how to find a lost ring in sand Tag | Page 25 of 105 | The Ring Finders

Gold Wedding Band Lost Off Atlantic, NC Dock Found In 3 Foot Waters

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Dillon had just returned from a fishing trip and was in the process of cleaning today’s catch.  He decided it was best to move his wedding band to his middle finger for a better fit.  That’s when his ring slipped from his hands and bounced off of the dock into the murky waters down below.  Dillon told me he tried to locate his ring using a dive mask in the 3-4 foot waters but it wasn’t nearly clear enough to be successful.   After getting Dillon’s call, I loaded my gear and headed his way.  Dillon gave a very precise area to search and after clearing a large metal object his ring was lifted from the muddy water below.

Heartbroken Girl’s Fear Is Replaced With Tears Of Joy After Lost Ring Is Found

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)


Katelyn was relaxing, just before sunset, on the beach with her fiancée, Brianna.  Katelyn has placed the first ring anyone has ever gave her on a bag they brought along.  She thought it was put in the bag.  After they left, they realized the ring was missing.  Katelyn sent a plea for help and discovered, through social media, Crystal Coast Ring Finder (The Ring Finders member).

I had a very good understanding of the area and knew exactly where to begin my search.  Katelyn’s very sentimental ring was the first target that sent an alert to my Minelab CTX-3030.  I made arrangements to meet Katelyn after she got off work.

Katelyn has had a rough run of luck lately with numerous hardships and relocating to North Carolina from Pennsylvania.  This ring was part of her strength.  She mentioned online “So when I lost it at the beach I lost a part of myself too.”  I was very happy to bring the ring back to her so the ring can still be part of future stories and hopefully a very happy future!

Congratulations Katelyn & Brianna!   They are considering an Autumn wedding

Ring lost at Mission Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Uriel was playing in an impromptu volleyball game when his ring flew off while hitting the ball. He thought it landed somewhere close by, but, after looking and searching, it didn’t show up. An online search brought Uriel and his friend to site. His friend called me, and Uriel called Curtis Cox further north. Since I was a lot closer, I got the nod. As usual, the traffic on a Memorial weekend Saturday was a nightmare. I’m glad my wife came with me to circle around with the car as I went out to meet Uriel and search for his ring. I searched the inside boundaries of the court with only one target……a full Busch beer can! They can celebrate with that later! With nothing else in the small court, I started just outside of it. Got a nice hit on the first pass, and it was his ring. Total search time was only a few minutes. Drive time to the beach and back home was over 2 hours for just a 26 mile round trip! A pleasure to meet you Uriel, and thank you for the reward.

Newlyweds Wedding Ring Lost On Surf City Beach Found The Next Day

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

I woke up around 4:00 am and checked my business messages.  Just after 1:30, Caroline informed me her husband, of almost 6 months, Edson had lost his gold wedding band, the prior afternoon, somewhere on the beach.  I later discovered she also posted on a social media group in the area about the lost ring with a description of the ring but thankfully, not the precise location of the loss.  Later that morning, we made plans to search in the afternoon when the high tide was subsiding because she thought it may have come off while they were walking in the shallow water.  Edson was very good at remembering details that narrowed the search area and within 10 minutes, a very strong signal on a beach that wasn’t providing too many signals proved to be Edson’s lost ring.  The couple was in disbelief that it was found so quickly!

The Ring’s Out Of The Bag At Surf City Beach & Found The Same Day

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Surf City, North Carolina

Austin & Abbey were spending a wonderful May day at the Surf City beach.  Abbey’s ring was placed in a bag they had brought along and it believed her ring escaped while retrieving a cell phone from the same bag.  Panic set in and they frantically searched the sand unsuccessfully.

Austin’s father is a beach metal detectorist and was aware of The Ring Finders.  He called me shortly afterwards and I explained I was in Ohio for a college graduation.  I also told him I have a few select friends I trust to help when I become unavailable.  Justin was called and I immediately sent him the contact information as well as the information I knew about the lost ring.  It didn’t take long after Justin’s arrival that Abbey had her ring back in her hand.

