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Ring lost in San Diego found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

While toweling off at the beach, one of  Gokul’s diamond stud gold earrings was snagged, popped off, and into the soft sand it went. Try as he might, he just couldn’t find it. He searched online for help, found, and called me the next morning asking if I was available to search. Sure, I was available, but, Gokul decided to personally try again with a small sieve to sift the sand in the search area for his earring, and would call me back if he still needed help. An hour and half later, I got the call. I grabbed my gear, stopped and picked up my buddy Dave and headed to the site. We found Gokul at the search area and got the story on the loss. He had a match to the lost earring, so, Dave and I at least had something to go by. Wow, not much of signal on this little earring. As I started my search, I immediately got a decent signal which turned out to be the earring back. Ok, that’s a good sign that we’re in the right area. Shortly after, Dave got an iffy but repeatable signal and turned it over to me since I had the pin pointer. After chasing the signal a bit, I finally zeroed in on the signal. Success!  A happy Gokul could now head home with both his ear lobes complete. A pleasure to meet you and thanks for the reward.

Lost wedding ring in the sand, Holgate NJ, LBI, recovered by, Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

I received a call from Bill about his wedding ring lost in the sand down in Holgate, on LBI. He was on the beach early that day with his wife, and decided to leave due to the fact the wind was blowing about 30 knots, which made it very unpleasant. They have been married for 44 years, so this ring was extremely sentimental needless to say.  We arranged to meet later that day where he was staying at Hurleys in Holgate. Bill had explained every detail leading up to the ring being lost, as we walked up. The beach is extremely narrow in this area, and he was fairly certain where he was set up, especially with flags and a lifeguard chair right where they were. I searched the first spot and the ring wasn’t there. We tried another spot and nothing again. This isn’t a spot where someone would get confused as to the location, which had us both totally bewildered. Then I searched the steep path back to the hotel, and nothing again. We checked the road, parking lot and trunk of his car again. His wife had came down, looking very sad, figuring this precious keepsake was gone forever. Bill kinda wanted to through in the towel at that point when I decided to have his wife show me the location, just to get a different perspective on things. Her spot was exactly where Bill showed me, so back down I went, searching one more time. Bill had placed the ring on his pinky, so I knew it was somewhere, and most likely on his path back. With the wind blowing so hard from the NE, I swung the coil up onto the dune slope every path this time, and BINGO!!!! There it was on about the 4th pass. Everybody was pretty much in shock at this point, which was over an hour into the hunt.  Bill had came over looking into my scoop in total amazement. What happened was, the strong blowing wind pushed lots of sand onto the dunes, making a flat area hours prior, where he had walked, into the new slope of the dunes. Bill KNEW for sure it slipped off his finger, and I knew I wasn’t leaving till it was found.


Engagement Ring Pulled From Emerald Isle Beach Bag Found And Returned

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Lilyanna was with her fiancé, family and friends on Emerald Isle beach.  She had placed her engagement ring in the beach bag before swimming.  During the stay, a phone was placed in the same pocket and shortly afterwards, removed from the bag.  It was then Lilyanna’s ring was pulled out also without anyone knowing it escaped.  After not finding the ring in the bag, panic set in and a few in the group started posting on social media and making phone calls to Crystal Coast Ring Finders.  I arrived as soon as possible and had a member make a circle in the sand where they all believed the ring would be found.  After the circle was cleared, I began my search and was not getting any report of metal in the sand.  This also intensified the worry of the lost ring.  As I almost completed the circle, I received a good tone on my Minelab Equinox 800.  I searched the sand with my pinpointer and raised the lost ring from the beach sand.

Lost wedding ring in the sand, Surf City NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

  I was at a family party when I got a call from Sal. He was on the beach in Surf City when his wedding ring fell into the sand and disappeared. We agreed to meet ASAP as the party was coming to an end. I arrived on the beach and we headed out to the location. After clearing the area they had believed it was in I came up empty handed. We searched another spot to the north a bit and came up empty handed again. Another family member had arrived in the meantime and he was to the south pointing to a totally different location. I went over to speak with him and he was positive of the area they were in. Just a few swings later and the ring was in my scoop. Once again, it’s just a matter of finding the right area to search. Many times the first few spots are not the right ones. After the beach clears off its much harder to find the exact location so remember, mark the spot with google maps on your cell phone and call ASAP.

Lost Gold Wedding Band Found for Family after they Returned with a Metal Detector Expert..Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













IF you need the help of a metal detector expert Call or Text Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Now  949-500-2136

*** Kyle and His wife live in Costa Mesa. They brought their children to Marina Park in Newport Beach Bay for the afternoon. It’s a popular family beach with no waves and lots of things for younger kids to keep busy playing on swings, etc.

They spent three or four hours there, returning home five mile away. That’s when Kyle realized his ring was missing. He had not been in the water but he had a strong feeling his wedding band had to be at Marina Park which is mostly beach sand. 

