theringfinders Tag | The Ring Finders

Find your lost ring in the snow…Vancouver, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost your ring, cell phone, keys… Don’t wait until it’s too late. Call ASAP 24/7 Chris 778-838-3463.

I received a text message late last night asking for help to find a  lost man’s 22 karat diamond ring. I saw the text message when I woke up early this morning and let him know to call me as soon as he saw my message.

7 AM I got the phone call and listen to where he believed his ring had come off his hand. He told me it was about a four block walk from his house to the bus station. I could already imagine how hard this search was going to be, for the fact that we just got snow a few days ago. After talking, I heard him mention he was wearing gloves… that changed everything! My next questions were when did the gloves come off and do you remember where, he did fortunately.

He told me two times he had slipped and fell, he said one time close to his house, crossing the road he slipped and fell when he got onto the sidewalk he took his glove off and dusted the snow off his pant leg and jacket. The second time was closer to the bus terminal four blocks away same thing, he took his glove off to wipe snow off of his pants and jacket.

I started my search where he first fell close to his house, and literally the first minute I found it wedged into the road, just the brim of it showing. Sometimes we get lucky and it doesn’t take long to find what we’re looking for, other times it could take hours and hours. I’m always grateful for these quick ones and for the fact that nobody else found it before me. I love my job. I get to find people Lost smiles and hear their stories.



Watch video of the search above…

Will a Metal Detector Find a Lost Gold Ring…Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost your ring or any sentimental item contact a metal detecting specialist ASAP 24/7 Chris Turner-778-838-3463 

Yes a metal detector can find your lost gold ring in your yard, beach, park…That being said if you’ve never used one before you most likely won’t find your ring. Save you time and money and hire a metal detecting specialist with years of experience.

I have found over 500 lost items and I can’t count how many times someone had rented or bought a metal detector in hopes of finding their lost item. Experience pays off and that’s what we have on this directory, members like myself with many years of Metal Detecting experience.

I got a phone call from a young lady who said her husband had lost his ring somewhere in a garden area on the side of the road close to their house. After discussing the search, she mentioned his ring fit very well and they were confused on how it could’ve come off when they were looking for their Lost Keys. They went out and bought a metal detector and searched for hours, but could not find the ring. I showed up,  listen to the story and started my search. Within a couple minutes I found his lost gold wedding band. I love my job!  I might make it look easy but remember I have 53 years of metal detecting experience…It helps!



Lost your ring or any sentimental item contact a metal detecting specialist ASAP 24/7 Chris Turner-778-838-3463 



Lost & Found Ring in Chilliwack, BC.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost your ring or any sentimental item contact me ASAP 24/7 Chris Turner-778-838-3463 

I recieved a call the other day in regards to Lost diamond engagement ring, and wedding band that were soldered together and lost somewhere in the garden. She been looking for close to three weeks and even borrowed Metal Detector, but could not find it.

We arrange the time to meet on the weekend, when I showed up and met Joanne we discussed the area where the ring possibly could’ve fallen, in and around shrubs and bushes that could easily eat up a ring, and make it very difficult to swing a metal detector. I knew I had to use my pinpoint…I started shaking the bushes and began to search underneath in order to make sure I wasn’t walking away from my recovery.

Not finding anything under the bushes I took the next step and started to search the branches and I got a signal up hi and moved the branches and under a dead leaf a saw a glint of gold! Amazing where these little things show up!

I was so honoured to find her late mothers ring and hear the story about her late mother and how she lost it two times in her lifetime so will call this third time. Lucky.!

I love my job!!



Lost your ring or any sentimental item contact me ASAP 24/7 Chris Turner-778-838-3463 


How to find a lost cross at Omaha Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

If you lost your ring/cell phone/keys/hearing aid or any sentimental items on land or water, call me asap Rob 402-580-6933

Bonnie was walking with her dog around the side of her house when a spider web entangled itself across her face. As she clear the web she snagged her necklace breaking it. She was able to find the chain but the white gold cross with diamonds that her son gave her for Christmas 22 years ago was no so easy to find. They even searched at night with flash lights. Her son got on social media and the rest is history. It was an honor to get such a sentimental item back to her. Video shows her enthusiasm and appreciation.

How to find a lost earring in the sand at Spanish Banks Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

If you lost your ring/cell phone/keys or any sentimental items at the beach, park, lake or a yard… Don’t wait until it’s too late- Call ASAP 24/7  Chris 778-838-3463

I received a text message in regards to a lost earring at Spanish banks beach, I quickly called the young lady to discuss the search. I found out this was a very sentimental earring that was gifted to her by her friends in France when she left to Canada, five years ago. Most all jewellery I find has amazing beautiful stories attached to then and I get the opportunity to reconnect people with their lost items and help continue these stories.

We met at the beach and she showed me the area where she believe she had lost it the night before, I began my search and fortunately it wasn’t a very big area, but it was a very small earring and I didn’t have the other one to test so it was a matter of cleaning out the whole area changing detectors and using the sniper coil. 35 minutes later  I found her beautiful earring!


