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Finding Property Markers

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

I can find Property Markers and Property Pins

Contact: John Volek / Member

Victorian Home Search Corsicana Tx

  • from Fort Worth (Texas, United States)

Hired to search this Victorian Home in Corsicana Texas for possible buried cache of jewelry, silver or gold.

Did not locate any caches. Found some old relics, and a few old coins. It was an interesting and fun experience!


.591 590


Lost Ring Galveston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service now in Galveston, Texas

Lost your jewelry in the surf or out on the beach and thought it was gone forever?

Call the Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

John Volek 281-330-7758

Galveston is one of the most popular year-round coastal destinations in our second largest state TEXAS. It is an island in the Gulf of Mexico. You can still take a road trip here because it is connected to the mainland by a bridge. It is a city that offers many historical and cultural attractions, water sports, and great hotels and resorts. Galveston TX has most of its businesses downtown, but also offers many rental residences with access to the Galveston beaches.




John Volek

Member Since 2012


Engagement ring recovered from Eldora Ski Area parking lot

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)
It was a Tuesday night and I had just gotten home from the gym at 7:30 and was about to get something to eat when I noticed the answering machine blinking. There was the sad voice of a young lady asking me to help her search for her lost engagement ring. I called Jamie back and we had a brief conversation, she believed that her engagement ring was lost while changing out of her ski bibs in the parking lot of a “nearby” ski area. I had Jamie call the ski area to inquire about doing a search. While Jamie was making her call I quickly made a sandwich and ate. Jamie called back after several minutes stating that she couldn’t get ahold of the ski area as it had been closed for several hours by then.
The weather that night was a bit brisk; at my home the thermometer read 1 degree above 0 and it was snowing. I knew that going up to a ski area the temperature would be even colder so I needed to change. By the time I changed my clothes, gathered my gear and loaded my truck it was now 9:00 PM. The ski area that was my destination was an hour’s drive in good weather, but I still made drive in an hour and 15 minutes.
Upon arrival I checked my trucks thermometer prior to stepping out, it read -17. WOW, my coldest search yet. Luckily there was only a slight breeze so with wind chill it had to be around -20 to -25 degrees. Jamie, Mike (Jamie’s other half) and I talked about the location of their car during the ring’s loss. While marking out the search area in the fresh snow a guy in a front end loader who was clearing the snow form the parking lots stopped by to see what we were up to. Upon hearing that Jamie lost her ring and that I was there to search for it he raised his eyebrows and said “Good luck” then he continued on his with his business.
I began my search on the east end of our search area, after a half hours search my XLT’s screen had become very sluggish and pretty much useless. I typically detect by tone anyway so the lack of VDI was not a big deal. Another 5 – 10 minutes later I heard that wonderful tone and I scraped the top layer of snow away. The signal moved so I broke out my pinpoint probe and zeroed in on the target. When I brushed some more snow away there was Jamie’s ring, I must say her ring is quite exquisite. Jamie and Mike were so excited to get her ring back. I received a bone crushing hug and a good hearty hand shack and then we proceeded to get some photos.
Jamie and Mike live in Texas and were heading back home in just over 24 hours. I am sure that they will have some good things to say about us Coloradoans, metal detectorists and The Ring Finders.
Ring recovered February 4th, 2014.
Cold but happy

Cold but happy

Jamie's engagement ring

Jamie’s engagement ring

Lost Class Ring College Station, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Texas A&M Class Ring Bryan College Station, Texas


Received the following e-mail 03-13-2014 Thursday

Hey John,

I got your contact info from the ring finder website. I recently

lost my Aggie ring. I believe it fell off in my neighbors yard, while I was

picking up some trash that had blown into his leaf piles. I’m 99% sure where it

fell. My neighbor gave me permission to look, but I have not been successful.

I’m a veterinary student in college station, tx. What would it cost to have you

drive out here and have a look? Do you know anyone in this area that would be

willing to assist? The ring is very important to me, and had a stone from my

grandmother in it.


Spoke with Kohl on Thursday and he explained the circumstances surrounding the loss of his class ring. Kohl explained the ring was important, but the diamond in his ring had been handed down to him from his grandmother, making it irreplaceable. Kohl and I , worked out some travel expenses issues, and arrangements were made from Sunday morning. I made the 1:45 minute trip out to Kohl’s today meeting him at his residence. Kohl walked the search area with me pointing out the areas he believed he may have lost his ring. The search area was relatively small with several sections of the lawn had exposed dirt surfaces.  I knew if the ring was in the remaining grass or leaves it would be a very fast recovery.


These are the difficult stories; the ring was not in the yard. I worked that lawn so hard I may have killed the remaining grass.

Having searched for A&M rings in the past, I knew the school had a lost and found specific to class rings. Even the local area police departments, having checked this for myself, contact the schools when a class ring is turned into them. I directed Kohl to notify the school, and to continue the search for his ring. Kohl advised he would notify me if he finds his missing ring.


John Volek




Lost Ring Pasadena, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

 Lost Ring Pasedena, Texas (Recovered)

 I received a call Wednesday from Jennifer who had located me on she was looking for someone to help her find her mother’s lost wedding ring.

