Lost Wallet with Credit Cards and Drivers License Returned, Cape Cod,Harwich, Yarmouth, Hyannis,Falmouth,
While out in the waters of Cape Cod, I found a wallet that was a surprise to see in my scoop. It had a metal card to Apple inside. A license, and many credit cards. When Rick and I got home, the very first thing we did, was to check for a match on Facebook. It triggered a fast response from Beth, the owner, as I talked with her about how, when, and where she lost her wallet, I knew I had to get it back ASAP. We asked if she was still on Cape Cod, she replied no, that she had gone home last week.
This is her statement about how she thinks it was lost.As we got out of the car we entered the beach area and made a hard right. We kept walking till we saw a sign saying Private Beach Area. We turned around, I was picking up seashells along the way close to the waters edge. When we got back to the beach where we entered, we made the obligatory Sun Appreciation spot halfway up on the dunes. I changed out of my shorts, that I thought had my wallet. We were there about 45 minutes, packed up,and walked to the jetty and then back to the car. My wallet must have fell out of my pocket as I reached for the shells. It was very windy, and the waves crashing didn’t help. We never heard it fall.We searched high and low multiple times for the next day or so. Car,Beach,Path, Sand, Nothing.
I was so happy that I found it and reunited it with Beth, Credit cards,License,Vac Card,all home where it belongs. Be safe and Congratulations on your return.Sincerely Leighton2022-09-06 11.57.17 copy