ohio Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a phone call about a lost Engagement Ring which was lost while clearing and cleaning the old plants from the flower beds. She was just doing her normal routine while wear gloves. Then after the job was done the ring was gone. We was able to perform the search the next day. Started the search in the first areas with no luck. Still continued through each flower bed area and the first dump site of two  for the plant waste materials. During the search of the second waste plant materials site, I had a hit in the dead plants, as I moved the plants away the hit disappeared which told me the item has fallen down into the older pile. Started moving the debris out of the way and there was the ring that has fallen and hidden itself. She was very happy to have the Ring returned to her.

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Ring Found in Gambier, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

Shortly before the holiday break, I received a call from Dottie (from Massachusetts) who found me on the Ring Finders website. She explained that her daughter had just called her from college (in Ohio) and was pretty upset. Her daughter was on her way to class when she slipped in the snow and lost her Signet ring! It was a very special ring and Dottie hoped I could help. We made arrangements to meet her daughter Stephanie on campus an hour later. When we arrived, Stephanie and her friends described what had happened and showed us where she lost the ring. We turned on our detectors to get to work and BEEP, BEEP!! First swing of the coil and there it was! Stephanie and her friends couldn’t believe we found it so fast! We took a few pics and messaged Dottie. Everyone was happy! The whole thing took less than a minute, but that feeling lasts forever!

Lost Platinum Engagement Ring Found in Corn Pit in Wooster, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

Halloween high jinks were in full swing this past weekend in Wooster, Ohio! Kim was enjoying an unseasonably warm fall day with her family at Ramseyer Farms. The day was full of fun and treats, but Kim ended up being on the receiving end of a trick! The culprit? Corn! That’s right, not a person, it was corn…and lots of it! Kim was playing with her 2-year-old daughter in the Corn Barn (a giant corn pit, in a barn) when it happened. (For those who don’t know, a corn pit is like a sand box, except it’s filled with corn kernels!) Anyway, she was crawling through the corn towards her daughter when she felt that unmistakable feeling of a ring slipping off her finger! She immediately started foraging through the corn, but couldn’t find her platinum engagement ring! She continued searching for a while and her dad even went and purchased a metal detector to aid in the search! After a while she decided to search the internet where she found The Ringfinder’s website, which led her to me. I received the call at 5:13 pm yesterday evening. Kim explained what had happened and asked if I would be able to come out and assist. She said the staff at Ramseyer Farms was aware of the situation and that they would keep the lights on and the barn open after hours to allow us to search. The farm was closing at 7pm, so Tammy (my metal detecting partner) and I arrived at the farm around 6:50 pm and met Kim at the main entrance. We made our way back to the corn barn as she filled us in on a few more details about the event. When we got to the barn, we took off our shoes and followed Kim into the corn. She told us about where she was and what direction she was heading when she lost her ring and we got to work! We started out using our pinpointers in the general area she had been and then I decided to do a little bit bigger sweep with my detector just in case it was no longer in the same spot, as the corn barn is a huge attraction at Ramseyer Farms and, as such, it is always packed with kids scooping, digging, rummaging, running and rolling through the corn! While I swept the area, Tammy kept following Kim’s path through the corn with her pinpointer. About forty-five minutes into the search, Tammy had a hit about 6-8 inches deep in the corn, right along Kim’s path. She slowly started sweeping corn away as she worked her way down, keeping her pinpointer on the signal. And then I heard Kim gasp! She had been watching Tammy and noticed the glint right away as Tammy plucked the ring from the corn! Tammy handed the ring to a super excited Kim, we took a few photos and then we all made our way out of the corn. The staff at Ramseyer Farms was wonderful! They were super friendly and accommodating as we searched and celebrated the find, right along with us! What an adventure! Kim got her ring back, Kim’s dad found a new hobby and we got to play in the corn! All in all, a great evening! We’re so glad we were able to turn Kim’s trick into a treat! Just remember, if you visit a corn pit – don’t forget to take off your jewelry! But, if you do forget and lose something, give us a call! 


