metal detector rental daytona beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost diamond earring found in home in Winter Garden, Florida…found by metal detector specialist Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding your lost ring or other sentimental item, call a professional metal detecting expert. Mike’s metal detecting service is here for you…call or text anytime, day or night, 24/7 at 321-363-6029!

Here is a short review by Abhi and what all transpired with his wife’s lost diamond earring! Abhi writes, “I am beyond thrilled that we met Mike! What a pleasure and blessing it was to work with him. My wife lost one of her treasured diamond earrings a few weeks ago going back and forth between our kids rooms at night as they were not feeling well. There was a lot of tossing and turning! She took her earrings out, placed them on the night stand and a few days later only found one of them there! After extensively and exhaustively searching our home, we decided we needed some professional help. Mike came to our house and was incredibly patient and thorough, asking amazingly detailed and thoughtful questions. He was looking EVERYWHERE! Even diligently taking tissues out of the trash bin, one by one, to make sure no stone was unturned! We ended up finding the lost diamond earring underneath a rocking chair cushion tucked all the way in the back corner which was only seen due to the large industrial flashlight he was carrying. He was amazingly sincere, patient and ultimately got the job done. Thank you Mike!”

How I thank God for allowing me the wonderful opportunity to help Abhi and his dear wife! Maybe someone else has experienced similar situation and needs help locating a lost ring, piece of jewelry or other metal object! Do not hesitate to call, text or leave a message. The number is 321-363-6029…give me a call and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…eager to help you in your time of need!

Lost ring found with metal detector, Belle Isle, Florida…returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you in your time of need!  Don’t wait…call ASAP…321-363-6029!

Daniel and his friends were playing soccer at one of  Orlando’s local parks and in the heat of the game he fell and twisted his ankle.  And as it was very warm out and the humidity was high his hands were not only sweaty but now they were full of grass and sand!  Having been married for only 1 year he was in the habit of wearing it all the time and also had a habit of feeling it with his thumb and spinning it…and he said it was a bit loose as well.  He had no idea that it would come off so easy and when he stood up to hobble off to his car, he immediately realized that his ring was missing.  He and his friends tried searching through the thick grass and after well over an hour he gave up and headed home to take care of his swollen ankle.  Later that evening Daniel was searching on Google and typed “Metal Detector Rental”  and as he scrolled through the options he came across and found my number.  We made arrangements to meet the next morning at the park.   It was a beautiful morning and as we walked to the field Daniel explained what happened and  was very precise about where he fell!    Within minutes I found his lost titanium wedding ring with my Deus 2 metal detector.  Daniel was overcome with emotion and as he smiled he said a sincere “Thank you Mike…you saved my marriage!”  What an absolute joy and honor it was to help Daniel and his young wife and to be a help and blessing to them!

How can I help you?  Call me ASAP at…321-363-6029 and let’s talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe…waiting and ready to help you!


How to find a lost ring in the grass with a metal detector…Lake Mary, Florida!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you.  Don’t wait until tomorrow…time will work against you!  Please call ASAP…Call now!  321-363-6029!

Austin and his dear wife had a bit of an argument over a small issue and in the midst of the conversation he had a fleeting thought to throw his ring!  And that passing thought led him to slip his ring off of his finger and gently toss it into the grass…thinking that he would easily be able to find it later and everything would be AOK!  But as is the case here in Florida with the St. Augustine grass…any small item dropped into this kind of grass basically disappears quickly and proves to be very difficult to find.  Austin spent an hour or two searching on his hands and knees and eventually went out and purchased a low end metal detector and searched for three hours more.  The metal detector sounded off everywhere he walked and ended up making the situation even more frustrating.

That evening his wife typed in “How to find a ring in the grass” on Google and eventually website came up and offered the exact service and help they were needing.  Austin called me early the next morning and we made arrangements to meet 3 hours later.  Austin showed me the small area where he tossed his ring and I set out 4 cones and showed him how to adjust his metal detector and encouraged him to start sweeping his detector exactly like I was doing.  I told him to start on one end of the marked out area and I began on the other end.  I had the advantage of a Garrott pin pointer to investigate any signal that sounded like a shallow white gold ring and after numerous pieces of can slaw I spotted his brand new white gold wedding ring pressed down into the dirt.  Austin was super  relieved and so very thankful to have his lost ring back and glad for the happy ending.  I thank God for allowing me to find and return Austin’s wedding ring and to be a blessing to this young couple!

