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Lost Women’s Wedding Ring in Centerburg, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a text about a lost women diamond white gold wedding ring. She lost the wedding ring on her property and has searched for the ring for many hours with no luck. I was able to perform the search later that day. I searched a lot of ground and about 2 hours later still with no luck. As I continue searching, there was the ring in the driveway. She was very very happy to have the ring return to her.

Here is her testimonial:   “I lost my engagement ring and was devastated. My husband and I even rented a metal detector and searched for over six hours and no luck. I was crushed. I found the ring finders online and called and he came out with in a few hours of my call. He searched for a few hours and didn’t give up. He found my ring and words can’t express how much that meant to me! He is the real deal and super nice! I highly recommend him.”


Lost Women’s Wedding Ring in Centerburg, OH. “FOUND”


Lost Women’s Wedding Ring in Centerburg, OH. “FOUND”


Lost Women’s Wedding Ring in Centerburg, OH. “FOUND”


Lost Women’s Wedding Ring in Centerburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost ring at Mission Bay Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

I was digging and sifting a dump site when I get a call for a lost ring at Mission Bay. Kianne had been working out on some equipment in the park when she noticed one of her rings was missing. She had removed two rings and placed them in a pocket before her exercises but now only one ring was still in the pocket. The one missing was a special gift, so, it just HAD to be found!  I loaded up and headed straight down to the bay to meet her.

The search area is built like a playground with a border and wood chips as ground cover. Real easy for a gold ring to get camouflaged in that stuff! All the equipment there is made of steel (figures) so I could only get so close to it with my E-trac. If it was right up next to them, I’d have to use my pin pointer or rake out the chips. Thankfully, I didn’t have to do that. After searching the first two areas that she used with no luck, I found it midway through the third area. Even though Kianne, her friend, and others had visually searched the areas, the ring was not spotted even though it was  partially visible! As soon as I got a “gold” signal, I looked down and could see most of the ring in the bark. A happy and smiling Kianne resulted as you can see. It was nice to meet you Kianne and thank you for the reward.

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The Ring Finder in Pismo Beach

  • from Pismo Beach (California, United States)

Hi, my name is Larry Royal, I live and grew up(64 years) on the Central Coast of Calif. with Pismo Beach, Oceano Beach, Avila Beach, Morro Bay, Cayucos and San Simeon as my main metal detecting beaches. I have been a treasure hunter all my life and metal detecting for over 15 years and know the area quite well. Since retiring from the work force 7 years ago what was once a hobby has now turned into a fun, full time quest to find lost treasures on the beach and return them to their owners.

I joined “The Ring Finders” as I saw it as a great opportunity to let more people know of my rewarded base service of helping people find their lost treasures. I have found many rings and lost items on the local beaches and only wish I could find every owner. I hunt in the ocean and on the dry sand and have good tips on how to help someone find their lost rings, necklaces, cellphones and other lost treasures.  Just 2 days ago I recovered a 1 ct diamond ring for a lady who was crying for 2 days over losing it and the smile and joy on her face when I handed back to her was priceless.

I’m very well know by the Pismo Beach LEO and the “Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area”, (aka; Pismo Beach) parks & beach personnel, if you contact them about a lost ring they will probably direct you to me.  I also have the resources of many of the local metal detecting people as I’m currently the Huntmaster, Librarian, Historian and “member at large” for the “Central Coast Treasure Hunters Association” cctha.org  I use the latest metal detecting technology and equipment in and out of the water.

If I can be of any help to you please contact me.

Man’s lost Platinum wedding band found- Ringwood,N.J.

  • from Mahwah (New Jersey, United States)
A happy Dan with his ring

A happy Dan with his ring

Platinum wedding band

Platinum wedding band

Platinum wedding band

A happy man!

A happy man!

On April 17, 2015  I received a call from Dan asking if I could help to find his lost Platinum wedding band. He told me the story of the lost ring.He and his wife had visited a natural pond  here in New Jersey.They were enjoying themselves swimming when Dan pushed off of the wall to swim further out.At that point he felt his ring leave his finger.The remainder of their visit was spent trying to locate the ring to no avail.

Dan returned at a later date with a mask and an underwater flashlight,but he had no success finding the ring. The operator of the pond told Dan that they would be draining the pond in the Spring.

Dan called me and we met at the pond on Sunday,April 26 to search in the now drained pond. After an initial search in the area that Dan  remembered swimming in, we did not locate the ring.I shifted my search area about 15 feet and in 5 minutes  had a good signal on my detector. I brushed away about 2 inches of mud right at the side of the wall and there was his ring!

What a feeling to hand Dan his previously lost ring and see his face light up. This made his day as well as mine .the total search time was 1 hour, time well spent!


