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Silver Strand State Beach lost ring Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

I got the call this morning a little before 8am as I was about to leave and meet up with a detecting buddy for some old property hunting. Kim had lost her wedding band/engagement ring combo in the dry sand so my morning plans would have to be delayed a bit. Instead, I hot footed it over the the Silver Strand State Beach to search for a supposedly sterling silver wedding set. After getting the boundaries of the search area established, I started my grid. It was next to a block wall with rebar inside, so, getting right up next to it might pose a problem. a couple of minutes later, I get a nice low tone 12-07 on my E-trac….. probably a wad of foil…..not what I was looking for, so, I almost passed it by, but, I figured, what the heck. It was a good strong signal and removing it would keep any masking problem from occurring. I stuck my pin pointer into the sand and located the target. Fished it out with my fingers and to my amazement, it was Kim’s ring! I said to them, this is not sterling silver, it’s reading gold. Kim said, “oh yeah, it’s white gold, not sterling”! Good thing I didn’t ignore it! That’s why we ask what type of metal we’re asked to find. With most high end modern detectors, we can discriminate between metals and ignore some of the ones we’re not looking for, so, knowing exactly what we’re looking for is very important. In a large search area, that can be a real time saver. Everything turned out good and a very happy Kim and her husband John can now get some much needed sleep! Oh, I didn’t mention that they were just married and were on their honeymoon when this happened! In fact, it happened last night and they spent the night sleeping in their rental car at the beach so they could keep an eye on the area! Now that’s people who wanted that ring back! A pleasure to meet you both! Have fun on the rest of your honeymoon, a safe trip home, and thank you for the reward.

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Car keys lost in the sand

  • from New South Wales (Australia)

The detecting has been a bit quiet in Australia over winter so a call from some university students who lost a set of car keys while doing back flips off the sand dunes was welcome.

A half hour drive and a short walk saw us at the most likely search site but a 20 minute grid search with the Excalibur uncovered nothing.

Back tracking through the events of the previous day and another hour of searching and still no result.

The back flip zone was by far the most likely area and deserved more attention and less than five minutes later keys were in my hand.

One very happy electronics/robotics student who was quoted $1000 for a replacement key!

Bring on summer.

3 Rings Found Near a Lakeside Camp in Vt

  • from Barre (Vermont, United States)

I don’t usually write about an unsuccessful ring search, but this one I had to share, because it was 3 very special rings that were lost. Any unsuccessful search is very hard for me, because all lost rings are very important and sentimental. I take all searches to heart and try my hardest on every one. I hate to walk away and leave someone feeling sad. Luckily, most of my searches have had happy endings with the rings back where they belong. I love the happy tears, the hugs, the happy dances and the huge smiles when I find their lost rings!

About a week ago I got a call from a young woman from Montreal. She had been working in the kitchen of a youth Summer camp here in Vermont. About a week earlier her 3 rings became lost. She had put them in her apron pocket while making bread. These rings were extremely special to her, all were gifts from family members and her husband. One was from her grandmother, another was given to her by her mother while she was in her last days, and the third one was her wedding ring with her husbands name engraved inside.

She was devastated and broken-hearted. All the workers at the camp and even all the kids that were there helped her search for hours and days. No luck. Someone then told her about my listing on The Ring Finders website and figured the service was worth a try.

We made arrangements to go to the camp and search last Saturday. She got permission from the camp’s owner for me to detect there. My fiancee went along to help, knowing how important it was and how hard the search might be. The woman also brought her husband and a friend to help. I got detailed descriptions of all 3 rings and began the search. She showed us all the places where they might have fallen out of the apron. Unfortunately, most of the places were either on wooden floors or hard-packed dirt with little or no grass….places where the rings could have easily been spotted and picked up by someone. We searched hard for a couple hours and then sat down to eat an awesome lunch she had brought for us all. We had a nice visit and got to know them all a little. After lunch we all searched again for a couple more hours. I have a lot of confidence in my detectors and felt like our chances of getting a signal with 3 rings out there should be even greater than looking for just 1 lost ring. We had no luck except for finding a nice old horseshoe which I gave her.

I hated to quit and and I hated to tell her that I was 99% sure that someone had already picked them up. I suggested that she give a very detailed description and her contact info to the camp’s owner to keep. I also said that if one of the kids had taken it home, that it might eventually get returned to the camp. Or possibly, someone’s conscience might get the best of them. It was tough leaving them, but I promised to get back there and try again someday. The owner of the camp was totally okay with me trying it again.

Last night I got an email from her. She forwarded an email from the camp owner that her rings had been found!! There was also a picture showing the 3 rings. Someone had picked them up, brought them to the office and gave them to a woman working there. Unfortunately, it was the woman’s last day working at the camp. She put them in her desk and never told anyone about it.