Lost a ring recently…or years ago and need help?  Call ASAP…321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…Finding rings with God’s help!

Lost wedding ring in car, Palm Coast, Florida…Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding a lost ring or other important metallic item, call or text me ASAP! metal detecting service is here to help you…321-363-6029!

While driving home from work Nick took his wedding ring off and set it on the center console. At one point he heard it slide off of the console and assumed it went down in between the seats into one of the cracks. Many a ring has plumb disappeared this very same way and Nick figured when he got home he would move the seats backward or forward and find his ring. As Nick soon found out there are many places where a ring can hide in a car in this type of situation. He tried his best to locate his lost ring but every attempt ended up in frustration and his next move was to take it to the BMW dealer and have them remove the seats…and even that did not reveal his lost ring. So a few days later Nick went online to see if he could find a service that offers help in locating lost rings in cars and up popped a story on website. Nick texted me and I made arrangements to meet up at his garage later that week.

I never realized how little space is in the back seat area and how tight all the seats and carpets are in a BMW sports car…and the only place I could find where a ring might hide was in the small air vents under each seat. I had my endoscope pushed all the way down each vent and I could not see anything that resembled a gold ring. After searching for over an hour I noticed on the front of the passengers seat there was a small spacer area where a person could adjust their seat to allow more support under their knees that all a person needed to do was pull on the front of the seat, between their knees, and it would extend forward a few inches or it could be moved backward as well. I took my endoscope and stuck it into the slight space and pushed it along from the door side and moved it along towards the center console. I caught a glimpse of something pink and gold colored and my heart skipped a beat! The gold looked really bright, but the pink color was strange. So I immediately pulled my scope and slipped it into the other end and there, to my utter surprise, was Nick’s wedding ring sitting smack dab on top of a pink pull tab! What a huge relief as I thanked God for showing me where to look and for giving me the persistence to keep looking and not give up!

Nick was thrilled to have his ring back and I was honored to be able to help him in his time of need!
Lost a ring or something personal and need my help?
Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…thrilled to be a member of

Lost cell phone, Daytona Beach, Florida….Found and Returned to Happy Owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jeff called me and explained that his daughter had left her purse and cell phone at a night club and when she returned just a short time later unfortunately no one had seen a thing. Of course her purse had her ID and some cash and cards and whatnot but her phone was one of those nice expensive ones and had allot of information and pictures that were irreplaceable. So I asked Jeff a few questions and come to find out the GPS on the cell phone was still giving a signal of being in the vicinity of the night club. So that was a great clue that the phone was hiding somewhere close. It took an hour or so to make the drive and being as it was in the middle of the day and the middle of the week it was not very busy so I was able to start a systematic and thorough search between the buildings and shops. I never did find Jeff’s daughter’s purse or the contents BUT…I was able to locate her cell phone in the long grass. It had a slight dent on one corner and it looked as if whoever took it that night tried to get into it but it was locked with a passcode so they apparently threw it across the parking lot and it just nicked the cement wall and fell into the grass….where if sat for 2 days waiting for me to come along! I was so thankful to be able to find Jeff’s daughter’s phone and the next day I mailed it off to where she was attending college.

Lost something recently and need help? Call or text a ring finder near you…or call or text me and let’s see if I can help you!

