Gold diamond wedding ring lost inside Airbnb, found by Florida Ring Finder…Kissimmee, Florida!
Prompt Metal Detecting Service available now…Mike the Florida Ring Finder is here to help you in your time of need! Call or text me at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!
Kennedy and her family were spending some vacation time here in sunny Florida at an Airbnb when early Sunday morning her young 2 year old daughter decided to collect her mom’s rings and hide them throughout the house. When Kennedy woke up she found one of her diamond rings on the kitchen floor and the other one tucked snugly in a corner of her daughters bed blankets. And the diamond wedding ring was no where to be found. Kennedy was beginning to feel desperate knowing they only had a few more days of vacation before heading back home to Michigan. Later that evening she typed into Google “Help me find my ring” and up popped one of my successful ring recovery stories and she sent me a text asking for my help. House searches are not always easy and thankfully there were a lot less toys and cloths and furniture and shoes, etc to look through being as it is a vacation rental. I started in the kitchen and using a very strong flashlight I searched carefully making my way to the 5 bedrooms upstairs…checking bathrooms and closets, under beds and in blankets. An hour and a half later I made my way downstairs and began in the laundry room where there were piles of cloths and suitcases. Ten minutes later…BINGO! There, behind a large suitcase, simply hiding down by the baseboard was Kennedy’s lost diamond wedding ring! Kennedy writes,”Mike and theringfinders are so kind and are life savers. Being from out of town on vacation, I had a limited time to find my wedding ring after my toddler hid it in our Airbnb. Mike was so helpful and found it within two hours. I am so thankful!”
Kennedy and her mother were so delighted and were beaming from ear to ear, saying how thankful they were for my help. How I thank God for allowing me to find her ring and to help bring relief and joy to their hearts!
Have you lost something and need help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!
Mike McInroe…looking for an opportunity to help you!