Engagement Ring Recovered In Sea Bright NJ

Got a late night text from Liliette asking for help in finding her lost engagement ring. I texted her back in the morning and told her to call me when i went on break at work. When she called i told her if she could meet me right away i could drive to Sea Bright and give it an hour and half to try to find her ring. She lives 45 minutes from the beach and said she’d leave ASAP. Mean time I asked for a screen shop of beach and to mark the area she lost the ring. I got to the beach and started to hunt the area but no luck. She arrived with her Fiance and I showed them where I worked and they said I was in the right area. Seem they were there the day before with their dog enjoying the day. The dog at one time desided to run and jerked the leash out of her hand and her ring came off as well and landed in the soft sand and disappeared. They tried to look themselves but had no luck. Then after thinking about it her fiance remember her saying she didnt hope it was going to get washed out with the tide. Where I had already searched was alittle higher up on the beach and I had about a 20 foot wide area from there to the water I didn’t search. I started searching that area and sure enough just at the high tide mark from last nights high tide I found her ring. She couldn’t of been more excited that I found it. Today was their 1 year anniversary of getting engaged. A great Happy Ending.

Wedding and Anniversary set of rings recovered in Long Branch NJ

Got an early morning text from Jackie this morning asking for help with in finding her wedding and anniversary ring sets she lost at the beach yesterday in Long Branch. Wanting to enjoy the summer weather we’ve been having, she decided to take the family to enjoy the day at the beach. She took off her rings for safety and placed them in the side pocket of her beach bag. During the course of the day with going in and out of the bag the rings fell out and she didn’t realize it till she went to get them while back at the car. They were gone. She went back down to try and look but had no luck. She told the park ranger to report it in case someone finds them. Living up north she couldn’t come right away to show me where she was but sent a few pictures she took of her son playing and gave me a good idea as to where she was sitting. I loaded up my car and headed right down to the beach and started to search. I wasn’t having much luck and remember she told me there was a flat area by the water she was at. I noticed what was left of that area because it got washed out that night with high tide. I started to search there in the wet sand and within a few passes back and forth I found the first ring and then the rest of them. Luckily the rings didn’t get washed out. I texted her the good news and she couldn’t believe I found them. She was so grateful and relieved, the main wedding ring was handed down through the family and couldn’t be replaced. We made arrangements to meet up that afternoon to reunite her with her beloved rings. A happy ending for everyone.

A Friend Steps In To Assist, And Find A Lost Wedding Band On Topsail Beach

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)


Charles was playing volleyball on the beach and soon afterwards noticed his platinum wedding band was missing. After a hour of searching, Charles called Crystal Coast Ring Finders.  I explained to Charles that I was currently out of the state of North Carolina and would be for a few more days.  I did tell him I have trustworthy friends I call upon at times I am unavailable to search lost items.  Once scheduling allowed, my friend Carl agreed to contact Charles and set up a time to meet and search.

Charles was very good at knowing the approximate area for Carl to start and within 10 minutes, Carl’s Minelab Equinox 800 reported a good 22 signal for Carl to investigate and sure enough, it was Charles lost ring.


Late Father’s Wedding Ring Lost & Found In Jacksonville Flower Bed

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Marilee texted me that she is devastated because she just lost her father’s 1937 wedding ring while working in her flower garden.  She had read that Crystal Coast Ring Finders had helped a woman find a ring, also lost in Jacksonville, North Carolina.

After finding numerous pieces of aluminum and landscape fabric staples, a detector coil sweep around a small bush produced a decent signal and peering around the bush, the gold wedding band was discovered laying between the bush and the home.

Ring lost in La Mesa found.

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Joe was cleaning out a clogged drain on his backyard deck, and when he slung the clog downhill onto a construction debris pile, his family heirloom family crest ring was launched with it. He searched in the mud and debris in vain and contemplated buying a metal detector to help him find it. Instead, he found online and my contact info. We made arrangements later that afternoon to meet and conduct a search. Not a huge area, but, there was a moderate amount of junk in the construction pile, along with some flora and broken up concrete on a steep muddy slope. After gridding that area with two different detectors and two different coils, the ring was still missing. Being a fairly heavy gold ring, maybe it slung farther than the area I was searching, so, I asked if we could check the neighbor’s yard as it was possible the ring made it that far. In looking over the fence, there wasn’t any place for the ring to bury, so, it should just be a visual surface find. There was a walkway down the side of the neighbor’s yard next to Joe’s fence, so, we slowly headed down and checked the ground and plants as we went. With Joe leading the way, we made it about 3/4 of the way down when Joe spotted the ring right on top of the ground in the dirt close to the fence. Joe was very happy to get it back, and as I learned, it was his grandfather’s ring that had been one of the few items he had taken with him out of Hungary right before the USSR took over the country back in the mid 1950’s, and then eventually got passed down to Joe. The ring story continues……..