Most Recent Discovery Category | Page 369 of 372 | The Ring Finders

Lost Diamond Ring in Whonnock Lake, Maple Ridge…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Sweet 16… Birthday Gift lost in 4 feet of water!

Mother & Daughter & Ring

It was a sweet 16th birthday diamond ring that her mother bought for her daughter…Two weeks after receiving her gift it was lost in 4 feet of water in Wannuck Lake…This is how the story goes…

It was her brothers birthday and family and friends enjoyed a sunny day at Whonnock Lake in Maple Ridge. Her bother and friends all decided to run into the lake with clothes on…Great to be young!

They all agreed and lined up and at the same time ran into the water…All but Kate who stopped at the waters edge, as she was laughing her cousin ran out and grabbed her and walked her into the water then threw her in!

As she started to swim back to shore she felt her hand hit her leg and felt her ring come off her finger. She stopped and told everyone not to move and that her ring came off.

It was hopeless due to the murky bottom, the ring was lost! She was devastated and so was her mother! Luckily Kate’s mother started to search the internet to find a metal detector and found The Ring Finders Directory.

I received an email and called Susan to discuss the search, she explained how much the ring meant to both of them and was really hoping that I could find it.

After talking to them I found out that a lady who saw them searching the water had offered to search for the ring as she was a diver. They never heard back from the lady and didn’t know if she came back to the lake later to search for the ring.

I started my search in waiters and soon changed to my wetsuit as it was in deeper water then expected. Shortly after changing into the wetsuit my underwater detector took on some water…Bummer! But I had backup in my car.

I started the search and within 15 minutes I had found many bobby pins and one diamond ring with two hearts…
To get a first hand reaction for my video camera I pretended that I needed to film me starting the search.

I got my camera and started to talk about the many bobby pins I had found then I held up the ring…

I have the greatest job in the world!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call me ASAP: Chris Turner 778-838-(Find)3463

When you want your lost ring to Find you!

Checkout the video below of the discovery…

Lost Diamond Ring in Whonnock Lake, Maple Ridge…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

It was a Sweet 16th birthday present…A diamond ring that her mother bought for her daughter…Two weeks after receiving her gift it was lost in 4 feet of water in Whonnock Lake, Maple Ridge…

Lost Silver Native Ring in West Vancouver…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Native Silver Ring Lost in West Vancouver

Lost Large Native Silver Ring...Found

Lost Native Silver Ring… Found!

I received an email the other day and it was in regards to a lost large silver native ring. The lady explains that she knew the approximant location the ring came off her finger when she was throwing sticks into the ocean for her dog.

We arrange a time to meet and the next day I met the young lady and she showed me the location. She wasn’t sure exactly when it came off her finger, this makes the search a little more challenging!

The tide was out so I started my search in the wet sand, I was at it for close to one hour doing my cross grid. There was lots of iron signals and I dug them all up just to clean the area incase the ring was sitting on top of the iron.

I received a nice signal and sunk my scoop into the sand and up came her beautiful silver native ring! I quickly put the scoop back into the sand then turned my video camera on and held up her ring…

I love the reactions when I find what I’m looking for and I have to say, I’m just as excited as the person I found the ring for!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call me ASAP: Chris Turner 778-838-(Find)3463

When you want your lost ring to Find you!

Please look for the video 5 posts down…

Wedding band found in Denver’s City Park

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

The wedding band belonging to Ryan Evans had been lost for nearly 3 weeks. He and his wife had all but given up hope on finding his wedding ring when contact between Ryan and Jeff Lubbert took place. A time was quickly set for a meeting that same night at Denver’s City Park. Ryan described the events that led up to the loss of his ring and the how he discovered it was missing.

Ryan left to go for his evening jog leaving Jeff to his search. About 2 hours later Jeff had found a ring in the area that Ryan’s was lost. A few minutes later Ryan and his ring were reunited.

A quote from Ryan. “Excellent news! Got a call back from Jeff and he met me last night and nearly at the last minute just before he left he found the ring! WHAT A FEELING! My wife was ecstatic and I am getting it resized tomorrow. Jeff couldn’t be a better guy . . . ”

Angels In The Outfield, Lost Silver Pendant, Vancouver Park

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost Silver Angel Pendant...Found

Angel Pendant lost...Found

Well today I had a search for a lost silver angel pendent, at a park in Vancouver. It was lost at a rugby practice, my first thought was that some young man had lost it…Wrong! Some young lady had lost it while training.

Normally I wouldn’t search for something lost without the permission of the person first, but the person posted it on the internet with the exact location. I couldn’t get out the day I saw the post because of work so I went out the next day.

When I arrived at the location and started my grid search I could tell that someone else had already searched the area for the lost pendant.

I was a little set back at the thought that someone must of already found it, but it was such a nice day I decided to search anyway.

I started my grid where the person left off, instead of continuing the grid north I back tracked south toward the area that was already searched.

That was a good call as it didn’t take long before something silver caught my eye, my first thought was…that’s a dime, but closer inspection it turned out to be the pendant!

It was nice meeting you Amy! And thank you for the generous reward!

I love my job!

Lost something and need it found!

Call me ASAP!

Chris Turner 778-838-Find(3463)

Diamond ring lost in the snow Akershus Norway

  • from Follo (Norway)

Yesterday morning I got a call from a young lady.  She told me that the night before her and two friends, had be out on the town. On their way home they had start playing in the snow. They were really having fun, but it was not that fun when she discover that she had lost her ring.