How to find a lost ring at Locarno Beach…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost your wedding ring, wedding band, watch, cell phone, keys… Call ASAP 24/7   Chris -778-838-3463

The sooner we search the better your chances are for a successful recovery.

I received a text message yesterday in regards to a ring that was lost at Locarno Beach, time is always a factor due to the amount of people who are searching the beaches and the fact that he lost it the day before, I knew I had to act fast.

Because this young man was working, we communicated via text messages and Google earth. I got the area I started my search but something didn’t feel right. I FaceTimed him and he was able to put me in the right area, after close to an hour of searching I found his beautiful meteorite ring, which was his wedding band of 3 years.

I love my job




Call ASAP 24/7   Chris -778-838-3463


How to find a lost ring in the sand at 3rd Beach, Stanley Park.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

If you have lost a cherished keepsake at the beach or park, don’t wait until it’s too late! Call ASAP 24/7  778-838-3463


I received a text message this morning from a young lady who said her husband had lost his ring at third beach in Stanley Park, this time of year these beaches get detected on a regular basis, day and night. My first question was, did you lose it by a log? his reply was no it was closer to the seawall, which is a great thing, because most people detect all around the logs.

This gave me hope I cook the set up a time to meet at the beach and I did a little rescheduling for another search that was at least an hour and a half drive away from where this young man had lost his ring. I knew I had to go to this one first due to the high traffic area he lost it in.

After meeting the young man at the beach and hearing the story on how the ring was put on a chair, then the chair was moved a few feet over, it wasn’t until later he realized his ring was gone. Good luck, trying to find it in a desert of sand. His wife went home and found me online and text me for help, the rest was history. Fortunately, they marked the area and the search took less than a minute to find his beautiful ring and that wonderful smile. I love my job.!!!!



If you’ve lost something don’t wait until it’s too late. Call ASAP 24/7    Call 778-838-346


Men’s Platinum Wedding Band Lost in Whitestone Lake, Municipality of Whitestone, Parry Sound, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a call from Dan and Debbie of Toronto, as they were attending a Family gathering on Whitestone Lake, Municipality of Whitestone in the District of Parry Sound, Ontario.

Met up with Dan and Debbie and we headed up early on a beautiful Saturday morning!

Dan had jumped into the lake and realized his platinum wedding band was not on his finger! Brother-in-law Tony, had lost pliers off his dock four years ago!

I mentioned to Debbie and Dan that this will not take long and probably will be under five minutes!

I used my top underwater metal detector the Minelab ‘Excalibur2’ alongside my floating battery operated hooka system called the Dive BLU3 ‘Nemo’.

With-in 4 minutes I had an old ‘Lucky Strike’ fishing lure and Dan’s chunky platinum wedding band! I also explored a bit and pulled up a fishing rod, more lures, a titanium sinker and trash! Always like to leave the environment cleaner than when I arrived!

We also drove down the road to help the Deputy mayor Joe Lamb find a property marker in 5 minutes after he had been looking for it for six hours! Thank you for the boat ride Mr. Lamb.  We all thoroughly enjoyed it.

Here is the video story. Please subscribe and like!

A very happy couple to receive back an  extremely sentimental wedding band! Tony was also happy to receive his pliers back!

Engagement and wedding rings recovered at Pensacola Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I was called late in the afternoon to find a lost wedding and engagement ring in the sand at Pensacola Beach. The beach this day was packed with folks enjoying the weekend and fine weather. Sarah and Ron had their umbrella and beach chairs set with an extra shade tent for the infant baby. Sarah took her rings off and set them on the cooler while applying sunscreen on the baby. The baby squirmed about and somehow kicked the ring that when flying through the air, landing in the sand and burrowed in out of sight. At this point Sarah didn’t know the ring was missing but after taking care of the baby and getting him settled she soon discovered the rings were missing. Sarah and Ron frantically looked around for the rings, sifting the sand as best they could with no success. People were weaving their way through the crowded beach and impacting the area where the rings could have been buried. When I arrive I first surveyed the area they thought was the most likely spot. There were beach chairs, umbrellas, coolers and towels laid out every where. I politely asked everyone it I could move there property so I could check for the lost rings. Luckily everyone was cooperative. It didn’t take long to locate a couple of targets, the first was a aluminum can pull top that sounded surprisingly similar to a gold ring that had been soldered together. The second was the ring! Their beach neighbor had a tent set up with fabric sides. Apparently the baby sent the ring flying which hit the side of the tent with a little bounce and settled in the sand that may have been stepped on sending it a little deeper in the dry sand. In any event Sarah and Ron were overjoyed the ring was back on her finger. They were all smiles and grateful.

Ring Found at Pensacola Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

A local surf shop in Pensacola, Waterboyz, celebrated its 30 year anniversary since opening its doors. They celebrated by having a special ring make for the founders. Since the founders surfed, one of them lost his ring in the water at a break west of the Pensacola Pier. The ring was solid silver and my detector literally screamed when I passed the coil over it. The ring was found and returned to its happy owner who was amazed it was recovered from the surf. I was more than satisfied to have been of service, and had a long shot recovery success.