Most Recent Discovery Category | Page 368 of 372 | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Signet Ring/Sunset Beach, Vancouver/Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Late night search for a gold signet ring lost in the grass by Sunset Beach…

Someone posted a lost & found ad about a lost signet ring and gave such a good description of the area it was lost at that it tempted me to go out at midnight to take a look for it.

I replied to the post but never heard back so I packed my gear and headed out. Without the person to be there its a bit of a challenge but I do like a challenge!

When I arrived to the spot I decide to search from east to west…I’d say lucky choice as within 10 minutes I got a good strong signal and turned on my flashlight and kicked the grass to see gold! It was the signet ring!

When I got back home I emailed the news of finding the ring and also sent a picture of the ring. The next morning we made arrangements to meet.

When we met he was very excited to get his ring back but unfortunately he didn’t want to do a video…It happens

He did tell me that he had the ring for over 20 years and it meant a lot to him to get it back.

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call Chris Turner: 778-838-Find(3463)

Tungsten Carbide ring found in Denver lake

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

While placing anchors for an inflatable float platform in a private lake in northern Denver Erin lost his Tungsten Carbide wedding ring. He had repositioned the float and anchors a couple of times before finalizing its location.  He had made a few attempts to recover his ring by using a snorkel mask and free-diving the site.  Three weeks later Erin had heard of my attempts to find one of his neighbors ring and contacted me.

The search area wasn’t too large but due to the fact that the lake was a former sand and gravel pit the depth of the water varied from only about 3 feet deep to chin deep. With one of my underwater detectors in hand I began my grid search of the area. Not knowing how a Tungsten Carbide ring would read on my machine I needed to pull up all metal targets. After retrieving several nails, pieces of can and other miscellaneous debris and placing this debris in my trash pouch, Erin’s ring came up in my scoop. Once again the proper equipment, in this case an underwater metal detector and a proper scoop, along with the knowledge and experience in using this equipment saved the day.

Ring recovered: July 8, 2010

Erin with the search site in the background

Wedding ring found in ditch – Aurora, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Recently I was contacted by Melissa. One night while in a heated debate with her husband her wedding ring found its way out of the car window. After a few hours cooler heads prevailed and the search for Melissa’s ring was on. They searched the site, which was marked by a field driveway, several times without luck.

I made arrangements to meet the couple and discussed what had occurred the night of the loss. After a quick re-enactment of the events that lead to the rings loss,  in which a “test ring” was thrown from the vehicle, my search began. Because of quality equipment, which includes a good set of headphones, I was only slightly hindered by the noise of the traffic on the road just feet away. However, with the Air National Guard taking off in their fighter jets just a short distance away and hitting their after-burners while directly overhead, I decided to take a short break. After about an hour of searching the ring was recovered not more than 6 paces from the location where our “test ring” had landed.

 Ring recovered: June 4, 2010

Lost Wedding Band at a Baseball Field in Port Coquitlam…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

First of all I’m chocked that I accidentally deleted the video that went with this smile…My flip video camera doesn’t allow me to recover the video when I mess up…

I received a call the other day from a young lady who tells me that her husband of only two years had lost his wedding band while playing Baseball, one week ago in Port Coquitlam.

I decide to search that evening after I finished work, I was to meet up with her husband after his dinner with friends. I arrived at the park at around 8:15 pm and there was a baseball game on so I just kicked back and enjoyed the slow pitch.

When the game was over around 9:20 pm I was getting ready to start my search and was met shortly after by the young man who had lost the ring. He showed me all the areas he was playing and warming up in, it made sense to me that the only time the ring would come off his finger is when he was pulling off his glove.

Because his glove was on his left hand and because he wouldn’t take it off while playing the most likely area for me to search was where he was warming up. I figured when he was running back to the sidelines where his team was getting ready he’d take off his glove and out the ring would go… At least that’s what I was hoping for.

It was getting dark fast and I told him that he could go home and I’d call him when I found it. I started my grid search where he showed me where he was standing while warming up and headed back towards the sideline.

It was going on 45 minutes and the mosquito’s were out in full force, I was thinking to myself that I’d come back on the weekend and search some more for the ring and I was getting close to the end of my grid when I received a loud signal on my detector. I turned on my flashlight and kicked the grass to see his 14k white gold wedding band looking back at me!

That felt so good to see! I quickly called him to tell him the good news and was greeted with a nice Thank You card from his wife and a kind reward for my efforts.

I Love my Job!

Lost Something?

Call:Chris Turner 778-838-Find(3463)

Metal Detecting English Bay Beach for lost Silver Native Bracelet and Silver Ring

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Another night hunt, two in a row…I was at work when I received a call from a young lady who lost her silver native bracelet and silver ring at English Bay Beach in Vancouver.

She tells me that she was enjoying the beach with her son on one of our hottest days of the year, she took off her jewellery to put some suntan lotion on and placed it on the blanket.

When she was ready to head home she picks up the blanket and shakes off the sand not remembering that her bracelet and ring was on it…

An hour and a half goes by and she realizes that she hasn’t got her cherished jewellery, the bracelet was given to her 28 years ago by her father and the ring she had for 20 years.

Needless to say she was devastated, she went back to the beach and searched but did not find what she was looking for…

With the help of the lifeguards that saw her searching the beach she contacted me, I came out after work at around 11:15 pm and she showed me the area.

I received a couple of signals and this got her so excited but unfortunately it was just some beer caps. I finished the grid search of the area then started to expand the grid when I received another signal.

