In The News Category | The Ring Finders

Lost – Men’s Gold wedding band, DeLand, FL – FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Sunday evening, I got a text from Ron. He was working in his backyard and had lost his gold wedding ring.  Since it was on his property, we agreed to meet in the morning to look for it.

I arrived at Ron’s home, where beautiful oak trees, adorned with Spanish moss, dotted the property.  Ron took me to the back of the lot and showed me an area with some planting beds adjacent to a fence and storage area.  He said he felt it fly but searched and raked to no avail.

I fired up the Minelab Manticore and started the search at the East end of the planting beds.  There were lots of targets, so I decide to walk and cover the entire area without investigating any of the hits.  As I got between the West of the planting bed and the storage area…something caught my eye!  I was looking at the twinkling of the gold ring in the sun.

This ring representing twenty-six years of marriage was a sight find!  I gave the ring to the happy owner!  God is good.

Edward Duffey, member,

If you’ve lost a ring or other valuable item anywhere in Central Florida, call Detector Ed ( at 757-419-0299 for the best chance of having it safely returned to you!  Maybe a class ring lost in your backyard years ago…there still may be hope of finding it…give me a call!

Lost Gold Wedding Band – Found! By Metal Detector Specialist Brian Carpenter in Pittsburgh, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery/metal detecting specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

I was contacted by Tim who had lost his gold wedding ring. He was not sure but he thought it flew off his hand in the backyard when he was throwing hay. Tim has some dogs and the backyard was getting a bit muddy so he was trying to keep the yard from turning into a mud pit. He normally uses his right hand but after having shoulder surgery he was forced to use his left. It was after he was working in the yard he noticed his ring was missing. When Tim called he was a little frustrated as he had went to a local tool rental and rented a metal detector but all it did was beep! I told Tim that was normal and I would check to see when I could come out.

I checked my scheduled and the weather and decided that I could make it the next day. I took off and let Tim know I was coming. Of course the weather had looked great but when I pulled in it started to rain. Tim showed me the yard, pretty standard with a steep incline on both sides. He was guessing it was on the flat part where he had spread most of the hay. I got to work and much to my surprise the ground sounded pretty good and I was able to use my large coil. I cleared the first part with no luck and went down to the steep incline on the right side. After a few passes I ran into the ring, I don’t know if I saw it or heard it first but there it was. I picked it up and it was a beautiful ring and big! I walked up the hill and told Tim it was pretty ugly down there just before I handed him his ring. He could not believe I had found it and gave me a big hug. Tim then told me when I did not find it on the flat his heart had sunk and he thought it was gone. Funny thing is that thought had never crossed my mind yet as I has a lot more area to cover. I was glad to have found it and we thanked St. Anthony as we had both asked for some divine intervention. Tim and I talked for quite a while afterwards and his wife was also kind enough to thank me as well. Tim explained to me he reached out to his jeweler and the replacement cost for the ring was double or maybe even more. More importantly he told me the diamonds in the ring were extra special as they were from both his and his wife’s families and even if he had to have the ring replaced he did not anymore special diamonds to put into it. Thankfully he did not have to worry about that. It was awesome to meet another kind and extremely generous client and reunite him with his special wedding ring.

Lost Sentimental Gold Cross & Chain at Paradise Cove Beach Ko Loina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This Gold Cross & Necklace hunt began when I got a call from Jose who is from Columbia and was vacationing on Oahu.  While enjoying the waters of Paradise Cove Beach, Jose  had taken his cross and necklce off for safe keeping and placed it on a towel.  Unbeknownst to the family members someone used the towel and when Jose came out of the water the cross & necklace were no where to be found.  He found “Metal Detector services” on Google and gave me a call.  I was wrapping up my work day, so I told Jose I would run home, grab my gear and head on over in about an hour.  They waited for me to arrive and when I got there Jose and his lovely wife met me on the beach to show me where they thought the cross & necklace would be.  Jose drew a box in the sand and I started the grid search.  A few minor trash targets, then a nice solid 18 on the Manticore and in one scoop there was the beautiful necklace glistening in the scoop.  Jose and his family were overjoyed as I was in the last line of the grid and they were worried.  I always try hard to find Jesus and today we did.  Aloha to Jose and his family!


3 Searches at Altadena Home Site

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

Maria contacted me about the loss of her house, and wondered if I would be available to help her find some missing items that were left behind. I let her know when I would be free for the search, and we arranged to meet at a local restaurant because her house was in a gated community.

When I arrived I really wasn’t expecting what I saw. The house was partially standing, and it was built with a steel infrastructure which was all over the place. She told me that one of the most important items to find was a diamond engagement ring that had been given to her by her husband who had passed at an early age. she showed me where she last believed it had been, but on the second floor which was now on the first floor. So I began to work. I found many parts of figurines with a couple intact. I also found a bunch of doll arms and legs. I used a reciprocating saw to remove some of the steel beams in order to get at some of the rubble underneath them, and began finding coins. I felt I had found the area where the ring would be, so I kept sifting. I worked that area until I was scraping the floor all over, but no ring. After 5 hours, I had 168 coins, numerous doll arms and legs, and 2 intact chains along with 4 chain fragments.

Maria asked if I could come back to look again in a different area, so we agreed on another day for the search. When I arrived, Maria was already shoveling rubble to be sifted, and I got right to work. I worked for another 3 hours, and we were able to find the ring she really wanted to find as well as 2 others, and 2 earrings. With all of these searches I find that the people I am helping are hurt, very hurt, but not broken. There is a deep resilience in their character that I admire.

I did come back a 3rd time, and was only able to find a few chain fragments.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Lost Silver Ring w/ Topaz Setting Found In The Snow In Hamtramck Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Grace Under Pressure….

….With getting engaged on Valentines Day, Grace was moving forward with wedding plans. But somewhere between the house and car her ring that was passed down to her came off her finger. With high sentimental value the stress began to mount when looking thru the ice and snow when she couldn’t find it. The area was in a public parking lane that had lots of tire tracks, ice and a huge snow pile over the curb. One good thing was no snowplow had come by yet. I began to detect the parking lane and was hoping that the ring was there. After a few square feet of grid searching, I got a signal on my MXT metal detector that was in the silver range. Pushing the pin pointer thru the dirty stained snow and ice chunks revealed her ring! She ran from the curb and as I placed the ring in her hand her smile would have melted a glacier!


Lost Keys in the Snow Found in Pontiac Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

The Keys To Freedom…

…..Come in many ways. For Ray, like most of us, his set of keys was his freedom, but when he lost them in the snow the freedom those keys provided was lost. He faced being locked out of the house and a possible towing charge plus key replacement fee, and the hassle of it all. Using my MXT metal detector I scanned thru the piles of snow he shoveled. A solid signal came thru on the detector and down deep in a snow pile his keys appeared! Now free from the boundaries of the loss Ray can continue to enjoy his freedom!


Lost Heirloom Gold & Diamonds Pendant at Ulua Lagoon Ko Olina Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This Gold & Diamonds Pendant hunt began last month on January 19th when Vickie texted me that night about losing it in Ulua lagoon.  She was on the shoreline with her niece and the young girl reached up and accidently pulled on her necklace and a Jade Circle and the Pendant fell into the water.  Vickie was able to see and retrieve the Jade Circle but the Gold & Diamond Pendant was gone.  She was only a car length from the coral rocks on the left side so I immediately started a hunt the next morning.  I covered the area extensively and could not find the Pendant.  I had my buddy Terry hunt and he was unsuccessful too.  Then two days ago on a ring hunt for a Platinum Wedding Band,  I stumbled upon the Pendant in waist deep water.  It was so far away (maybe 20 car lengths from the coral rocks) I was wondering if I found Vickie’s Pendant.  Thankfully, when I got back to my car, after the successful ring hunt, I found a pic on my phone of Vickie’s beautiful Pendant and indeed it was a match.  We were able to meet up yesterday for the return and I got that smile & shaka!  We will never know how the Pendant got to the location it was found.  Aloha to Vickie!

Lost and found car/key chain Peterborough Ontario

  • from Cobourg (Ontario, Canada)

Received a text from Ankit last evening about him loosing his key chain, with all his important keys last evening while snow blowing a driveway. While reviewing security camera footage, he was able to see the key chain falling out of his pocket then the snowblower throwing it out onto the yard. After reviewing the videos and pictures, headed out to his location. Snow had to be over 3 feet deep but I knew that the keys would most likely be towards the surface. About 45 minutes later, got a faint iron signal and found his car/key chain about 6 inches deep into the snow. Ankit was extremely happy and relieved.

Lost gold wedding band found in Peterborough Ontario

  • from Cobourg (Ontario, Canada)

Received a text from Luke last week about him having lost his gold wedding band while knocking down icicles from the roof in his backyard. While doing so, he fell down in the snow which he was pretty certain that’s when the ring slipped off his finger and was lost. I gave him a few pointers on how to use a detector and how to search for it but to no avail. I headed down to his location today and started to search for the ring in deep snow. I eventually found the ring embedded in a couple inches of ice on one of the wooden steps. Luke was extremely happy to be reunited with his wedding band especially on Valentine’s Day.

Lost – Men’s 14kt Gold Wedding Band, Daytona Beach, Fl – FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Early Friday morning, I got a text from Clay. He was in town for the Daytona races and had played a round of golf the day before. Sometime between the first and fourth hole, his 14-karat gold wedding ring had slipped out of his pocket and vanished.  Only married three months, he did not tell his new bride Maddie.

I told him that when it comes to lost items, time is of the essence. We agreed to meet up soon after. I grabbed my Minelab Manticore and pinpointer, loaded them into my vehicle, and headed out. As I drove, I silently prayed that God would guide me to Clay’s ring.

We met at the clubhouse and began retracing his steps, methodically checking each spot where he had parked and every tee box where he had played. We even scanned the exact areas where he had taken his shots. But after thoroughly combing through it all…no ring. Not willing to give up, we decided to backtrack from the third hole to the first, making sure to stay clear of the golfers still on the course.

At one point, Clay suggested, do you mind walking from here? I’ll head to the third hole and work my way toward you. That way, we can check along the path my golf cart took, just in case the ring slipped out while I was driving.

I said, sounds like a plan, and we split up.

I had just finished searching near the second tee box and was making my way toward the third hole along the edge of the cart path when my detector gave a strong, promising signal. I bent down, brushed aside the grass, and there it was gleaming in the sunlight, half-hidden but unmistakable. Clay’s beautiful gold wedding ring, waiting to be found.  God is good!