lost ring Tag | Page 65 of 151 | The Ring Finders

University of Toronto Master of Laws Graduate loses Family Heirloom Gold ring

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a phone call from Jessica who was heartbroken as she lost a very sentimental Family heirloom pure gold ring that was made in Shanghai. Jessica graduated from the University of Toronto with a Master of Laws degree just two weeks ago! She wore her ring for her graduate photos. The wind caught Jessica’s graduation cap. Jessica quickly reached for the cap and felt her loose ring fly off her hand. The Family searched the area for some time with no luck. Even some of the University staff helped to look for her ring.

Jessica then obtained permission from the University of Toronto staff to allow a metal detectorist from ‘The Ring Finders’ directory to assist! I alway respect private property and am grateful to be granted permission to detect and help recover Jessica’s special ring! I would love to have permission to go back to recover & donate all the lost relics/history still in the ground! Saving history from generations ago! Who knows, there could be more lost U of T alumni rings!

I had many memories flooding back just driving down to the location! I even shed a few tears. You see, my late Father WO George Walker worked for Toronto Hydro for 40 years! As well, my Father was a well know bagpiper for the 48th Highlanders of Canada for over 50 years! He piped many weddings at Hart House and well as graduations ceremonies at the University of Toronto and York University! Happy proud tears for sure!

Check out the video of the ring return surprise! Great deal of thanks also to the Campus Police Officer Matthew for going along with the prank surprise as Jessica had left the location for a quick coffee!

This unique pure gold ring is not like any normal ring as it is a wrap-around ring with no connecting loop! Jesica and I thought the ring was 14k but it turns out the inside symbols represents the makers mark, a karat stamp referring to 99 pure gold and the number 14 which refers to ring size 14! Who knew!


Thank you Jessica for your generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation and entrusting me to help recover and return your priceless Family Heirloom graduation gift from your beloved Grandmother!! Happy, healthy, bright and safe future ahead and many years to come!!

Platinum wedding band lost, recovered and returned in Berwyn, PA!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Dan found me via The Ring Finders directory. He was deeply worried about losing his very sentimental platinum wedding band. He said he just celebrated his 1 year wedding anniversary and the ring was so important to him. He told me the previous Saturday he was at his niece’s wedding reception in the backyard of his brother’s house in Berwyn , PA. The reception was a big affair with a DJ and a dance floor set up in the middle of the grassy backyard. He was partying and dancing up a storm when he decided to head in the house to use the bathroom….that’s when he noticed his ring was missing. He was 100% sure it was on his finger before the party started. He and family started searching immediately both at party and next day. He finally contacted me on a Tuesday and and I agreed to start to search on Wednesday. Dan lives in NJ so he put me in touch with his brother since it was his yard I would be searching. I met his brother that afternoon in the backyard of his house…it was a 50 x 5o foot grassy yard with much of the grass compressed and still littered from the big party. In the middle of grass you could clearly see the 20×20 foot square where a wood dance floor was installed and then removed.  As you become more experienced as a Ring Finder you start to get more intuitive on where the lost ring might be when starting a search. You prioritize the most likely areas…not only based off details and circumstances of how it was actually lost but also considering the fact that many people have been looking for it for many days with just their eyes(not a metal detector). Most of the grass in backyard was very short or non-existent…if the ring was there they would have found it themselves. However, there was one area off near the dance floor where the grass was higher…if it fell there it would be difficult to find without a metal detector. Soooooo…..I started there. Bingo…I immediately got a perfect ring signal. I bent down…pushed aside the high grass to reveal Dan’s ring! I immediately texted Dan’s brother who came out and was just amazed how quickly I found it after so many people searched for hours. He, in turn, immediately called Dan to share the good news! It brings me great joy to be able to come through for people with a successful recovery!

Expert Tips: How to Find a Lost Wedding Ring on the Beach in Carpinteria

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)

Losing something as sentimental as a wedding ring can be distressing, but fear not, as every lost ring has the potential to be found. Heather’s heart sank when her wedding ring slipped off her finger while tending to her 5-month-old daughter on Carpinteria State Beach. With determination and expertise, we embarked on a quest to reunite her with her cherished possession.

Upon arrival at the beach, I began searching the area marked by Heather. Despite meticulous combing, the ring remained elusive. Refusing to give up, I sought further insight into the ring’s trajectory. As Heather recounted the incident, a keen observation led me to a glimmer in the wet sand. With a sense of triumph, I retrieved Heather’s lost ring, nestled in the sand.

Sometimes, the best tool for the job is not a metal detector but keen observation and intuition. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, don’t hesitate to reach out. With my expertise in metal detecting services for lost wedding rings, I’m here to help you rediscover your treasures. Call or text me at 805-290-5009 immediately, and let’s embark on the journey to recover what’s rightfully yours.

Lost gold ring in grass, Winter Park, Fl….Found and Returned to owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe….Metal Detector Specialist….Call ASAP, Anytime…321-363-6029

Anne was having a very rough week and then she found theringfinders.com! With renewed hope she reached out to me and her rather sad story has a very happy ending. Here is the short version in Anne’s own words.

