waterproof metal detector Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost ring found with metal detector, Belle Isle, Florida…returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you in your time of need!  Don’t wait…call ASAP…321-363-6029!

Daniel and his friends were playing soccer at one of  Orlando’s local parks and in the heat of the game he fell and twisted his ankle.  And as it was very warm out and the humidity was high his hands were not only sweaty but now they were full of grass and sand!  Having been married for only 1 year he was in the habit of wearing it all the time and also had a habit of feeling it with his thumb and spinning it…and he said it was a bit loose as well.  He had no idea that it would come off so easy and when he stood up to hobble off to his car, he immediately realized that his ring was missing.  He and his friends tried searching through the thick grass and after well over an hour he gave up and headed home to take care of his swollen ankle.  Later that evening Daniel was searching on Google and typed “Metal Detector Rental”  and as he scrolled through the options he came across theringfinders.com and found my number.  We made arrangements to meet the next morning at the park.   It was a beautiful morning and as we walked to the field Daniel explained what happened and  was very precise about where he fell!    Within minutes I found his lost titanium wedding ring with my Deus 2 metal detector.  Daniel was overcome with emotion and as he smiled he said a sincere “Thank you Mike…you saved my marriage!”  What an absolute joy and honor it was to help Daniel and his young wife and to be a help and blessing to them!

How can I help you?  Call me ASAP at…321-363-6029 and let’s talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe…waiting and ready to help you!


Lost Hermes ring at the beach found with waterproof metal detector

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you lost a ring in the water, in the sand or in the backyard, call me, Louis 305-608-1870.  I have a metal detecting service and can quickly come out and find your lost item.  In these photos above the young lady lost an expensive Hermes gold ring. It was just given to her and did not fit well.  The waves were rough this day and one knocked the ring right off her finger.  Once a ring comes off your finger in the water and falls down to your feet, it quickly buries itself with the motion of the waves and is out of sight in seconds.   The best thing you can do it mark a spot on dry sand and try to remember how far out you were.  That way when I get there I can easily find it for you, as I did here.

Lost Diamond in grass, Orlando, Florida…..Found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

In Tina’s own words, she says,”Saturday, March 11th I brought the dog out to do his business. He was taking his sweet time and as I was waiting for him I started fidgeting with my diamond ring, as I often do! With the first twirl around my finger I felt the diamond pop off of my ring. I was sure it just dropped straight down into the grass. I hurried the dog back inside and then returned to where I was standing so I could get a better look at the ground. It was no where to be found! I then woke up my husband and my son and they both rushed outside to help me look for my lost diamond. We even had a couple of our neighbors join in the hunt as well. After approximately 5 hours we decided to borrow a friend’s metal detector and we dug up a good section of our yard, but we had NO LUCK! We then waited until it got dark and went back out with a couple of strong flash lights to see if we could catch a glimmer of the diamond sparkling in the light but even that failed! It made it more difficult since it was just the diamond, with the prongs still attached and not the whole ring. So after exhausting all the suggestions we could think of I tried the internet and Googled “How to find a diamond in the grass”! Then I came across theringfinders.com! There were a couple of Ring finder members in the Orlando area so I went with the one who had the most successful recoveries! I called Mike McInroe shortly after 12 noon and he was able to come by our house around 4:30pm that same day! He thoroughly searched the immediate area and after two hours my husband and I were starting to give up hope. And then all of a sudden Mike came over to me with my diamond in his hand!!! We were so so very thankful! It was truly a blessing that I found him on line and that he was able to find my precious diamond. We couldn’t thank him enough!”

Lost something special and need my help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe….thrilled to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring on vacation in Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you lost a ring at the beach, in the sand, in the water, or backyard, call me, Louis, at 305-608-1870.  I have a metal detecting service and can help you find your lost item.  The happy lady in this picture lost her ring the night before in the shoreline in Miami Beach.  Her husband called me and I was able to go out that same night and look for it in the ocean, they weren’t able to meet me their but gave me enough information as the where it was, that night the tide came up and I wasn’t able to find it.  I went back the next morning around sunrise and was able to quickly find it.  They had not had the best time on their vacation so far but finding their ring before they left back home made up for a lot.  Check out my other post for other successful recoveries.

