metal detecting service Central Florida Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost wedding ring in the grass, Saint Cloud, Florida…Found and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding a lost ring or other important metallic item, call or text me ASAP! Theringfinders metal detecting service is here to help you…321-363-6029!

Paul was doing some yard work, like pulling up weeds and putting new plugs of grass in, and after a few hours of sweating and working hard he noticed that his wedding ring was no longer on his finger. Paul had previously injured his middle two fingers on his right hand and was using his left hand to do most of the work and the obvious motion that caused his ring to come off was the pulling and throwing of the weeds into a pile. And thankfully he had saved all of the rubbish to be thrown out later. He and his wife tried searching the yard on their hands and knees thinking maybe, just maybe they could spot it but Paul’s ring had just seemed to disappear! That evening Paul’s wife went online and purchased a cheap metal detector and they spent the next day trying to figure out how to work it and decipher the strange sounds that it made. The next evening they came across and gave me a call.

After hearing Paul’s story I decided to do a thorough search of the area where he thought was the most likely place where he felt it could have been lost. I gave him four cones so he could mark out the general area and I set about doing a tight grid search going back and forth…being careful to overlap each pass. Paul stayed right there watching my every move and after 15 minutes I got a super clean gold signal reading very shallow and I told Paul to come over and check out what was hiding just under the grass! Paul was so, so thankful and immediately picked it up and put it back on his finger and smiled a big smile of relief!

I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to help Paul and his wife! How can I help you? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…Happy to be swinging as a member of

Lost diamond engagement ring in the grass in Ocoee, Florida…Found and happily returned to owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

How does an engagement ring end up in the thick grass? There are literally dozens of ways that rings can get lost in someones yard and on this occasion Annie and her husband had just pulled up into their drive way and were getting out of their car when Annie’s hands were feeling a bit swollen due to the summer humidity. She wanted to remove her rings before going inside and she tried pulling her rings off and all of a sudden they both just popped off and went flying into the grass. Here is a short text from her husband of that shocking experience. “My wife dropped her wedding band and engagement ring in our yard. We found the wedding band but not the engagement ring. We bought a metal detector and spent a whole day searching with no luck. We were stressed and anxious. I texted Mike and he made time to come see us the very next day. He was very professional and kind. I showed him the area and he found it in less than 5 minutes! Don’t waste your time and money on a metal detector when you can ask Mike! I would definitely recommend him to my family and friends! Thank you Mike!”

Actually feeling your rings come off and knowing the exact area where they landed is a huge help in trying to find and recover your lost rings. It was an honor to help Huy and his dear wife and I thank God for giving me the privilege to help them and anyone else who asks for my help! I do not find every ring that I am asked to look for but I always try my very best and assure people to never give up hope!

How can I help you or someone you know?

Mike McInroe….glad to be a member of

Lost thrown ring, Orlando, Florida…..found and mailed to owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

This young couple was enjoying a night on the town and decided to call an Uber to help them get safely back to their hotel. Their ride dropped them off a few hundred yards from their hotel and as they walked they talked!! I am not exactly sure what the topic of conversation was but I do know that during their walk along the quiet street Mr. John Doe got very upset and took off his wedding ring and with a back handed throw sent his ring sailing into the street and the ping could be heard and then silence!

It didn’t take long for Mr John Doe to realize the error of his way and later that evening he returned with his phone and tried desperately to find his ring. But after a couple of hours of searching the street, the grass and even in the bushes he decided to look online for some help and typed in “Metal Detecting Service Orlando”! The first result was “” and as he checked out the “Directory” he noticed my name and all the successful recoveries and decided to give me a call. So we met later that day and “John” showed me where he thought he was when he threw his ring. At first I thought that it would be a fairly easy search but an hour and a half later I was beginning to have second thoughts. I expanded the search area by 30 feet on either side and still no ring. It was getting late and “John” was planning on starting their drive north that same day…so I assured him that I would come back later in the week to look some more. He was very happy to hear that and then we parted ways.

The next weekend I returned and decided to look even further along the street, searching the bushes and the 8 foot grass strip along the street. At one point I was a good 45 yards away from the area where “John” said he threw his ring and while I was swinging my detector along the curb and over onto the grass, I glanced out onto the street and low and behold there was the young man’s ring…just laying in the street. I could not believe my eyes and was so, so thankful to see it just sitting there untouched and not a scratch on it. I made a quick little video with my phone and sent it to the owner and he was thrilled that I actually found it! And a couple of days later it was mailed off to “John” and so the story continues!

Lost your ring, or something valuable? Call or text me ASAP!

Mike McInroe….here to help you!