This was a ring was given to her from her aunt many years ago.  It was white gold and five diamonds attached to it. They had tried to find it themselves, but they could not find it in the snow.  Now she was really sad and desperate. They had found my contact details on my Norwegian webpage.  Could I help?

Of course I could give it a try,  it was a bit far to drive out to them, but I pack up my gear and jumped in my car.

Two hours later I met the young lady and her two friends.  We all went down to the place they had been playing in the snow the night before. Very cold but I turned on my detector and start the search. The two or three first signals turned out to be trash  and the girls started to look very sad.

A new signal, and this one sounds really nice,  I put the scoop down in the snow and up comes a really nice gold ring inside it.  I asked  the young lady to come over and to take a look in the scoop.

I’ll never  forget that smile when she saw the ring in there, and her hands was shaking when she picked up the ring… Yes she was happy!  and so was I.  What a great job this is!
For Norwegian readers, you can read the full story in Norwegian on my private blog

Metal Detecting White Rock/South Surrey/Lost Gold Ring/Dog Park

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost gold signet ring

Found in a pond at a dog park

Today I had the pleasure of searching for a gold ring with a family crest and two small diamonds on it.

This ring belonged to a young man who was at a dog park in White Rock, he threw a stick for his dog and saw a splash in the pond…It wasn’t the stick it was his ring that went into the pond…

The ring was given to him by his parents 10 years ago as a graduation gift…He made a mental note of the area that the ring came off and went home to search the internet on how to find his ring…

He found my website…The Ring Finders and called me and we set up a time and met in the dark to find his ring. Thanks to the young for putting me in a great area the ring was found in minutes…That being said the water was cold on the feet as I had to wade in a bit to get to the ring.

This was my first find for 2010 and I’m happy for the young man! It was nice meeting you both and thanks for the kind reward.

I Love my job!

Lost something?
Call me ASAP!
Chris Turner 778-838-Find(3463)

Metal Detecting Abbotsford Park for Lost Gold Wedding Band

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Yesterday afternoon I received a call to help find a man’s wedding band that he lost at a park in Abbotsford.

Dave was at the park throwing a ball for his dog and trying to get the ball out of the dogs month and suddenly realized that his ring was gone.

He called his wife to tell her the bad news and right away she searched on the internet and found my service. We talked for a while and she told me that her husband was still searching for the ring. I said I’d be happy to take a look if he didn’t find, later that night she called and asked if I’d come out.

Abbotsford is a little over 1 hour drive each way and we were to meet at 7:30 am to search for his ring. When I met Dave he showed me the area he was standing and showed me the direction he was throwing the ball, my first thought was this is going to be a long search!

He had to go to school so he headed off and I started my grid search of the area he was standing in while he was throwing the ball. Within minutes I found his ring! Crazy how that works, sometimes it only takes minutes and other times it can take hours.

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call Chris Turner – 778-838-3463

You can watch the video of this discovery on the post below.

He told me that it really bothered him when he lost his wedding band, he spent 5 hours searching for it in the grass, the only thing was he wasn’t sure when it came off his finger…

Metal Detecting North Burnaby for… Basement Gold Wedding Band

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I had a search for a set of keys that might have been lost in some dirt that this man spread around his yard. I searched but no luck. I hope for him it shows up in his house one day…

On my way home from that search I received a call to help a man who lost his white gold wedding band in his house. My first thought was unless he has sand or dirt in his house there’s no chance.

He tells me that he was in the middle of renovating his basement, he took off his ring and placed it on a pipe and shortly after it fell off into the dirt & sandy floor…

I’m listening to his story and looking out my car window as the rain was coming down, and thinking to myself, I’m going to have an indoor search… My first.

I arrive at the house and met the young man and he tells me what happen and takes me to the basement. We have to clime up and over a hole in the wall to get to the area the ring was lost.

He shows me the area and I start my search, I had one good signal but it was reading gold then iron.

I started to search in the area I got the signal in and there it was, his white gold wedding band. He was very happy to have his ring and he told me he could continue his renovations now as he couldn’t do anything until he found it.

I love my Job!

lost something and need it found?

Call me ASAP!


View the video below to see the ring…

Metal Detecting Granville Island For A Lost Diamond Ring

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I was at home tonight watching the hockey game and the third period was about to start when I received a call from a young lady who asked if I could help her find a lost ring.

I listened to her story and I was on my way to find her diamond ring. When I arrived her and her husband and her girlfriend were outside searching the area they believed the ring could be lost in.

I asked my questions that I normally ask and it was her girlfriend that had kept her ring and watch in her pocket while they were working out. When they were walking home her girlfriend pulled out the watch & ring to give back, but all she could find was the watch.

Right away they started to search the ground for the ring, it was dark and there was lots of leafs and long grass so it made it extremely difficult to find. Her only chance was to rent a metal detector and that’s when she found me on line.

I searched the area that they thought the ring was in and no luck, I could tell her girlfriend was very upset as she felt responsible…I felt bad for her but I also knew if the ring was there I could find it, close to an hour searching now and it was getting late, her girlfriend went home and the young couple went to their car to warm up.

I decided to search in a different area further down the walk way and I got a good signal and there it was! I was so excited to tell them the good news! I wish I could of got her first reaction, but my camera was off…

I’m so glad I extended my grid search!

I Love my job!

Lost something?

Call Chris Turner…778-838-find)3463

Checkout the video below.