Stan Ross, Author at The Ring Finders | Page 74 of 75

Lost Gold Wedding Ring… Long Beach, CA… Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

This afternoon about 5pm I got a call and an email from Krista. She had been at Mother’s Beach in Long Beach, CA. with her two young daughters. Krista took her diamond wedding ring off and set it on her lap while she put sun screen on her daaughter. About a half hour later she realized she had not put it back on and it was somewhere in the dry sand. They searched through the sand for a long time and could not find her ring. When she got home Krista found my contact information on ” The RingFinders” website and called me.   We met at the beach about 7pm and I set up a grid search. By 7:30pm I got that special gold tone and when I scooped up the target there was her ring.  Now the ring is back on her finger where it belongs.

The highlite of this search was when Krista’s young daughter came up to me and said, “Thanks for finding my mother’s ring” The little girl is only about 5 or 6 years old.. It was a special thanks and there were smiles on everybody’s faces. Even all the spectators..

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Lost Diamond Ring… Bolsa Chica State Beach, CA… Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Last Saturday at 9 am I received a phone call from Amanda and Adam. They were at Bolsa Chica State Beach and had borrowed a metal detector to find a ring that she lost Friday afternoon. She was standing in about ankle deep water and went to brush some sand to off her leg. That is when her beautiful ring went flying into the water. Amada reached down just as a wave broke in front of her. They searched till 8pm that night and returned the next morning. Saturday morning about 9am she found ” The RingFinders” online and called me. I was able to get  her location about 10am and the tide was going out. I searched till the lowest tide with no success. Sunday morning was a minus tide, so I came again Sunday at 6am. This beach is soft sand and has a very steep slope. It was very difficult to be positive about finding this ring as the sand can build up more than a foot in one tide.  After 4 hours of searching as the tide came in, still no success. I watched Adam swinging his detector and Amanda walking back and forth on the beach the whole day. I told her that I had given it my best effort and it was hard to tell her that the ring may have worked itself too deep to detect.

I went home feeling I had done my best to find that ring and it was not the best experience watching Amanda and Adam trying so hard to find the ring.. That night I checked the tides and it was going to be a 6.8 ft high tide with a minus tide in the morning.  8:30am  SUCCESS !! I found it about 6 inches deep.

They were unaware that I decided to give it one more try, so when I sent Amanda a text message  with a picture of her ring asking her to call me, I bet the house was crazy.  We met at about 10 am and they were sooo happy.

I know a lot about metal detecting in the surf and this ring had been through 3 super high tides and 3 medium high tides on a steep sloping, soft sand beach and I don’t believe I was able to find it.  This was a awesome search and I’m still amazed ( 40% Skill and 60% Luck )

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Lost Gold Wedding Ring..Laguna Beach, CA… Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

The day before finishing their beach vacation, Taylor lost his gold wedding ring.

This morning about 9:00am, I received a call from Taylor asking me if I could help him find his wedding ring he lost yesterday on the beach. He was searching the internet for a metal detector when he found The RingFinders and my phone number. I was able to meet him about an hour later.

He and his family had been vacationing in South Laguna Beach and had spent the day on the beach. He had taken his ring off and put it into the cup holder of his folding beach chair. When they got ready to leave he picked up his chair and walked to the parking area.  (about 200 ft.)  That was when he realized that he had lost his ring.  Taylor was able to give me very good idea of where they were sitting and that made it very easy to find his ring. He and his wife were very happy and by now they are back home in Utah. I’ve found a lot of rings for people and I still get excited when I can help people like Taylor and his wife find their ring. Their little daughter is still trying to figure out what was the big deal.

