Stan Ross, Author at The Ring Finders

3 Rings Lost at Laguna Beach, CA. Found and Returned to Owner

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)



Call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man if you need a professional mobile metal detecting service… 949-500-2136

… Taylor called asking for help to find 4 rings that were lost in the sand at Laguna Beach, CA.  She had put them on the edge of her beach towel and forgot they were there when she picked up the towel.

Shortly after shaking the sand off the towel, she realized the silver rings had disappeared in the dry sand. After a couple hours of hand searching the sand and waiting to see if a metal detectorist may be on the beach, she had to leave.

It was already 9:30pm when we talked. Taylor was 50 miles away which made it difficult to meet me at the location. The directions she gave me were good enough for me to make a 6 mile drive to search for the rings that night.

Shortly after arriving I had three of the rings recovered. I did call Taylor to verify that there were 4 missing rings. She said there were 4 rings. Also she told me the three I found were the most important and she was happy that I called her.

After more than an hour in the small search area, I could not find the 4th ring. Frustrating, because it should have been there. Sometimes it’s difficult to end a search. It would be nice to know where that 4th ring was, but that’s not going to be possible this time.

It was my pleasure to get Taylor’s most important rings back to her..

Available to help you find your lost keepsake .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”

Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136

Gold Ring Found and Returned from Sand in Santa Monica, CA. Beach workout Area

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Metal Detector Man detecting service available to help you find your precious sentimental keepsake .. Call or text for information on how I can help you.. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

… Victoria lost a very sentimental gold ring in the sand at the original muscle beach workout area, which is located just south of the Santa Monica Pier.

Her friend had been holding the gold ring while Victoria was working out on the bars. After handing the ring back to Victoria, she slipped the ring onto one of her smaller fingers.

A half hour later as the two of them went to get on their bikes. She realized her most important ring was missing. It a gold ring that was her father’s. He  had given Victoria before he passed several years ago.

Even though it was lost the day before in a heavily detected area of the beach, I told her I would give it a try. The least I could do is thoroughly search the area to tell her it is not there.

I was able to eliminate all the areas under the bars, rings, swings and rope climb. I saved the 60-75ft path from the swings to the bicycle parking space. Boom ! .. The very special sentimental gold ring that was the only physical item that Victoria had to remember her father.

If you need help finding an important lost metal item, don’t waste time trying to learn how to operate a borrowed or rented metal detector.. Call an Experienced Metal detecting specialist.. Stan 949-500-2136  .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

Lost Gold Diamond Ring at Seal Beach, CA. Found by Member of TheRingfinders

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

… A few days ago I got a call from Matthew. He was at Seal Beach, Calif.  He had lost his Gold and Diamond ring in the dry sand. My first question was to verify that could wait at the general location for half hour. I didn’t waste time discussing other details. It was more important to get on the road.

I was able to drive to Seal Beach, meeting Matthew and Lilly on the beach. This was very important to make this a quick recovery.

Shortly after turning on my metal detector, I got the nice sound of gold in my metal detector headphones. Digging in the dry sand with my Xtreme Titaium scoop revealed Matthew’s awesome white gold ring.

I know this beach well and I’m sure the beach cleaning machine would have scooped this ring up the next morning with all the other trash. The towel line always gets sifted in this part of the beach.

If you need help finding an important metal item, call for help or information about how this service works. 949-500-2136 .. I will try anywhere.

Ring Lost while Gardening found in Glove .. Newport Beach , CA ..

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Stan the Metal Detector Man is available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metal jewelry.. Call or text as soon as possible 24/7 .. Also my email is:

… John called me to help him find his gold wedding band. He is sure it was lost while gardening in the backyard the day before. My first question is where is he located. To my surprise he only lives three miles from my home. No need to ask too many questions, only when can he be there to meet me?

If the ring is in the backyard and not in a public area, it is not going anywhere. One exception, #1 .. “do not throw out any trash”. I like to take care of the search as soon as possible, that way I’m available for any other emergency ring searches.

We met that afternoon, John had showed me the trash cans with a few leaves. I would save that for later. He had a very good idea of where the loss occurred. There was an heavy metal fence with a small drainage ditch next to the fence. We had to pull out some loose dirt and pine needles far enough from the metal to detect without metal interference.

John was helping me when he stopped. He said, wait, I feel something as he grabbed his left glove. Right then, I knew that his ring was still in his glove.  I pulled out my cellphone and video taped him retrieving his ring from the glove. It had been in the glove from yesterday’s gardening  We were both on our hands and knees in the dirt of his garden when he discovered the ring in his glove.  Even though he thought he had checked his gloves the day before, he had not checked the gloves thoroughly. It happens all the time, always double check. John is 86 years old and has worn that wedding ring more than 58 years.


Many people don’t understand how a metal detector service works. Feel free to call so we can discuss the possibilities using a professional metal detectorist to help you find your important lost jewelry or any metal item. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ ..  Mobile Metal Detecting available to help you now … 949-500-2136

Platinum Diamond Wedding Ring Set Lost in Newport Beach, CA. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)




If you have lost something that is important to you. Call or text me at 949-500-2136 … I can answer any questions you may have about my recovery service. Available to help you 24/7 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man ..

.. Susanne is from San Francisco, CA. visiting Newport Beach for a week. The first day of her vacation she lost her wedding ring set in the sand. Both Platinum diamond rings were somewhere in an area the size of a two basket ball courts. After several hours on the beach she discovered that her platinum diamond wedding ring set were no longer on her finger.

