I asked for the address again. Her phone did an auto correct the first time but got it right the second time. As time passed, I was thinking of the time of loss and low tide and text her asking if we could meet at 8:30 instead. She agreed so we were set.

When we met on the beach, Allison introduced me to her best friend Hannah. The 3 of us walked down the beach to the suspected loss area. On the way, I asked Allison how the rings were lost. She explained she took them off to apply sunscreen and put them in the cup holder of the beach chair. As the tide started coming in they moved their chairs to higher ground. After a short time, they packed up to go to dinner. It was while they were driving to dinner that she realized she forgot to take her rings out of the cup holder. They went back to the condo and went through everything they had on the beach with no luck. Allison said she had called her mother and told her about the loss. She said her mother called her back giving her my information and she called me. We got to the area that both Allison and Hannah agreed was the area they had been sitting. They were basing it off a trash can near the dunes. I turned on my Nox 800 and went to work. I was looking for VDI (visual display indicator) of around 13. I did a north/south grid and came up empty. I went back to Allison and told her I didn’t think we were in the right area because I came up with nothing. She was on the phone and suddenly said “there’s a new development!!” She asked if the trash cans got moved and I told her no, they get emptied in the mornings, but rarely get moved. We walked back down the beach to where we came across the access point and spotted another trash can. Allison and Hannah picked a new spot based off that trash can and I started a new grid line running east/west, perpendicular to the tide line. On my second line I hit 3 separate targets, all registering 11-13. I dug the first target and Bingo; I had the 1st gold ring sticking out of the sand. I held it up and hollered at Allison. Both she and Hannah came flying down the beach. I handed the ring to Allison to identify. One down, two to go. The next target I dug up was the wedding band. As I reached down and picked it up and handed it to Allison, the tears came rushing out. She was overwhelmed, as was I. Back to work, I pulled out the 3rd ring. Mission accomplished, all 3 rings were back where they belong, and Allison couldn’t have been happier.

Allison – Thank your mother for me for sending you, my way. Also, for trusting me to help find your lost treasures. It was my pleasure.  All the best to you in your new profession as a Dentist, everybody loves Dentists!



Man’s Palladium Wedding Band Lost in the Ocean for 3 Days, Found and Returned Sunset Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Saturday, July 29th at 9 a.m. I got the following text, “Hi Jim, My name is Jude, and I found your number on the Ring finders website. I lost my wedding ring a couple of days ago on Sunset Beach. We’ve been staying near the 17th St boardwalk. I lost the ring in the ocean near where the boardwalk meets the beach, maybe about 20 yards to the east. It was close to high tide when I lost it, maybe about 30 feet into the water. I don’t know if you’re able to look for it for me? Unfortunately, we leave this morning for Raleigh. We have to check out by 10. Let me know if you can help. I’ll need to call from my in-laws phone since I’m on a U.K. number, visiting from London.” About the same time, I got a call from Jude’s wife Katelyn who gave me additional details as well as a pin drop. Within minutes I got another lost ring call for two rings lost in the dry sand on a different beach. Unfortunately, I was tied up for the next hour or so, so I put the rings on hold for the time being.

When I was free, I devised a plan that I’d get the 2 rings first, since they were in the dry sand. Then I’d look for Jude’s ring since I still had a few hours before it’d be high tide on this day. After recovering the 2 rings I headed for Sunset Beach to look for Jude’s ring. When I got to the beach, it was pretty empty except for a family that was sitting in the exact spot I needed to hunt. I searched for a couple of hours working my way around the family as much as I could, basically trying to wait them out. I also searched both east and west of the suspected loss. I sent Katelyn a picture of the family and told her that they were exactly where I needed to be and that I’d be back between 9-10 p.m. I felt pretty confident that Jude’s ring was still where he dropped it three days earlier. Although Sunset Beach gets hit very hard by other detectionist, this area was kind of out of the way for beach goers.

I always get antsy waiting for the tides to get where I’d like them. So, I got to the beach about 8:30 p.m. It was late enough that it was pitch dark. As instructed by Jude and Katelyn, I walked straight out from the beach access boardwalk. It was a couple of hours before low tide so I had plenty of time. If the ring was there, it should be out from under the ocean and stuck in the wet sand. I turned on my equinox 800 and went to work. It’s been a long time since I’ve found a Palladium ring and couldn’t remember what the VDI (visual display indication or numbers) would be. I was thinking it’d be in the high teens. I started a north/south grid line, perpendicular to the surf line. My fourth line I got a solid loud 19 VDI just out of the surf in the wet sand. I took a big scoop of sand and laid it out on the beach and checked the hole. I had the target out. I turned my headlamp on, got down on all fours and started spreading the sand out. There it was, just laying there. I’m not sure if it was the ring or me that let out a big sigh of relief, as if saying, “FOUND!” Not really, but I know I was sure happy. I didn’t have my glasses to read the engraving, so I asked a couple out walking the beach if they could. The young lady read enough that I knew I had the right ring. I text Jude and Katelyn at 9:06 p.m. with a picture and said, “Bang!!!! The engraving all matches.” Luckily, they’re staying with in-laws another week before they head home to London, UK. I got the ring in the mail and got it back to them on Aug. 2nd. It just so happens, their 10 year wedding anniversary was Aug 3rd. So Happy Anniversary you two!!!!