Lost Diamond Wedding Ring at Waikiki Beach…….FOUND

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

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Friday night my friend George sent me an email that a gentlemen named Sahak Vardanyan (Sam) from Los Angeles had lost his ring in shallow water at Hilton Hawaiian Village on Wednesday. George currently only does dry land detecting so he gave me some additional locating data and I told him I would look in the AM. Time was critical as Sam and his wife Annie were leaving Sunday. My fellow ringfinder on Oahu Don met me at the beach at 0530. We brought our Excalibur’s and Don went out on scuba and I took off to do the wave curl and shallow water where the ring most likely came off. On about my fourth line in the grid search in waist deep water I got that tone we all know as GOLD. I dug in my scoop and low and behold there was a pull tab!!! What? It was definitely GOLD. I made another sweep and there was another target. Yep, fooled me the first time but the second scoop was Sam’s wedding ring. I contacted Sam by email and we met under the Rainbow Tower so I could return his ring. I think you can tell by their “Smiles” this vacation was going to be just fine. Aloha to Sam and Annie!

Lost ring found in Toronto, after Spring Gardening

  • from Toronto (Ontario, Canada)
Vivian ringPaul Davies was used to answer my prayer. I had been doing the “spring cleanup” in my garden when I noticed that the most precious of all my earthly possessions, my deceased father’s gold wedding band, was no longer on my finger. This  ring was a family heirloom, promised to my son as a memento of his grandfather’s love.   I had searched the garden on my hands and knees, dug up the flower bed again and sifted through bags of yard waste, before giving up. My heart was deeply pained with the loss. I would have gladly given up (literally) anything I owned to see the ring on my finger again and to know that my son would wear it one day.
Although I was almost without hope, I decided to search the internet for someone with a metal detector. I came across Mr. Davies and contacted him. He replied to me quickly and came to my property in Toronto to conduct the search. Within 10 minutes, the lost ring was back on my finger! I will be forever grateful.

Lost White Gold Ring w/ Peridot Setting Found in Wyandotte Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

From Quarrels to Smiles!

Got a call from Kiera. My first call as a Ringfinder. Not knowing what really happened I approached the assignment determined to do the best job I could. On site she said during a heated discussion her engagement ring flew out a window. She thought she heard the ring hitting the concrete and/or the metal fence along her driveway. She had rented a detector but didn’t find it. We searched her driveway area, and nothing came up. We decided to check further into the neighbor’s yard on the trajectory I thought it may have been on. Ring was found 40 feet from her window in the neighbor’s driveway. So, it did hit the concrete…..just in the neighbors yard behind the car in pic.

She was very happy and words can’t describe how much I enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, meeting new people and the feelings you get from the find and the owners excitement!



Lost Ring – Never Give Up Hope, Ring Found 3 Years Later

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


Recently, we were featured in an article by Doug Moe, a local reporter for the Wisconsin State Journal. The story was about our Ring Finding activities (http://host.madison.com/news/local/columnists/doug-moe/doug-moe-the-man-who-finds-lost-rings/article_3ef64cca-adf5-5735-8399-4f6e440631e0.html). After the article ran, I was contacted by about a dozen people who had lost their wedding ring between 1 and 8 years ago. This was awesome, because a lot of time people just give up looking for their ring. If you have a good idea on where and how you lost your ring, there is probably a pretty good chance it is still there. One of the couples who contacted me was Heather and Ron and this is their ring story.

Three years ago, Heather was preparing for an Easter Egg hunt in her backyard. The weather was just starting to warm up, so she decided it would be nice to have the hunt outside. She first wanted to clean up the dead leaves that were around her shrubs and in her planting beds from the past fall. Heather’s lot backed up to a wooded area, which was a convenient place to throw leaves and other yard waste. It was here that Heather tossed the leaves from her yard.

The next day, she was busy preparing for Easter dinner, when suddenly she realized that her wedding ring of 19 years was missing. She had been so busy getting ready for company that she didn’t focus on the fact that her ring was not on her finger. She felt absolutely sick, but hoped that it would show up. Days passed, but still not ring. She wondered if she had lost it in the house or maybe it fell down the drain? Ron, Heather’s husband, inspected all the traps under the sinks in the house. No ring. Time went on, but still no ring.

Heather thought back to the day she lost it and remembered that the day prior, she was in the backyard raking and cleaning the leaves. She also remembered that she was not wearing any gloves while working in the backyard, and there was a chance the ring could have fallen off while scooping up or tossing the leaves in the woods. They searched the areas she was working, but did not find anything. It’s amazing how a ring can quickly disappear from sight. After about a year of searching and wondering, Heather gave up – accepting the fact that she’d never see her ring again. They went to the jewelry store and picked out a new ring to replace the one missing from her finger.

Fast forward 3 years, and Ron was reading the Sunday paper one winter day. He showed Heather an article about some local “Ring Finders” who had helped others find their lost rings in the area. Ron called me the next day and told me their story. I said we could help, but needed to wait till Spring when the snow had melted and the ground thawed. This past weekend, I happened to be visiting an old family friend on the same side of Madison that Heather and Ron lived. I called Ron and setup a time to come out and take a look.