He called me saying he knew he can’t find his ring without a metal detector. He could meet me after I finished a my errand. I told him the area he lost the ring was on my way home and I would give him my ETA when I was leaving for the location he believe his ring was hiding. 

Kyle met me while it was still light outside. He showed me a 40’x50’ ft area he had been most the day. I asked him where he might think it would be. He pointed to where he had remembered putting on sunscreen. A few swings of my detector coil ..” Boom” Kyle’s ring in my sand scoop.

His wife went crazy happy celebrating the find. Kyle gave me the big man hug , then his wife did the same. Very emotional and I could tell how important this symbol of their love was to the both of them..

I can answer any questions you have about how to find your lost sentimental item .. I Will Try Anywhere … 949-500-2136

Lost necklace on the beach, Beach Haven NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

  Alena called and left a message that she lost her necklace in the sand on LBI, and wondered if I would be able to help find it. After going over some of the details we arranged to meet on the dune walkover. While walking down to the spot she refreshed my memory on a few details and I began to search in the area she had marked out earlier. That spot came up empty so we moved south and did and area right next to the original spot, and no luck there either. Another friend had just arrived and was point to the sand, showing her she buggy wheels heading north just a few feet from her original location. With that said I made 2 paths and found the necklace about 5” down in the soft sugar sand. The key to successful recoveries is getting back to the correct location many hours or even days later.

Ring lost at Pacific Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Elise was enjoying Labor Day at the beach, but, after rubbing some lotion on her hands, her precious gold ring given to her by her sister, slipped right off and into the soft sand, turning the sweet day suddenly sour. The next day after an online search brought her to, she contacted me for help. Even though our local beaches get swarmed by detectorists on a holiday weekend like this, it was still worth a try, so, I got all the particulars and agreed to meet her at the location. Elise sent me a photo of the ring showing that it wasn’t an actual ring in shape, but, a horseshoe shape. Knowing that now, the I.D. number would be impossible to predict, but, probably a lot lower than if it were a complete circle. I started my grid and scooped anything that wasn’t iron. After a bunch of gum wrappers reading 1-4 on my Equinox 900, a few other bits of foil, a couple of coins, I get another sketchy 2-3 reading. Probably another gum wrapper, but, surprise, surprise, it was her ring. A happy Elise can now go home and relax now that the lost has been found. A pleasure to meet you Elise, and thank you for the reward.


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)
I received a text at 7:30 this morning from a lady that was heartbroken she had lost her wedding ring set in the grass. She couldn’t believe she couldn’t just see it in the grass. It’s platinum two rings soldered together with a big 4ct diamond!!
She had reached out to other people and couldn’t get anyone to respond or commit. She even borrowed a metal detector and tried finding it herself with no luck. She was up all night long on her hands and knees pulling grass and racking the grass trying to find it. I get there at about 12:30 and she was still searching for it!
I drove 2 hours and 15 mins, get out and talk to her for a few mins and get set up and begin. 20 secs or less later 1st signal and BOOM, I get a solid hit! I move the grass back and I can see the ring! I tell her I found it and I snap a quick photo in the grass then on the stairs and hand her, her ring!
She was so happy and relieved to have it back!
The feeling of finding and returning something like this ring NEVER gets old!
2023 ring count: 307 FTY
17 – Total recoveries FTY
73 – gold rings FTY (8 recoveries) (4 class rings – 3 US / 1 MEX)
80 – silver rings FTY (1 recovery & 1 coin silver)
2 – platinum (2 recovery)
1 – platinum & gold (1 recovery)
1 – gold & silver ring (1 recovery)
1 – Pandora LTE MET 54 (silver and palladium)
1 – silver 828 ring
1 – tantalum (1 recovery)
3 – titanium (1 recovery)
11 – tungsten (1 recovery)
1 – lustrium – (1 recovery) (1 class ring)
133 – mixed – copper – steel – aluminum – junk rings FTY
Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)
Got a call from this young man. He lost a ring that his mom bought him on the football practice field. He laid it in his flip flop shoe. As he was about to leave and put his shoes back on. He kicked the ring out and couldn’t find it. Drove 30 mins, 2.5 min recovery and 30 mins back home.
2023 ring count: 306 FTY
16 – Total recoveries FTY
73 – gold rings FTY (8 recoveries) (4 class rings – 3 US / 1 MEX)
80 – silver rings FTY (1 recovery & 1 coin silver)
1 – platinum & gold (1 recovery)
1 – gold & silver ring (1 recovery)
1 – Pandora LTE MET 54 (silver and palladium)
1 – platinum (1 recovery)
1 – silver 828 ring
1 – tantalum (1 recovery)
3 – titanium (1 recovery)
11 – tungsten (1 recovery)
1 – lustrium – (1 recovery) (1 class ring)
133 – mixed – copper – steel – aluminum – junk rings FTY
Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost gold man’s wedding ring while he was playing with water balloons on a hot summer day with the family. We was able to setup a day and time to perform a search. I started the search in the area where the water balloons were being fill and thrown with no luck. I continue throughout the yard until the ring was found. He is very happy to have the ring returned to him.

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”