“I had lost my father’s ring a week ago while playing frisbee in my back yard with my dog on Monday, November 9th! I came home from work and it was drizzling a little and I wanted to give my girl some exercise and burn off some of her energy before the rain really set in. I was playing with her and the ring flew off. I think the rain and cooler weather loosened it on my finger and my grass is a nasty combination of St. Augustine, Dollar weed, Bahia and who knows what else. It feels like a spongy carpet.

It was my dad’s ring (he died last November 1st followed 8 months later by my mom on August 10th) and it isn’t fancy or worth a bunch of money but it is gold, has three diamonds (my dad use to refer to it as his “3 Amigos ring”) and means the world to me!

I spent, I can’t tell you how many hours (no joke, at least 30 hours in the last 7 days) on my hands and knees, in the dark with a flashlight, in the rain, with sweat running down my face, tears steaming up my glasses and the heat! I even bought a Bounty Hunter 2200 metal detector…and nothing. I had a friend help as well. I think I needed professional help (maybe in more ways than one…lol!)

I googled “HELP ME FIND MY LOST RING” and found Mike McInroe. I sent him an email which he responded to quickly. He was at my home within an hour and a half. Where it took me over 30 hours in a week, he found my ring within a half hour! I was sooooooo appreciative! I had been extremely upset by the loss. Thank you Mike! Sincerely, Anne-Marie”

Have you, or someone you know, lost something recently and need help to find it? Or maybe you have lost something years ago and have a good idea of the area where it was lost and you would like to have someone look for it.

Call, text or email me ASAP!

Mike McInroe…honored to be a member of theringfinders.com

Important keys lost, recovered and returned in Wilmington, DE!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Got an email from Dan in Wilmington, DE. Apparently his wife was making snow angels in a huge leaf pile in her parent’s backyard when her ring of important keys came up missing.  They had been raking leaves and had created a massive pile on top of a tarp…after playing in the leaf pile they dragged the leaves to a secluded part of the backyard. Not a 100% certain the keys were lost among the leaves they spent several hours over several days searching for the keys inside and outside of house. Dan came to the realization that his only hope might be a metal detector to search the huge pile of leaves. He said he briefly considered buying a metal detector but after a quick google search came across the Ringfinder directory. I got his email around 1 pm on a Wednesday and arrived at the house by 330 that same day. I met Dan and his mother-in-law in the backyard and was shown three possible areas where they thought the keys might have been mixed in with all the leaves. Like I always do,  I took a minute and demonstrated how my equipment works so they can have confidence that if the keys are there…I’ll find them. I had a few options as far as where to start the search…I decided to start in the very middle of the largest pile. Within 30 seconds I had a very strong signal deep in the pile…I broke out my pinpointer which immediately confirmed a good target. After a quick pushing aside of leaves…there they were! Its always fun to see the amazement on peoples faces when you are able to find something so quickly that they thought was gone forever. Dan was extremely happy and immediately called his wife to share  the news of her recovered keys!

Gold Class Ring Lost, Recovered and Returned in Spring City, PA

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Gabriel contacted me via the RingFinders directory regarding his lost high school graduation ring. Apparently 6 months prior he had been playing with his new puppy in his back yard and while throwing a ball he felt his prized gold class ring fly off his hand. He and his family spent an entire day searching for it on their hands and knees. After an exhaustive search he finally gave up and figured it was a goner. I guess he couldn’t stop thinking about it because he googled for metal detecting help and it led him to the Ringfinders and me! Gabriel was at work the day I arrived to search so I met his father, Hector, in the backyard. He was very familiar with the details of where the loss occurred and pointed me in the right direction. The great thing was that Gabriel is a twin and his father had his twin brother’s identical class ring. I was able to scan the available ring with my Minelab Equinox 800 detector so I could laser focus on just those #s when searching for the lost ring. The available ring rang up as a solid 20-21…so I set my detector to specifically focus on those #s. Well….30 seconds into the search I received a solid 20-21 signal. I bent down with my  pinpointer and sure enough the target is  just poking through the level of the dirt beneath the grass…with a hint of gold. I called Hector over and we dug very gently with our hands and with laughter, joy and surprise we revealed Gabriel’s lost ring! Hector immediately called Gabriel to put him on speaker phone and tell him the good news. Not sure if I ever heard anyone so happy!


Not just rings. Keys too!

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

Got a call out last night. Lots of snow this week means lots of shovelling and the potential for all sorts of things to get lost. Rings, phones and keys.  Ryan was shovelling his driveway and when he was finished he realized his keys were gone. After checking inside the truck without luck, it left only one possibility; they were dropped between the truck and the house and most likely when he cleared the driveway.  We talked it over and he described his task as basically pushing the snow off the edge. So I checked the edge.  When that did not work, I expanded my search and eventually found the keys. It must have been one of the odd times he threw the snow because they close to 6 feet from the edge. No matter, Ryan has his keys and he can breathe easy. Keys aren’t cheap but even more, the hassle of replacing them is costly as well. Thanks for the generous reward.

