Ring Found in Sand .. Breakers Beach , Coronado .. SanDiego, CA.
Sunday morning I was checking my email when I read Chris’s request for my help. He had lost his wedding ring while playing volleyball at the beach Friday evening. Saturday he called local metal detector rental more than four times and couldn’t get a reply. Later that night he found TheRingFinders.com online, sending me an email at 1:30am Sunday.
I sent Chris a reply, asking him to call me. We set up to meet at 9:30 am outside the Naval Air Base and he sponsored me onto the base. After grid searching almost the whole volleyball court, the ring showed up in my scoop.
We were running out of search area, but the last minute find made it more exciting. Ring found 10:15 am. Chris was a very happy that he didn’t have to tell his wife of one year that he had lost the ring.
Alisa lost her silver “I Love You” ring in the sand about midnight Saturday. I received a text at 1:35am early Sunday morning. It was from Alisa asking for my help to find her silver ring lost at Santa Monica Beach. She would be calling me in the morning. I do take calls anytime day or night because it can make a big difference whether we have a successful search. Rather than wait for the call, I texted her back saying I would be on the beach in Santa Monica at 6:30am.
Alisa replied that her and her boyfriend Ash could meet me near lifeguard tower 25 at 7:30am. When I arrived I just started to grid the area around the lifeguard tower before they arrived. Texting Alisa, I told her I had started. She text me telling me the ring was lost near the benches next to the pedestrian walkway. It was about 100 yards away from the tower.. I walked over to that location and could see finger dragging impressions in the sand.
Starting my grid there paid off with a find of the ring before Alisa and Ash showed up.. I took a picture of the ring texting it to her.
When they arrived Alisa told me she didn’t feel the ring slip from her finger. She did know that the ring was on her finger when they sat down that evening. She noticed it missing before they left the area. Seven or eight bystanders and couple of police patrolmen helped them look for the ring in the sand for a couple hours.
The ring was special to Alisa as it was given to her by her boyfriend Ash, celebrating 6 months of being together. It was another fun search for me. I hope I never get tired of helping people find their sentimental treasures. Sunday .. 9-20-15
So two successful ring finds in one day on opposite sides of the island and I’m feeling pretty stoked. I’m cruising home it’s 7 PM, getting dark and my phone rings so I pull over to answer it. It’s Don my fellow ring finder. He tells me he just got a call from Dylan from San Francisco, CA who is leaving at 11 AM the next morning. His fiance Majolyn lost her engagement ring on Waimanalo Beach and Don has to be at work in the AM so he wanted to know if i could take it. Hey, he’s calling now I’ll do what I can. Dylan & I arranged to meet at his vacation rental at first light to see if we could find the ring. Story goes Dylan & Majolyn had gone down to the beach to take some photos. While she was holding her nieces hand a rush of water came up and while trying to hold on her ring got pulled off. Majolyn immediately put her hand down to retrieve the ring but the next wave erased that idea. It was gone! Devastated, she and Dylan had the foresight to note exactly where they were on the beach. I arrived at the vacation rental about 515 AM it was still dark. I asked Dylan whose vehicle he wanted to take and he said we can walk the beach was just beyond my headlights view. We grabbed my gear and walked to the beach together. Dylan showed and explained the scenario to me and I told him I would start my search high on the beach and work down to the surf. Our east side surf is the worst nearly year round. I was dreading having to go into it and trying to remain stable enough to search properly. Also I never searched this beach so I was unfamiliar with the trash situation. My first pass was silent and so was the second. On the third pass the gnarliest sound came across the Excalibur. That’s either a hunk of trash or a very ornate ring. Three scoops down I finally had the target and not wanting to knock a diamond loose if it was the ring I went to the waters edge to rinse my scoop gently. Voila! That is one gorgeous ring in the scoop with just enough dawn’s early light to see it. I yelled up to Dylan & Majolyn “Got It” Dylan gave me the biggest bear hug I’ve had in a long time and Majolyn was so grateful and in disbelief it only took two minutes. Vacation ends on a high note! Three successful ring finds in exactly 18 hours is certainly tops for me. Aloha to Dylan & Majolyn.
Late last night I got a text message asking for help to find a lost diamond ring at Wreck Beach. I called the young man back and we discussed the search. I told him that I would have to find someone to help him as I didn’t think I could do the search as I have torn the ligaments in my right knee. I started texting a few people that I know who Treasure Hunt the beaches to see if anyone would be interested in doing this search.
My friend Roberto got back to me and said that he would contact a couple of his friends that most likely would be interested in doing the search. When I woke up in the morning I did not see a reply from anyone so I decided to give it a shot myself. I knew it was going to be tough because of the stairs on the way down and back up.
The young man had a good idea where he lost his ring and felt it wouldn’t take long to find it, psychologically it helped me as I knew I wouldn’t spend a lot of time walking the soft sand with my bad knee. When I met the young man down at the beach the first thing he said was everything looks different… I knew he might have a hard time locating the exact area where he lost his ring…it happens a lot, if people don’t make exact references to the location the ring was lost it could take a while.
Fortunately he remembered something that was set up… he called it a microwave tower, we saw a young man near where he remembered losing the ring and he remembered seeing the microwave tower on the beach a few days back and shared the location with us… that was all it took as I found the ring in 10 minutes.
What a beautiful looking ring with 20 diamonds that showed up in my scoop! This was a nice surprise! when you’re not 100% sure of location it was lost in, it could take minutes to many hours to find what you’re looking for!
I love my job and the smiles that come with the recoveries! I also got a kiss on the check for finding it…That tells you how much this ring meant to him! Thanks for reading my blogs, till the next search…
Its been a very hard week due to the loss of my wife’s father, we’ll miss him very much!I was away for the past week dealing with the preparations of the service and I had 3 calls and 2 that I passed on to others Ring Finders, after I arrived home late last night I was able to do a search for a diamond wedding ring that was lost on Spanish Banks Beach here in Vancouver.
I was extremely exhausted but looking very forward to getting away to the beach and and helping someone find their lost smile as this is more like relaxation for me.I met with Mary at 11pm and she showed me where her wife lost her ring and it took me a little over an hour to find it.
It would have been a quicker search but due to the fact that it was late and dark it took a while for Mary to put me in the correct area but when she did it only took minutes and we found the ring and I got to see her big smile!
Thank you very much for the generous reward Mary it helps me with my gas money and equipment and 15 % of the reward money goes to charity… Children’s Hospital
I love my job!
Lost something…Call ASAP!You can watch the video of the recovery on the link below…