hire metal detectorist Tag | The Ring Finders

Phone Lost While Kayaking the Flint River…FOUND by Ring Finder in Brownsboro, AL!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On August 22nd, 2023, I received a call from Maurice stating he had lost his Samsung Galaxy S20 cell phone while kayaking the Flint River in Brownsboro, Alabama.  It had been about a week since the loss.  Maurice had already bought a new phone, but he really wanted all the files he had on the one that was lost.  Maurice made a post on Facebook for help on how to recover his phone.  Someone mentioned my name in the comments, so that’s how he discovered the metal detecting service, The Ring Finders.  We decided that he should first try a local group that specializes in item recoveries from the Flint River, because of the limited entry/exit points.  You pretty much have to kayak that entire 5.5-mile stretch of river (3–4-hour float) to get to the area of loss.

Unfortunately, that group wasn’t available to search for Maurice’s phone, so he reached back out to me.  We planned a kayak trip on Sunday, September 17th.  I met Maurice at the North Alabama Canoe and Kayak (NACK) rental.  I had all of my water detecting gear and Minelab Equinox 800.  We got on the river and made our way down to where Maurice lost his phone.  It was just past the powerlines, where you need to call the rental place to pick you up.  His kayak had flipped over on a rough spot, next to a log.

The water was pretty cold, so I had on my 3mm wetsuit.  There was a decent current by the log, but it was fairly shallow.  There was a 4-5-foot-deep spot, so that’s where we thought the phone should be.  I cleared the main shallow area and focused in on the deeper spot.  I ended up finding 2 other cell phones, which were not Maurice’s (I’ll try to get them back to the rightful owners).  I searched further down the river, but still didn’t find it.  I went back to that deeper spot and ended up finding another phone.  This time, it was the right one — Maurice’s phone!

Maurice was so happy to have his phone back!  We celebrated and I thanked the Lord for a successful recovery.  I packed up my gear, we took some photos, and we kayaked to the pick-up spot.  Even though the phone had been in the river for about a month, Maurice had it back and should be able to retrieve the data from his SD card.  I’m so thankful and blessed that I’m able to use my hobby of metal detecting to help others.  All thanks and praise to God!  Looking forward to the next adventure…

Wedding Band Lost on Band Practice Field…FOUND by Ring Finder in Madison, AL!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

Friday at noon (September 1, 2023), I received a text message from Leigh stating she had lost her wedding band while painting lines on a band practice field at a local High School in Madison, Alabama.  She had gotten paint on her ring, so she took it off and put it in her pants pocket.  When she finished and had gotten back to her car, the ring was no longer in her pocket.  I was off from work, so I was able to head there shortly after Leigh’s text message.

Leigh had told me that she thought it would be around the 50-yard line.  I started my search there with my Minelab Equinox 800 with the 15-inch coil.  I searched all the painted lines, but did not find her ring.  I went back to the 50-yard line and expanded my search.  Soon after, I had found Leigh’s ring!  It had rolled to the middle of the field between the 50 and the 40-yard lines.  Leigh texted that she had just finished teaching her class and was on her way down.  When she got there, she asked if I had any luck.  I opened up my hand and said, “is this it?”  It was and she was so happy to see it!  She thanked me numerous times.  She told me that on Sunday it would be her 1-year anniversary.  Happy anniversary!!!

Another successful recovery, and I give all praise and glory to God!  I’m always happy to help and I’m really blessed being able to go on these searches and help others!  Looking forward to the next adventure…

Engagement & Wedding Ring Set Lost in the Water…FOUND by Ring Finder in Nashville, TN!

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

Sunday evening (June 18, 2023), I received a call from Sam and Jon.  Sam explained that the day prior she had lost her white gold wedding ring in a lake in Nashville, Tennessee.  This was actually 3 rings — the engagement ring soldered between 2 wedding bands.  Sam was trying to save her dog from drowning (dog is doing great) and the wedding ring set slipped off her finger in about 2 feet of water.  I was off from work the next day, so we arranged a search for Monday morning.

I met Sam and Jon at the lake around 10 am on Monday.  We were in-between rain showers, but the sky was clear at the moment.  I began searching with my Minelab Equinox 800 with the 10×5 Coiltek coil.  The lake bottom was very rocky (both large and small rocks), so the smaller coil allowed me to get into the tighter spaces.  I searched the main area where Sam thought she fell for about an hour.  I only found a fishing lure and some junk metal.

I asked Jon where he thought Sam fell at.  Both Jon and Sam walked over to the shoreline where he was standing when it happened.  I was detecting closer to the shoreline and caught a glimpse of something shiny.  I put my goggles on and dipped my face into the water.  Sure enough, it was Sam’s wedding ring set!  I picked it up and cupped it in my hand.  I stood up and Jon said, “I think Sam fell right where you’re standing at”.  I asked Sam if she thought this was the right area and she wasn’t sure.  I then said, “I think we need to call it a day and head home.”  Both Sam and Jon looked puzzled.  I then said, “because, I just found it!”  They said, “no way!”  I held up the ring for them to see and they were both so happy and relieved.  I really love this part of the search!  I walked over to them and handed Sam the ring.  She was so happy to have it back!  We all gave each other a high five and took some photos.  It had just started raining, so that was perfect timing.

Sam was standing much closer to the shoreline than she remembered, but she was also in a panic with her dog.  I’ve learned that our memories can be a bit off, but we just have to keep expanding our grid search area.  In the end, it doesn’t matter how long it takes, I’m just happy we found it and it’s back where it belongs.

We enjoyed a nice chat on our walk back to the parking lot.  They thanked me again for my efforts and we parted ways.  Another happy ending!  I thank God for another successful recovery and safe trip home.  Looking forward to the next adventure…

Lost Ring Huntsville Alabama

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Hi!  My name is Christina McCree.  I became a member of The Ring Finders a few months ago and I’m really excited to be a part of it!  It allows me to take my hobby of metal detecting to a whole new level.  I now get to help people in my local area find what they thought was lost forever.

If you have lost a piece of jewelry, watch, cell phone, keys, coins, or other metal items of value; please contact me ASAP.  Time may be critical depending on where the item was lost.

My contact info is listed at the top, or for more details please visit my profile on The Ring Finders website.  It’s listed under Huntsville, AL in the Directory.  I look forward to helping you!

Thank you,