Who would of known that in Carlin bay on lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho under 25 feet of water hid the monkey that has been riding my back since March. Oh and also Tyler’s wedding ring. This search was a great example of how knowing where a ring was lost can dramatically improve its ability to be recovered in the water. Tyler lost his wedding ring right behind his boat in the private marina he uses. Tyler was putting on some sunscreen when his tight fitting ring flew off. So after diving in and failing to see the ring, his wife found my Ring Finders link. After hearing his story I decided to use a dive weight with a 1ft PVC pipe attached to mark the spot where Tyler thought the ring entered the water. The fist attempt I made to find Tyler’s ring was unsuccessful. First of all the silt down at 25ft was 2 feet thick, and inside that silt was fishing tackle and wood boards. So before the second attempt Tyler relocated the marker. In fact he placed that marker so accurately when I dove down and started searching I found his ring in less then a minute. Just a hand full of silt was all it took to pluck Tyler’s ring out of the abyss. Feeling that ring slide over my finger as I moved my hand back and forth in front of the coil nearly sent me to the surface. However keeping my wits about me I made sure the ring was safely secured on my hand and checked out my surroundings before ascending. That’s when I saw it, the way I was going to surprise Tyler. A lost led light was sitting just a few feet to my right. I swam over to it and grabbed it with the same hand the ring was on and then headed top side. As I surfaced, Tyler’s face showed worry because I came back up so quickly and faster then I had before. Seeing this I held up the led light and asked him what do you think this is. His lack of response was priceless because then I turned my pinky finger with the ring on it towards him and said what do you think this is. Confusion turned to joy quickly and I congratulated Tyler on putting the marker right next to the ring. After packing up my gear Tyler showed me the inside of his ring. Psalm 119:105 and his wife’s finger print were laser etched on the ring. After I got home and unpacked, I grabbed the led light and thought about Tyler’s verse. The verse says
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.
I then laughed out loud and said Amen.


Tyler’s ring