Lost Wedding ring found in River Cochrane

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

I received a call from Coby telling me his wife lost her Diamond wedding in the river in Cochrane. He wanted to know if we had a chance of finding it. I told him I have found other rings in the water in the past and would come out in a couple of days to look for it. I went out on a Saturday morning and gave it a try the river was very high and it was hard to search I tried for about an hour. She was sitting a bunch of big rocks and when she swung her arm the stand up it went into the water with all the big rocks and boulders it was a hard find. I told them because I couldn’t find it to try back in the fall when the river would be down.  So in September went out and gave it a look now both her and the newborn baby and Coby were there and we began to search we check the water and the start between all the boulders slowly moving them one by one. After a couple of hours and moving a bunch of boulders, we recover the ring One happy family.l

Lost Ring Found…..but in the most unexpected way!!!

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

I talked to Tina. She was desperate to get her ring back. She had lost it while walking on the Crescent Heights ridge overlooking our city’s downtown. What started as a lovely walk ended in panic when she got home and found her necklace was broken and the ring and cross that hung upon it were gone.

The cross was nice, but the ring, it was the last thing her mom gave her a year ago just before she passed. It was the only physical reminder she had of her mom and now it was gone.

Tina and I walked the route she had taken and the one she had already searched. For the most part it was on a hard packed heavily used path or the sidewalk across the street. I pretty well knew that if it fell there, it was already gone/picked up. There was a section in the park and I promised to search it.

She left and I looked. My friend Perry has a metal detector as well and I invited him to join me in the park as he only lived a few blocks away. We searched to no avail. So there ends the story.

Not so. Perry calls me a few days later. His neighbour messaged him and asked if he knows how to tell if a ring is gold or not.  When he finally gets to see the ring it turns out to be the ring lost by Tina.

It took a while but the ring is back in Tina’s hands. A little worse for wear but with a little TLC, it will be back in shape as a constant reminder of her mom’s love.  Just in time for the 1 year remembrance gathering in honour of her mom.  Tears flowed.

PS  We haven’t given up on finding the cross.










Tina’s Story

“One afternoon I was walking crescent heights in Calgary with my girls, one of which was a toddler who was on again/ off again getting a piggy back ride from mama. Upon our arrival at home, I felt what I thought was a hair on my neck to only discover my chain had snapped! Well on that chain was a ring left to me by my mother who passed away at the same time last year! I was devastated to say the least, we traveled a pretty vast distance with truly no rhyme or reason to our path. I went into panic mode and contacted the local school, put up posters and walked that area for countless hours- NOTHING!
The next day I posted something on Calgary lost and found to have someone suggest contacting a metal detector group, and from there I met Evan ( angel to say the least) in our chat I discovered he had already begun searching for the ring, not even knowing one another yet! (The school put out a post)
We met the following day, I showed him my route, he seemed doubtful yet optimistic as the distance was vast yet contained if that makes sense…?

This man searched for hours on end, and no ring to be found! Again just devastated. Especially as I was approaching the anniversary of my mother’s passing!

One day closer to the date, I got a message from Evan indicating that someone approached a metal detecting buddy of his and they believed the ring was found!!! My heart was in my throat- honestly.

Evan and his friend rushed to get that ring to me, and although that ring was damaged it was the ring!!! The band was damaged but all stones in place!

Evan went above and beyond to help me find this ring! From his countless hours of search, to holding my hand, and offering encouragement all along, to hand delivering the ring, but days before my mother’s passing anniversary.

In this case the ring finder was so good, the ring found him! I am forever indebted to him, not only for physical efforts but his support! Words can’t express what this man has done for me and if I ever lose anything again (fingers crossed I don’t) he’s the best guy for the case!

On a side note there was a cross on that chain too, and he still continues to search for it! I’m amazed at his devotion ( the thrill of the hunt? 🤔) either way I’m grateful beyond words! “

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Evan!

Lost ring at Coronado found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Stephen and his family were visiting from out of town and spent the day at the beach in Coronado. He had removed his wedding ring before going into the water and left it there were they were sitting in the dry sand. At the end of the day, the belongings were gathered and the ring ended up MIA. I got the call the next day and got the particulars on what type of ring, a photo of the ring, and approximately where they were sitting via a Google map, since they had already gone home a couple of hours north of me and couldn’t show me the exact spot personally. Over a Sunday night and a Monday morning, there usually are several people who detect that beach, but, the area where they were sitting wasn’t right in the most common area, so, there was still a chance it was still there. I headed over after all the crowds had left for the day and took a guess as to where to start. I actually started a bit north of where ground zero was supposed to be and was going to work my way south. When I got the the area, I noticed that the beach grooming machine had gone through the place. Yikes, another strike against a successful search. I turned on my light to take a closer look at the sand, and realized that they just ran the big rake through there, and not the sifter. Good! That made me a bit more confident.  I made about three 20 foot passes and got my 4th solid 14 on my Equinox. The previous 3 were pull tabs, as usual, but, this 4th one was Stephens ring! This search could have taken hours, but, sometimes you just get lucky! I sent a photo of the ring to Stephen and he was overjoyed that it was found and he could actually wear it again. Now it’s up to the USPS to do it’s job getting his ring home safe and sound. Thank you for the reward Stephen.