Jude/Katelyn – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure. Have a safe trip home. The 3rd picture is your ring perched on roughly a million year old Megalodon Tooth.


        Found Sunset Beach NC

Sentimental Sterling Silver Necklace Lost in the Ocean, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Just about 3:30 p.m. on Friday, July 28th, I got a text saying “Is this the guy who finds rings and stuff at the beach? I don’t know how to word it better.” I responded saying, “Yes, what you got?” He responded, “So I just lost a chain maybe 1 hour ago and I’m at a place named crescent sands. I was out body-surfing and it fell off and I’m not sure if it’s been washed up or not. I’ve had the chain for over 10 years and was wondering if you possibly could give me any advice on finding it?” At this point, it’d be easier to talk to him than text, so I called him. We introduced ourselves and I learned his name was Anson. I got a few more details, including confirming the time and how deep he was in the water. A quick check of the tide tables, and he was waist deep a little over an hour before high tide. This was good, in that, the closer I could get out there near low tide, the necklace should be in the wet sand. I told Anson I’d be there at 9 p.m. which was about an hour before low tide. Meanwhile I’m watching the weather and it looks more and more like a thunderstorm is brewing.

About 8 p.m. the skies were clouding up and the light rain started. I decided to get there early and try and beat the storm. I arrived at the condo and text Anson saying, “I’m here early to beat the storm.” As I’m walking out on the beach I see lightening way off in the distance and over the ocean. It’s time to get started.  Anson and his younger brother came out of the condo as I’m working a perpendicular grid line to the surf line. We verified the search boarder lines on the condo and I continued the grid search, high tide line to about thigh deep in the ocean. After about an hour and almost at the end of the south end of the boarder, I got a great signal with a VDI of 15. With Sterling Silver I expected a higher VDI number, but at this point I’ll take any signal I could get. I dug a big scoop of sand, checked the hole which was clear, and spread the sand out on the beach. It was pitch black out there by now, so I turned on my headlamp. I started spreading out the sand with my hand, hoping to feel the target. All of a sudden I saw a section of Anson’s necklace appear out of the sand. Boom! I gently pulled the necklace out of the sand. I was able to get a half descent picture of it and sent it to Anson with a text saying “This it????” He immediately responded “yes that’s it, Oh my gosh.” The next thing I knew Anson and his brother came running up to me from down the beach. This is when I got the rest of the necklace story. Anson told me he had received the necklace from his father roughly 10 years ago and he’s been wearing it ever since. He then told me his dad had passed away one year ago. So the importance of this necklace was much more than priceless to him. I was truly honored to be able to help get this necklace back where it belonged. Another thing that touched me deeply is his last text to me – “And I wanna just say god bless you. You have made my life better.”

Anson – thank you young man!



Man’s White Gold Wedding Band Goes Swimming in the Ocean, Found and Returned Sunset Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This adventure started on Monday, June26th when I got the following text message at 7:19am. “Good Morning, I got your info from your website. My son is visiting from Dallas and lost his wedding ring at sunset beach 2 nights ago. We were at the beach access between 13th and 14th, straight ahead at the water’s edge. It’s a white gold band engraved “Cris 4.29.22.” I’m hoping and praying you can help us. My name is Jill.” I didn’t see the text until almost 11am and when I did, I called her to get additional details. I found out her son, Tom had been in the water around 7pm, which was about an hour and a half after low tide. Jill also said she had a picture with a time stamp at 7:12pm of Tom showing the ring, and another one around 7:28pm of him without the ring. We discussed a few other factors and I told her I’d be there around 6 pm to work the outgoing tide. She said they’d be there around 7 pm to watch the sunset.

I showed up a little after six and stated a north/south gridline from the shore out to about waste deep water. I was chugging along when a young man approached me and asked if I was looking for a wedding ring. When I said yes, he informed me that I went one access to far. Well, I got a little more exercise if nothing else. When I met Jill, her husband, Steve, Tom and his wife Cris, they showed me about where they had been sitting while Tom was swimming in the ocean when he lost the ring. I started my north/south gridlines again, going out as far as the sand bar. I worked the area until just before sunset. I told Jill I’d be back at about 730am in the morning and called it a night.

