Lost Jewelry Recovery Specialist Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost ring and cell phone in Lake Fairview, Orlando, Florida…Found and returned to owner!!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Kelly was volunteering her time assisting handicapped children on paddle boards at the Fairview Marina on June 27th. It was an absolutely beautiful day in the upper 80s, partly cloudy with a slight breeze blowing across the lake. Normally a little wind is OK but with first time paddle boarders, that breeze can put you in the reeds along the edge of the lake where certain critters like to hang out! Kelly and a couple other volunteers were doing their best to keep the kids together and being a bit preoccupied she somehow lost her phone off of her paddle board. She knew approximately where it fell into the water so she figured they would come back later and try and find it. Her first responsibility though was the kids so she continued working with them trying to show them how to use the paddle and how to stay clear of the reeds. One girl was being blown right into a small patch of reeds so Kelly jumped into the water and tried to steer the girl’s board with her hands and as she went to push the board off to the side she felt her large white gold and diamond ring slide off into the water. She was stunned and could not believe what had just happened. Just an hour earlier she lost her phone and now her ring?!! Out where she dropped her phone there was really no way for her to mark the spot but here where she dropped her ring there were green reeds sticking up out of the water and Kelly had the brilliant idea to tie a knot in one of the reeds to mark the “exact spot”! As they finished up with the paddle boarding event Kelly began to wonder how she would ever retrieve her phone and especially her precious ring! She asked if anyone at the marina had a waterproof metal detector. Someone suggested going on line and that led her to theringfinders.com. She called me right away and we met up later on that afternoon. (For these kinds of water searches I use two wet suits and scuba boots to protect me from the elements and other critters who lurk in the warm Florida waters! And I also take with me two gallons of fresh water to rinse off and a change of clean cloths for my ride home!).

First off Kelly wanted me to find her ring as it is one of her most prized possessions! She showed me the reed with the knot tied in the end so I set up my water proof metal detector and began to search the area. I always try and let people know that I will be digging any and all targets that sound even close to what a gold ring would sound like. Pull tabs, nickels, fishing weights, and pieces of aluminum are just some of the items that will sound just like a gold ring. Kelly was anxious to help so I gave her my pin pointer and let her go through each full scoop of debris I dumped into my floating sifter. It took fifteen minutes to finally get her ring and you should have heard her let out a shout of joy! And what a ring too!!

Next was her lost phone. I had four PVC poles to mark the 60 square foot area and after grid searching the inside I covered a 10 foot swath around the outside and NO phone! Kelly was quite sure of the area but when finding a precise spot on water…well it is not an easy thing to do. So I continued to expand the search area keeping to the chest deep water that Kelly described to me earlier. It took another 20 minutes to get that large signal I was looking for and I could feel it with my scuba boots. I did not want to use my scoop for fear of damaging the phone so I pinched it between my feet and brought it up to the light of day. And it was vibrating and lit up so I could see it was going to be just fine. Kelly was elated to have both her phone and her ring back again! It is not often I get to reunite someone with two lost items in one day but I was so thankful that God allowed me to have a role in Kellys life and to see that awesome smile on her beautiful face!

Maybe you have lost something and need my help?! Call or text me ASAP and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe….super thankful to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring off of dock, Smyrna Dunes Park, New Smyrna Beach, Fl….Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe….Metal Detector Specialist….Call ASAP Anytime…321-363-6029

Nick was enjoying a warm fall day in the intracoastal waters by Ponce Inlet when disaster struck! No he was not bitten by a shark or stung by a stingray but in his book it was almost as bad! As he was fishing off of the pier he felt his wedding ring come off of his finger and he watched as it fell into the salty water and quickly disappeared out of sight. He had heard of things like this happening to other people but he was stunned when the realization hit him that his precious wedding ring was now gone…and maybe even gone forever! And here it had happened to him.