Luckily the right person had picked them up. We were so happy for her, 3 very important rings were back where they belonged. The lucky horseshoe and my fiancees prayers worked!

Please click on my name above for more about this service, my contact information and other success stories.

Lost Gold & Diamonds Wedding Band at Aulani Disney Resort Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started when I got a call from my wife stating the Ko Olina Beach Security called about a lost ring. I called and they put me in touch with Betty from San Francisco California. While she was applying suntan lotion she placed her wedding ring on her bathing suit. Then in that moment she stood up she saw the ring fall and disappear into the sand. They searched for quite some time with no success and after talking to hotel staff they suggested my services. I talked to Betty and she was going to a meeting shortly but would be available after noon. That worked perfectly for me so I told her I’d be there about oneish. I told Betty don’t keep digging as that could make it worse. I met Betty at the equipment rental shack and she walked me down to the lounge chair she was in when the ring fell. Her husband Jeff had been waiting there to keep things safe. We moved several chairs out of the way and I started my search. First target a quarter. Second target a pull tab. Third target sounded great and because Diamonds are involved I used my pin-pointer carefully in the sand. Surprisingly their digging had pushed the ring 7-8 inches down into the sand. Betty was so grateful when I handed her the ring. Jeff was as well. Betty promised me she learned her lesson not to wear rings on the beach. Well she certainly knows who to call. Let the vacation continue on a high note. Aloha to Betty & Jeff.

Lost Gold & Diamonds Wedding Band in Aulani Disney Resort Ko Olina Lagoon…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started when I got a call from John who was on vacation from Littleton, Colorado. While taking a dip in the lagoon the day before his Wedding Band fell off. For several hours many tourists at the resort tried searching for the ring with no luck. That’s when John got my name and number from the resort staff. I agreed to meet him at the lagoon Monday morning for a search. When I arrived John was waiting. He helped me mark the grid then I told him to relax on the beach. I headed out to chest deep water on the first leg and when I did an about face to start the return leg I got a great tone. One scoop and there was John’s ring. Elapsed time 2 minutes. Needless to say John was astonished with the quick recovery and gratefully thanked me for getting him out of the dog house. Aloha to John.

Lost ring at Coronado found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Laura was at the beach with friends and lost her wedding ring. She had taken off all her jewelry and had placed them in her bag. Through the course of the day she removed items from the bag and the ring must have accidentally come out with them. At one point, the blanket was dragged 30 feet downwind to get a good shaking to remove the accumulated sand. Once she realized that her ring wasn’t in the bag anymore, the search was on. Soft sand and fairly large possible search area = no success. One of her friends went online seeking help and TheRingFinders.com popped up. I got the call and gathered my gear for hopefully a quick search. I’d been out all morning detecting in the 100 degree heat, so, I was hoping for an easy one. After gathering all the info I could, I had them move a bit of their gear so I could start my grid. After a quarter and a few pieces of scrap metal, I got a low tone right at the edge of the supposed search area. After the sand drained out of my scoop, I see a nice diamond ring matching her description. Cheers go up as everyone realized that it had been found along with a couple of heartfelt hugs. A pleasure to meet you all and thank you for the reward. Now, time for A/C and a cold one!

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Lost Wedding Ring Found in Montpelier Vermont

  • from Barre (Vermont, United States)

Last week I got an email from a guy who lost his wedding ring. His dogs go to work with him and around 11:00 each day he takes them for a walk on nearby trails in the woods. While driving home, he noticed his ring was missing from his finger. It had been getting tight on his fourth finger so he was wearing it on his pinky until he could get it resized. He had been wearing it every day for over 20 years, so it was hard to have it missing.
We made arrangements to meet on a day that he was in town, and do the initial search together so he could show me the areas he had been with the dogs. I asked the usual detective questions like did he fall anywhere, or did he throw a stick or ball for them, etc. He did remember one area where he had to hang onto his energetic dogs while a strange dog walked by. So, I suggested we concentrate there first. After a quick search near his office, we went up to that spot. A nice strong signal rang out and I reached down with the pinpointer. There it was, out of sight, pushed down into the soft soil by someone stepping on it. We cleaned it up and it was still in perfect condition. Sure seemed nice to have it back where it belonged, he was very happy and so was I! I love these successful searches!

Please click on my name above for more about this service, my contact information and other success stories.