I had called a buddy to see if wanted to tag along and I met him shortly after I arrived on the beach. My plan was to start west of where Jill and the family had been sitting on Saturday night and make my way east. There were very few targets, a few bottle caps and pull tabs and one penny. After about an hour and a half the tide turned and was now coming in. I kept the grid going and I was about 40 yards down the beach from where they had been sitting. I made the turn to come back towards shore when I got a signal. Being a white gold man’s wedding band I was expecting to see between 9 and 11 on the VDI (visual display indicator) depending on the width of the ring. This signal was bouncing around like there may be two targets close together. Or it could be caused by the way the target was sitting on the ocean floor, or the wave action off the sand bar, but a 9 kept popping up. I dug a big scoop of sand and checked the hole – I had the target in the scoop. I was going to walk back to shore to dump the scoop so I wouldn’t take the chance of losing the target back in the ocean. As I looked down on the scoop, I saw a shiny object and what looked like a half a ring. Again, not wanting to take any chances, I carefully reached down and pulled out a ring. I tried my best to read the inscription, but without my glasses I was lucky to see the ring! I walked over to my buddy and he couldn’t read it either. As we’re packing up to go, a nice lady was walking down the beach. I asked her if she could read the inscription and she read Cris 4 29 22. Bingo!! I had Tom’s ring. I took a picture and sent it and a text to Jill saying  “Ba Booooom!!!!” She instantly responded with “Whaatt??!!! We are soooooo excited!!!!” I called her and told her I’ll just run it by their house, if she’d give me the address since it’s on my way home. It was important to get the ring back to Tom because he and Cris were heading back to Dallas at 5pm. When I pulled into the driveway, everybody was waiting in the front yard. I handed Cris the ring so she could put it back on Tom’s finger. Returning someone’s treasure never gets old and their smiles tell it all.

Jill – Thank you for contacting me to help find Tom and Cris’ lost treasure.

Tom and Cris – I wish you two only the best. Take care of each other!!!



White Gold Engagement Ring Lost in the Outgoing Tide, Found and Returned Cherry Grove, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Sunday, June 25th, I was sitting at home waiting to return on a search where the beach was packed with tourist when I received a text from Haley. Her text said “Hi my best friend lost her ring about 5 minutes ago at the north side of Cherry grove pier right by the water line. If anybody turns it in or finds it, could you please let me know!! It’s her engagement ring.” I immediately responded asking “You want me to come look for it?” She responded with a picture of the ring and said “Yes please!” I asked her to call me and gave her my number. Almost instantly she called and I got a few more details, told her I’d be there in 10 minutes, grabbed my Equinox 800 and hit the road. This is Sunday, so parking is almost non-existent for the beach. I’ve got a few hidden spots but even those were taken. I did find a spot that I’m not sure I parked legally, but I didn’t have a ticket when I returned to the car.

As I’m walking out on the beach I called Haley saying I was there. As I’m walking towards the pier, Claire came running up to me and told me she was the one who lost the ring. I asked what happened and she told me she was looking for shells. She continued saying that when she reached for a shell, her ring slipped off her finger and disappeared. She also said her ring was a little loose on her finger. I asked what her ring was and she responded that it was White Gold. We continued walking to the water line and she showed me, almost exactly where she had lost it. I noticed the waves were pretty rough breaking on the shoreline, so I wanted to see what I was up against. I walked straight out in the water, across a bed of broken shells, barefooted no less. After about 10 feet I dropped from ankle deep to about chest deep which explained the breaking waves. After I fought the current and made my way back up to a workable surface; I started a grid line back to where Claire, Haley and another young lady, whose name I didn’t get, were standing. I made my turn and walked back to about ankle deep and hit a great signal, showing an 8 VDI (visual display indicator) which was in the ball park for a white gold ring. I dug a big scoop of sand and shells, checked the hole, which was quickly filled back in, and knew I had the target in the scoop. I walked up to where the young ladies were standing and dumped the scoop. I checked the pile of sand with the detector and found the target. I think I told Claire that we might have it. I spread the sand out with my foot and we all were checking out the sand. Suddenly one of the ladies saw it barely sticking out of the sand and said something like “there it is.” Claire saw it and scooped it up. Bingo! She was now holding her precious treasure and holding back some tears. She was very excited.

Ladies – this was truly a team effort!

Claire, so happy you got your lost treasure back where it belongs.