Jennifer reported her mother Barbara had lost her ring in the front yard of her residence while tending to the front lawn and flower beds. Jennifer said her mother was pretty sure she lost her wedding ring of 20 years while working in the yard today.

I asked Jennifer a few more questions about the area to be searched and recommended she tell her mom not to mow the front lawn.

Final arrangements were discussed and plans were made for Friday morning.

Jennifer called me back a few minutes after our conversation ended; reportin her mother’s lawn service had  cut the grass Wednesday afternoon. I told Jennifer we will hope for the best, and if the ring is in the yard I would find it.

I made the trip out to Pasadena this morning and meet with Barbara and was shown the areas in the yard where she believed she may have lost her ring.

Barbara returned inside of her residence while I searched the front yard and flower beds. About 15 minutes in, a good solid signal with a depth rate of one inch, I knew I was on the ring.

I packed up my gear and knocked on the front door a few minutes later. Barbara called out, come on in. As I made my way to the living area of the house I heard Barbara say “you couldn’t find it”?

I held out my hand and presented Barbara her missing wedding ring which resulted in some big hugs and smiles.









































John Volek


Equipment Used:

Minelab CTX3030

White’s TRX Pinpointer

 The TRX is looking really good performance wise and performed well on its first field use.

Metal Detecting Equipment

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

 Recent Discovery #3  Anderson Detector Shafts


Product Information:

Anderson Detector Shafts:

The fine folks at Anderson Detector Shafts sent out an Excalibur II travel shaft for long term testing and evaluation 🙂 The product looks and feels very well built and should be a nice upgrade for traveling with an Excalibur II.

Anderson Detector Shafts also builds some really nice looking Carbon Fiber shafts,  and a variety of other quaility detecting products.

Ryan at Andeson Detector Shafts will be your point of contact.































John Volek

Metal Detecting Equipment

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Product Information:

Repairing or Cleaning your scratched Metal Detectors Display Screen.

Several months back while working a job, I rubbed the display screen on my CTX3030  with a wet muddy glove and scratched the display screen.

The scratches were not always visable, but with the sun hitting it just right, it was very noticable and distracting.

 Came across this product by accident, but it worked very well on repairing the display screen on my CTX330; I feel pretty confident it would work well on any detectors display screen.

The product came out of a 3M headlight restoration kit purchased at Harbor Freight. After using the kit for it’s intended purpose, I tried a dab of the final polishing compound on the CTX3030’s screen and it took out the scratches with no problem.

The screen looks new again.

























Hope this is useful to someone else.



John Volek



Metal Detecting Equipment

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Product Information:

Recent Discovery, the new White’s Bullseye TRX Pinpointer.

As I favor Minelab products, I am going on my 6th and 7th Minelab pinpointer pro. (all under warranty) I am not sure if it’s the Texas heat, humidy, or moisture while occasionally operating in some damp enviroments, but failures have plagued my pinpointers. 

I was getting ready to send both back on warranty issues, and did not want to be without a pinpointer. A quick Google search, and I discovered White’s had jus released the new Bullseye TRX.  
























Although, I have not field tested the new TRX, I am really liking the sensitivity, as well as the lanyard attachments on both the pointer and carrier.

The build seems solid, and if it runs trouble free, it might be my new go to product for pinpointers.


John Volek



Lost Ring Sugar Land, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Received the following e-mail:

Hello John,

I saw your info on website. I lost my wedding band this past week and was looking into renting a metal detector in hopes of finding it, but then I found you in a Google search. Would you expect the same payment whether the ring is found or not? I’d be willing to pay $**** if found, but $**** if not for your time. I don’t know if that’d be worth your while, but just wanted to be honest up front about what I’m willing/able to pay. If that’s
reasonable for you, please email me back and we can try to arrange a time to meet at the park. Thank you for even considering!


I met with David and his son at a local park in Sugar Land where they had played baseball a few days earlier. David said, he and his son were throwing the ball and he was pretty sure his Platinum Wedding Ring came off of his finger when he had taken off his baseball glove. David pointed out an area in the park where he and his son had been playing, and then walked the area with me, highlighting the areas he had remembered pulling off his glove.

The search area in the park was about 100′ by 100′ of flat level grass. I was pretty sure this would be a quick easy find, thinking this should be a really low trash area and the ring should be a fast find. Well the park had a lot of false signals requiring me to stop and dig through the grass frequently checking for the ring.

After about an hour, and moving another 10′ outside of the original search area, success a good solid signal. I looked into the grass and saw the ring. I had given David’s son one of my handheld Pin-Pointers to play with, and I could see he was about 20-30- feet away digging in the grass looking for treasures of his own.

I called him over, and asked him to check this  particular area for his Dad’s Wedding Ring. After a few minutes of working his handheld in the grass, the handheld sounded and he found the ring. It was pretty cool seeing David’s son finding his father’s ring. It was a Kodak moment.

























John volek

Equipment Used:


Minelab Pin-Pointer Pro (times 2)