Lost ring Hanauma Bay Tag | Page 11 of 35 | The Ring Finders

Lost Bible Verse Inscribed Wedding Band at Nai’a Lagoon Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This Ring Find began as I was wrapping up a ring hunt for a child’s ring when I was approached by a gentleman who was acting as an interpreter for a Ukrainian lady as both were standing in the shallow part of the lagoon. As the story goes she was wondering if I could hunt for her son-in-law’s Bible Verse Inscribed Wedding Ring that was lost while he was playing volleyball in the water several days ago. She wasn’t sure of the type of metal. But as she described the ring through the interpreter I realized I had found the ring the past weekend and it was at home. I told the interpreter to have her son-in-law Nick come see me on the beach and recite the verse so I would be sure. About 10 minutes later Nick arrived and was in shock he immediately recited the exact verse and I told him I’d come back the next morning to return it to him. Nick currently lives in Sacramento California and was on vacation with family. As you can see he has his ring back and I’m so happy his mother-in-law reached out to me. It helps to carry your detector proudly when walking the beach. Aloha to Nick and his Family!

Lost Palladium Wedding Band at Kualoa Regional Park…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a text last night that read, “my husband lost his wedding ring at china man’s hat yesterday…any chance you could search for it?” I called and Jason who serves in the Air Force told me he was playing with his two sons in the shallow water behind the breakwater at Kualoa Regional Park and his Palladium Wedding Band went missing. We agreed to meet the next morning at the Park so he could show me the area. I’ve never been to the back of the park so him being there helped quite a bit. After about a 20 minute grid search with no luck other than coins and pull tabs, Jason expanded out the grid search South & West. I started again and more coins and trash. Just as I was about to complete the last leg of the new grid I got a screaming #9 on the Nox and in one scoop there was Jason’s shining ring in the scoop. Jason was right at the end of the grid so all I had to do was look up and say, “Got it”. A sigh of relief came over Jason’s face as he knew we were nearly done with the grid and it wasn’t looking good until that moment. We shook hands and laughed a bit in relief. Nice way to celebrate Memorial Day! Aloha to Jason and his family!

Lost Silver High School Ring at Ulua Lagoon Ko Olina Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began last Saturday while hunting in Ulua Lagoon. I found a Silver High School ring at the low tide mark of the lagoon. It was a screaming high tone on the Nox and I was able to recover it on the first scoop. I could see it was engraved but had to use my loop to see the full name. Fortunately, I was able to find Syann on Facebook so I left her a message. After a few hours with no response my daughter Jodi found her on Instagram. She IG’d Syann and she responded immediately. She told us she had lost the ring back in March while enjoying the day at the lagoon but wasn’t exactly sure where on the beach and wrote it off as gone. I got her address and mailed the ring to her in Kapolei. She now has the ring back on her finger. Precious ring returned and Syann was so thankful. Aloha to Syann!

Lost Gold and Diamonds Engagement Ring at Aulani Ko Olina Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got an evening call from Kim who was on vacation from Chicago, Illinois. While relaxing on a floatie in the lagoon with her husband Ted and daughter Mila, Kim’s White Gold and Diamonds Engagement Ring slipped off her finger and disappeared into the sand in chest deep water. She initially called fellow ring finder Don and he told her to contact me as the resort’s detectorist. I checked traffic and it looked good to getting there in 35 minutes but it would be dark. Kim and her family were flying home tomorrow so I said would grab my gear and come out for a night hunt. I surely brought my headlamp as the lagoon gets pitch dark and there is little ambient light. When I arrived Ted & Kim were returning from getting their daughter some food and by then the public parking gate was locked. Ted parked outside and walked in to show me where to hunt. He was quite accurate in setting up the grid and I immediately started my search. My first target was a piece of foil. Then I went a few grid lines in silence when I suddenly got a loud “10-11” on the Nox. It was dark so I put my foot on the back of the coil where I had a tone and scooped from there forward. The target was in my scoop so I turned on my headlamp and there in the scoop was Kim’s stunning ring. I yelled shoreward to Ted that I got it and he was in disbelief. Ted told me he had low expectations but was obviously pleasantly surprised. We hurried back to the car where Kim was waiting. Ted showed her the ring and she was ecstatic. Kim asked, “Can I hug you?” and I said, “Of course!” Kim will now go home with her ring back on her finger. Aloha to Kim, Ted and Mila!

Lost Gold Wedding Band at Nai’a Lagoon Ko Olina Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a text from Elaine who was on vacation from Los Angeles, California and staying at the Marriot Beach Resort at Ko Olina. She asked, “How much to find a lost ring at Na’ia Lagoon?” I responded, “Its reward based and that is up to you.” She then said her husband Marlon had lost his white gold basket weave design two days ago in waist deep water. She included some pics of the area. I agreed to hunt the next morning at low tide. When I arrived, I matched up the pics and began the hunt. As I was getting near what I thought would be the last leg I noticed a gentleman approaching me at a fast pace. I assumed it was Marlon but this guy said he lost his ring on the other side of the lagoon and was sure of the location. Not Marlon! I decided to give his ring a quick hunt and then let Marlon know I didn’t find his. The other guy then wasn’t so sure of his location and was going to check with some friends who were with him when he lost it. That hunt will be tomorrow. I called Marlon and told him the bad news but asked if he could come down so I could be sure of the location. When we walked down to the beach Marlon figured a bit more to the South would be more accurate then the pic. Sure enough on the second leg I got a banging “13” on the Nox right at the waters edge. In one scoop there was no doubt the basket weave design was very apparent. I texted Elaine & Marlon a pic and Marlon met me at Longboards for the return. Vacation saved! Aloha to Marlon & Elaine!