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Diamond Ring Found… Seal Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Annika called me at 11:30am , just as I was leaving my place to go metal detecting. I was able to meet her at 12 noon it was only  a 14 mile  drive. She was in Seal Beach and had lost her diamond wedding ring while teaching a fitness class on the beach. This is her regular job and she always puts her rings in a zippered pocket in her workout pants. This time she had not zipped it totally closed and one of her rings fell out into the sand while doing some of the exercises. It was lost in an area about half the size of a football field.  I started  in the middle of the field and began a spiral type grid. It took an hour and a half to locate the beautiful ring. Everyone was happy and there were plenty of smiles.  This was another time we beat the city sand sifting machine to get the ring..

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Ring Found.. Balboa Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

At 6:30pm  I was detecting at Newport Beach, when I received a phone call from Monique. She spent the day at the beach near Balboa Pier. While putting on sunscreen she had lost a ring that belonged to her mother . She drove home, more than 30 miles from the beach, believing that the ring was lost forever. She found The RingFinders site on her computer and my cellphone number. Even though she was very distraught, she was able to give me a very good description of the area where she lost it. I was only two miles from Balboa and was able to drive to the area and found the ring within 25 minutes. I called Monique and we set up a meeting place and she had the ring by 8pm that same night.. I know she was very happy and for sure she slept well.                                      I also know that the area where she lost the ring is worked everyday with the beach sifting machine and many other people with metal detectors, so it was very important to be able to get there as soon as possible.

Monique sent me a thank you letter that she said I could share on my blog. Here is her story:

Dear Stan,

I can’t thank you enough for finding my mother’s ring.  This ring means so much to me as my mom passed away on December 17, 2012.  This ring was her favorite ring as she designed it her self from different rings she had and my dad who passed away on February 12, 2013 was the one who had it made for her.
My kids and I had spend the day at the beach.  My mom would always tell me to remove my rings when I put on cream, wash dishes or take a shower.  She said it would get dirty and my rings wouldn’t shine.  So, when she passed away I wanted to make sure I honored her wishes and I always take off her ring when I do any of these things.  I took off the ring to put on sun block and put it on my lap.  I must have got up for something and it must have fell.  We were at the beach for about 4 hours when I remembered it was in my lap. When I looked down it was gone.  My kids and I looked for over an hour.  We asked the life guard if he had a metal detector and he said no, but let us know people come with metal detectorsin the morning.  When I called my husband he said we had to go right away and wait for someone with a detector.  I gave up hope figured it was gone and I would never see it again.  I was so sad and mad.  I prayed at the beach it would be found and on the way home.
When I got home I was so sad crying and upset.  I looked up what to do when you lose your ring in sand and the Ring Finder website came up.  I wasn’t sure about it, but figured what do I have to lose the ring is already gone.  I called Stan and explained where I was at and he said he would get over there right away before anyone else worked the beach and before it was combed.
Not even an hour went by and Stan called me to let me know he had found the ring.  I couldn’t believe it.  I was shocked.  How was that even possible.  My husband and I met with Stan and he returned the ring.
Thank you Stan for your honesty.  I am so glad that there are people like you in this world. You are one of a kind.


Lost Platinum Wedding Ring – San Jaun Capistrano, Calif.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I got a call from Chris’ wife. Here is what happened. Chris describes it better than I can in this following email to me.

I can’t thank you enough for your willingness to give of your time so freely with no expectation except to help a complete stranger in need. I think I had given up all hope but you pushed through and found something very near and dear to my heart.

Here is my story!

My wife and I had just gotten back from a photo shoot with one of our clients and I realized my wedding ring was gone. I had just washed some mud that I had stepped in while on our shoot from my shoes so I assumed it came off in our front yard while cleaning them. I looked all over the area twice with no success. My wife started looking online on how to find lost platinum rings and came across the ring finder. We had emailed someone from Santa Ana but he didn’t get back to us and the gardener was coming the next morning to mow so we emailed and called Stan too. He got back with us right away and agreed to come in the morning. Stan the amazing man he is looked in our tiny front yard for what seemed like hours with multiple metal detectors because platinum can be tricky to detect. Having completely exhausted all possibilities Stan had to call it a day. We had not found the ring and this guy is VERY thorough!

