Lost ring Point Pleasant NJ Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost wedding ring on the beach, Seaside Heights NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

I got a text one evening from my old boss, he was asking it if still do recoveries. He explained that he was on the beach and a guy was digging around in the sand looking for something. He couldn’t help but ask what he was doing, and he said looking for my wedding ring. With that he told them about my and exchanged my information. Alex called a few minutes later and we went over what happened. He had decided to jump into the ocean for a swim, but prior to doing so, placed his ring and other stuff he was holding into his pants pocket. I had to head right there due to the fact that beach is heavy detected, and the ring might not last overnight. We walked right out to the surf as the tide was coming on rather quickly. Alex had some things marking the area, and i quickly started searching down low on the hill. He was pretty sure his stuff was up higher but I just wanted to make sure before the water got too far up. I completely covered the area we thought the ring would be, without any sign of the ring. Alex and his wife Carlie were on vacation and has to leave, as some friends were up at the restaurant waiting for them. I wasn’t given up just yet, and continued to search the path they had taken back to the dune walkway. With the very deep/soft white powdery sand the Jersey beaches have, it was no to easy seeing right where they had walked. After walking half way back, I turned around and did another sweep back to the water with no luck again. Spreading out even further to the north I located his ring about 150’ from the high tide line. I quickly called him, hoping to catch them before they left the area, which I did. We met on the boardwalk where I handed his ring back, which made the end of his vacation fantastic.

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Lost wedding ring in the grass, Manahawkin NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

I was over on LBI checking out the beach when I received a call from Stephen. He had been doing yard work earlier in the day and noticed his wedding ring was not on his finger when he was wrapping it up for the day. Stephen had stated that between raking leaves, trimming some bushes, and a few other odds and ends around the yard, somehow his wedding ring went missing. I asked him if anything was brought to the recycling center, and his response was no, which was a big relief. I told him I could swing by in about 30 min. which worked perfect for the both of us. Once I arrived we went over in detail exactly what he was doing, and then we narrowed it down to the most likely place his ring could have been lost. After a short discussion, we headed over to the area he had been bagging some leaves, and in the same spot he had been loading brush into cans. I made a half dozen passes with my machine, when I received a really nice signal, and BINGO, there was Stephens wedding ring just a few inches under some yard debris. The look on his face was priceless as I handed his lost ring back.

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Ring lost in the lagoon, Little Egg Harbor NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

I was at work when I received a call from George inquiring about possibly recovering his family heirloom ring from his lagoon. We went over the details of when and how the ring was lost, and knowing the area quite well, decided it would be best if I swung by prior to committing to do the recovery. A few days later I met George at his house and after going over exactly what he did when the ring flew off into the lagoon, we decided with the 5′ tide swing this had to be done at low tide. The following week worked perfect with our schedules. My first attempt didn’t work out so well, it was blazing hot, the greenhead flies were eating us alive, and the mud on the bottom was black and bottomless. After about 2 hours I threw in the towel but assured him I would be returning for another attempt. I believe at that point George had given up hope of ever seeing his ring again. Over the next week or so our schedules didn’t work with the tide, so he agreed for me to swing by when conditions were right, whether he was home or not. WELL, after some adjustments to my recovery approach, and taking my assistant wife LEE, and good luck charm, the ring was in my scoop within 15 min. I knew this would mean the world to him, so I decided to do a surprise return, and set the whole thing up with his wife and son. I arrived just as they were getting back from fishing, put the ring in my scoop, and headed down the driveway where we met. We all talked a bit, I asked how they did fishing, then told him I did really well, and put my scoop out. He was kinda puzzled, and I said look in the bottom, and when he did, he could not believe his eyes. Then we let him in on the whole plan. I have the video of the return, just need to edit it, stay tuned. That moment right there is what makes doing recoveries so rewarding.

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Lost necklace in the lagoon, Lavallette NJ, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

I received a call from AnnMarie about some items that were accidentally dumped into her lagoon. She had seen one of my stories about a water recovery, and figured it was worth giving me a call. She explained what had happened. Over 2 months prior her daughter was at the beach, and had placed her jewelry in her beach bag for safe keeping while she went into the water. At the end of the day, she placed her beach items in the back yard by the deck, and went inside the house. AnnMarie figured she would help and accidentally dumped her necklaces into the lagoon while dumping the sand out of the beach bag. At that point she figured they were gone, until she saw my post detailing a very similar recovery. I knew they were right up against the bulkhead after she explained in detail exactly what she had done. We basically decided to do the recovery but didn’t decide when, as I am in her area quite often. Ann sent me the address an told me it would be fine to go, even though they would not be home. I had some time a few days later, and swung by to look. Conditions were perfect, and about 35 min into the search I had both necklaces. She had no idea that I had gone and I decided to snap a few pics and shoot them over to her. AnnMarie was shocked to say the least, we made arrangements to mail them back to her, and in just a few days they were back for safe keeping. Thank you again, so glad I was able to help.