I slowly dug the sand with scoop and as I lifted it out from the sand I could see silver and at that moment I heard her scream! There in my sand scoop was both ring and bracelet!

I was hugged and thanked as she was very grateful that she had her jewellery back.

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call me ASAP!

Chris Turner 778-838-Find(3463)

Please watch the video below…

Lost Diamond Ring in Whonnock Lake, Maple Ridge…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Sweet 16… Birthday Gift lost in 4 feet of water!

Mother & Daughter & Ring

It was a sweet 16th birthday diamond ring that her mother bought for her daughter…Two weeks after receiving her gift it was lost in 4 feet of water in Wannuck Lake…This is how the story goes…

It was her brothers birthday and family and friends enjoyed a sunny day at Whonnock Lake in Maple Ridge. Her bother and friends all decided to run into the lake with clothes on…Great to be young!

They all agreed and lined up and at the same time ran into the water…All but Kate who stopped at the waters edge, as she was laughing her cousin ran out and grabbed her and walked her into the water then threw her in!

As she started to swim back to shore she felt her hand hit her leg and felt her ring come off her finger. She stopped and told everyone not to move and that her ring came off.

It was hopeless due to the murky bottom, the ring was lost! She was devastated and so was her mother! Luckily Kate’s mother started to search the internet to find a metal detector and found The Ring Finders Directory.

I received an email and called Susan to discuss the search, she explained how much the ring meant to both of them and was really hoping that I could find it.

After talking to them I found out that a lady who saw them searching the water had offered to search for the ring as she was a diver. They never heard back from the lady and didn’t know if she came back to the lake later to search for the ring.

I started my search in waiters and soon changed to my wetsuit as it was in deeper water then expected. Shortly after changing into the wetsuit my underwater detector took on some water…Bummer! But I had backup in my car.

I started the search and within 15 minutes I had found many bobby pins and one diamond ring with two hearts…
To get a first hand reaction for my video camera I pretended that I needed to film me starting the search.

I got my camera and started to talk about the many bobby pins I had found then I held up the ring…

I have the greatest job in the world!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call me ASAP: Chris Turner 778-838-(Find)3463

When you want your lost ring to Find you!

Checkout the video below of the discovery…

Lost Diamond Ring in Whonnock Lake, Maple Ridge…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

It was a Sweet 16th birthday present…A diamond ring that her mother bought for her daughter…Two weeks after receiving her gift it was lost in 4 feet of water in Whonnock Lake, Maple Ridge…

Lost Silver Native Ring in West Vancouver…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Native Silver Ring Lost in West Vancouver

Lost Large Native Silver Ring...Found

Lost Native Silver Ring… Found!

I received an email the other day and it was in regards to a lost large silver native ring. The lady explains that she knew the approximant location the ring came off her finger when she was throwing sticks into the ocean for her dog.

We arrange a time to meet and the next day I met the young lady and she showed me the location. She wasn’t sure exactly when it came off her finger, this makes the search a little more challenging!

The tide was out so I started my search in the wet sand, I was at it for close to one hour doing my cross grid. There was lots of iron signals and I dug them all up just to clean the area incase the ring was sitting on top of the iron.

I received a nice signal and sunk my scoop into the sand and up came her beautiful silver native ring! I quickly put the scoop back into the sand then turned my video camera on and held up her ring…

I love the reactions when I find what I’m looking for and I have to say, I’m just as excited as the person I found the ring for!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call me ASAP: Chris Turner 778-838-(Find)3463

When you want your lost ring to Find you!

Please look for the video 5 posts down…

Wedding band found in Denver’s City Park

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

The wedding band belonging to Ryan Evans had been lost for nearly 3 weeks. He and his wife had all but given up hope on finding his wedding ring when contact between Ryan and Jeff Lubbert took place. A time was quickly set for a meeting that same night at Denver’s City Park. Ryan described the events that led up to the loss of his ring and the how he discovered it was missing.

Ryan left to go for his evening jog leaving Jeff to his search. About 2 hours later Jeff had found a ring in the area that Ryan’s was lost. A few minutes later Ryan and his ring were reunited.

A quote from Ryan. “Excellent news! Got a call back from Jeff and he met me last night and nearly at the last minute just before he left he found the ring! WHAT A FEELING! My wife was ecstatic and I am getting it resized tomorrow. Jeff couldn’t be a better guy . . . ”

Angels In The Outfield, Lost Silver Pendant, Vancouver Park

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost Silver Angel Pendant...Found

Angel Pendant lost...Found

Well today I had a search for a lost silver angel pendent, at a park in Vancouver. It was lost at a rugby practice, my first thought was that some young man had lost it…Wrong! Some young lady had lost it while training.

Normally I wouldn’t search for something lost without the permission of the person first, but the person posted it on the internet with the exact location. I couldn’t get out the day I saw the post because of work so I went out the next day.

When I arrived at the location and started my grid search I could tell that someone else had already searched the area for the lost pendant.

I was a little set back at the thought that someone must of already found it, but it was such a nice day I decided to search anyway.

I started my grid where the person left off, instead of continuing the grid north I back tracked south toward the area that was already searched.

That was a good call as it didn’t take long before something silver caught my eye, my first thought was…that’s a dime, but closer inspection it turned out to be the pendant!

It was nice meeting you Amy! And thank you for the generous reward!

I love my job!

Lost something and need it found!

Call me ASAP!

Chris Turner 778-838-Find(3463)