Property Pin Locator Tag | The Ring Finders

Property Marker Search Fulshear, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Property Marker Search

Contacted by Gene a resident of Fulshear, Texas who advised he was searching the internet for metal detector rentals and came across “The Ring Finders” website. Gene wanted to know if I could assist him finding a metal property marker at his resident. Gene said he had a copy of the original land plot showing the location of the markers. The property plot was a nice reference but lacked any measurement to aid in locating the markers. Some how I am thinking it’s drawn like that intentionally. Gene said if we couldn’t find the marker, he was going to have to hire a surveyor to re-plot the property lines and it was going to be very expensive.

Made the trip out this morning and hit the property marker pretty quick, excavated, and tagged it for the homeowner.







































nothing further,


John Volek / Member




Finding Property Markers

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

I can find Property Markers and Property Pins

Contact: John Volek / Member

Lost Ring Galveston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service now in Galveston, Texas

Lost your jewelry in the surf or out on the beach and thought it was gone forever?

Call the Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

John Volek 281-330-7758

Galveston is one of the most popular year-round coastal destinations in our second largest state TEXAS. It is an island in the Gulf of Mexico. You can still take a road trip here because it is connected to the mainland by a bridge. It is a city that offers many historical and cultural attractions, water sports, and great hotels and resorts. Galveston TX has most of its businesses downtown, but also offers many rental residences with access to the Galveston beaches.




John Volek

Member Since 2012


Lost Ring Pasadena, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

 Lost Ring Pasedena, Texas (Recovered)

 I received a call Wednesday from Jennifer who had located me on she was looking for someone to help her find her mother’s lost wedding ring.

Jennifer reported her mother Barbara had lost her ring in the front yard of her residence while tending to the front lawn and flower beds. Jennifer said her mother was pretty sure she lost her wedding ring of 20 years while working in the yard today.

I asked Jennifer a few more questions about the area to be searched and recommended she tell her mom not to mow the front lawn.

Final arrangements were discussed and plans were made for Friday morning.

Jennifer called me back a few minutes after our conversation ended; reportin her mother’s lawn service had  cut the grass Wednesday afternoon. I told Jennifer we will hope for the best, and if the ring is in the yard I would find it.

I made the trip out to Pasadena this morning and meet with Barbara and was shown the areas in the yard where she believed she may have lost her ring.

Barbara returned inside of her residence while I searched the front yard and flower beds. About 15 minutes in, a good solid signal with a depth rate of one inch, I knew I was on the ring.

I packed up my gear and knocked on the front door a few minutes later. Barbara called out, come on in. As I made my way to the living area of the house I heard Barbara say “you couldn’t find it”?

I held out my hand and presented Barbara her missing wedding ring which resulted in some big hugs and smiles.









































John Volek


Equipment Used:

Minelab CTX3030

White’s TRX Pinpointer

 The TRX is looking really good performance wise and performed well on its first field use.

The Finder of Lost Rings and Jewelry in the Greater Houston area

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Houston and Surrounding Areas

John Volek / Metal Detecting Specialist

Underwater Metal Detecting Specialist


Home Location

Houston, Texas



Search Locations

State of Texas and beyond


Search Types

I can search virtually any location regardless of the conditions, geography or technical difficulty. Most of the calls for service I receive are for lost personal possessions (jewelry, rings, and bracelets). I have experience in Insurance Forensic Recovery, Insurance Claims, Underwater Recovery and Estate Property Searches to list a few.

In short, if you lost it, I can assist you in finding it.

I maintain a Scuba Diver Certifications through (SSI) Scuba Schools International, placing your lost property with-in reach even when overboard.

I train regularly and use the best equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.

Assistance to any Law Enforcement Agency upon request.


Cost For My Service

For land and shallow water searches I work on a reward basis…That means you pay me what you can afford, and what it’s worth to you, to have your lost item found.

Travel and other incidental fees will be agreed upon prior to rendering any Metal Detecting Services.

If the search requires me to dive for your lost ring or property there will be a set fee discussed prior to suiting up.


John Volek’s Bio

I am a certified Texas Law Enforcement Officer of twenty-five years. If you lost something important, I have extensive experience and training in helping people find what they have lost.

“in scientia opportunitas”… In Knowledge, there is Opportunity



The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek
