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Lost – 3 Pc Diamond Wedding Band Set, Corolla, OBX, NC – FOUND!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Around 10:30 on Friday I got a text from a Karen.  She said that she had lost her wedding and anniversary bands on the beach yesterday.  I gave Karen a call and let her know that I would head out right away, but it would take about 30 minutes depending on the traffic in Duck.

When I arrived Karen took me to the beach where I met Chris her husband and they filled me in on the area that they thought they had lost the rings.  It was an area about 20 by 10 yards away from the water, so I thought there would be a great chance that they were still there.  After about 4 passes with the XP Deus II; no luck.

As I normally do, I started asking more questions about if they had gone to the water and the path, they had taken leaving.  She had not gone to the water with the rings on, so I concentrated on the path to the steps which passed through the area of another group.

As I came near the group with seven or eight aluminum chairs, I got a great hit!  It was the first ring.  Karen began to cry.  The second ring was nearby.  But the gold one was still missing.  I covered the entire area to the steps.  On the way back, I prayed.

With nothing else to do and standing on ground that I had already covered, the neighbor group volunteered to move, and I agreed that it would be the next best step.  As they were moving, I looked down.  In the sand was the outline of the edge of a gold ring!!!  Could it be?  It was.  I picked up the ring and shouted, “Stop moving, there’s no need to move!”  When I did, I could hear Karen behind me and the left chuckling.  She had her three rings back!

Stone Harbor NJ Lost Engagement Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call Now!


Emory and his family were in Stone Harbor, NJ. They were sitting on the beach when Emory realized that his wife’s engagement ring was missing from the pouch that it was in for safe keeping. He searched the sand trying to find the ring but couldn’t. That’s when he reached out to me, and I was on my way over shortly after. When speaking with Emory before the search he thought it might have fallen out when he went to get ice cream. The search started where they were sitting. The engagement ring was next to his chair about 5 inches deep in the sand. Emory and his wife were so relieved that the ring was found. The vacation in Stone Harbor, New Jersey could continue!

Check out the website for more stories and information…

Ring Finders South Jersey CLICK HERE

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Lost Engagement Ring and Wedding Band Found Margate NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call Now!


I received a call to find a engagement ring and wedding band that were lost in the sand in Margate, NJ. I met the couple on the beach and the rings were found with a few swings of the metal detector.

Lost Gold Virginia Military Institute Class Ring Found Brigantine, NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Jack lost his Virginia Military Institute class ring while he and his family were in Brigantine, NJ for a beach day. The ring flew off his finger while tossing a ball back to people playing in the ocean. I started a grid search in the water and eventually worked my way toward the shore. Jack and his wife thought they might have been over to the right more, so I walked toward that direction along the shoreline. Three steps later, the sentimental ring was found!

ring finder

Lost White Gold Ring Found Inside Vehicle in Oakland Township Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

The Golden Rider….

…As Kevin was preparing to wash and wax his Camaro, he put his ring into his pocket. Waiting for the wax to set up he started a few other outside chores. Completing the buffing and polishing, he washed his hands, hopped into the car and drove off to his brother’s house. On the way he noticed his ring wasn’t on, so he reached into his pocket. After pulling his hand out there was no ring. Arriving at his brother’s house they searched the car but found nothing. Back at home Kevin and his wife searched all over the place for the ring to no avail. When I arrived, I searched the grass areas with my MXT metal detector with no success. I suggested we look in the car again. With a flashlight I was able to see pretty good all the hiding places the ring may be. Still no success. Reaching under the seat there was an opening in the carpet where wires came out. Reaching into the compartment I felt a round object wedged tightly just at the tip of my fingers. Using a small hook and wiggling the wires a bit I was able to free the object. Pulling it to where I could see what it was, I was thrilled it was Kevin’s ring! Holding it in the air Kevin and his wife came running over totally astonished that the ring was in the car. Thrilled that it was found we laughed at the fact that he had a little golden rider in his golden ride all along and never knew it!


Lost Gold Ring Found in Grosse Pointe Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

A Golden Get-Away……

…was finally in the works for Jessica as she arrived for her first visit to Michigan. Excited to spend time with some friends in the back yard, somehow her gold ring took a get-away off her finger. The ring has always had a special meaning since she received it from a family member. Pressed for time with a busy schedule, she didn’t want to leave it and continue with the fun activities planned. On arrival I quickly started to grid search the area in question with my MXT metal detector and in less than 10 minutes I got a nice signal thru the headphones of the metal detector and a good reading on the metal detector meter. As I lifted the ring out of the grass Jessica immediately knew it was found and came running towards me from the picnic table. Totally thrilled that it was in the yard and not somewhere else a sigh of relief came over her as she held it in her hand. Now with the ring captured she was excited again to start enjoying her ‘Welcome to Michigan’ golden get-away.


Lost IPhone 13 Max Pro found in Stoney Lake Ontario

Well, today’s journey took me to Stoney Lake in The Kawarthas Ontario. Stefan (ironic) contacted me last evening about how he had lost his brand new IPhone 13 Pro Max earlier in the day. He was out in the water, helping his spouse while she was in a kayak, when suddenly, his IPhone slipped out of his pocket. All this while in shoulder deep water with a sudden drop off to the bottom. Like most Lake in the Kawathas, once you venture out of well used areas, there was a very thick layer of vegetation (weeds), followed by a couple feet of silt. Having come well prepared, grabbed my scuba gear and under water metal detector and started gridding the weed bed. Found his phone laying deep in the weeds in about 10 feet of water. The moment I lifted the phone out of the water, the phone started beeping/vibrating as it was receiving messages from the past 24 hours. I should mention that he had his phone in a water proof container which worked perfectly. Another happy customer especially since his phone was brand new and definitely not cheap.!!!!!




  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call


Mike gave me a call yesterday about his wife’s lost wedding band. The couple was on the beach in Avalon, NJ when Carly’s engagement ring and wedding band flew off her finger into the sand while applying sunscreen. They found the engagement ring but could not find the band. Mike called me and I met them shortly after to start the search. After a few swing of the metal detector, the ring was back on her finger.

metal detector

Lost Wedding Band Found Atlantic City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Matt and his family spent some time on the beach in Atlantic City, NJ today. For safekeeping, he put his wedding band in his hat. As he was walking off the beach, he remembered that he didn’t put the ring back on. It was too late by that point. The ring was already lost in the sand. He gave me a call and I met him and his parents where they thought the ring could have dropped. After a few minutes of searching, I was able to recover the band!

Check out the website for more stories and information::

Ring Finders South Jersey 

metal detector

Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano in Ocean City NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Daniel lost his wedding band on the beach in Ocean City, NJ. The ring flew out of the cup holder when he flipped his chair over while getting ready to leave. He contacted me and I met up with him shortly after to start the search. After a few swings of the metal detector, the ring was found!

Check out the website for more stories and information

Ring Finders South Jersey 


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