Lost ring in lake (metal detecting service)

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

I received call from a young lady who just had her engagement party the night before.  She was moving some kayaks into the lake when her new engagement ring fell off.  She did not realize this until after the party.  I received the call at 3am!!  The next morning I showed and scanned her whole yard and eventually found it in the lake!  If you have lost a ring or any type of jewelry, give me a call, LOUIS 305-608-1870.  I can help you find it.

Metal Detecting Lost Gold Ring at Calvert Beach in Leonardstown, Maryland…Found by Member of The Ring Finders

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Peter’s 14 karat yellow gold ring with center jade stone which represents his commitment and engagement to his fiancé Zoe.

Peter and Zoe sharing their excitement as Peter holds up his very special commitment ring on the Calvert Beach shore of the Chesapeake Bay near Long Beach, Maryland. They could not have been happier for the successful recovery of their lost ring by the efforts of metal detectorist and member of THE RING FINDERS, Brian Rudolph.

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Peter and Zoe were strolling along the Chesapeake Bay shore of Calvert Beach located in Leonardstown, Maryland, near Long Beach. The couple were picking up shells and enjoying the beautiful scenery together.

At some point, Peter looked down at his hand and noticed that his very special 14 karat yellow gold ring with a large jade stone in the center was missing from his finger. This piece of jewelry meant a great deal to Peter because it was a symbol of his commitment to his fiancé and it was bought to represent his own engagement ring of sorts.

Immediately the couple searched for the lost sentimental keepsake but none of their efforts proved to be successful. What started as a fun little vacation away from home turned out to be extremely upsetting and disappointing especially for Peter.

Sometime during that evening, the couple went online searching for an answer to their very difficult situation. Thank goodness THE RING FINDERS website appeared on their phone screen and they immediately searched for a local metal detectorist to come and help them find Peter’s lost ring. That’s where I come into the story.

After talking with Peter about all of the details regarding the loss of his engagement ring, I planned a two hour trip the following day to Leonardstown, Maryland in order to recover Peter’s special jewelry from the Chesapeake Bay.

When I arrived, I had to walk about a half mile down along path which eventually took me down by the water. Peter and Zoe showed me the stretch of shoreline where they were gathering up shells and presumably lost the gold ring. As soon as I got an accurate picture of what we were dealing with, I returned back to my vehicle to gather up just the right metal detecting equipment and tools that I would need to conduct the search.

The metal detecting project involved swinging the detector coil down into the water about a foot and a half or so deep. As I focused on one particular area where Peter had been searching for shells, I eventually picked up a very promising target signal on my machine. Upon digging up the item, unfortunately it turned out to be some miscellaneous piece of metal.

After approximately an hour of searching the Chesapeake surf, I returned to a particular target signal that was clearly not my client’s yellow gold and jade ring. However, I wondered if this massive piece of buried iron could have masked the gold signal that I was hoping to pick up on my metal detector. Therefore, I methodically dug up the metal and discarded it out of the water and then began to swing my detector once again over that area. To my greatest surprise and excitement, there was a perfect target signal that indicated that I might have detected a gold ring below the wet sand just inches away from the water line. My hunch ended up being correct! I found the ring! I successfully uncovered Peter’s most handsome 14 karat yellow gold “commitment ring” with a very exquisite jade stone set in the center of the piece of jewelry! I was so thrilled at my discovery!

Minutes later, I had the pleasure of surprising the lovely couple with my find and they could not have been more blown away by what this ring finder dug up from the shore of the Chesapeake Bay! Peter and Zoe were extremely grateful for my successful efforts and all of the hours that I had to travel to the search site and then back to my residence. There’s nothing more gratifying than to assist such wonderful people who wanted to preserve a very special part of their romantic love story!


