ring finder near me Tag | The Ring Finders

Ocean City NJ Lost Wedding Band Found In The Ocean by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
Lost a ring in Ocean City, NJ?
Don’t wait call!
Call now!
Chris and Hollie were savoring a perfect day at the beach in Ocean City, NJ. They had spent the day soaking up the warm sun, cooling off with a refreshing swim. But when Chris dove into a wave, his wedding band slipped off his finger and vanished into the churning water.
The next morning, Chris called me. Could I help him find his lost ring? I got the details and made my way to the beach, arriving just as the tide was going out. Chris and Hollie were waiting anxiously, but trying to stay positive as they got ice cream and settled in to watch me search.
The water was waist-deep and murky, with a strong current that made it hard to walk. I moved slowly and methodically, scanning the ocean floor as I went. About 25 minutes later my metal detector buzzed. I scooped down and saw the ring in the scoop!
I emerged from the water, walking back to where they were sitting. Chris and Hollie were overjoyed, their faces lighting up with relief and happiness. Finding the ring was the perfect way to end their day at the beach in Ocean City, NJ.

Ocean City NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
Lost a ring in Ocean City, NJ?
Don’t wait to call!
On a stunning day in Ocean City, NJ, Mackenzie reached out to me. She had been at the beach with her family, but in the joy of the moment, disaster struck – her wedding ring had slipped off and vanished into the sand. Despite finding her engagement ring, the wedding band was nowhere to be seen. I rushed to the scene, getting as much information as possible before arriving. Once I reached the beach, Mackenzie provided a few more details about where she thought the ring might be. I began my search, methodically sweeping my metal detector over the area, then a signal! With a few careful digs, the ring emerged from the sand. The relief and joy were instant. Mackenzie was overjoyed to be reunited with her ring, and the family and onlookers couldn’t help but share in the happiness of the moment. It was a truly special ending to a day that could have been ruined. Instead, it became a story of loss and recovery that they’ll treasure for years to come in Ocean City, NJ.
Like, share and follow. For more stories and information, visit my website:: ringfinderssouthjersey.com

Ocean City NJ Lost Gold Chain and Pendant Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring in Ocean City, NJ?

Don’t wait to call!


While wrestling with his friend on the beach in Ocean City, NJ, Shane’s friends’ chain and pendant suddenly broke and fell into the sand. After several Facebook recommendations, Muoi contacted Ring Finders South Jersey for help the following day. I arrived shortly after the call, got more details from Shane, and began the search with my metal detector. After some searching, the lost jewelry was found, allowing the family to relax and enjoy the beach again.

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Looking for a Ring Finder in Ocean City NJ?

Avalon NJ Lost Earring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring in Avalon, New Jersey?

Don’t Wait To Call!


Kara reached out to me about her lost diamond earring in the sand in Avalon, NJ. She was removing her shirt and it got caught sending it somewhere into the sand.

Arriving at the beach, I carefully scanned the area with my metal detector where Kara had last seen the earring. My metal detector finally picked up a signal, buried beneath the surface.

There it was – Kara’s lost earring, glinting in the sun. Kara was excited to see the earring! They were able to continue to enjoy the rest of their time at the Jersey Shore in Avalon, New Jersey.

Lost gold ring while planting flowers in Lake Alfred, Florida…found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service…just for you if you lost a ring or something precious to you.  Don’t wait until tomorrow…call or text me now at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Mr Chester was planting some new plants in his front yard and using a post hole digger and other tools he managed to get the holes dug deep enough to hold some new soil and using his hands he began setting the first plant.  Only minutes into the planting process he felt his large gold ring slip off of his finger and he immediately picked it up, brushed it off and put it back on his finger…thinking that now he would be more careful.  Ten minutes later Mr Chester again noticed that his beautiful gold and diamond ring was not on his finger and this time he figured it had to be deep down in one of those holes he had just dug and filled.  Not wanting to totally pull up the plants and sift all the dirt, he got to thinking about other ways to locate his lost ring and that thought led him to search online for a “Ring Finder” and up popped theringfinders.com and one of my successful ring search and recovery stories.  He called me and we made plans to meet up at his place the following Saturday.  Mr Chester was 99% positive that he lost it in the dirt while planting so that is where I concentrated my efforts.  I recovered two small items of aluminum and the 3rd signal was strong and repeatable which proved to be Mr Chester’s lost gold ring!  It truly was an honor and privilege to meet Mr Chester and to be able to help him find what he thought he would never see again.

Have you lost something and need my help?  Call or text me ASAP and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…super thankful to be a member of TRFs!

Brigantine NJ Lost Cross Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring in Brigantine, NJ?

Don’t wait! Call Now!


