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Lost Wedding Ring Recovered in Lutz FL

  • from Tampa (Florida, United States)

Item recovered October 18, 2024. Joyce reached out to me to assist locate a ring that her husband lost in the yard while cleaning up after hurricane Milton made landfall near Tampa. She was referred to me by a neighbor, Kim, whom I had assisted locating an earring in her back yard.

Kim was passing by their house and saw her neighbors looking for something in the grass. When they mentioned the lost ring, Kim gave Joyce my number to help with their search.

I set out in the afternoon, and made my way to their house in Lutz. When I arrived, the yard was cleaned up. Joyce and her husband showed me the area where they were working when the ring was lost.

The area was in the landscaping at the front corner of their house. The area had plant coverage that was approximately 1-2 feet high with wispy blades, which made it difficult to get into with my metal detector. I did my best, searching around every plant and trying not to cause damage to these plants as I moved about. I detected the area 2-3 times, but didn’t find anything.

Next, I detected the bag of debris that was picked up in that area thinking perhaps the ring fell off in the bag. Nothing was found, so I started searching the grassy area surrounding the landscaping. No luck!

I was starting to feel like a failure and asked if they could show me the path they took to walk to and from the area where they were working. After a 5-10 steps I detected a strong signal and the ring was located!

The area where the ring was found was where they had initially emptied the bag of debris to search for the ring. It must have been in the bag and had fallen out when they searched the contents for the ring.

Gold Wedding Ring Found in Odessa, FL

  • from Tampa (Florida, United States)

Item recovered August 26, 2024. Chelsea reached out for help locating her ring after losing it during a water balloon fight in a field adjacent to a church. While helping as a camp counselor, Chelsea forgot to remove the ring and felt it fly off her hand as she was throwing water balloons. She had been back to the location to search, but didn’t have any luck locating the lost ring.

I arrived after work and waited for one of our classic Florida summertime thunderstorms to wind down before setting off into the field. Chelsea gave me the approximate area where she believed the ring was lost and I started a grid pattern in the area. 45 minutes later, there were some small metal items located, but no ring.

I changed directions by 90 degrees and went over the area a second time with no luck. About 90 minutes of searching and it was starting to get dark. I decided to expand the search area and continued until I hit a sweet sounding signal. It was the missing ring and Chelsea was overwhelmed with joy that her ring had been found!

The ring was located nearly 30-40 yards from where I was initially directed. It was a good lesson learned to never give up when at first you don’t succeed!

How to find your lost iPhone, Vancouver BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I find things…That’s what I do! I was out detecting one night a few weeks back and I found an iPhone at low tide at 1 am. I put it away and it took me a week or so to get the little tool to open my sim card holder. This is a way I’ve learnt that I can find the persons phone number, when I put their SIM card into my iPhone I just go into settings, about this phone then I can find their number listed. I then take out the SIM card put mine back in and reach out to them. I’ve returned so many iPhones this way. I was happy that he called me back and we hooked up today and I gave back the young man’s phone, he was extremely happy and told me the story how it ended up in the ocean. A coworker threw it into the ocean… alcohol was involved lol… as I’m writing this story I received a text message from Adrian. He said when he got home and put it on the cordless charger, the phone worked… Amazing!



200th Return by Richard Browne Member of TheRingFinders.com Centerville, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

February 24, 2025

It was the second warmest day since January 1st and a grate day to clean up some of the winter’s wrath on tree limbs. Dan was in the wooded area next to an old cranberry bog behind his house doing just that. He was carrying a fallen limb to the rear edges of his property when a low hanging branch snagged one of his hearing aids from his ear. After hours of searching, without finding the hearing aid, Dan reached out for help.

A call to Eleanor, at J&E Enterprises, got Dan two useful bits of suggestions. First he was encouraged to call one of TheRingFinders and in the meantime he could try dragging a magnet. Dan called me first. I answered the call and I was on my way. While waiting for me to arrive the search with a magnet was on. Something I had never thought of while searching for any of the 6 hearing aids that I have returned.

As I had done the day before, I adjusted my detector to the specific model hearing aid I was searching for. The area was again less than a 20 foot diameter around the branch. A standard cross hatch search pattern because of the foliage and terrain was about impossible. About 20 minutes passed with many bogus iron alerts from my detector, right tone but wrong numeric reading. A slower, shorter swing of the detector started on the outer  edge of the most probable area that the hearing aid would be in. Low and behold right under the branch that had caused the loss and again, as in yesterday’s find, the hearing aid could not be seen while standing above it. I had to get on my knees and carefully move the foliage that was covering the hearing aid before retrieving it for Dan.

This was my 200th return since I joined TheRingFinders and as I did on the 100th return I wanted to give something special to the owner of the lost item. Unfortunately I did not have the Carpe Diem token with me and I had to return to Dan’s home the next day. The token was designed by a metal detecting friend, Jim Wirth. Sentimental Memories are something that cannot be replaced and I am so fortunate to have so many. Thanks to all that have reached out to TheRingFinders for help and in making Unforgettable Memories.



Lost Hearing Aid Found and Returned, Yarmouth Port, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

February 23 2025

The month of January and first 3 weeks of February have been very cold here on Cape Cod. I had only been out detecting one day since the first of the year. Well the Temperature had got into the 40’s and people have been getting out for a walk the past two days. Anne was one that got out for an extended walk with her sister and dog. While on the walk she lost a hearing aid. After not being able to find the lost hearing aid she contacted friends, including one of my neighbors, Eleanor of J&E Enterprises who in turn contacted me. It is great to see how people come to one’s aid when help is needed.

