How to find ring on beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Family Heirloom Ring Lost in Stone Harbor NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


I received a call from Teri about her father’s World War II ring that was lost in Stone Harbor, NJ on Saturday. Her father, who was very fond of the sea, was a Merchant Marine in World War II and his ring is very sentimental to the family. Her son, Patch, has been wearing the ring for the past few years. To keep the ring safe while on the beach, he placed it in the cup holder of a beach chair. Unknowingly, his cousin put on the backpack chair and went to the water to clean off some sand before leaving. Patch realized the ring had fallen out, and he and his family searched the area. They resigned to the thought that it was probably lost forever since it may have been dropped in the ocean.
I met up with Teri and did an extensive search of the area where it might have fallen out. I had to return a second time to be able to go out farther in the water. It was in waist-deep water that I finally got the signal. It was a great feeling when the ring showed up in the scoop and was able to be returned to the family.

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Ring Finders South Jersey



metal detector



Lost Ring Found Ocean City NJ By John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

I was approached by Adriana’s father and he asked if could help find his daughters lost silver claddagh ring. She had taken the ring off and placed it in her backpack and then went to get something out of the bag and the ring fell out. The ring is now back on the finger.

If you lose something don’t wait give a call!

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Lost Wedding Ring Was Found In Ocean City NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

          Dave posted this on his facebook page!

I lost my wedding ring in the Atlantic Ocean this afternoon at 1:45pm.

Unfortunately, Donna asked if I wanted her to hold it for me on the walk down and I said something to the effect of, “Nah. It’s not going to fall off.”

So about 2 minutes in the water and it falls off. I never felt that attached to it other than it being my wedding ring. Until I lost it and I felt terrible. Maybe some of that was the feeling that Donna somehow knew that it was going to happen. We looked for awhile but there was no way we were finding it. Every bump on the floor turned out to be a rock or shell. I paced around for a little bit and then decided just to go home. Then I wondered if there was a site I could post a photo of my ring just in case someone ever found it.

That’s when I stumbled on I sent a message on Facebook (2:45pm) and about 5 minutes later, John Favano sent me his phone number to give him a call. At 3:07pm (just checked my phone log) we briefly talked. So now, I was waiting on a guy that may or may not show up and may or may not find a wedding ring in THE Atlantic Ocean if and when he got here. Then, my phone rings, John says that he is at the beach and to come meet him. We are off to a good start all things considered.

All week, we were talking about how small the beach has become over the years but walking over the dune I never remember it seeming so big. There was no chance we were finding it. At least when it is lost for good, I will have the satisfaction that I at least I tried everything I could think of. Donna and I are at the beach with John pointing out where I am pretty sure I lost it. Thanks to the dude that made sand dolphins btw.

John is walking a grid from the beach all the way into the water about chest deep. From the beach into the water…back to the beach and then back into the water. He stopped to dig a few times but nothing. Then he looks up and asks me what my ring looks like. This dude found my ring less than 4 hours after it fell off.

That is unbelievable!                                                                                 Call John Favano!