I was out on the beach today getting a little exercise and metal detecting the low tide line when a 9 year old young lady, Gracie came up to me asking if I had found a man’s wedding ring and that her dad, Matt had lost his. Gracie’s mother Lauren was right behind her and told her daughter that the ring was gone. I looked at Lauren and told her not necessarily and started asking questions – where he was when it came off and what time it was when he lost it. Lauren wasn’t with her husband when he lost it but Gracie was and had all the answers and she was right on the money. Gracie told me he lost it about 4pm yesterday and then showed me the area. I got the ring description from Lauren plus her phone number and told her I’d call her when I found it as they were just leaving the beach.
I started a north/south grid search near the low tide line just to eliminate that area before the tide started coming in. I then came back up the beach about 15 yards and on the first pass I had a great signal, almost exactly where Gracie told me her dad had lost it. Two scoops and I saw the ring laying in the sand. I texted Lauren with a picture of the ring and said “Bingo!!! Look familiar??” Within 1 minute Lauren and Gracie were running out on the beach from the condo, with big grins on their faces. I got a big thank you from both of them and a big hug from Lauren. Come to find out Lauren hadn’t said anything to Matt about having someone look for his ring. Matt was still upstairs in the condo so she was going to go back up and bring him down. Shortly afterwards Matt and Lauren were walking hand in hand out on the beach. I walked up to Matt and asked him if he lost anything and what it looked like, he had both answers right so I held my closed fist out and dropped his ring in his hand – he was so happy and amazed he had it back. He gave me a big hand shake and Lauren got a big kiss from him and everything was good!!!!
Gracie was the real hero here, she’s one extremely intelligent young lady and without her details I’m pretty sure I’d of spent a lot more time looking for Matt’s ring or maybe not even knowing there was a lost ring out there to find.
Lauren and Matt thank you for trusting in me to help find your ring and the generous reward you wanted me to have. Have a great rest of your vacation and give Gracie and big hug and thank you from me for all her help!!!
Remember to contact a member in TheRingFinders.com directory to help find your lost treasure. We’re here to help get lost treasures back where they belong.
Thank you for reading my post.