Mike McInroe….blessed to be a member of

Lost Rings in the grass, Orlando, Florida….Found with Metal Detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Don’t wait until tomorrow because time will work against you! Please call ASAP…Call Now…321-363-6029

Gabi called me to ask if I was available to help her find some lost rings. She and her fiancee had spent an evening enjoying some of the Orlando Florida attractions and as they were walking back to their car they had a disagreement and Gabi’s engagement ring and her fiancee’s ring ended up lost in the thick saint Augustine grass! They spent the rest of the evening and into the dark searching for their rings..and even went back the next day! Gabi decided to check into renting a metal detector and that is when she came across website and after reading a couple of my stories she gave me a call and we were able to meet up that afternoon. I was hoping Gabi could bring her fiancee as well because it is most always best to get two people’s opinions on the situation instead of just one. After meeting up and driving to the location I began my search along a long stretch of grass just to the side of a busy road and soon realized that there were allot of targets that sounded similar to a lady’s gold ring. I asked Gabi what her ring was made of and she said she thought it was either white gold or silver, she wasn’t real sure. So I decided to investigate every shallow signal reading in the mid to high range and I used my pin pointer allot day! It took a good hour and a half to thoroughly cover the whole area and I could see that Gabi was beginning to lose hope of me ever finding their lost rings and then…BOOM! I got a sweet, shallow, small silver reading and at first glance I could only see some sort of tape or paper and after a closer look I saw a flash of a diamond. I reached down and picked up Gabi’s lost engagement ring and held it up for her to see and I asked, “Is this your ring?” Gabi was overcome with emotion and knelt beside me and gave me a long hug and all I could say was, “Thank you God for helping me find this young lady’s ring!!” Ten minutes later I got another solid, shallow high tone and there was Gabi’s fiancee’s ring down in the thick grass. This time I let Gabi use my pin pointer to do a final location and what a thrill to see the sheer joy and relief and happiness in her face!

Have you lost a ring or phone or keys in the grass, in your car or in the sand and need help?

Call or text ASAP at 321-363-6029 and lets talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe….blessed to be a member of

Lost Wedding Ring, Ormond Beach, Florida….Found by Happy Owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you! If you have lost a ring or something precious to you…don’t wait until tomorrow because time will work against you! Please call ASAP…Call now 321-363-6029!

Elaine called me to ask for help finding her husbands wedding ring that was lost “somewhere” either in their home or outside of their house! (That sort of information usually indicates that a thorough search could take hours!) So we met Elaine and her husband Bill and asked lots of questions about the day his ring went missing. Bill had done a bunch of work in one of their rooms…like tearing up old carpeting and hauling it outside along with a big mattress and other items. One thing he did remember was when he was showering he recalled scrubbing his hands with a small scrub brush and while drying off he noticed that his ring was not on his finger. This is his wedding ring that he has worn for 46 years and he rarely takes it off. So we took up the drain cover in the shower thinking that just maybe it fell down the drain while scrubbing his hands and showering. But after running my endoscope down as far as possible and not seeing it we determined it must be somewhere else. We looked outside everywhere that Bill remembered going on that day and then we searched inside as much as possible. It is a large home…10,000 square feet to be exact so there was allot of area and after a few hours we called it quits.

I tried to encourage Bill and Elaine that there is always hope of finding it and not to give up hope. Reminding them to be sure to call me if and when they do find it! And….8 days later I get a call from Elaine saying they found it under a pile of old sheets and curtains that came out of the room that they are remodeling! It is always a pleasure to help folks find and locate their lost item whether I am able to find it myself or help them find it on their own.

Maybe you have lost something and need help….do not delay, call ASAP! 321-363-6029

Mike McInroe….thrilled to be a member of

Lost Engagement Ring, Orlando, Florida….Found with a Metal Detector and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you! If you lost a ring or something precious to you don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you! Please call ASAP….Call Now…321-363-6029

Carlos and his dear fiancee were taking an evening stroll around their neighborhood and at one point they began tickling each other and in the process lost their stunning diamond engagement ring in the thick St Augustine grass. They knew within feet of where they were standing when she felt her ring come off and began immediately looking to see if they could find it. The grass was so so thick that they began to actually pull the grass up in places to be able to see down to the soil level below. After a few frustrating hours they thought of renting a metal detector but being New Years Day…nothing was open and they continued their Google search. They finally came across web site and found one of my stories…that I post after every successful search and recovery! They gave me a call and we met up later that afternoon. It only took a minute or two to actually find their lost engagement ring in the thick grass and the main reason is that they knew almost the exact spot they were standing in when the ring was dropped. That was a tremendous help in making it a quick and successful recovery!

I thank God for allowing me the privilege and opportunity to help Carlos and his beautiful fiancee and to be able to reunite them with their lost ring!