After he left we knew it must have been lost while on our shoot down in San Juan Capistrano. There was no way it could be in the front yard as hard as stan looked. My wife encouraged me to call Stan back and see if he would drive down to the open space reserve where we lost the ring and look with me. I thought there is no way he is going to want to do that after looking for two hours. I called anyways and to my surprise he agreed to go look!

We arrived at the open space reserve and Stan could see right away why this looked like such a daunting task. It was acres upon acres of tall weeds and we had been all over the place photographing. Unflinchingly Stan began to ask questions and problem solve where we had been and how we were moving to come up with a plan as to where to look. So one location at a time the search began as we retraced each step from the day before. We had looked in all but two locations and I was feeling very defeated but Stan hadn’t given up and kept a positive attitude. It was there in the middle of this massive field that Stan heard the chirp of his very fancy equipment and he had FOUND IT! I was so shocked and excited that I high-fived him and gave him a big hug! Stan I think was even surprised that we found it under such crazy circumstances. He asked all the right questions that led us to the spot. I can’t tell you how important it is to think back and recount your steps and movements. Without doing so we would have never found it. I highly recommend Stan if you’ve lost any ring even very difficult metals to find like platinum. This guy doesn’t give up easy and is incredibly friendly!

Thanks Stan!


IMG_1813Somewhere in this Two Acre Field.


Irvine, CA. Lost Diamond Wedding Ring Recoverd

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Thursday , Jan.10 at about 4:30pm, I recieved a call from Daisy telling me she had lost a diamond wedding ring. She had lost it the week before while playing with friends on a grass slope. They had spent several days searching for the ring with no suceess. I was able to meet her and her husband about an hour and 30 minutes later and it was already dark. I felt it was important to have them show me the location and explain what she was doing when she lost it. After meeting them and seeing the area (100 x 75 ft.) I thought I would try a couple hours. Daisy and Wonjoon offered to hold the flashlight and my coffee. It was a very trashy site with lots of pulltabs, bottle caps and other metallic items which made it a difficult seach. After about 2 hours we eyeballed the ring just before my dectector coil passed over it.  “They were so happy and so was I”  It is so rewarding to be able to help locate misplaced (not lost) valuables.

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Crystal Cove State Beach, Gold Wedding Band recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Dear Stan, 

   We are so grateful to you for finding our father’s lost wedding band in the sand at Crystal Cove State Park this afternoon.  The is a great resource.  Through the site we found you, and that you were able to come to us within the hour was truly fantastic.  Then, when you found the ring within five minutes, we were so relieved.  Thank you again.  I hope the rest of your day was as successful!       RICHARD
      Thursday, 12-28-12 .. I received a call from Richard asking me if I could help his father find a gold wedding band that he had just lost.  His father was at Crystal Cove State Beach and it slipped off his finger in the dry sand. I told him, I could be there in about an hour and if they were able to wait for me it would be an easy search. I also told them not to disturb the sand as this can cause the ring to go deeper than the detector’s capabilities.  After arriving they were able to show me the area and the ring was found within a couple minutes. Then came the Big smiles and thank you.   This is so much fun to help people.

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Mission Beach, CA. Wedding Ring Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I was just walking off the beach after a few hours of detecting at Mission Beach. A lifeguard drove up to me asking if I could help this lady find her wedding ring. She totally doubted that it could be found, but my detector loves gold and it was only a few minutes and She had it back on her finger where it belongs.


  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Hi,  My name is Stan Ross.

I am a member of The Ring Finders. I have been metal detecting sense 1970 and have found many nice pieces of jewelry that I wish I could have returned to the person who had lost it. Being a member of The Ring Finders has given me the opportunity to help people find valuables that they believed were lost forever. This is my hobby, it is not a business for me.  I can search So. Calif. from  LA. county to San Diego Co. I will travel anywhere with prior arrangements.  I hope I have the pleasure to help you find your valuable that you think has been lost forever..