She found my contact information online. She called me in a panic and I was able to calm her down by saying I was on my way to meet her. I gave her a little confidence that the rings were not lost forever. With the new and improved metal detectors, we have a very good chance to locate her rings. Especially, because she had not been anywhere else, only on the beach.

Shortly after the conversation on the phone, I met Susanne at the location. There was not too many people on the beach, so it would be easy to do a professional grid search. Within 30 minutes I had two beautiful and irreplaceable diamond rings recovered from the dry sand. She was so relieved and happy to have them back where they belong. I never get tired of seeing the happiness that our service gives to people.

Many people don’t understand how a metal detector service works. Feel free to call so we can discuss the possibilities using a professional metal detectorist to help you find your important lost jewelry or any metal item. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ ..  Mobile Metal Detecting available to help you now … 949-500-2136

Lost Gold Ring in Sand at Huntington Beach .. Hierloom Gift from Grandfather

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

… Katie was at Huntington City Beach with her friend. Her friend Julie lost a hierloom gold ring that was gifted to her by her grandfather. Julie had set the ring on the edge of the towel while applying sunscreen.

Katie called me this afternoon waiting at the location. Her friend had to leave because she had an important appointment she couldn’t miss.

I was able to meet Katie at the location just north of the Huntington Beach Pier. The search was successful because they contacted me soon after the loss and one of them was able to put me on the spot.. Timing is important and secondly, staying or marking the location so we can get in the general location . Thanks for Katie calling me and staying in the general area.  Team work makes recoveries look easy..

Lost Cellphone in the Sand at Balboa Pier, Newport Beach, CA. .. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. if you need a metal detecting Expert… Call or Text .. 949-500-2136 ..
…. Amanda and Adrian were at Balboa Pier in Newport Beach. While on the beach Amanda lost her phone in the sand. Luckily Adrian had his phone and he contacted me.

I met them on the beach a short time after he called.  It wasn’t a fast recovery as sometimes happens with this type of loss. We did save the day by finding it within an hour of grid searching with a top of the line metal detector and a Xtreme Titanium sand scoop.

You can see the happy smile of Amanda in the photo I took.

If you need help call now for information or help .. Stan ..949-500-2136

Lost Gold Wedding Ring in Backyard of Irvine, CA. Home .. Found by Ringfinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Call as soon as possible if you’ve lost something important that a metal detector can find. Contact Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or Text 949-500-2136 …

… Received a call early on a Sunday morning from Nick. He had rented a metal detector to find his gold wedding ring lost in his back yard. The home is just a few miles from me in the city of Irvine, CA.

I was free to leave my place and be at his home within a few minutes. He said he would be home all day.

When I arrived he showed me a cement patio with raised 2 foot wide planters around the edges of the whole deck area. A 6ft. block wall on one side and the other side was his house. He had swung at a bee when’s his gold wedding band went bouncing off the patio floor.

Actually there were very few areas that could hide a ring. Some places had low voltage garden lighting wires that was a bit troublesome but I worked through that problem. The ring showed up masked by some of the wires and in a small clump of dandelion plant. Nick and his daughter were watching me when I got the signal. They were surprised where the ring was found because they had searched that spot. It was a ha-pay ending for all.

Stan the Metal Detector Man Is ready to help you find your important lost metal item..Call or text now.. I will answer and we can discuss if my service can help you. Don’t wait timing is the most important thing. I can answer any questions you have… Stan  949-500-2136

New IPhone 15 Lost in Sand at Huntington City Beach .. Found after Hours of Detecting

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Call as soon as possible if you’ve lost something important that a metal detector can find. Contact Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or Text 949-500-2136 …


  Alex lost his new iPhone 15 in the dry sand at Huntington City Beach, CA. It was late at night when the phone went missing . He was at the location first thing the location the first thing the next morning. His phone was showing up on the find my phone app and it still had 20% battery life.

He called me for help after he and his friend spent a couple hours walking the area and his phone was not visible. I have a lot of faith in the find me app, so I said I’d be there in a half hour.

This search got crazy. Two hours into the search, Alex told me he had to leave. I got obsessed with this search because it was still showing up on his father’s computer and it still had 10% battery. It was a matter that I had to find out how far off the coordinates were. Two more hours I finally found his phone. It was actually maybe 40 ft from where we started,in an area he said he never went that far up the beach.

The phone had been run over by a tractor or a lifeguard patrol vehicle. The case was bent and it still was powered up. I learned a lot and Alex said he believed his insurance would pay to replace the phone.

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

Successful Search for Gold Chain Lost in the Sand at Huntington City Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Call as soon as possible if you’ve lost something important that a metal detector can find. Contact Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or Text 949-500-2136 …, 

 I was at Huntington City Beach on a call out. While on that search for a cellphone on a massive area of the dry sand, Dave came off the beach to ask me if I had found a gold necklace. He had lost last night and had been searching for it since 6am.

He told me that he had wrapped his gold necklace in shirt laying it on the beach, while he took a dip in the surf. He picked up his shirt and realized the chain was missing after he returned home.

He was walking off the beach assuming that the chain was gone forever. I told him I could give the area quick search if he could walk me to the general area. The location was just a couple hundred feet from where I was, so I walked over to give it a quick scan. BOOM !! Dave’s gold necklace found.

Don’t waste time buying or renting a metal detector. Get an experienced metal detector expert that knows how  to conduct a proper search.Call or Text .. Now   Stan the Metal Detector Man  .. 949-500-2136   .. “I Will Try Anywhere”