I recently received a distress call from Kathleen, who sought assistance for her son Jacob. His cherished cross had snapped off during an energetic game of spikeball on the beach of Brigantine, NJ. After a detailed conversation with both Kathleen and Jacob, I gathered all the necessary information and set out to join Jacob without delay. Upon arrival, I initiated my search at the play area, methodically scanning the with my metal detector. It wasn’t long before the device’s tones signaled success—a strong, promising signal pierced the air. Moments later, the gleaming white gold cross emerged from its sandy hiding place. Jacob was ecstatic a clear testament to the cross’s sentimental value. Kathleen, expressed her profound gratitude. It was a touching reminder of the deep personal significance such items hold, and the joy of reuniting them with their owners.

If you have a lost ring in Brigantine, New Jersey give a call!



Jersey shore ring finder

Spring Lake NJ, Necklace/Pendant lost in the sand, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

How to find ring with metal detector

Mitchell called about finding his lost chain and pendant, which had gone missing on a busy beach two days earlier. I reassured him that it might still be there and suggested we give it a shot. We agreed to meet by the closest road to where he had set up his chair that day.

I arrived a bit early and decided to start searching. The area was large, and I mostly found trash—usually a bad sign, indicating that another detector might have already combed the area. Something didn’t feel right, though, so I went back to review my notes. Mitchell had mentioned being closest to the middle chair, but when I first arrived, I only saw two chairs. Now that some swimmers had left, a third chair was visible, and everything clicked into place—I had been searching in the wrong spot.

This was a reminder of why it’s crucial for the person who lost the item to be there, and arriving early had thrown me off. Just as I realized this and headed to the correct location, I saw another detectorist pass by the spot where Mitchell believed his necklace should be. Fortunately, Mitchell had already arrived and confirmed the location, so we quickly began the search.

Within moments, I found his necklace safely in my scoop. Mitchell could hardly believe it; the necklace was a cherished family heirloom with immense sentimental value, and he had thought it was lost forever.

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Lost Claddah Ring Yardley PA Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
Lost a ring?
Don’t wait to call!
The call came after receiving a text from Kera. She explained that they had been in the middle of a playful snowball fight when her cherished gold Claddagh ring slipped from her finger and vanished into the white blanket covering the ground. After searching with no success, she reached out the Ring Finders South Jersey for help.
I met her parents at the scene and pulled out my metal detector. The snow had transformed the yard into an endless sea of white. After thirty minutes of careful scanning, the detector’s familiar tone broke through the winter silence. There, nestled in the yard, lay the gold ring—its distinctive Irish heart, crown, and hands design a welcome sight.
Everyone was relieved the ring was found!
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Lost Ring found in Mays Landing NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


The day after Christmas, I received a call that would turn into one of those moments that remind you why you do what you do. Guy had lost his gold ring – not just any ring, but one he’d worn faithfully for half a century. The story of its disappearance was painfully simple: while tending to his Christmas Day fire pit, the cold had caused the ring to slip from his pinky finger, where he’d placed it because his usual finger was swollen.

The backyard had become an accidental treasure map. Somewhere between the fire pit and the scattered woodpiles, beneath a blanket of winter leaves, lay fifty years of memories in a ring of gold and coral.

I started methodically, sweeping my metal detector along the path Guy had taken to the first woodpile. Nothing. But treasure hunting is often about patience and persistence. Moving to the second pile of firewood, my detector sang out with that sweet, promising tone that makes every searcher’s heart skip a beat.

There it was, nestled among the logs – a gleaming circle of gold that had witnessed five decades of Guy’s life. The smile that spread across his face when I held it up was awesome to see!
Read more stories and information about lost ring recovery on my website https://ringfinderssouthjersey.com

Guy left a review:

“Like, not even 15min and John found my ring. We just traced my afternoon steps and located the ring under a pile of wood and oak leaves. Probably never would’ve have found it on my own. John is professional and a gentleman.”

#lostringinleaves #theringfinder #ringfinders #lostringrecovery #ringfindernearme #ringfinderssouthjersey

Lost Ring Recovery Jersey shore ring finderNJ Ring Finder

Lost Rings found in the snow Glassboro NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


The temperature in Glassboro, NJ had dropped to 25 degrees, and the ground was blanketed with a fresh 4-inch layer of snow. Amidst this winter scene, Rachana was snapping photos when she realized she had lost three of her rings in the snow. After a search, they decided to call for help. I arrived about 35 minutes later and met with Rob, who provided further details on how the rings were lost. My search with my metal detector began and soon after, success – two rings were recovered, one gold and one silver. A short distance away, the third gold ring was found. Notably, the gold ring with diamonds held immense sentimental value, as it was Rachana’s mother’s ring, a cherished gift from her father.

See other stories about lost rings in the snow here!

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