Youtube Videos Category | Page 56 of 71 | The Ring Finders

How to Find a Gold Ring in the Attic…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call the other day in regards to a lost ring in the attic…The young man told me he found me online when he was looking on how to find a lost ring in the attic. We discussed the search and I knew I could find his ring but it could be challenging.

We met up on Sunday and he showed me the attic and how he lost the ring and where…I got to work and thankfully it wasn’t summer as the temperature in the attic was comfortable,  it was blown in insulation so it’s like quicksand for ring.

After searching with my AT gold with the sniper coil for approximately 30 minutes I received a good target number of 65/66… there was his wedding band of 13 years just hidden inches into the insulation.




I love the hunt for the lost ring, you never know where its going to show up but when it does…There it is…A Smile!




I love my job!

Lost your ring…Call me ASAP 778-838-3463

Detector used:Garrett AT Gold/Snipper Coil/Pinpointer


You can watch the video of the search below…

Metal Detector Rental Vancouver, BC…How to Find a Lost Ring

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist to help you locate your lost ring. Lot’s of people who rent a metal detector still can’t find their lost rings & jewelry.

Why you ask…Because most people have never used a metal detector before …the members on The Ring Finders have lots of experience using their equipment. I have helped close to 350 people find their lost rings and I have the best equipment and know how…

If you have rented a metal detector and couldn’t find your lost ring call… The Ring Finders! Here’s your 2nd chance to find what you thought was lost forever.

I received a call from a young man who lost a ring at UBC in Vancouver the other day, he told me the story about how a friend threw it out of a 3rd story balcony at 1 am and the rest is history…

The young man came back for 4 days searching for the ring but couldn’t find it. He went online to find a metal detector to rent and found me on The Ring Finders and called me.

It only took a matter of minutes to locate his lost ring and it was back where it belonged…





The story about the ring was a nice one as the ring was given to him by his older brother…It was his brothers graduation ring, he gave it to him so that he could focus on school and graduate himself.





You could only imagine how upsetting it would have been for this young man if he didn’t find this ring. I love my job because every ring has a story and I along with the other members of The Ring Finders get to help continue those story and at the same time find a lost Smile.


If you have lost something and need it found save yourself the time and stress and have The Ring Finders come out and find it for you!


Detector for this search: Garrett AT Gold & Garrett Pro Pointer

I Love my Job!


Chris Turner



You can watch the video of the search…


Lost Wedding Ring Willis, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Wedding Ring and Gold Cross Willis, Texas (Recovered)


I received a call from Dara regarding her husbands lost gold wedding ring and his gold cross. Dara said her husband Dan was mowing and clearing some brush behind their home when he discovered his necklace was missing. Dara said Dan’s necklace had held both his gold wedding ring and his gold cross. Dara said Dan’s wedding ring and cross landed somewhere in the backyard when his necklace broke.

Dara said Dan was able to find his missing gold necklace the following day, but he was not able to find his wedding ring or cross. Dara said she had located “The Ring Finders” on an internet search.




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Equipment Used:

CTX 3030

TRX Pin-Pointer

Go Pro


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.                                         Texas


Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek



Lost Wedding Rings Friendswood, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)
3 Lost Wedding Rings Friendswood, Texas (Recovered)


I received the following e-mail.

 Hi john!
Long story short we have lost out wedding rings in the back yard. We bought a metal detector but have had no luck. Is this something you can help with?


I met James and Jasmine at their residence today to look for James wedding ring, and both Jasmine’s engagement and wedding ring.  James said after accidentally losing their rings in the backyard he bought a metal detector at Academy and searched for the rings. James said he didn’t have any luck finding them.

Jasmine said soon after she located  “The Ring Finders” on the internet.

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 Ring #1

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 Ring #2 and #3













 James and Jasmine were happy to be re-united with their wedding rings


Equipment Used:

CTX 3030 Standard and 6 inch coil

TRX Pin-Pointer


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.                                         Texas

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek








Lost Wedding Ring Katy, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Wedding Ring Katy, Texas (Recovered)


I received a call from Danielle who explained she needed help finding her lost diamond wedding ring. Danielle said she had lost her wedding ring in her front yard while participating in some out-door activities.


