lost ring Pensacola beach Tag | Page 3 of 6 | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring from the boat – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Ryan is a patient man!  He called me this morning and explained that he was out on the boat yesterday at a popular place for people to hang out and he was throwing a football back and forth. All of a sudden he caught one that slightly jammed his finger making him flick his hand back and forth. When he did he felt his brand new wedding ring of a few months go flying in the saltwater. He explained that they had looked for hours to no avail and he really needed some help. I told him that I wanted to help but I had to work today but with the storm coming this week he definitely needed to find it sooner rather than later. I told him I would have one of a few people I routinely hunt with call him soon and hopefully they could help him. At lunch Ryan reached out and said he hadn’t heard from anyone so I told him to standby while I made a call. My Father in law had accidentally left his phone and my other buddy was working so I called Ryan back. He asked about renting a detector and I explained why that just wouldn’t work. I finally felt so bad that I told him if he could wait until after work and if I could get a pass from my wife then I would do it myself. Being the patient person he is, he waited for me to finish up the workday and I’m very glad he did. Ryan has a great boat and we headed out to the area. When we got there, he had done a great job marking where it came off and I made my first pass. There was a huge drop off and as I turned back I thought to myself that I hoped it wasn’t any further or I would need a scuba tank. I didn’t need to worry though because as Ryan looked on expectantly from the beach I heard a very clean gold tone. He was already smiling as I very carefully used my scoop to pull out his ring. He said that was exactly where he thought it was and he was amazed I was able to find it. Ryan was all smiles on the way back to the dock and I’m glad I was able to help.

Wedding Ring Recovered at Johnson Beach Florida

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Hal called me about 4 in the afternoon to see if I could find his wife’s lost wedding ring. He and his family were staying near the Alabama beaches and decided to take their boat out to a secluded beach in Florida called Johnson Beach. Johnson Beach is part of the Gulf Islands National Seashore and the ring was lost on the intercostal side of the beach. Hal sent me a location and there wasn’t a way for me get to them by car without a 3 or 4 mile walk through the National Seashore which doesn’t allow metal detecting for archeology reasons. I tried calling the Park service for a permit but I think everyone was off work and I got a recording. I discussed this with Hal and he said he would come get me from a marina several miles away. By the time I got to where the ring was lost the sun was getting pretty low in the sky! his wife was afraid she would never see her ring again. the area to search wasn’t that big but the water was dark from recent rain. I ask lots of questions about what they were doing to try and pinpoint the location to start the search. His wife and daughter described at one point they were in the water doing cheers routines and animated with their arms the activity. It was the clue I was hoping for and asked about where they were. They identified and areas about 10 foot wide and I started the search. Within 10 minutes I got the unmistakable tone of a gold ring. Ring recovered, everyone happy and I didn’t get arrested by the Park police, a good day all around!

Lost Gold Bracelet, Pensacola Beach- FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I was out on the beach yesterday evening when a young man about my son’s age walked up and asked if I could help him. I asked what he needed and looked over and saw his family staring hopefully a few yards away. I said that I’d be glad to help and he explained that he had dropped his 14k gold bracelet as they were packing up to leave and it disappeared into the sand. I could still see the hole where their umbrella had been planted so I began to search around it. I got a little worried because I immediately started finding old bottle caps from a previous group and I thought it might take awhile. I made another pass from a different angle as I could start to see the worry on their faces but sure enough I got a clean gold tone and number. I took extra care with the scoop to make sure I didn’t scratch it and out popped Manuel’s bracelet. 😃  They were thrilled as you can see from the smile on his face. Congrats Manuel!!!