I received a very nice thank you letter from him:
“Mike, I cannot tell you how many people have heard this story and were amazed (myself included). You are a good man and are doing a great thing……I will never be able to look at the ring again without thinking of this. Thanks again”

Lost coin purse with checks returned – Boulder, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)
A couple of weeks ago Megan placed a coin purse that contained some donation checks for the dog foster care/adoption center she and her husband run onto a coffee table. Well, one of her foster dogs, Ellie, picked up the wallet and made her way to the back yard. Ellie has been known to bury items in the wood chips that line the entire yard. Megan tore apart the house searching for the purse and even searched the wood chips with no luck.

Megan called me Sunday morning and I was at their residence within an hour to begin the search. About 45 minutes into the search and just feet from the end of my search my MXT gave a nice signal and there was the coin purse hidden under a couple of inches of mulch. Megan was ecstatic to get the coin purse back.

Recovery made August 21st, 2016

Megan with purse

Megan with purse and Ellie

Diamond stud earring returned, Centennial, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Gina loaned her diamond stud earrings to her daughter, Azariah, as any good mother does. Azariah was at a park when she was jumped by another girl. During the fight that ensued a couple sets of earrings, along with a silver pendent were lost. Gina took her daughter to the hospital to care for her injuries, luckily there were no major ones sustained. After Azeturn’s return home the search for the missing jewelry began. Gina borrowed a metal detector from a friend and found the silver pendant, she then tested one of the remaining earrings and could not get a reading on it. Next she rented a prospecting detector and found a couple of earrings, earring backs and portions of the chain that the pendant was on. One of her 14 kt white gold diamond stud earrings was still missing. Over the next couple of weeks Gina spent MANY hours out searching the woodchip lot looking for that one earring with no luck. Azariah found my profile on The Ring Finders and called me. I was out at the lot the following night with four detectors in hand. The first couple of machines that I tried could not get a signal from the one remaining earring, one other received a signal though it was mixed with ground noise and tough to discern. My last machine, the Teknitics T2, would consistently sound off of the earring. I began my search picking up tiny foil, a BB and a couple other pieces of trash. Shortly after my search started Gina had to go to a parent-teacher conference so she left me to search. Not long after she left I received a faint but repeatable signal. Under an inch or two of wood chips sat the one missing earring.

A couple of days later we met and I gave her that missing earring. She was ecstatic.

Earring recovered September 15th, 2016


Gina’s 14 kt white gold earring.


Gina reunited with her coveted earrings.

Lost Engagement Ring in Maple Shade NJ Returned by Dave Milsted

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)

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This time of year I am very busy at the beaches looking for lost items for clients. But I recently received an email from Brandon stating his wife lost a ring in their back yard. He was local so it wouldn’t be the normal hour plus ride to the shore.

I started asking the normal questions: What is the ring made of? Is there metal objects in the yard? How did it happen? And so on. I got answers to all of the questions except how did it happen. So I asked again. He said I’ll tell you the real story, not the one we are telling family and friends. I said stop, let me guess, there was an argument and the ring was tossed.

There was a pause, and he said how did you know? I said that it happens a lot more than you think. We made arrangements for me to come out on the weekend. He emailed me throughout the week asking how confidant I was that I could find it. I kept reassuring him that the odds were really good.

We met on a Saturday morning. He showed me the area that he thought that the ring was in. Boy the yard was big. I had him recreate the incident. He stated that the ring wasn’t here, he had bought a $50 metal detector and all it did was beep constantly. He took it back and bought a $150 metal detector. It did the same thing. He then spent several hours of everyday for a week on his hands and knees looking through the grass.

I went to my truck to get my gear ready for the search. Good thing I bring more than 1 detector with me. My CTX3030 with a 10 inch coil was my choice to start. Well I left the battery at home in the charger. OK a quick call to my wife to see if she could bring the battery out. She couldn’t for about 30-60 minutes. OK I guess I will be using my Minelab Explorer with a 3 inch coil. Wow this will make it much more difficult with the size of the area that will need to be covered.

I started the search. I now see why both of the detectors that Brandon bought were constantly beeping, a lot of buried iron. He let me scan over the wedding band made of the same material. I now had the correct tone & number id’s to help weed through all of the iron. I worked a grid pattern.

As I worked the grid pattern I came to an area that he was pulling grass and weeds. He placed them into a large plastic bag. I moved the bag and got the tone I was listening for. I looked under the grass and there was the missing ring, partially submerged into the dirt. It looks like it might have been stepped on to push it into the ground like that. It took less than 30 minutes to make the find.

I was amazed that I found it with my baby coil in such a large area. I quickly called my wife to tell her that I didn’t need the battery. She hadn’t left yet.

Brandon was totally amazed that I found it. He said that he concentrated his search in that area and missed it multiple times. The look on his face was priceless. He is totally out of the dog house now.

I can’t stress it enough. If you lose something don’t waste your time and money buying or renting a metal detector. It takes years to learn how to properly use them. Call a professional.