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Lost wedding ring in grass, Palm Coast, Florida…..Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Thanksgiving Day is a wonderful time to get together with your family and celebrate all the things we have to be thankful for! Tanner and his wife were enjoying a relaxing afternoon at his sisters home and decided to play a little baseball in the backyard with the nephews. They got out the baseball gloves and right away Tanner noticed that his glove fit sort of tight on his hand. After an hour or so it was time to eat and it was then that he realized his wedding ring was not on his finger. So the first place he looked was in the glove he had been wearing–and no ring! Part of the time they had used the glove as a base so they searched around the area where it was on the ground—and no ring there either! They tried raking the grass to see if they could spot it using that method and after a while they realized how hard it was going to be to find such a small item! Someone even brought out a cheaper model metal detector and it just seemed to beep all the time and left them even more frustrated.

Two days later Tanner’s sister, Hilary, went online and found “theringfinders.com” and decided to give me a call. I met Tanner and some of the family members there at Hilary’s home and they showed me the area in the back yard where they played and where most of the action took place. I set up my small flags and started doing my usual grid search, slowly going back and forth trying to cover every inch of the yard so as not to miss Tanner’s lost ring. Right away I detected various targets, mostly deeper items that were lost months or possibly years ago. I was looking for a recent drop which should be just below the blades of grass or maybe pressed into the dirt ever so slightly. Ten minutes into my search I got a choppy signal, reading 4 to 6 inches deep that really did not sound like what I was looking for. Still I had to be sure and as I parted the grass with the toe of my boot….I caught a glimpse of something black and round! Bingo!! I motioned to Tanner to come over and check out what I had found and he was super surprised and very relieved to see his lost wedding ring hiding in the grass and so close to where they all had spent so much time looking!

What an honor and privilege it was to be able to help find and return his lost ring!
Lost something recently and need my help?
Call ASAP or text…321-363-6029

Lost engagement ring and wedding ring in grass, Longwood, Florida….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mrs Patty was engaged back in 1972 and received a simple but beautiful diamond ring! Twenty years later she added two more diamonds to her engagement ring, one from her deceased mother’s ring and the other diamond came from her late grand mother’s engagement ring! Fast forward 30 years and as Patty was pulling some trash bins around her house to set on the curb for the next days pick up she noticed that her rings were not on her finger. Figuring they must have come off somehow while tugging on the garbage bins she began searching the grass and leaves along the path she had taken. She even went out later that night with a strong flashlight hoping to catch a glimpse of the gold or by some slim chance see a sparkle from one of the three diamonds. But she got more discouraged as she realized that it would be next to impossible to find them without the help of a metal detector. Later that evening she went on line and searched for “Metal detector rental” and one of the links that came up was www.theringfinders.com.

I am so very thankful to have numerous opportunities to help people find their lost rings! It is an honor to meet and listen to each person’s story about what it is that they lost and what the item means to them. Most often it is a wedding ring or engagement ring that has been dropped, lost or even thrown and to see and hear the pain and distress brought on by such an event…spurs me on to do whatever I can to relieve that stress and grief and bring back the joy that is missing in their lives.

I began searching along the paths that Patty indicated she had taken and had almost covered the front yard. Before heading to the side of the house I decided to go up along the driveway, even though she did not indicate she had walked that way. Halfway up I received a strong signal and could barely see part of what looked like a ring and it was tilted in the grass making it difficult to see what I thought looked like some diamonds. I called to Mrs Patty and she came a running with a big smile on her face. I encouraged her that if one of her rings dropped there it was very likely that the wedding ring was close by. I swept the area again thinking surely I would get a signal but nothing. I went up to the sidewalk and came back covering the same area and as I approached the exact spot where the diamond ring was resting I glanced out onto the concrete driveway and guess what I spotted…just lying in plain sight? There was Mrs Patty’s wedding ring…and again I called her to come see what else I had just found! She could hardly believe that it had been there all along…hiding in plain sight!
It was an honor to help Mrs Patty and to know that one day her rings will be passed on to another generation to enjoy and cherish!

