Lost ring Ship Bottom NJ Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost engagement ring in the ocean, Ship Bottom NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey    Kate reached out to me wanting to know if it was possible to locate her engagement that slipped off her finger during the day somewhere at the beach. It was late in the evening, and after determining that it was close to high tide when it most likely came off, it would be best to wait until the early morning low tide. We arranged to meet early the next morning at the dune walkover. As we were heading to the location I had asked her to mark in google maps we talked about the main things she could remember leading up the the ring disappearing. Once we got to the spot, she showed me some pictures she had, before and after the ring went missing. Something didn’t look just right, but I figured I would check the area that was marked. After coming up empty handed I asked her to see the pics again, it was then I knew that was not quit the right location. I adjusted the location about 40′ to the north, and things looked just right, including the piles of seaweed that had pushed high up on the hill the prior day when the pics were taken. Kate confirmed after looking at the pics that this was absolutely the right location. Combined with the rough surf, was the fact that she was boogie boarding, and that is never a good thing when doing a recovery. Kate did remember one wave that knocked her down, where she lost the board, and that was luckily close to the beach in waist deep water. I decided to hit that area real quick, and while Kate was in about knee deep water looking, I got a signal that made my eyes open wide. With the waves crashing right where I was, I took extra time to zero in on the exact spot, and hoped to grab it on the first scoop. Sure enough I had it on the first try, BINGO, it was her absolutely stunning ring!!!!! Kate had no idea what had just taken place just a few feet behind her, as I scooted up the hill , past the waves to get a better look and clean it off. At that moment I decided to make a video to capture her response, which you will see I’m not very good at. (Will be posted soon) Her reaction was something that makes this profession SO SO rewarding that no words could ever explain.

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More amazing recoveries found here, lost ring LBI

Lost Caduceus Ring in the Ocean, Harvey Cedars NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finders

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Trish called and said she was at the beach with her son Shawn, his ring slipped off his finger in shoulder deep water. It was a large med school ring that I figured wouldn’t travel to far due to its size. She gave me all the details and that she also spoke to the lifeguards, and they were going to keep an eye open for it.  Luckily we have had very light breezes, and a pretty calm surf for New Jersey.  We arranged to meet at the next low tide, and that’s where I started, right at the waters edge.  After one pass I went right into the trough, it wasn’t easy working there with the waves breaking, and the strong moon current pulling. I only worked a small area because the life guards had pointed to the spot they were standing when the ring slipped off. I got a nice strong signal and prayed it wasn’t a penny, knowing the ring was quite large, and would signal the same. With a few small shakes to clear the sand I felt klunk, klunk, and was almost certain it was the ring, YES!!!!!!! it was. This ring is extremely special, Shawn’s dad had given it to him for his Med School graduation, and unfortunately he passed  last year.


Holgate NJ (LBI) Lost Engagement Ring in the Sand recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Got a call today from Justin. He was at the beach in Holgate NJ (LBI) with his fiancé, Samantha. After setting up their chairs and umbrella, Sam took off her shorts, placed them with her stuff, and took a walk down by the water. It was then she realized her beautiful platinum engagement ring was gone. She quickly went back and looked in her pocket where she had placed it when applying sun block, back by at the car, before heading to the beach. It was not there and she was devastated. They contacted me, and after a short conversation we decided to do the recovery. I cleared the area of a few bottle caps, then pow!!! the low platinum signal I was looking for. They were amazed I had found it. This one was SUPER special, they are getting married next month, and now have the ring back for the ceremony

Surf City NJ (LBI) Lost Wedding Ring on the Beach recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Got a call from Susan about her ring she dropped in the sand today in Surf City NJ. It had great sentimental value to her, as I could tell after just a short time on the phone. Lucky I was able to arrive promptly, as she had made reservations for later in the afternoon. Kudos to her and her husband for preparing the area it was lost, which made for a quick recovery. A very short time later they were on their way, with her cherished ring back on her finger. So many happy memories doing this.

Lost Wedding Ring in the Sand, Beach Haven NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Got a call Saturday from Karen about her husband Victors ring, that was lost in the sand in Beach Haven on LBI. I met them at 5AM Sunday, but had no luck in locating the ring. Victor was positive the ring had fallen off his chair when he was applying sunblock, so I decided to go back Monday afternoon. After a short while, and with the help of lifeguards Grace, Maggie, and Kyle, the ring was located and returned to Victor.