I made the short trip over to Katy, Texas today and met with Danielle at her residence. Danielle identified the area of her yard that needed to be searched and provided me a description of her missing ring.

I worked a quick grid search of the yard and on the second pass hit a good signal. I paused trying not to alert Danielle of the recovery. I walked over to grabbed the GoPro and set it up to capture the moment.


















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Equipment Used:


TRX Pin-Pointer


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.                                         Texas

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek


How to Find a Lost Ring in Pemberton, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The other day I got a call from from a gentleman from Vancouver Island. He asked If I could help find his lost ring and went on to tell me that the ring was very special to him.

He put all the rings his wife bought him over the years and had them melted down and made into one heavey ring with diamonds.

He told me he was visiting his son in Pemberton, BC (3 hour drive for me)  and they were working on changing the oil for his son’s car. That night his father went to the Bed & Breakfast that he was staying at and in the morning he realized that his ring was missing…He checked his room but nothing, So he started to think where the ring could be…

1- The car he and his son were working on was in the barn and when they finished working on the car he remembered brushing off the straw from his son’s back.

2-The father remembered taking the car mats out and brushing off the straw at a Bed & Breakfast that he was staying at in town…

He thought for sure it must have came off when he was brushing the car mats, so he spent time searching the grass and shrubs around the area where he parked. When he couldn’t find the ring he remembered the barn and brushing the hay off his son’s back. The brushing motions could have made the ring come off his finger?

After he and his son did a search of the barn and no luck he went online to find a metal detector and found me on The Ring Finders. We made arrangements and I met his son the next day. He showed me the area and it wasn’t a big area and within 5 minutes I found the ring!



We figured the horse had stepped on the ring as it was buried in the dirt out of sight. His son was very happy and sent a text message to his father to tell him the good news.




The drive was a total of 6 hours there and back and the search took 5 minutes. I love my job! I always get to meet interesting people and learn the story of their ring and hopefully find their Smile!


Lost your ring…Call me ASAP! Thanks for racing my story!


You can watch the video of the search below.




Lost ring Celina, Ohio

  • from Celina (Ohio, United States)
All terrain water and land

All terrain water and land






Hello!  My name is Josh Kimmel.  I recently joined The Ring Finders.  I am very involved with metal detecting and have a true passion for this hobby / lifestyle as well as a passion for recovering history in all of it’s forms.  My passion for metal detecting goes beyond just merely trying to find pieces of the past, I also have a passion for helping others locate those special lost items that they thought may have been lost forever.  That’s right!, I enjoying trying to help others find these items and strive to reunite people with their items.  Jewelry such as class rings, wedding bands, engagement rings, gold, silver, platinum and other rings and jewelry to keys and even property markers.  I have been asked to search for many different things and strive to do my best to locate them when possible.   One of my favorite returns was of a silver and platinum class ring that had been lost for approx. 31 years when I one day found it and tracked the owner down to return it to her within 2 weeks.  When people lose that precious, sentimental item it can be very distressing and I do what I can.  Each lost item is unique and has a story of it’s own.  When that item is lost by someone that story doesn’t have to end.    With a recovery that story can continue.


If you are in the Celina, OH or Grand Lake St. Mary’s area or even the Ohio counties of Mercer, Auglaize, Van Wert, Allen and other outlying areas I just may be able to help.  Why try to rent a metal detector or find a metal detector rental to try and locate your lost sentimental item or a particular metal item you would like found when you can contact a metal detector specialist that will use many years of experience as well as some of the best equipment to try and locate that item for you.  Forget renting the detector and get a detectorist!


My years of experience and the equipment I use enable me to find and locate many different metal items in all terrains.  Parks, private yards, school yards, tot lots, beaches, snow, water(up to 5ft deep), fields, woods, hillsides and anywhere else for that matter.  Rings, jewelry, property markers, cache hunting, property searches and so on I’m always trying to help people with my experience.  I even offer my services to Realtor s, Law enforcement, and insurace companies as well others and do what I can to help.


If you are in or around any of the above mentioned or surrounding areas of Ohio contact me and we can discuss the situation.