97-year-old heirloom 10kt Victorian darling baby ring recovered and returned! TRF Celina, OH

  • from Celina (Ohio, United States)
97-year-old heirloom 10 karat Victorian darling baby ring recovered and returned! A small ring makes a big hit for the day.
Tough little ring to locate at just 3 mm wide for the band and approximately a size 1.
     Scott, Alicia, and their little family made the almost 4-hour drive back to Alicia’s hometown to visit family. While spending time with family at a local State Park, Alicia was presented with her grandmother’s 97-year-old Victorian Darling Infant Ring as a keepsake for her daughter Noelle, named after her Great-Grandmother. The 10kt. ring was placed on the baby’s finger and photos were taken. The ring was too large for Noelle’s tiny finger and fell off. Alicia and her older children hunted the grassy area where they thought the ring had fallen and weren’t able to locate the ring.
     Alicia was in my wife’s Girl Scout Troop years ago and she has seen posts on my wife’s Facebook Page about my ring returns. A distraught Alicia contacted my wife to see if I was able to come out to the park and find the ring. I grabbed my Manticore, pin pointer, and other gear and we went to the State Park to see if I could locate the ring. Alicia was able to show me the roughly 20 x 20′ area where the ring had fallen. After swinging for about 45 minutes, I was able to find the tiny little treasure and hand it back to the very relieved mother!  Very small ring to locate at just 3 mm wide for the band and approximately a size 1.

Lost Wedding Ring Recovered From Chippewa Lake, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

Late Tuesday night, the 23rd of July, I received a voicemail and text from Ilona who had recently lost her gold and platinum wedding ring in Chippewa Lake while working on her boat lift. I didn’t receive the messages until the next morning, and I promptly texted her back. I told her I wasn’t sure I’d be able to assist, as my water search equipment had been damaged during another water hunt earlier this year. I referred her to The Ring Finder’s website but said if she couldn’t find anyone else to let me know and I’d see what I could do. She called me a few minutes later and said she had tried another Ring Finder, but they no longer do water searches and she was desperate to find her ring, as she was leaving the next day for a short camping trip (with limited cell service) followed by a month-long vacation and really wanted her ring back before she left! So, I told her we’d make a few protective modifications to our equipment and give it a go. 

As she was leaving that evening, we made arrangements to meet her brother at the lake on Thursday around 3:30pm. When we arrived at the lake, Peter took us out on the pier and pointed out where Ilona’s boat lift was and where she was working when she lost the ring.

We headed out to the boat lift around 3:45. The water was between hip and waist deep by the time we got to the spot. There were lots of speed boats on the lake, which took the water levels even higher at times. Because of the depth we couldn’t use our detectors, so we relied on our pinpointers. We started around the area she had been working and fanned out from there. After about forty-five minutes to an hour, I found a ring! I had not seen a picture of Ilona’s ring, so I didn’t know if it was her ring or not. I waded back to shore and showed the ring to Peter. He also wasn’t sure if it was her ring, so while he texted her, we placed the ring in our find’s bucket and returned to the water to keep searching. About an hour or so later Peter hollered out from the shore and asked to see the ring. I came back to shore and we compared the ring to the picture she had just sent and, sure enough, that was her ring! How exciting! We dried off and took some pictures while Peter called Ilona. I could hear the excitement in Ilona’s voice and that’s what it’s all about! As Peter would be joining her on her trip the following day, she made sure he was going to bring the ring to her. After chatting a bit more with Ilona and Peter, we hopped in the car and headed home. Two days later I received a text with a picture of Ilona, happily wearing her ring! It never gets old making people smile! Ilona and her ring!Ilona's ring!