Mike McInroe…thrilled to be a member of theringfinders.com

Waterproof Metal Detector – Saves the Day

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)

waterproof metal detector

Waterproof Metal Detector

I get a lot of calls from people who are thinking of renting a waterproof metal detector.  Unfortunately, most equipment rental places do not rent waterproof metal detectors. This is probably because they cost significantly more than a standard land metal detector, and people just don’t take care of equipment they rent.  I’ve heard many stories about people who rented a metal detector, only to find out hours later that it didn’t even work!  I suppose it would be even worse with a more advanced piece of equipment that needs to be, and remain, waterproof.  Maybe it’s also because most people looking to rent a metal detector are searching for lot markers for a fence or landscaping project. I personally do not do lot marker searches, as there is typically a neighbor dispute involved that I don’t want to get in the middle of. However, once the weather warms up – the calls from people looking for help with a waterproof metal detector start coming in.

Lost Ring in the Water

Good thing there is a directory like The Ring Finders, where professionals are willing and able to help out, both on land and in water.  I recently went out on a search, looking for a ring lost last year that I was not able to find.  While out with my waterproof metal detector, I was approached by a guy who had just lost his wedding band.  Talk about good timing, eh?  I joked with him that it was good thing I was there – he didn’t even have to tell his wife he lost it!  She was there with him, so he wasn’t quite so lucky!  Check out the full waterproof metal detector lost ring hunt story here.

The Ring Finders

Please continue to support the ring finders on this directory – it’s amazing how people remember these stories when they really need someone.  I get calls all the time where people tell me that they read a story online or saw something on TV about a ring finder.  Our hobby / service is so unique, people don’t forget it when they hear about it. Then months or years later, they hear a story of a friend or family member who loses a ring … and they can say, “Hey, I think I know a guy / gal who can help!”


lost man’s tungsten wedding ring in Coeur d’Alene Lake , Found!!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Who would of known that in Carlin bay on lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho under 25 feet of water hid the monkey that has been riding my back since March. Oh and also Tyler’s wedding ring. This search was a great example of how knowing where a ring was lost can dramatically improve its ability to be recovered in the water. Tyler lost his wedding ring right behind his boat in the private marina he uses. Tyler was putting on some sunscreen when his tight fitting ring flew off. So after diving in and failing to see the ring, his wife found my Ring Finders link. After hearing his story I decided to use a dive weight with a 1ft PVC pipe attached to mark the spot where Tyler thought the ring entered the water. The fist attempt I made to find Tyler’s ring was unsuccessful. First of all the silt down at 25ft was 2 feet thick, and inside that silt was fishing tackle and wood boards. So before the second attempt Tyler relocated the marker. In fact he placed that marker so accurately when I dove down and started searching I found his ring in less then a minute. Just a hand full of silt was all it took to pluck Tyler’s ring out of the abyss. Feeling that ring slide over my finger as I moved my hand back and forth in front of the coil nearly sent me to the surface. However keeping my wits about me I made sure the ring was safely secured on my hand and checked out my surroundings before ascending. That’s when I saw it, the way I was going to surprise Tyler. A lost led light was sitting just a few feet to my right. I swam over to it and grabbed it with the same hand the ring was on and then headed top side. As I surfaced, Tyler’s face showed worry because I came back up so quickly and faster then I had before. Seeing this I held up the led light and asked him what do you think this is. His lack of response was priceless because then I turned my pinky finger with the ring on it towards him and said what do you think this is. Confusion turned to joy quickly and I congratulated Tyler on putting the marker right next to the ring. After packing up my gear Tyler showed me the inside of his ring. Psalm 119:105 and his wife’s finger print were laser etched on the ring. After I got home and unpacked, I grabbed the led light and thought about Tyler’s verse. The verse says
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.
I then laughed out loud and said Amen.


Tyler’s ring