Metal Detecting Pitt Lake for a Lost Gold Ring

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Yesterday I received a call from a lady that told me her son lost a very special ring that was gifted to him by his late Grandmother. She also said that he lost it the day they were spreading her ashes at Pitt Lake.

He was just throwing a rock into the lake when he felt the ring come off his finger…The family had spent 4 hours that day on their hands and knees searching for the ring in the long grass where the young man saw it land…But no luck!

He and his father went back the next day and continued the search for another 4 hours for this family heirloom but still couldn’t find it. I believe his mother told me over the phone that they were going to rent a metal detector and found me online and decided to call me.

I was already loading the car with equipment for a search up in Whistler which is about a 2 hour drive from where I live.  After hearing this story about the young man and knowing that they were at the location searching (45 minutes away) I figured I’d reschedule the search for the next day in Whistler. That was a good thing because after the search for the young mans ring at Pitt lake I got a call from the people in Whistler and they found their ring in their house…That saved me a couple hours driving as they thought the ring was lost in their yard.

When I showed up at Pitt lake I was greeted by the young man and his father and we discussed the search for a few minutes and I began my search. In most cases it’s never where the people where searching (8 hours) as they themselves would have found it. I cleared the area that they were searching and moved further down the embankment and I got a faint signal in some very long grass and weeds. I went in with my pin pointer and found the gold ring covered in grass and hard to see with the eye.



I get so excited myself when I find what I’m looking for and knowing the story and what it means to the young man!




The smile says it all… He was so happy and such a nice young man who you can tell loved his Grandmother & Grandfather so very much!

I Love My Job! If you lost something and need it found…Call me ASAP!


Thanks for reading my story!   You can watch the video of the search below…

Lost Gold Coin at Rock Ridge High School Soccer Field, West Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I just got back in town and I received a call from a young man that told me he lost his gold coin at a school soccer field. He said he was play football with friends and noticed his 1945 Mexican gold coin was missing from it’s setting.  He was absolutely devastated, I could hear it in his voice. I on the other hand was excited to have the chance to search for a gold coin, it’s not everyday you get call like this and I remember a couple of years ago I was called out to a baseball field to find a $5.00 US gold coin. (Found it)

I found out after asking that the gold coin was the young man’s fathers and he bugged him for years to get it from him as he just loved it…On his 16th birthday his father gave it to him and he wore it ever since. This makes the search very important as I know how much it means to the young man that I find it. (Pressure)

We decided to meet at the school the next day early in the morning and thankfully the school was out on strike so no kids. We met and discussed the search area, it was a big search area but he remembered getting hit in the chest by the football in a specific area and he marked that with one of my cones that I use for the grid.

He had to go to work, he wished me luck on the search and drove away. My first thought was to search the spot that he got hit with the ball. After 20 minutes I got a good signal not far from the spot he got hit by the ball, I looked down and saw the gold coin in the long grass.










I thought it was going be a long search and I was ready for it…What a great feeling to find it so quickly!









He was so happy and relieved that he had his coin back…He said that he was going to make a good setting for the coin so this won’t happen again.


I love my job! If you need help finding your lost jewelry call me ASAP

Watch the video of the search below…



Metal Detecting For a Lost Rose Gold Wedding Band at UBC, Vancouver.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I was running around getting ready for a trip to the Rocky Mountains to Yoho National Park (10 hour drive) to look for a lost silver ring in 4 feet of water…Ice cold glacier water! I looked at the weather channel and it was snowing there today and a chance of flurries tomorrow…Of course I just sold my truck… I got home at 2pm today and started cooking a meal when I got a call from a young lady who lost her wedding band at UBC (University of British Columbia) She wanted to know if I could come out and find it for her…I was on my way!

It’s about a 45 minute drive to get there and when I arrived I was greeted by a young lady by the name of Noa. She walked me down to the location where she lost her ring and told me that she lost 2 rings but found 1 by looking around. The problem was there was long grass all around and the ring could easily be in the grass. I started my search and unfortunately there was lots of targets in this area…10 minutes later I heard that nice medium tone and I separated the grass and saw the rose gold ring glinting in the sunlight.




I will never get tired of my job because the smile is what makes what I do so special.




Thanks for reading my blogs…I love my job!


Lost your ring…Call ASAP!


Watch the video of the search below…