Lost something recently…or long ago…and need help finding it? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029

Mike McInroe… honored to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in sand, Daytona Beach, Florida….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Vincent and his wife Liz were here in Daytona Beach, Florida celebrating a special anniversary and enjoying a warm summer day at the beach. They decided to rent an umbrella, a beach chair and a small table from Glenn and Robin at Doc’s Beach Rental! Before going into the water Liz took her three rings off and put them in a small side pocket of her backpack and set it down on the sand next to the lawn chair. As they swam and enjoyed the water the tide was slowly coming up and getting close to Liz’s backpack so she decided to set the backpack on its side up on the small table. Of course not realizing that one of her precious rings had fallen out onto the wet sand. They swam awhile longer and then grabbed their towels, sandals and backpack and headed for their room to shower, change and get to the airport to catch their plane for home. After cleaning up and getting dressed Liz went to put her rings on and realized one of her rings was missing. They hurried down onto the beach and desperately searched for her ring and it was nowhere to be found. They asked the kind couple at Doc’s Beach Rentals to keep their eyes open just in case and with deep sadness in their hearts they headed to the airport! Later that day Vincent found website and gave me a call. Again I always ask allot of questions to help me narrow down as close as possible where the missing ring is hiding. (And I always warn people to NOT post information about their lost item and its location on Facebook or Craigslist…UNTIL I have a chance to figure out all the details and have the opportunity to thoroughly search the area.).

The following day I made plans to search at low tide and I hoped to be able to meet the friendly couple who run Doc’s Beach Rentals and gather what information I could about the exact location and where they normally put out their beach chairs and umbrellas. Upon my arrival at the location I saw there were a few people swinging metal detectors right in the area where Vincent and Liz indicated she had lost her ring! I was stunned and soon learned that Liz had actually posted on Facebook what she had lost and where she lost it!!! I desperately hoped I was not too late and after talking to the rental personnel I decided to conduct my own search. As I walked towards the main target area I could see the drag marks and obvious indications that someone had searched this area already. So I went as close as possible to the first beach chair and umbrella and began my grid search and I had not walked 20 feet and BAM! A sharp, solid, shallow signal indicated a good target and as I slowly pushed the wet sand away I could see a beautiful white gold rim of a ring with little diamonds along the one side and there was Liz’s lost ring! Another miracle of how God allows a lost ring to be found and returned to its rightful owner!

Thank you Vincent and Liz for trusting me to search for, to find and to return to you what you thought was lost forever!

Lost something and need help? Call or text ASAP….321-363-6029

Mike McInroe….honored to be a member of

Lost Audi car key/fob, Orlando, Florida….found by metal detector specialist!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

A young lady called me to see if I could help her find a lost Audi car fob/key and I could tell by the tone of her voice she was in a desperate way. (To replace certain types of car keys it can be very expensive and one has to also pay additional fees for towing and reprogramming a new key to your specific vehicle.).

I always ask allot of questions to find out how, when, where and who all was involved to help me sort through the possibilities and likelihood of even being able to locate their lost item. The young lady informed me that they were very sure of the location which was covered with manicured bushes, mulched areas and a large paved parking lot. And come to find out the fob/key was not dropped but it was actually thrown…and not by an upset sister but by a strong, angry boyfriend! The first 40 minutes I looked through the bushes and through the mulch and in the gutters and any where within a 20 to 30 yard distance but once I heard that a young man had thrown the fob I figured it could be allot further. So I expanded my search area to include further away hedges, mulched areas and parking spaces. As Chris Turner would say, “You need to think out of the box sometimes!” I was beginning to think that someone else must have picked up the lost Audi fob and as I walked the far side of the parking lot I noticed a small black plastic object laying along side of the cement curb and as I got closer I could see it was exactly what I was looking for! After pacing off the distance from where it was thrown it turned out to be all of 55 yards! So it truly pays to think outside the box!

How I thank God for leading me to where that fob was just sitting there in that parking lot, waiting for me to come along to find it and return it to it’s rightful owner!

Lost something valuable and need help? Call or text ASAP…321-363-6029

Mike McInroe….forever grateful to be a member of