During the walk with her dog a low hanging branch caught Anne by surprise and dislodged the hearing aid. Anne and her sister looked for several hours and could not find it. The hearing aid’s app showed the location to be in the Cul-de-Sac area. Good information but not much help. A cell phone app for locating a “lost” hearing aid gives the location to be within 30 feet or so of where the two were disconnected. Knowledge of the tree lessened the search area to a 10 foot circle within the Cul-de-Sac. A visual sight search was about impossible as the bronze hearing aid and ground cover blended in perfectly with each other.

Using the second hearing aid as a “standard” I adjusted my detector’s notch filtering and sensitivity settings to give a good indication to the missing hearing aid. The exact location of the lost hearing aid would be known when the detector’s coil was passed over it. Starting at the tree where it was believed the loss occurred, it took only a couple of minutes to locate the hearing aid. However, I could not see the hearing aid until I got down on my hands and knees and moved some leaves.

Anne was right with me as I recovered her hearing aid and was very grateful for the service I provided. She called her husband, thanked me many times, chatted with my wife as I put my gear away. I know she is waiting for this blog to be posted.

Lost ring found on school grounds

  • from Ham Lake (Minnesota, United States)

While walking and tending to elementary aged school bus riding children a ring that was slightly over-sized slipped off and fell somewhere within a city block playground. To complicate matters it occurred in the middle of February after a snow storm. The school sidewalk was plowed with several pedestrians walking it each day. The chances of the ring being lost forever increased with each passing day. Fortunately most of the snow melted making for easier detecting. Nothing worse than sifting through snowbanks! After several targets were explored and examined, the ring was found sitting near the surface and towards the sidewalks end. With the price of Gold a new ring was not in the cards:( fortunately the ring was recovered and returned to the rightful owner!

Thank you for choosing me as your detectorist!

Lost Ring on Navarre Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

With all of the beautiful weather, the first ring recovery of the year came in February. Sarah called and explained that she had lost her Tiffany wedding band out on the beach somewhere. She wasn’t positive where and was concerned that it might even be in her van. After a few questions I decided that it was probably in the sand and grabbed my gear and drove the hour over to Navarre. I ended up finding it very quickly and I think Sarah was shocked how fast she had her beautiful ring back on her finger. I made good on my promise from earlier saying “if it’s there, I can find it.”  😃👍. I look forward to a great year of helping people get their precious items back.

Ocean City NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
Lost a ring in Ocean City, NJ?
Don’t wait to call!
On a stunning day in Ocean City, NJ, Mackenzie reached out to me. She had been at the beach with her family, but in the joy of the moment, disaster struck – her wedding ring had slipped off and vanished into the sand. Despite finding her engagement ring, the wedding band was nowhere to be seen. I rushed to the scene, getting as much information as possible before arriving. Once I reached the beach, Mackenzie provided a few more details about where she thought the ring might be. I began my search, methodically sweeping my metal detector over the area, then a signal! With a few careful digs, the ring emerged from the sand. The relief and joy were instant. Mackenzie was overjoyed to be reunited with her ring, and the family and onlookers couldn’t help but share in the happiness of the moment. It was a truly special ending to a day that could have been ruined. Instead, it became a story of loss and recovery that they’ll treasure for years to come in Ocean City, NJ.
Like, share and follow. For more stories and information, visit my website:: ringfinderssouthjersey.com

Sarnia Snow tries to steal rings

  • from Sarnia (Ontario, Canada)

Sarnia Ontario hasn’t seen snowfall like we’ve had this year in quite some time so it’s no wonder I received two phone calls in the last month to search for lost rings. One lady was doing a little shoveling early in the morning before work then while at work realized her ring was missing and the other one was doing the opposite while enjoying a little bit of sledding down some nice snowy covered hills also noticed her ring was missing. They were both able to give me General vicinity of where they think their Rings were lost however as I’m quite used to now they never seem to be quite in the areas that they think. Over the years of finding lost jewelry and other items for people I have become used to this fact so using memory, skill and a little luck I was able to broaden the search areas and luckily able to find their missing rings. With happy tears shed from both women and possibly a few tears from me LOL, the Rings were happily returned. One ring represented and engagement while the other was a special custom-made ring from a recently passed grandfather to his granddaughter. As always I probably feel as happy inside as the people who have their special things returned.

Engagement Ring Found in Vermont Snow

  • from Barre (Vermont, United States)


I got a call yesterday from a couple who had lost her engagement ring in the deep powder snow. They had recently purchased a beautiful farm in Central Vt and were out enjoying a little Winter exploration of the 400 acres.

When they stopped for some lunch, they discovered her ring was missing. They desperately dug all through the snow with their hands, having no luck.

So, we set a time for this morning to meet there. We started hiking up the hill and stopped part way to put on snowshoes. It was a beautiful day, sunshine and wild animal tracks everywhere. I was at the end of a very bad chest infection, so it felt amazing to be outdoors in the fresh air.

We got to the area they ate lunch, I turned on the new Garrett VX9, set the frequency to 25, and got started. I literally hadn’t taken 2 steps, and on the 5th swing got a very feint signal. I kicked some of the snow away and the signal got louder. So, I probed the snow with the pinpointer, got a hit, cleared a little more snow away with my finger and a glint of shiny gold showed through! It was a very surprising and happy sight, usually searches like that take many hours! The ring had been stepped on and pushed at least 10” into the snow.

We had a nice slow walk out enjoying all the sights. I hope they have nice long and healthy lives working their new farm!