When we pulled up, we were greeted by Ellie, the family dog. Kylie, my daughter, enjoyed playing with Ellie … and I think Ellie enjoyed playing with Kylie too. Carter, my son, and I immediately started the search. We first scanned the planting area where Heather was working in 3 years ago. Amazingly, we found nothing. Typically around the perimeter of the house, we find a fair amount of junk left over from building projects or a recent roofing job – but there was nothing (which is awesome). So, we moved to the area where Heather had tossed the leaves. Almost immediately, we got a good strong and consistent signal. Carter scratched away the soil and we could quickly see the edge of a ring start to appear. The ring had been lost for 3 years, and after only about 5 mins we had found it!

I called Heather back out and distracted her with a “question”, when she turned around, she saw me holding up her ring.  She was shocked.  I don’t think she would ever had guessed that we would find her ring that quickly. After a couple of seconds, she let out a loud scream and jumped up and down with joy. This is my favorite part of Ring Hunting … the reveal. I love the reaction and expressions on people’s faces when we pull something out of the ground, that just seconds earlier, had been lost forever.

Thank you Ron and Heather for the generous reward. We will donate a portion of the reward to Carter and Kylie’s school, as we do with all rewards. We will then use the remainder to purchase some additional “test rings”. We have a couple of rings that we’ve found and have not been able to return. These prove very valuable when first starting a hunt. If we can get a similar ring and drop it in the same environment, it helps us tune our machines and focus on what signals to look for.

Remember, even if it’s been years – there is still hope that your ring can be found.

Every ring has a story, what’s yours?





Lost ring at Mission Beach Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Sara had been playing with children on the beach and in the water when she realized her engagement ring was missing. I received the call as I was sitting down to Easter dinner with family and friends so I told them it would be an hour or so before I could meet them at the location. When I arrived, I met Sara and Angel and their family and listened to the story of the loss and went about gridding the dry sand, which was just one possible area of where it might be hiding. After searching that area and expanding it out even beyond the boundaries they set, we figured it must be out in the ocean. Being high tide and fairly rough out there, I was only able to search to about knee deep. With no success, I told them that I would return at low tide and continue the search. They were sad and disheartened but that was all I could do at that time, so I reluctantly left to go home and get some sleep. I got up at 3am and made it down to the beach by 3:45am to begin the water search. After about 3 passes, I found the ring in ankle deep water with my killer Excalibur, 15″ WOT, Stealth 720i, combination. I texted them that I had found the ring and would contact them later in the morning after getting some much needed sleep. As soon as I woke up, the phone rang and we made arrangements for them to come pick up the ring. Sara and Angel had already traveled home so Adrian came by with daughter in tow. A few photos, calls, and text messages informed everyone the good news, with relief and smiles all around. Thank you for the reward.

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Lost Platinum & 18k Gold Wedding Ring Recovered in Morrisville N.C. on 3/31/15

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

On 3/29/15 , I was contacted by a Mr. Michael C. about his wedding ring he had lost while playing with his Dogs in his back yard.. We discussed the lost ring and all the details of where he had lost it and how.. After speaking to him I agreed to meet him the next day on 3/30/15 to do the search and find his ring.. I assured him it would be a easy search and I would be able to find his ring pretty quick since he was sure of the area he lost it in.. We had agreed to meet between 6:00pm & 6:30pm , 0n 3/30/15..

But the next day before I was to go out to do the search, I had decided since I had time before meeting him that I would go metal detecting in the woods first to pass some time before I had to meet him.. Thats when I had a problem of my own , I was about a mile back in the woods detecting and when it came time to head back to my truck so I could meet Mr. Michael C. to do his search I had relized I lost my truck keys in the woods somewhere.. This was a problem since I could not go anywhere with out my keys and I could not call him to let him know what happened since I locked my phone in my truck and could not get in to call anyone.. I search the woods again for my keys and decided to walk home when I could not find them.. When I finally got home , I emailed Mr. Michael C. late that night to let him know what had happened and to apologize for not being able to make it to do the search.. The next morning on 3/31/15, I had a friend give me a ride back to my truck with a spare set of keys so i could pick my truck up.. That same day I had spoke to Mr. Michael C. again since I had my phone again and truck back.. He was very understanding as to what happened and we agreeded to meet that day between 4pm & 4:30pm.. When I got there it was around 4pm and I met with Mr. Michael C. about ten minutes later when he had got there.. He walked me through what he was doing when he lost his ring and I even got to meet his 2 dogs he was playing with when he lost the ring.. I showed him the equipment I was going to use and explained this search would not take long as i was going to be able to find it fast using my long range electroscope called the Regulator..  I began my search using the Regulator long range electroscope and instantly got a hit on a line of bearing to search.. I grabbed my metal detector and in less then 3 minutes I had found his ring.. I was happy to have helped him out and he was very happy to have it back.. I also want to thank him for the generous reward he offered.. That much of a reward was not neccesary because I was not used to getting that much for a reward.. Its not about the amount of the reward I am offered that gives me pleasure in helping others out.. My reward is the pleasure I get when I see the smiles on a persons face when I return their lost item back to them..

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