Nick was determined to recover his lost ring and he and a friend spent the next two hours holding their breath and trying to dive to the bottom to feel around and by some miracle come up with his ring. Needless to say they were not able to find it and in the end gave up their search attempt. That evening though Nick went on line to seek help and some advice on what could be done in his predicament. And to his surprise up popped a story on theringfinders.com of my recent recovery of a lost wedding ring in St. Pete, Florida that resembled what had happened to him earlier that day. And after reading how I was able to reunite that ring with the distraught young man, Nick felt he should give me a call.

It was Saturday and I was free to respond ASAP and two hours later I met with Nick and he graciously gave me a hand hauling all my gear down to the waters edge. As I surveyed the situation I realized again that I had a fairly steady current caused by the out going tide to contend with and by tying my kayak off to one of the pilings and by staying close to the base I then would be able to thoroughly search the exact area where Nick said it fell into the water. Actually Nick had wisely put a small notch in the railing where he was standing the moment his ring came off and thankfully it was only two feet out from the piling below. As I slowly descended to the bottom I was surprised that the visibility was barely one foot with a fair amount of silt and sand moving across the bottom. My first target was a small metal file off of a toenail clippers and my next signal was a shallow one. As I eased myself closer to see if I could visually identify what had caused my Pulse Dive scuba detector to sound off so loudly I caught a glimpse of something circular and reaching out to retrieve the item I felt the unmistakable feel of a gold ring! Again I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving to God for allowing me to find Nick’s lost ring so quickly! What a thrill it was to be able to hand his ring to him and see the joy and happiness on his face! And thanks Nick for giving me a call and for allowing me to help you!

Lost something recently…or years ago and want help to find it? Call, text or email me ASAP!

Mike McInroe….ready and willing to help you in your time of need!

Lost Gold Engagement Ring and Wedding Band Set…Recovered from Lake in Tuskegee, AL!

I received a call last night (21 March 2020) from Alexandria.  She sounded very distraught as she told me that she lost her engagement ring and wedding band set just hours earlier while wading in knee deep water at a lake.  Alex asked if I’d be willing to drive to Tuskegee, Alabama to look for her ring.  I’ve never been to Tuskegee before.  I did a quick Google Maps search from my location in Huntsville to Tuskegee.  The trip one-way was 228 miles or almost a 3.5 hour drive!  On my Ring Finders profile page, I advertise that I prefer to stay within a 100 mile radius of Huntsville, but can definitely travel further if needed.  My mentality is that if someone needs my help, I’m willing to travel anywhere to help them.  I got back on the phone, told Alex, “absolutely,” and started planning my trip.

I left early the next morning, so that I could get to the lake in Tuskegee by 8am.  I wanted to give myself plenty of time for the search just in case it turned out to be much harder then I thought it would.  Alex was certain that she felt the ring slip off her finger while she was reaching down in the water.  She also remembered the exact spot she was standing at in the lake.  Based on those two factors, I felt very confident that her ring would be found.

I set up my Equinox 800 and headed into the water.  Once I was at the correct spot, I started my grid search.  I picked up a lot of various signals on my detector.  Alex told me that this was a yellow gold engagement ring that sits inside of a yellow gold wedding band.  The signals I was getting weren’t coming up in the gold range.  I decided to check a few iffy signals, but soon realized the object was too big or too deep to be her ring and moved on.  Then, a few feet to my left, I picked up a solid yellow gold tone on my Nox.  One quick scoop and there lying in the bottom of my Xtreme sand scoop was Alexandria’s beautiful gold ring set still locked together as one piece!!!

I saw pure joy, happiness, and relief on Alex’s face as we all celebrated!  You can definitely see it in the photo below where she’s looking down at the ring back on her finger where it belongs!  I praised and thanked the Lord!  The night before and on my drive to Tuskegee, I asked God to guide me to Alex’s ring.  He sure delivered a quick, safe, and successful search!

Some people might consider that driving 7 hours (450 miles) to spend 10-15 minutes finding a complete stranger’s ring is just plain crazy.  But this is what I live for!  I love conducting these searches and seeing the priceless reaction on someone’s face when you find their lost item and return it to them.  It never gets old!

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, jewelry, or other metal item, please contact a member of The Ring Finders.