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Lost necklace in the sand, Lavallette NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey Got a call from Allison about a cross and chain lost in the sand, in Lavallette NJ. She said her son Jake was there with some friends, and before entering the water, he removed it and wrapped it up in his towel for safe keeping. Later on he remembered it was in the towel, but after looking around for quite a while it was nowhere to be found. After digging around the entire area with no luck, they used a metal detector, and had the same results. I met them on the beach, and they had the entire area marked out which is always a good thing. After searching the area in two directions with no luck, we decided to look to the south, which was the opposite side of where the towel was positioned in the first location. A few feet into the new area I received a faint but solid tone, and bingo, there it was. Most likely Jake came out of the water an grabbed the towel, and by the time it was opened enough for the cross to fall out he was about 25′ of so from the original location.

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Lost wedding band in the sand, Lavallette NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

    I received a call late one evening from Lisa. She had just arrived back home after a nice weekend at the beach with her family. She was entering the water holding hands with her daughter, and when she bent down to grab a shell, their hands slipped apart, and off the ring slid. With the waves washing up, it immediately disappeared, to who knows where. After looking for quite a bit with no luck, they had to pack up and head home. She knew all the right things to do to mark the location, which she conveyed to me on the phone, and we agreed to give it a shot on the next low tide. Its obvious now she had the spot marked perfectly, because I had the ring within 45 min of starting my search. It was to far for Lisa to travel, so we decided the best thing would be for me to mail them back, so I packed them up, and by the next morning they were back where they belong.

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Lost Wedding Ring in the grass, Toms River NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

Anita called and asked if I would be able to locate her sons wedding ring that was lost in her yard, while they were watching the fireworks last week. She explained that the yard was pretty big, and that they had already rented a metal detector, and had no luck finding the ring. I asked if she was positive the ring was lost in the yard, and she said yes, he  was swatting a bug with his left hand and felt it fly off. I told her I was confident I would find it, and ill head right over if she wanted.  When I got there she showed me where he was sitting, and how he swatted at the bug. I started looking in the direction he had swung, working my way down the slope, toward the water. After about 20′ or so I started getting discouraged, but continued about 15′ more. There were numerous signals in the area, but only a few that even remotely sounded like a large platinum ring. I walked back up to talk to Anita, and confirm what she had said prior.  This time she mentioned the chair was facing the river, which was 90* from the way it was facing, and that meant the ring was to the left!! I told her that makes a huge difference, and we  were not searching the right spot. About 8′ on the first pass and BOOM, there was the loud tone of a big ring.  Sure enough, that was the ring.

Wedding Set snow recovery at the Jerey Shore

Got a call from Andrew asking for my help finding his wife’s wedding set she lost in the snow playing with her child. Told him I would be there the next morning and was met by his wife Kelly. She showed me where she felt them come off her finger as she brushed the snow off. There were multiple targets in the ground so I had to check them all but after a few minutes I found the first ring and knew the second wasn’t that far away, a couple of swings of the detector later out came the second. It’s always a great feeling seeing the smile that comes with the recovery, reuniting someone with their lost item. Was glad I could help.
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Ring Finder .. Thanks Dennis Burlingame

I frantically called Dennis today to see if he would be able to help me find my wedding ring at Pt Pleasant Beach. It had come off my finger as I applied sunscreen on my daughter. He was at the beach within the hour and located my ring within 2 mins of beginning his search. Calling Dennis was the best thing I could have done because there was no way it would have been located without him. Thank you so much for finding my ring today Dennis. It means so much to me and my wife that you dropped what you were doing to come assist us today.

Again thank you so much for rushing out to Pt in the middle of your shopping to help us.  We are forever grateful.


Wedding Band recovered in Brick NJ by Dennis Burlingame

Got a call last night from Helen asking if I could help in locating her husband’s Larry’s wedding band. Told her I’d be happy to and made arrangements to meet them the next day. Turns out that Helen and Larry were having an argument in during that Larry gave his ring back to Helen and in the heat of the moment she threw it off the back deck. Regretting it they tried to find it but had no luck. In doing so they threw things off the deck to get an idea where it might be. Helen said to me it was further back in the yard and I started there but no results. The second area was closer to the deck and within about 15 feet of it I found his ring. She must of thrown it more down then out. They were so glad to get his ring back and promised no more arrangements. A great happy ending.

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Central Jersey Metal detecting service
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