Wedding Ring Found on Pensacola Beach !!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Lorna lost her wedding ring on the beach two days before the family was to move on military orders. She did a web search and contacted my Son in Law, David, who is also a the ring finders member, but he had an appointment out of town and wasn’t available. Lorna then contacted the next ring finder for Pensacola and she agreed to meet her the next morning. That morning two ring finders ladies showed up and planned to help each other. Unfortunately one on the ladies had a nasty fall and needed fire first responders assistance after about a twenty minute search for the ring that was not recovered. Now it’s about noon of the day they have to travel. Lorna contacted David again quite concerned. He told not to worry that his Father in Law was on a recovery in Orange Beach Alabama and would get back to her. The timing was excellent because I had just finished and heading back to Pensacola. I agreed to meet Lorna at 1:00. Lorna was just the nicest lady and had her two adorable children with her. I could tell she was concerned because the way her ring recovery had developed so far and she was short of time, so I asked her to recreate her steps the day before as best she could remember and I got to work. I searched the areas she identified with no luck. Next I looked at alternative routes she could have taken back to her car and after a little detective work, on the second possible route there it was! I am so happy I could help her and her family. Their smiles tell all.

Lost Wedding Band, Pensacola Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Brayden called me on Friday explaining that he was out in the Gulf throwing football at Pensacola Beach when his wedding band came flying off of his hand. I talked him through what happened and asked him my standard questions about the time of day so I could check the tides, etc. We decided that I would come out the next morning at 7am. I got there and Brayden’s family joined him and explained that the young couple had only been married for 6 months. I said we definitely needed to find it so they could start off with a great story. We made our way to the beach and I got my bearings as I headed out to just over waist deep water. I slowed down and made my first turn as I pushed a big jellyfish out of the way with my scoop handle. I barely went another foot or two and got a great tone. Rarely am I confident on the first tone and first scoop of the search but sure enough, I looked into the scoop and saw Brayden’s gold wedding band shining back in less than 3 minutes. They were thrilled when I walked back up. I think Brayden’s dad said it best when he exclaimed, “we didn’t think it was even possible to find the ring in all that water, much less so quickly.” 😃 Brayden, it was nice meeting you. You have a great family. Good luck and God bless you all.     

Lost Ring at the Blue Angels show – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Hunter and Ashley are two of the nicest people you could ever meet.  That probably saved their ring, because I’m not going to lie, I almost passed by this one. Ashley had reached out to me online Saturday after the Blue Angels show and explained that while they were on the beach with thousands of other spectators, Hunter’s ring had come off in the sand. They had scoured the area but unfortunately couldn’t find it. I told them that I would be out that way in the water the next day and I would take a look. Fast forward to the next morning and my Father-in-law Tom and I were way later getting out there than we had planned while we decided if the weather was going to hold. When we pulled up I walked down to the area with my land machine and I could see 7 people with detectors within 100 yds of the area. To make matters worse, the beach machine that rakes the sand for debris had already covered the area. I talked myself into believing that the ring was gone and walked back to the car to get my water machine. By the time I got down to the water to join Tom, my conscience was eating at me. I told him I was going to run back down there anyway and take a look so I could at least say I tried. On the way, I noticed that a lot of the detectorists didn’t have the same caliber of equipment and their technique left a bit to be desired. I started to feel like maybe there was a chance after all. Sometimes I really feel like God will put you where he wants you if you will listen and obey. Sure enough, I didn’t make 3 passes and I got a nice gold tone. I reached down with the scoop and pulled out Hunter’s ring. They came by my house later in the day and I got to meet them and see their happy smiles in person. The hugs alone made the search all worth it. Congrats to you both.

Found, Wedding Band in the water near Pensacola Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

The shorebreak was still pounding on the beach this past weekend. Brett was playing in the surf when his ring slipped off his finger and disappeared in the foamy surf in about knee deep water. There was a strong down the beach current from the surf and Brett was afraid his ring got caught in the current. It was a big heavy ring with lots of area for the water to push on. He and his friends searched for quite some time with no success. Brett lived out of town and had go home but called me the next day and I said I would do my best to help. I started a search a few hours later based on Brett’s best recollection only to discover that the beach had change shape which is common on Pensacola Beach. The landmarks he relied on no longer existed. There were lots of people on beach the day before and once I got started searching four different people told me about the ring being lost and where it was lost, with each location being different in a 300 foot area! I called Brett and explained we needed to do a bit of detective work to locate the area to search. Fortunately he is very good at estimating distances. Based on structures off the beach, calculating the tide and waiting for the tide to reach the same depth as the time the ring was lost, I started the search again. Within about 45 minutes I got a good repeatable signal. Brett’s ring Apparently sank rapidly in the soft sand that was being agitated by the surf and soon was about 8 or 10 inch deep. After three scoops his ring was recovered. I immediately took a picture of the ring and sent it to him. It was a beautiful ring and Brett’s smile says it all. I was happy I could make his day.