Lost Wedding Ring Found in West Salem, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

Yesterday evening just before 5pm, I received a text from Karissa who had lost her custom-made wedding ring in her front yard two weeks earlier. She found me on The Ringfinders and was hoping I could help locate her ring. After confirming some details, we headed out and arrived at her place around 6:15pm. After brief introductions, Karissa lead us to the general area she believed the ring should be. While discussing the events that had lead to the loss of the ring, we discovered she’d also lost her Apple watch! So, we got to work! After thoroughly searching the target area, we decided to expand our search radius. Around 7:30pm, Karissa and her husband had to leave to take their little one for ice cream and she told us we didn’t have to keep looking, but we could if we wanted. I told her as long as there’s light we’d love to keep at it! She defined the property lines and thanked us. I told her we’d text if we found it, or when we were leaving, whichever came first and off they went! We continued to gradually and methodically expand our search area and at 7:55pm we had a solid tone in the leaves between some trees. We had found the Apple watch! We text her a picture and she confirmed! By this time the sun had set but, luckily for us, the moon was pretty bright so we decided to focus on the area where we found the watch! It wasn’t too long before I heard that beautiful, unmistakable tone! I called my partner over to shine some light on the spot as I gently ran my pinpointer over the leaves. I turned over a handful of leaves and there it was! Woohoo! We texted Karissa with a picture and the excitement that came back in the next few texts was awesome! It’s why we do this! She said they’d be home soon. We packed up and waited in the car until they got back. When they did get back, she jumped out of the SUV and rushed to us beaming from ear to ear! We handed her the ring and the watch and she still couldn’t believe it! How exciting! After a brief chat, lots of thank yous, a few pics and tons of smiles, we headed out! What a great way to wrap up a weekend!

Karissa with her ring and watch!

The Ring and Watch

Lost Wedding Ring Found in Wooster, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

On Tuesday, October 10th I received a text from Rick in Wooster, Ohio who said he found my name on The Ring Finders. He said he believed he lost his wedding ring while planting garlic in his garden on Sunday and asked me to give him a call, if I thought I could help. I called him that afternoon, he gave me all the details and we set up a time the next day for me to come find his ring. On Wednesday, when we pulled into Rick’s driveway, he was ready for us! We exchanged introductions as we pulled out our gear and within a few minutes we were heading across the lawn to his garden. He showed us exactly which rows of his garden he had been working on when he believed he lost the ring and we got to work! Rick stood off to the side of the garden as we worked our way down the rows. The first few hits were bits of scrap metal, which I held up for Rick to see before dropping in my pouch and then, as I turned around to start down the third row, BAM! There it was, that perfect signal! I bent down and plucked Rick’s ring from the soil and held it out to him exclaiming, “and here it is!” Rick was so excited and couldn’t believe how quickly we found it. (The entire hunt took less than five minutes!) As I handed him his ring, he asked if he could give me hug. “Absolutely!”, I said. We chatted for a few minutes, snapped a few pictures and he told us we’d gotten him out of the doghouse! As metal detectorists, these are the moments we live for!

Eileen and Rick

The ring back on Rick’s finger!


Class ring missing more than 50 years returned to owner! TRF Celinà, Ohio

  • from Celina (Ohio, United States)

After missing for more than 50 years this 1966 class ring is returned to the owner!

Dave graduated from Memorial high School in Saint Mary’s Ohio with the class of 1966. He lost his class ring shortly after. Today, Dave (age 74) is the class historian and had not seen his class ring in more than 50 years. He had long ago given up hope of seeing it again and had forgotten about it. Today, through teamwork, Dave has been reunited with his lost class ring. Today the class historian was surprised with a piece of his own history! Another happy ending!

This 1966 class ring was missing for more than 50 years.

Lost keys on beach.. returned! TRF Celina, Ohio

  • from Celina (Ohio, United States)

Another successful return and another happy person!

I Was contacted this afternoon because Elaina could not find her keys that someone had buried on the beach. After arriving at the location and beginning to search she had her keys back in just a few minutes! Also got to clean up the environment a bit. First Target was a fork. Ouch! Glad someone did not step on it. Be careful out there..


Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Yellow Spring, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a message that her engagement ring has been lost in the yard about two years. They have searched many times with no luck.

Started the search of the big open yard. Had many hits but no ring, continue the search and there is was, hiding in the grass.

She was very Blessed to have the ring returned to her.


Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Yellow Spring, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Yellow Spring, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Yellow Spring, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Yellow Spring, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Yellow Spring, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Yellow Spring, OH. “FOUND”