Lost Gold Wedding Band at Honu Lagoon Ko Olina Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This Ring Find began when I got a call from Gurkan who lives in Seattle, Washington and was on vacation with his family staying at the Ko Olina Beach Villas near Honu Lagoon. While tossing a ball and wrestling with his son Gurkan’s Gold Wedding Band slipped off in waist deep water and disappeared. Gurkan texted me an estimated location pic and I told him I’d hunt first light the next morning. When I arrived it was still dark but the water was warm enough to start the search. Only a few Lincoln cents and a pull tab then about 30 minutes into the hunt I got a banging “13” on the Nox and in one scoop there was Gurkan’s Gold Band shining in the dawn’s early light. I texted him a pic and he confirmed it was his ring. We met at the beach shower area for the return. Vacation saved! Aloha to Gurkan!

Lost Gold & Platinum Wedding Band at Nai’a Lagoon Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This Ring Find began when I got a call from Angelina who was on vacation from Northern California and staying at the Marriott Resort at Ko Olina. While her husband Michael and his son were playing one-handed catch with a football in Nai’a Lagoon at some point his Gold & Platinum Wedding band went missing. Angelina told me he snorkeled for quite awhile looking but couldn’t find the ring. I agreed to meet Michael early the next morning so he could show me the search area. When I arrived the next morning Michael was waiting on the beach. I went down and we drew grid extremes in the sand, then I told Michael since the area was quite large to go ahead and enjoy time with his family and that I would call when/if I found the wedding band. On the third leg I got a loud tone and good numbers on the Nox and after three scoops I had a 10K gold band in the scoop but it wasn’t Michael’s so I continued on. I found a few coins and some trash then after about an hour and nearly 80% done with the search area I got another loud tone with #13 on the Nox. Then in one scoop in thigh deep water there was Michael’s ring in the bottom of my scoop. I walked back to my car and texted Angelina & Michael a pic of the ring. I immediately got a Wooowwa!!! and some happy Emojis. Angelina met me at the Longboards and escorted me to the pool area where Michael and the family was so he could be reunited with his wedding band. Everyone in the family was so gracious and thanked me for finding Dad’s ring. I truly meet some of the nicest people on these ring hunts. Much Aloha to Michael, Angelina & Family!

Lost Rose Gold Wedding Band at Nai’a Lagoon Ko Olina Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring hunt began when I got a text from Nathan who was on vacation from Los Angeles, California and was staying at the Marriott Resort near Nai’a Lagoon. He asked if I could come out to the Ko Olina Resort and find his Rose Gold Wedding Band in the dry sand. Nathan said that he gave his ring to his daughter to give to Mom while he was swimming so as not to lose it in the water. His wife put the band on her finger and as she was blowing up an inflatable floatie the ring flew off her hand into the dry sand and disappeared. They initially found my fellow ring finder Don on the website and he referred them to me as the resort’s detectorist. I told Nathan I’d grab my gear during my lunch break and head out to the resort for the recovery. Thankfully traffic was light and I made it out to the resort in a little over 30 minutes. When I arrived Nathan was waiting just inside the public parking walkway where I entered from. Nathan drew a grid in the sand about 20 feet by 10 feet and i started a grid search. There were two deep targets I knew wouldn’t be the ring so I only took one scoop to be sure. On the third target a nice loud 12-13 on the Nox and in one scoop there was Nathan’s Wedding Band. His wife said “Wow!” “That was quick you must do this often.” At least every weekend unless I get a call. Nathan & I shook hands and the vacation was saved. Aloha to Nathan!

Lost Family Gold Necklace at Bellow’s Beach…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This necklace hunt began when I got a call from Makana. While enjoying the day at Bellow’s Beach on Oahu’s East Shore Makana picked up a beach chair and carried it to a new location. Unbeknownst to him his girlfriend Makana…Yes both are named Makana! had placed the Gold Necklace in the chair’s puka and when it was moved and shaken of sand the Gold Necklace disappeared. The family members combed and raked the sand but the Gold Necklace was never found and that’s when they reached out to me. Ironically, I was heading in that direction to drop off my detecting buddy Terry so I told Makana I’d swing by and see what I could do. Makana was waiting on the roadside and saved a parking spot for me. We headed down to the beach and Makana introduced me to his family members. I could see the sand had been moved around quite thoroughly so the grid was pretty much known. I fired up the Nox and started my grid search. The beach was clean but the first target was a piece of aluminum. Then I got a very unusual tone and dug a lead fishing weight but that wasn’t what I heard. Sure enough there was a nice #3 still on that spot and in one gentle scoop there was Makana’s Gold Necklace dangling from my scoop. I heard a few sighs of relief and I handed the necklace to the nearest family member. Everyone was very appreciative and gave thanks. Aloha smiles for Makana & Makana!

Lost Gold & Platinum Wedding & Engagement Rings at Ala Moana Beach Park…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call from Chad who lives on Oahu and was spending the day at Ala Moana Beach Park with his wife Belinda and their three children. When the family went to pick up their beach blanket they realized Belinda’s Wedding & Engagement Rings must have fallen into the sand. They immediately began a search of the dry sand and others around them pitched in to help but the soft sand consumed the rings and they were devastated they couldn’t be found. A passerby told Chad to, “Call Joe from the Ring Finders” He should be able to find them. The passerby also warned them to stop digging as that could make the situation worse. I told Chad I’d grab my gear and be there in about 15-20 minutes. He alerted me there was no parking but we’d figure it out when I arrived. When I arrived the father-in-law watched my illegally parked car while I did a quick hunt for the rings. Both turned out well as I found the rings as the first & second target and my car wasn’t ticketed during the quick search. Double blessing and Aloha to Belinda & Chad!