Lost Ring in the Water, Pensacola Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I’m so glad that I could help out Holden and his wife Sellers this weekend. Holden called and told me that they had spent the day before playing in the water behind their condo and they had been anywhere from ankle deep to 10ft deep. He had recognized that he didn’t want to lose his ring so he took it off and put it in the zippered pocket of his swim trunks. When he went to reach for it later in the day, you guessed it, there was a large hole in the bottom of the pocket and no ring. Holden decided to put a quarter or two in the pocket and start walking from shore to see what happened. They quickly came out so he marked the area he thought his ring might be in and went inside to call me after an internet search. We talked and agreed that I would come out and search the water as deep as I could wade and then if needed I would come later with scuba gear.   When I got there Holden told me that I would probably have a curious audience because his entire extended family was watching from the condo balcony. Holden had paid such great attention to every detail that he really made my job easy. On about the 3rd pass or so out to deep water I got a great gold tone in about waist deep water. Everyone got to cheer and watch as Holden got his ring back. I’m very glad that I got to help y’all. Sew that pocket up and enjoy the rest of your time at the condo. 😃

Ring Found Pensacola Beach!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

it was a beautiful day at Pensacola Beach but the Shorebreak was really pounding. Chris was on the edge of the water putting on his fins and mask to do some diving. The Shorebreak hit him, he tumbled a bit and lost his ring. His wife called me to see if I could help and I said I would try. They showed me about where the ring was lost and I was able to find it in an hour hour and a half. We got to talking, he was from Pensacola and so am I. It turned out that we’re distant cousins! They departed all smiles. I was glad I could help and now have another family link. I guess it’s truly a small world!

Lost Ring Pensacola Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

It’s always been neat how this hobby of mine brings me together with people that end up having so much in common with me, regardless of where they come from. This time it was with Micah and Brooke who were in town from Louisiana for Micah’s brother’s graduation. It just so happened that my family have also been celebrating my daughter’s graduation on the same day. Brooke called me early Saturday morning and let me know that she and Micah had been at the beach the afternoon before and Brooke had taken off her rings and laid them on the towel. When she got up she popped the towel and only later realized that both rings had gone flying. When they realized what had happened, they came back and searched everywhere. Miraculously they were able to find the wedding band but couldn’t find the engagement ring anywhere. Brooke was distraught and they even went and purchased a metal detector. They quickly learned that an average machine just won’t work right on our beaches. Lots of tears were shed until luckily Brooke’s mom did some internet research and found me. They stayed up reading my stories until they trusted me enough to reach out and see if I could help. I am very glad that they did. We spoke that morning and agreed that it would be that evening until we would be done with all the graduation festivities. My wife came with me (she’s my lucky charm) and we met Micah and Brooke on the beach with only about 30 minutes left before dark. I consoled them both and told them not to worry that I was pretty good at searching even in the dark. We were a little worried because they weren’t exactly sure where they were the day before and overnight the tide had come way in and a lot of the beach was now covered in saltwater and seaweed. I told them that if it was still there, I would find it. This turned out to be a really large search and I methodically gridded out the areas as my wife kept them from being too worried. I finally came back and asked them both to pick a direction because it was definitely not in that area. When Brooke picked right and Micah picked left I said a little internal “uh oh” but started towards the left because I was closer to it. My favorite part of this story is that Brooke said after a few more passes is when she was starting to lose a little faith so she bowed her head to pray. That was about the exact same time that down the beach I asked God that if it was in his will, would He please put me where he wanted me. Sure enough only a few steps later in the wet sand and seaweed I got a perfect gold tone. As I pulled out her beautiful engagement ring I turned and headed towards them sitting on the beach. It took a little convincing in the dark that I really had found it until finally Brooke jumped up and saw it and gave me a huge hug. 😃 I am so glad I was able to find your ring and I wish you both many happy years together. God bless!